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November 06, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-06

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The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, November 6, 1990 - Page 3



Pollack faces

'off Blood Battle

by Purvi Shah
Daily StaffReporter_


"Where do I go to spurt?" asked Afterwards, students rest while
LSA junior Eric Meyers before giv- eating free cookies and juice.
ing blood yesterday for the first day The Red Cross handles transport-
of the U of M-OSU Blood Battle. ing the donations. "The blood goes
A steady trickle of warm-blooded to the Red Cross in Detroit where it
students donated blood at the Bursley is stored or transferred out to hospi-
.residence hall yesterday to shift the tals," Dernay said.
Blood Battle into full gear. The Debbie Detter, an LSA senior,
number of units donated was not Dbi etr nLAsno,
imbeofunits donted wasn said the rivalry enhances the spirit of
The goal for Bursley donations giving blood. "I donate as often as I
was modified from 200 tol6O units can, but especially for the Blood Bat-
because a nurse was absent due to an tie. I have friends at Ohio State that
auto accident, said Cyndi Dernay, I challenge every year. I'm known as
coordinator for Alpha Phi Omega's a fierce competitor. I'm sure that it's
(APO) day at Bursley. my donation that makes us win ev-
In addition to walk-ins, there ery year. As far as I'm concerned,
were eight appointments every 15 it's (donating blood) a bigger deal
minutes. Referring to the student than the football game."
flow, Dernay said, "It's basically Chad Mentzer, a first-year engi-
solid throughout the whole day." neering student, also enjoys compet-
The donation process takes an ing. "Our blood is better than their
hour unless beds are unavailable, blood," he said.
said Dernay. "The rivalry definitely does draw

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Politics Reporter
Compared to the high
cized Gubernatorial and S
campaigns, the race for W
county's state senate seat
virtually unnoticed.
Voters have a choice be
Democratic incumbent Lan
and her Republican challer
Birkette has been active
University's chapter of the
Organization for Ref
Marijuana Laws (NOR ML)
Both candidates say they
concerned about student i
cluding drug laws, abort
University police deputizati
Both candidates have
pro-choice stand on abortion
"I oppose parental cons
lieve that if a person is c,
becoming pregnant, that]
capable to decide for them
they want to continue t
nancy," Birkette said.
Pollack has a similar vi
led the fight against parenta
law and against the refusa
Medicaid abortions," she sa
In terms of higher e
both candidates would like
creased state funding but dif
means to obtain it.
"I oppose tax increa
means of achieving more ft
higher education... The U
could raise money in a lot
cated to a sporting event,'

Pollack points to her previous
ly publi- record as indicative of her stand on
enatorial higher education. "Basically, I've
ashtenaw fought irresponsible proposals to cut
has gone the tax base up to two billion dol-
lars. If any of those superficially ap-
pealing proposals pass they would
tween the wipe out the entire higher education
ia Pollack budget," Pollack said.
nger Rich
Despite the similarity of views
with the on major election issues, the candi-
Nationa dates articulated differing ideologies
orm in of the proper role of government.
y are very
ssues in- Pollack has little confidence in
ion, and her opponent's ideas about govern-
on. ment policies. "Birkette has a liber-
tarian belief in the least possible
a similar government," she said. He believes
n. in an impossible government. He
sent. I be- has a narrow focus on education,
.pable of health care, and public safety," she
person is
nselves if
he preg- "Ifeel that I'm a stronger defender
of civil liberties. She is not familiar
ew. "I've with the legalization of marijuana. I
al consent think that I'd be better at holding
il to fund the line on taxes and wasteful spend-
id. ing," Birkette said.
to see in- Birkette realizes the challenge he
fer on the has in defeating the popular incum-
bent. "I have to admit I have an up-
ases as a hill battle. I'm banking on the fact
unding for my opponent has not done a lot in
Jniversity this election... I hope todosbetter
tery dedi- than her previous opponents. If I
tBirkette don't win, but make a good show-
ing, I'll be happy," he said.


. Before donating blood, students
read information about giving blood,
register, and-discuss their medical
history with a nurse. Then students
fiave their blood taken.
"All I have to do is lay there and
smile. It's such an easy thing to do
and it can mean someone's life," said
Katie Leshock, APO Blood Drive

people and is an extra incentive for
first-time donors," Leshock said.
A low turn-out of students is
common, however. "The worst part
about it is that 70 percent of the stu-
dents on campus are able to give
blood, but only five to 10 percent
donate...we really appreciate those
(students) that do," Dernay said.

First-year student Michelle Darcy gives blood at Bursley on the first day
of the annual blood drive, which lasts until next Friday.

Student faces Bullard in state race

by Matthew Pulliamn
Daily Staff Reporter
Democratic incumbent Perry
Bullard will face off against Repub-
lican candidate Steve Kerry in the
-53rd district of the State Legislature,
in a race even Republican leadership
concedes will go to Bullard.
Incumbent Bullard is promoting
the strength of his record in the State
legislature, where he has labored
since 1972.
Since 1981, Bullard has held the
chair of the House Judiciary Com-
mittee, from whence he has initiated
a program to divest American inter-
ests in South Africa.

Perhaps Bullard's most famous
accomplishment is sponsorship of
the Freedom of Information Act,
which guarantees all citizens access
to many government records.
President of the University of
Michigan College Democrats
Deborah Goldman said the election
was "not a race." She added that
Bullard was "always willing to talk
to students."
Republican candidate Steve Kerry
faces an uphill battle against Bullard.
Kerry is a University senior and re-
cently completed four years of active
duty service in the United States Ma-
rine Corps.

The 25-year-old candidate's polit-
ical career includes serving as the
Executive Director of the Washtenaw
County Republican Party.
When asked last night about
Kerry's chances against a well-
bankrolled incumbent, Kerry's cam-
paign treasurer and Washtenaw
County Republican Party Chair Joe
Neely said, "I think he (Kerry) is be-
ing realistic (about Bullard's immi-
nent victory.)" This is Kerry's first
run for the State representative posi-
On many issues, Bullard's and
Kerry's platforms differ signifi-
cantly. While Bullard strongly favors
abortion rights, Kerry is an active
abortion opponent

Kerry advocates parental consent
laws concerning abortion, a stand
which Bullard is against.
University College Republicans
Chair Karen King said, "I think that
Perry Bullard masquerades as a friend
of students, and I think that his
bashing of religion shows who the
choice for the 53rd district should
One issue on which both Bullard
and Kerry agree is the importance of
higher education in Michigan. At an
Oct. 26 meeting with students in
South Quad, Bullard expressed his
concern that proposed government
cuts in property taxes would ad-
versely affect universities.



Voters have choice
in alternate parties

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

U.N. report 'one-
sided,' -says Israel
JERUSALEM (AP) - Troops sided approach exhibited in the re-
wounded dozens of Palestinians port," it said. "The recommendatipns
Sunday and ordered curfews across the in the report are directed only toward
Gaza Strip. Government leaders dis- Israel and do not see fit to call fdr a
missed as "one-sided" a U.N. call for cessation of violence on the
international protection of Palestinian side."
Palestinians under Israeli occupation. Israel has refused to accept a U.N.
Israel radio said 86 Palestinians investigation into the Oct. 8 incident
were injured in widespread clashes fol- on Temple Mount, a site holy to both
lowing the death of a jailed Jews and Moslems. Israel says the
Palestinian, while Arab reports said
70 were hurt. The army put the num- inquiry would undermine its
ber at 27 and said it was checking the sovereignty in Jerusalem.
other figures. Israel has conducted its own inves-
A Foreign Ministry statement cas- tigation and "extracted the necessary
tigated U.N. Secretary-General Javier lessons," it said.
Perez de Cuellar for his report A government-appointed panel
Thursday in which he suggested defended the action by police, saying
broadening the mandate of U.N. insti- they faced a threat to their lives. ut
tutions in Israel to safeguard the-7 it also said top officers failed 4to
million Palestinians under occupa adequately supervise riot-control
tion. troops.
The report was produced as a rec-
ommendation to the U.N. Security Under the panel's recommendation,
Council in response to the killing the Cabinet set up a permanent seven-
Oct. 8 of 20 Palestinians on member ministerial committee to
Jerusalem's Temple Mount by Israeli oversee Temple Mount affairs.
authorities. ... . IX_ .

Ann Arbor Committee to De-
fend Abortion and Reproduc-
tive Rights, weekly meeting. East
Quad Tyler 24&26, 6:30-8.
Iranian Student Cultural Club,
weekly meeting. Michigan League,
Barbershop Harmonizer Cho-
rus, weekly meeting. For info call
John Hancock (769-8169). Saint
Luke's Episcopal Church, 120 N.
Huron St., Ypsilanti.
Re-reading Tradition, meeting
of informal study group of Jewish
texts. Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 7:30.
University Students Against
Cancer. Michigan League, Rin. C,
7:30 (officers at 7:00).
U of M Cycling Team, mass
meeting. For info call Robin Pena
(764-1723). The Colliseum, 8:00.
Asian American Association,
elections for new officers. 219 An-
gell Hall, 7:00.
AsianaStudies Student Asso-
ciation, weekly meeting with pre-
sentation and discussion on Taiwan.
Lane Hall Commons Rm., 7:00.
Students Struggle for Soviet
Jewry. Hillel, 7:00.
Undergraduate English Asso-
ciation. 7629 Haven Hall, 8:00.
Silver Wings Society, mass
meeting. A new student service or-
ganization. North Hall, 8:00.
"New Addition of Cycloaddi-
tion Reactions of Carbyne,
Vinylidene, and, Acetylide
Complexes," sponsored by Chem.
Dept.; Prof. Greg Geoffroy of Penn.
State, speaker. Rm. 1640, 4:00.
"The Toughest Job You'll
Ever Love," former Peace Corps
volunteers will answer questions
after a brief film. International Cen-
ter, 603 E. Madison, 7:30.
"Ownership of the Past in a
Cretan Town," Prof. Michael
Hertzfield of Indiana U., speaker.
Rackham, W. Conference Rm., 7:30.
"Further Study of Ancient Is-
raelite Religion," Dr. Theodore
Lewis, speaker. 3050 Frieze Bldg.,

(971-2995) for info. Orientation
meeting at Washtenaw Juvenile Cen-
ter, 2270 Platt Rd., 7:00.
"Memories of the Future -
Why are we here on Earth?,"
Robert van Santen, speaker. Call
Rudolf Steiner Inst. for info. 8:00.
"The Foundation and Forma-
tion of Rome (730-509
B.C.)," Prof Andrea Carandini of
University of Pisaespeaker. 2009-
Angell Hall, 4:00.
"Speculation and Virtue in
Our Mutual Friend," Prof. Mary
Poovey of Johns Hopkins, speaker.
Rackham East Lecture Hall, 4:00.
"Perestroika in Soviet Cen-
tral Asia," Dr. KennethnChurch,
speaker. International Center, 603
E. Madison, noon.
Safewalk functions 8-1:30 Sun.-
Thurs., 8-11:30 Fri.-Sat. Call 936-
1000 or stop by 102 UGLi.
Northwalk functions 8-1:30 Sun.-
Thurs., 8-12:00 Fri.-Sat. Call 763-
WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors avali-
ble to help with your papers Sunday-
Thursday, Angell/Haven Computing
Center, 7-11:00.
U of M Cycling Club weekly
rides. For info call Scott Robinson
(764-2739) or Robin Pena (764-
1723). Men leave Hill Aud. at 3:30,
women at 5:30.
Kaffeestunde, weekly German
conversations. MLB third floor con-
ference room, 4:30-6.
"Listen to Me: A Cultural
Awareness Video" on discrimina-
tion on campus. 2011 MLB, 7-9:00.
"Eating for Health," workshop.
For info call 763-1320. Health Ser-
vice, 3rd floor Conference Rm., 12-
"The Gospel According to St.
Matthew," Italian film being
shown at Hill St. Cinema, 1429 Hill
St. at 7:00, 9:30.
Concert of the Month, featur-
ing soprano Nancy Leinonen. Union
Pendleton Rm., 8:00.
Career Pathways in Eco-
nomics, advice from professionals,
sponsored by Michigan Economic
Society and Career Planning and


by Daniel Poux
and Henry Goldblatt
Daily Staff Reporters
Two parties that have received lit-
tle press will field candidates in to-
day's elections. They are the
Worker's World Party (WWP) and
the Libertarian party.
Both parties are running candi-
dates for University regent and
Concern for higher education tops
WWP priorities. The party believes
in free education for all, funded by
military cutbacks, said William
Roundtree, WWP gubernatorial can-
"Everyone - parents and stu-
dents - who can't afford to go to
school try to find two jobs. School
has become out of reach for average
students," Roundtree said.
In addition, the WWP supports
child care centers for universities so
students and University workers can
attend classes.
The Libertarian party platform is
much more mainstream, explained
James Hudler, an Ann Arbor resident
who, along with David Raaflaub, is
running for University Regent on
the Libertarian ticket.

Hudler said the Libertarian party
is directly opposed to the Regents'
efforts to deputize campus security,
because "the University has no busi-
ness getting involved in police ac-
In addition, Hudler said the
Libertarians are opposed to the
University administration's contin-
ued efforts to institute a code of non-
academic conduct.
"I'm a graduate of the University,
and we were fighting the code issue
back in the early 70s," he said. "The
University has no business regulat-
ing the actions of students outside
the classroom."
Officials from both parties realize
that their chances are slim at best,
but they feel it is important to run
to make a statement against the elec-
toral institution.
"One can't judge the campaign by
vote. The elections, the way they are
run in the U.S. - especially in
Michigan - are a rigged process...
we have been excluded from debate
and media coverage," said Jerry
Goldberg WWP candidate for
University regent.

"The world community's contin-
ued preoccupation with this subject,
can only serve those forces who are,
interested in creating a link between
the Arab-Israeli conflict and the gulf.
crisis," the statement said.I
The statement assailed a proposal
to convene the signatories of the
Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949,
which sets out rules for the treatmentj
of civilians in wartime.
"Israel is disappointed at the one-

Police Minister Roni Milo
upgraded Jerusalem to a full police
district Sunday, acting on the
commission's recommendations.
About 350 officers will be added to
Jerusalem's 1,000-member force and
the public will be encouraged to vol-
unteer for the Civil Guard, said police
spokesperson Ruth Shlezinger. :
In the Gaza Strip, extensive cur-
fews were imposed and the areaof
750,000 residents was declared a mili-
tary zone and was closed to reporters.

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Choosing the right graduate students
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