Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 7, 1990 Calvin and Hobbes Pot'(x SI T KU ELAX-I TO ME ,QMN\it 1.v "I TALK~ I D~ TWANT JT w\CN Tx NAR AM' '4 AT All.. 'DI'.SGUTIG COMMENTS AU F1EPR A.RA. t I MADE \JP ? TVM~TS wDFEECE LIVING C-3AOGNG, fl kN i oG R by Bill Watterson I CA.n WRK OF A VW;D\EEERENCE i I . M- ______1w _______ -I Nuts and Bolts AiAN! MARCY T)CHE ME! AD'S GUT HEY, STOP IT! THERE'S N'O .SO&CH1W1(J AS GOOriCS, 5ySaNr CARL.SCAN lW7ERCT XSOT UmI SAND THOWC, rr SEAM1S IMPOSSIBLE 52X4LA' thu MAY V)R L Wes ~ -r by Judd Winick HAY ..._......__...._.__..__..- QUIT MUCKING W ITT W LATENCY PERtoo! v 3 C z N S r 5:91COSL.YWHATA &32Z~ Mcl. MICHELLE GUY/Daily Strike a pose! Club MTV dancer Raul Puig pumps up the crowd to the freshest beat last night at the Union. Club MTV dancers get it up at Union ballroom i by Jennifer Hiri and Tami Pollak Daily Staff Reporters "Get up, get up, get busy! Get up and move that body!" That's just what University stu- dents did last night when the Club MTV dancers brought their Palladium dance show to the Union Ballroom. The Union Ballroom was trans- formed into a pulsating, New York- style'dance club, with a video-wall screen, dancing platforms, and flashing neon lights. More than 400 students attended the party squeezed into black spandex, tight jeans, halter tops, and micro-mini skirts. While six club MTV dancers pumped up the crowd with dance routines on center stage, the MTV Casting Director, Frank Villanueva remained in back of the ballroom judging a dance contest. Club MTV selected the two funkiest dancers to fly to New York to appear on Club MTV. The first 230 students who wanted to compete in the contest were given numbers to pin onto their backs. In pairs, the student had under a minute to impress the judge with their finest dance moves. Because of a lack of time, Villanueva watched only 170 out of 230 and then selected ten semi- finalists. Villanueva was looking for stu- dents who didn't hold themselves back and performed with self confi- dence. "They shouldn't be worried about people watching them and trying to impress other people, but just try to impress themselves," Villanueva said. The two winners, LSA junior Liz Follas and LSA senior Reginald Humprey, attended the Club MTV with high hopes of winning the competition. "I like dancing because it is the only thing I feel passionate about. This is a dream come true. This is a, chance to be in the public eye. I don't know if it this is a break- through or not, but it feels like it is. I love MTV!" Follas said. "I'm happy. This is something I wanted to do, and New York is some place I want to be. I just want to be a performer, and I want to be famous," Humphrey said. The evening was equally excit- ing and thrilling for the Club MTV dancers. "When the crowd's dead, I die down. I was hot the entire night. I was up, and I had a really good time!" MTV dancer Raul Puig said. "This is the ultimate thing (the col- lege tour), everyone in the Club would give their right arm to do it." While the competition attracted many of the students, others at-t tended for pure fun and to relieve4 stress. "It's not so serious. We're not having sex up there. We're just having fun. It's legal body talk," LSA senior Marta Stefanial said. 0 0 ¢i ENGLER Continued from page 1 "This is a real victory for the axpayers tonight. I'm ready to go to work," said Engler early on in the evening. "It's going to mean that the bud- get problem is going to be dealt with. The longer you let that go, the worse it's going to be," said Peter Ellsworth, Engler campaign legal cousel. The election gave hope to party officials for the future of the Repub- lican party. "The message is people are tired of high taxes. The conserva- tive movement is still alive in Michigan," said Jim Dunn, former U.S. Congressperson. "They (voters) are sending a mes- sage that Engler's 20 percent prop- erty tax cut is the issue of the cam- paign," said John Norton, Assistant Communications Director for the Republican party. Some thought that Blanchard's advertising campaign hurt him. "There is a certain political malaise that has set in due to the negative advertisement. They were bombarded by it down there in Detroit," said Republican Brooks Patterson, former Oakland County Prosecuter. Blanchard campaign supporters were shocked at the closeness of the numbers. "I never thought it would be this close. I don't know where they're getting these numbers from," said Leroy Bennie Daily staffers Chris Afendulis and Bethany Robertson contributed to this report. ft 1 4 Michigan's '. 'irkenstokLargest "Service that brings you to your feet" Sandals, clogs, & shoes for all-weather comfort Repair Service !663-1644 209 N.4th Ave. (By Kerrytown) Mon-Sat 10-6 J C or Printing Color Printing olor Printing Color Printing LEVIN Continued from page 1 kind of anticipated it, but it's a slight disappointment," said Sherri Goushaw, vice president of College Republicans at Oakland University. Now that the election is over, Schuette plans to stay in public service. "My service to Michigan is not done... There are going to be doors opening. I'm going to be involved in public service in one way or another," Schuette said. 4 Schuette expressed his gratitude to campaign workers for their effort in his senatorial bid. He closed h' concession speech by thanking hiT workers. "Thank you for giving me the most challenging and rewarding experience I have ever had," he said. Daily staffers Nicole James and Jay Garcia contributed to this report. .:... .. .. .. . .. .. .. . i: :": k : * h:::: ... ....... i:" : "": :;: ::: , r :gip::). :: ::4: S. : ?:< :. :: :: :: :::;::::.IS:'.;t ... . *. ~ ~ t The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscrption rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters) $28.00 U.S. mail and $28 on campus, for fall only $22.00 U.S. mail. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. 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