Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 12,1990 0 1 Arb4Jan ilZI EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Vie O K I (AA 7 NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Politics vs. students Office space debacle reflects on Action leadership G f t, //rt"r A - 0 [ 1 1 TE KF,.S PM GVJ.-1' ONCE AGAIN, THE MICHIGAN STU- dent Assembly has demonstrated its in- ability to address the most basic con- cerns of the student body. In this in- stance, the abuse of political power so typical of MSA has hindered the usu- ally speedy process of office space al- location. The controversy stemmed from the proposal put forth by Budget Priorities Committee Chair Charles Dudley, which denied office space to several student groups that previously occu- pied rooms in University buildings. Dudley claimed that other members of the assembly, including President Jennifer Van Valey, attempted to per- suade him to deny certain student groups space for political reasons. Van Valey denied the allegations and put forth another proposal that provided office space for every student group that applied. HoWever, the fault of the individual responsible for the ensuing chaos pales in comparison to the responsibility that falls on the entire assembly for once again failint to adequately serve its constituency, the students. , Letting MSA members' political differences interfere with the non-polit- ical issue of office allocations is at best irresponsible, if not explicitly corrupt. MSA should serve to protect the rights of student groups; office space is an integral part of many groups' existence. Allowing politics to interfere with the protection of these rights defeats the purpose of the assembly. It is time the members of MSA real- ized their continuous sacrifice of stu- dent interest in favor of their own value judgments is unproductive and serves no one but themselves. During last year's spring elections, the Action party promised an end to political in-fighting. However, this promise has yet to be fulfilled. Van Valey and the Action party have played as important a role in political bickering as previous dominant parties. For too long, students have sat back and allowed the charade of MSA to continue unchecked. Representation of the greater student interest has been put aside in favor of the political whims of those in power. It is time for students to demand MSA accountability and representation, and to make the assembly earn the $500,000 price tag it carries. GEO organizes for contract negotiations Negative campaign Coalition posters offer no help to student voters By Ingrid Kock The Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) is the official bargaining agent for teaching and staff assistants at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Our contract expires in March, and GEO will send bargaining proposals to the University administration before the Winter holidays. It is crucial that GEO members demon- strate their commitment to the union now and come to tomorrow's membership meeting at 8 pm in the Michigan Union. You may think that the union can get along without you, make decisions with- out you, plan strategies without you, but the reality is that every individual's partic- ipation will make a difference in building the organization that benefits us all. By working together, we can build the kind of union we ought to have. At tomorrow's meeting, we will dis- cuss what we want from our next contract. We can only arrive at bargaining positions through extensive conversation, network- ing, and deliberation. Members who hold GEO "leadership" positions do not have the answers, nor does any one person. Rather, we must develop a consensus, not only around general priorities, but Kock, an Ann Arbor resident and Univer- sity graduate, is an organizer of the Graduate Employees Organization. GEO is holding an organizational meeting to- morrow at 8 pm in the Anderson Room of the Michigan Union. around actual bargaining proposals, and bargaining strategies. The only way this consensus can truly be representative and effective is if as many graduate students as possible participate in creating it. Tomorrow, we will discuss the results of the bargaining surveys that have been filled out by more than 20 percent of our membership, form a bargaining team, and charge that team to write specific contract language based on the results of the sur- veys and their interpretation by members at the meetings. The relative weight placed on issues such as TA cutbacks, salary in- creases, tuition waivers, class size limits, and child-care will be determined by the membership. percent. The English Department may also follow this trend by considering substan- tial changes which may eliminate quite 'a few of its better-paid TA jobs. In cutting jobs, the University may be replacing graduate students with the cheaper, non-unionized labor of lecturers or undergraduates. To ensure that we retain graduate students' ability to earn a living* through TAships and grading positions; we need to be tightly organized. One way to head off unfortunate admin- istration actions and to achieve our own goals is to show strength now. If 200 or 300 people show up at the membership meetings, the University will get a firm message that TAs and SAs care, are inter- If 200 or 300 people show up at the membership meetings, the University will get a firm message that TAs and SAs care and will put up a fight. 0 ANYONE WHO FOLLOWED LAST week's elections knows political cam- paigns are less a statement of candi- dates' own views and history and more an attack on the views and history of their opponents. Only now it seems this method of campaigning is not lim- ited to the national and state levels. Since the beginning of this year's Michigan Student Assembly political season, the Conservative Coalition- (CC) has launched what amounts to-an insult session on the Action party, one of two adversaries. Fliers apd chalkboard scrawlings have coated the entire campus. One of the more involved posters shows a toi- let with money being dumped into it, and says "Don't let Action throw our money down the toilet. Vote CC." Is this a statement that CC will not allow wasteful expenditures of MSA funds? Not decessarily - for CC has never directly said this. But by avoid- ing to make a direct statement, CC is simply bashing the bpposition in order to imply their stance on spending. "Don't let the Action radicals bankrupt us again... Vote CC" is an- other example. Not only are members OK CHENEY, Now THA A... GEoRG, CON&RE5S 35 ADOURNED WMArAoa SEND 1'00!ORE THE WAR 'TROOP\. i of the Action party not responsible for the financial crisis of the Mike Phillips administration, the posters do nothing to tell voters about the Conservative Coalition's fiscal policy. A rather unusual flyer says: "Don't think, just vote CC." What kind of per- son would vote without thinking? Is the CC saying that the only way one would vote for their slate is by not considering the issues? If so, it shows what CC's political mindset in this race. The CC must have gotten carried away in the throes of their campaign process. The Conservative Coalition has done nothing to describe its own goals, and instead has spent all its resources trying to discredit its opponents. It is obvious that CC is, rightly or wrongly, following in the national "bash-your- opponent" election spirit. Each party should attempt to state its platform and ideas for running and im- proving the assembly. To do other- wise, as in the case of CC's campaign- ing, is to misinform and prevent stu- dents from making a legitimate and cal- culated decision at the polls. The University is sending messages of their own about the status of TAs. Re- cently, LSA Associate Dean Caroline Copeland admitted to the Daily that there was not enough money to spend on teach- ing assistants. Given this situation, we need to figure out what the administration plans for the future. They may simply reduce the money spent on TAs by cutting the TA popula- tion, as Electrical Engineering already has done by 24 percent and Mathematics by 16 ested in better working conditions, retain- ing financial support and will put up a fight. So get yourself involved in the process of discussion;debate, decision making and action that a strong union must exper-@ ence. Get others in your department in- volved. Show up at the meeting and keep an ear open to Union news in the months to come. The financial support your earn through your TA or SA job may depend on it. Mark anniversary of Central American- atrocities By Melanie La Rosa On Nov. 11, 1989, government tanks flanked the University of El Salvador (UES) campus and fired mortars from neighboring residential areas into the cam- pus. By Nov. 12, the university was closed. Buildings were destroyed or severely damaged, the surrounding area was heavily militarized, and attacks on the university continued in the following days. At least 13 students were killed during the invasion. Scores of other students, professors, and university workers were de- tained, disappeared or killed that week. Armed Forces. The military occupation of the univer- sity lasted for seven months. When stu- dents re-entered their university on June 5, 1990, they found a devastated campus: gutted buildings, graffiti on walls, mil- lions of dollars of research equipment and office furniture stolen or destroyed, aca- demic records scattered in corridors, and much more. Just five days after the first incident, on Nov. 16, United States-trained and fi- nanced Salvadoran soldiers broke into the University of Central America. The troops murdered six Jesuits - men who were all i.STIDWTH ! gaa o D~) It is an inspiration to us all that in the face of constant repression and intimidation, students at the University of El Salvador are reconstructing their university and continuing their education. ing up what the Armed Forces had deliber-@ ately destroyed. It is an inspiration to us all that in the face of constant repression and intimida- tion, they are reconstructing their univer- sity and continuing their education in the hope that one day, the University of El Salvador will freely take its rightful place in a just society as an institution of educa- tion in the public service. To make a direct comparison to the0 deputization of University security would be to trivialize the Salvadoran students' ordeal. However, deputization is the first step towards militarization and govern- ment control. The regents have already shown com- plete disregard for students' concerns and rights in this issue. Their actions this term do not provide any confidence that this attitude will change once they have an. armed force to back them. One University security officer is currently facing litiga- tion for using excessive violence duringa protest. Guns have no place on a campus. On Oct. 18, 1990, Salvadoran troops again surrounded UES. They were greeted by AGEUS chanting "We want to study without a military encirclement!" Let's join in solidarity with our sister university, and speak out against deputiza- tion of our campus. In launching a defamation campaign to discredit the university community, the military called UES "a sanctuary of sub- version." Both the rector of the university and the former president of AGEUS (General Association of Salvadoran Uni- versity Students) Vinicio Penate, were de- nounced and harassed. Later, Penate was captured, tortured, and held prisoner by the La Rosa is a member of the Latin Ameri- can Solidarity Committee. priests, scholars and professors - as well as their housekeeper and her 16-year-old daughter. To this day, information sur- rounding the attack is covered up, wit- nesses are threatened, and the United States refuses to co-operate by releasing key doc- uments. Neither of these events undermined the courage and determination of the Salvado- ran students. When UES re-opened, they organized clean-up brigades and were on campus immediately re-building and clean- Burn the copy of the writer's thesaurus! To the Daily: A Itter rinr lv Pamhu t , y u v which graph before stopping to breathe some fresh air. I noticed I was getting a mild tension headache. Bravely, I kept on and eventually reached the mid1Aof the fnrth narnaranh of Dennis Webster." I quickly folded this letter in the rest of the paper and hid it. I remain concerned, however, that some day someone may stumble across it and- .,.........._. _l - n rr m - - n - - anr