il) iritgan ail Vol. Cl, No. 46 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, November 7, 1990 C°pyght199 The Michigan Dly .Early State votes in *Levin for 3rd term by Henry Goldblatt Daily Politics Reporter Jubilation swept through the Levin camp yesterday as the Democrat incumbent Carl Levin was overwhelmingly reelected for a third term as U.S. Senator. The opposite sentiments prevailed in Republican Rep. U.S. Bill Schuette's campaign headquarters. Workers watched solemnly as the election results rolled in at the Livonia Marriot. With 26 percent of the precincts reporting, Levin had 406,144 votes, for 55 percent, as compared to Schuette's 325,893 votes, or 45 percent. Levin's campaign workers were pleased with their effort and the election results. "The Levin message clearly got through," said Willy Blacklow, press secretary for the Levin campaign. "We think it is a great victory for the state of Michigan. We've got the *most honest and sincere senator in the country... Apparently his sincerity came through," said Arnold Michlin, a Levin supporter. In his acceptance speech Levin expressed excitement at his victory. "The people of Michigan have given us a tremendous victory," said Levin. Levin campaign workers said 9 they expended a great effort in getting out the vote yesterday. "We are having a major get-out- the-vote effort," said Hal Kwalwasser, research director for the Levin campaign. "We are coordinated on campus. Campaign workers are working hard in all 83 counties." "We are disappointed, but just real pleased with the performance that Bill Schuette has given during the campaigning. He's talked about all the issues that concerned Michigan voters. We were just outspent by Carl Levin," Kraft said. Kraft said the defeat was largely due to a lack of funds. "We were pleased consideringhow much we were outspent. We did better than expected. I don't think Levin won because his message was better. Bill had the better message. Levin' s fundraising just meant his message was louder, not necessarily better," he said. The loss did not come as a total shock to some campaign workers. "I See LEVIN, Page 2 results: Engler leads for gov. Engler and Blanchard too close to call by Henry Goldblatt Daily Politics Reporter In an unanticipated and surpris- ingly close race last night, voters seemed to be ousting Democratic in- cumbent Jim Blanchard out of office, in favor of his Republican challenger r John Engler. At press time Engler led by Blan- chard 51 to 49 percent with half the precincts reporting. The race was de- clared too close call by most news organizations. Only the Cable News Network predicted Engler would pre- 9 vail. Engler came back from a deficit. A Sunday Detroit News poll put Engler14 points behind Blanchard. Some campaign officials were confident of a victory early on in the JOSE JUAREZ/Daily evening. "He (Engler) is going to Jim Blanchard, with, left to right, his wife Janet, Lieutenant Governor candidate Olivia Maynard, and her son. The win all the way. We need a change. gubernatorial election results were too close to call at press time. We've had enough of Blanchard," said Maria Unger, a campaign worker for Engler. Campaign workers attributed En- gler's success to his contact with the Michigan people. "John got out and listened to the people. He's right on top of the issues - that's what re- ally helped us tonight," said Jerry Crandall, executive Director of the Republican staff. "(During) the last two or three weeks, people really have begun to pay attention to the campaign... People are kind of fed up with all this and they're saying let's get someone else in there," said Dan Gordon, an Engler supporter. Republican officials agreed an Engler victory would be instrumen- tal in dealing with the budget deficit. see ENGLER, Page 2 Incumbents in national i prevail races The Associated Press Democrats bid to expand control of Congress in midterm elections punctuated by stirrings of voter dis- content yesterday. Republicans lost governorships in Florida, Oklahoma and Rhode Island and struggled to hold other key statehouses. Upsets were hard to find, but Democratic Sen. Bill Bradley was in a suspenseful race against political unknown Christine Whitman. In a notable comeback, former Senator Lowell Weicker won an independent bid for governor in Connecticut. There was precious little good news for the GOP. The best of it was in Ohio, where George Voinovich won a formerly Demo- cratic governorship. All eyes were on California where Pete Wilson bid to keep the statehouse in Republican hands against Democratic rival and former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein. Republican Sen. Jesse Helms led Democrat Harvey Gantt in his race for reelection in North Carolina, where polls were kept open late be- cause of voting machine difficulties. In a closely watched gubernatorial race, Democrat Ann Richards won a tight contest with Clayton Williams in her bid to take the Lone Star state from the Republicans. Democrat and Boston University President John Silber led William Weld in his bid to keep the Dukakis governorship from GOP hands in Massachusetts. The polls were still open in half the nation when the Democrats sought to proclaim a victory and point the voters toward the 1992 presidential race. "I couldn't feel bet- ter," said Ron Brown, chair of the Democratic National Committee. "Both Republicans and Democrats ran against George Bush." New York Gov. Maurio Cuomo won in a possible prelude to a 1992 Democratic presidential campaign. Althogh Bradley was under chal- lenge, two other potential chal- lengers to President Bush won easy Senate reelection-Al Gore in Ten- nessee, Sam Nunn in Georgia. Bush voted in his home state of Texas after an energetic campaign for GOP candidates, then returned to the White House to read the returns. Bush sparked a season of Republican discontent when he broke his memo- rable 1988 campaign pledge and em- braced an October deficit-reduction plan that raised tax rates. For all their chronicled disaffec- tion for the government and concern over a weakening economy, the vot- ers treated most incumbents gently. GOP Senator Mitch McConnell was re-elected in Kentucky, dashing Democratic hoped of an upset. The Republican winners' circle also included Senator Strom Thur- mond, who claimed a seventh term in South Carolina, John Warner in Virginia, Phil Gramm in Texas, William Cohen in Maine, Pete Domenici in New Mexico and Thad Cochran in Mississippi. Dan Coats won in Indiana and Nancy Kassebaum in Kansas. Three open seats were likely to say Republican. Rep. Bob Smith won in New Hampshire, and Hank Brown led in Colorado. Democrat Howell Heflin won in Alabama, David Boren in Oklahoma, Jay Rockefeller in West Virginia, and David Pryor in Oklahoma. Joe See NATIONAL, Page 5 Victorious Senator Carl Levin celebrates with his wife after being elected to a third term . Pursell, Bullard, Pollack expected to keep seats by Matthew Pulliam Bullard and Congressional Rep. Carl district representative seat in the U.S. Daily Staff Reporter Pursell. House of Representatives, was Information on the races for State Bullard, a 17-year veteran of the expected to easily beat Elmer White. Senate, State House, and Federal State House was expected to easily Congressional Representative in the upset Steve Carey, the Republican districts containing the city of Ann candidate in the 53d district's state State Sen. Lana Pollack was Arbor was unavailable before last house race. Carey, a University expected to easily win her race against night's press time. senior, was making a first attempt to Republican Richard Birkett. All three races were expected to gain a position within the house. Voters were exposed to two easily go to the incumbents: State Carl Pursell, the Democratic candidates with very similar views on Sen. Lana Pollack, State Rep. Perry candidate in the contest for the 2d many important issues. Thousands mourn for Kahane NEW YORK (AP) - The assas- sination of militant Rabbi Meir Kahane by an assassin reportedly of Arab ancestry drew thousands of m rrao r. pi f.-rl 1 . rli.-v Police said Kahane was taking ques- tions from the crowd when the as- sassin stopped four feet from him and fired a .357-caliber weapon. The Israli nvernment annealed to Israel for burial today. "It is possible for the heart to well up and cry for the horrible loss our nations has suffered," Rabbi Moshe Tendlerof Yeshiva University .. , . ;: ,., .. , . Mme.. .: