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November 06, 1990 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-06

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 6, 1990 - Page 5





of Regents

Republican candidate Shirley
McFee has been active in Michigan
politics for over a decade. After
serving as Calhoun County Com-
missioner from 1981-85 and Battle
a-reek City Commissioner from
985-90, she was elected Mayor of
Battle Creek earlier this year.
McFee has extensive experience
in education, as a former secondary
school and college instructor, and in
business, as the co-owner and fi-
nance director of the GHS Corpora-
tion, a guitar string manufacturer.
She graduated with an A.B. in His-
tory from the University in 1951.
, n the Deputization of Campus
"Like all decisions, this is not
one that should be made all at once;
we need to continue evaluating the
deputized campus security concept in
the future. If in the future, deputiza-
tion proves unnecessary, or creates
an 'overkill' situation, then we will
act accordingly."
On a Code of Non-Academic
"In terms of limiting students'
behavior, my general idea is to ex-
pect people to act in a 'live and let
live' manner. People should decide
how to individually behave, and
that's perfectly alright, as long as it
is not infringing on others' rights to
privateness or quiet.
When I went to U of M in the
tfties, I always felt that the behavior
rripositions placed on students, like
curfews, were totally inappropriate
ina University environment."
On Tuition Increases:
"The Regents need to be interfac-
ing with the State Legislature and
the Governor constantly to keep tu-
ition down. It's an abdication of the
state's responsibility by placing the
birden to maintain the University's
*cellence on the students... If our
efforts in Lansing fail, we must try
toincrease alumni donations to carry
the tide. I would hate to see the
pdint where the University is out of
the reach of the middle class family

in this state."
Need for Minority Recruitment
and Retention:
"We have an obligation to bring
different groups of people together in
a university setting... We must reach
down into the K-12 grades to iden-
tify and nurture potential university
students, and to set their goal in that
direction... We will need to improve
tutoring possibilities on campus, as
well as looking further into work
opportunities for financially strapped
students. However, I want to stress
that I would never support lowering
the standards of the University to ac-
complish these goals."
'I consider community
public relations a
serious responsibility
of the Regents'
- Shirley McFee
On Deane Baker's Remarks:
"Deane Baker has the same rights
to free speech as does anyone else on
this campus, and in this country.
The Regents should make no effort
to censor or censure him...What he
chooses to say is up to him, but,
personally, I would not pick out any
particular group of people on cam-
pus to be the subject of discussion
or debate by the Board."
Problems with the Board of Re-
"I would establish a higher level
of involvement for the Regents. I
consider community public relations
a serious responsibility of the Re-
gents. We can definitely be more
helpful in getting out in the com-
munity to put pressure on the State
Why I want to be a Regent:
"I have a strong interest in the
University... I have a long history in
operations and problems that the
Regents face each month. I have a
broad perspective on what society's
and the University's problems are,
and that understanding will help in
dealing with students on campus."

Don Tucker has been active in
Democratic party politics for over
two decades, working primarily as a
fundraiser and campaign organizer.
He received his BBA from the Uni-
versity in 1966, and his Law Degree
in 1971. While in Ann Arbor, he
was active in campus politics, as the
President of the Michigan Union and
President of UAC, and was heavily
involved in the Student Government
Council, the precursor to the Michi-
gan Student Assembly. Tucker cur-
rently lives in Bloomfield Hills, and
is the senior partner in a Southfield
law firm.
On the Deputization of Campus
"I don't see the deputization of
campus security as an effort of the
administration to create a 'secret po-
lice' for campus occupation, but I
hear concerns over rights of privacy
and potential overuse of force... The
problem of date rape will not be
chilled by arming campus police,
however... I continue to hear that the
better way to avoid violence on,
campus is to better light the cam-
pus, provide better public transporta-
tion, and improve services that
escort students home. All of those
things make sense."
On a Code of Non-Academic
"Unless there is a compelling
reason to govern students on their
non-academic conduct, then students
should be measured on their aca-
demic performance alone. There may
be some legitimate reason for want-
ing more comprehensive control
over student life, but I would have to
be persuaded. I'm simply not con-
vinced that it's the University's role
to impose that kind of control."
On Tuition Increases:
"We are starving the University
on the state level from its lifeblood
of tax dollars. We are jeopardizing
the quality of the University while at
the same time pricing U of M out of
the range of the Michigan middle

class family... The Regents by their
nature are politicians; they should
become a political force, and take
our case to Lansing."
Need for Minority Recrutiment
and Retention:
"There are several steps the Uni-
versity must take to bring minority
students here and keep them here.
Most importantly, we need to estab-
lish outreach programs in the minor-
ity communities, as well as in K-12
school systems... And when they get
here, we need to make sure they have
the tools they need to stay here,
from tutoring programs to more rig-
orous study environments."
'I think the Regents
spend too much of
their time focusing on
minor issues...'
- Don Tucker
On Deane Baker's Remarks:
"Deane Baker has the right to
hold whatever views he chooses, and
I do not believe the Regents have the
obligation to censure him. I find the
expressions he has made reprehensi-
ble, and detrimental to the Univer-
sity community, but I will defend
his right to say them... The fact that
you are a Regent does not circum-
scribe your rights; indeed, it is a
mandate to exercise your rights. If I
am elected Regent, I will say what I
feel, and I don't want my fellow Re-
gents to be able to censure me for
my beliefs."
Problems with the Board of Re-
"I think the regents spend too
much of their time focusing on mi-
nor issues that should be handled by
the administration. There's not
enough emphasis on strategic plan-
ning, and that's the Regents primary
Why I want to be a Regent:
"I want this job because I think I
can do a hell of a job for this Uni-
versity. I believe in public universi-
ties and this university in particular,
and I think I'm going to serve this
university and the people of the state
very well."

Democrat Philip Power, an
incumbent, received his B;A. from
tI4e University in 1960, after being
heavily involved in campus politics.
He worked extensively on the
Michigan Student Assembly, and
was the Editorial Director of The
Michigan Daily. He went on to
study philosophy, political science
and economics at Oxford, and worked
s an administrative assistant to
Congressional Rep. Paul Todd.
Power runs The Suburban
Communications Corporation, a
chain of small suburban newspapers.
Power is running for a second term
on the Board.

conduct, but I know that a lot of1
work has gone on regarding one. I
would be interested to see whatr
comes out, because I strongly be-1
lieve that members of the University
community cannot' harass others
based upon their race, sex, or sexual
On Tuition Increases:
"It's a one-to-one relationship.
When the State Legislature is un-
willing to increase their appropria-
tion, the University must learn ways
to manage costs... A recent report
from University Provost Gil
Whitaker suggests many ideas for
cutting University costs including
the concept behind innovation by
substitution: if the University wants1
funding for a new program, theyI
must find the funding in other ineffi-
cient programs... Universities areI
traditionally not good at managing
money, and we must do a better job,
especially if state resources are
Need for Minority Recruitment
and Retention:
"We need both. We're making1
progress in both. We will continue
to make progress in both if we keep
working hard... They are quite differ-
ent issues, but cannot be concerned
with one without being concernedj
with the other."'
On Deane Baker's Remarks:
"Deane Baker was elected a Re-
gent of the University, and it's his
right to say anything he wants... If
he wants to make remarks, that's his
right, and if he wants to take the flak
for his remarks, that is his right
also. However, are the moral views
of one member central in the ques-

tions involved in the management of
the University? I would say there are
issues a lot more important to the
prosperity and success of the Univer-
sity than the staff of the Lesbian and
Gay Males Programming Office."
Problems with the Board of Re-
"The Board of Regents must con-
tinue to pay attention to the words
of (former University President
Robben Fleming) when he said,
'The University's Board of Regents
is to make sure the University is
well-managed, not to manage it well
Why I want to be a Regent:
"I've known the University for a
long time. I love the University, and
I'd like to continue doing a good job
making the University a great
Republican candidate Marvin
Esch has extensive experience in
Lansing and Washington politics.
He was elected in the Michigan
House of Representatives in 1964,
but left to join the United States
Congress in 1966, where he served
for ten years.
During his tenure in Congress,
Esch worked on the Higher Educa-

tion Committee where he helped to
develop the Higer Education Act and
the Elementary and Secondary Educa-
tion Act. He left Congress in 1976
and established his own public pol-
icy analysis firm. Last year, he was
appointed to President Bush's Presi-
dential Education Policy Committee.
On the Deputization of Campus
"It is very important that every
student, faculty member, or staff
member feel safe in their work and
educational environment. It is the re-
sponsibility of the University to
provide for this safety, and the ad-
ministration should take any action
they deem necessary. The deputiza-
don effort should not be perceived as
a violation of students' rights, or a
quelling of student protest."
On a Code of Non-Academic
"Simply creating a code will not
guarantee campus security. The Uni-
versity must use its strengths to
provide the best educational experi-
ence possible for students on this
campus. It remains to be seen what
the need or the effectiveness of a
code would be, however."
On Tuition Increases:
"The current governor (James
Blanchard) has consistently short-
changed the University, and I cannot
see how anyone on this campus can
support him. When we get a new

governor, we will hopefully see a
better relationship between this
campus and Lansing... There is no
doubt the Regents have not been as
active as possible in presenting the
University's case to the State Legis-
lature. It must be pointed out in
Lansing that every state university is
different, and U of M's unique needs
require additional funding."
Need for Minority Recruitment
and Retention:
"We have made giant strides in
recent years to increase minority re-
cruitment and retention. However,
the University has not played as an
active role as possible in getting in-
volved in K-12 education. The Uni-
versity needs to realize that we are
the primary education resource in the
state... We need to increase statewide
teacher training, minority student
counseling, and cooperation from the
private sector."

On Deane Baker's remarks:
"Every individual, whether a
University official or a regular indi-
vidual, has a right to free speech, and
those individuals who are trying to
silence Regent Baker are infringing
upon his right to free speech..."
Problems with the Board of Re-
"The University's Board of Re-
gents must realize that its primary
responsibility is as a policy making
body, and act as such. They must
leave the minor administrative deci-
sions to the administration, and
work on more pressig issues for the
Why I want to be a Regent:
"We need to begin to apply pri-
vate sector management practices to
the University. I have been working
extensively in Washington to apply
corporate attitudes to the workings
of the federal government. The same
can be done here in Ann Arbor."

'I'd like
doing a
a great

to continue
good job
the University
- Philip Power

On the Deputization of Campus
"I support deputization. What we
need, what we're working for is a
more secure campus. There are many
ways to get there, including better
campus lights, increased Nite Owl
ind Safewalk services, and most
importantly education. We must also
include deputized campus security in
our efforts."
On a Code of Non-Academic
"I have not seen any direct pro-
posal on a code of non-academic

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