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October 31, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-31

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Vol. Cl, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, October 31, 1990 *e Michin ay

500 students
gather for
Levin rall
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Politics Reporter
Popcorn, apple cider, and politics were abundant on
the Diag yesterday as approximately 500 students gath-
ered for a rally to support U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, the
Democratic incumbent candidate up for reelection
Nov. 6.
State Representative Perry Bullard and State Senator
Lana Pollack - both of whom are also up for reelec-
tion - introduced Levin.
In introducing Levin, Bullard supported Levin saying
that he brought integrity to the Senate. "We need to
keep in the U.S. Senate a voice of reason and compas-
sion in our society," he said.
Levin emphasized higher education in speaking to
the crowd of college students.
"The 1980s under Reagan was a defense buildup. It's
now time for an education buildup... The challenges of
the 1990s are not SDI or the MX, they are the ABC's
and education," Levin said. "We have the opportunity in
the 1990s... to invest in ourselves as a nation. We don't
need 325,000 troops in Europe... we can invest those
savings in ourselves."
Levin tried to reach the students by stressing the im-
See LEVIN, page*2

not to


Congress recommends patient
approach in Persian gulf

U.S. Senator Carl Levin addresses a lunchtime crowd during a rally on the Diag yesterday.

'Detroit combats annual mayhem
From Staff and Wire Reports

DETROIT - The city prepared
for its annual Devil's Night arson
spree by razing vacant homes, set-
ting dusk to dawn curfews and call-
ing out extra firefighters and police.
Residents awaited the fear that
JS" brings.
Last year, the mayor's office re-
ported 223 fires between Oct. 29 and
Oct. 31, 115 of those on Devil's
Night, the night before Halloween.
Fire Department officials said there
were more than 400 fires during the
three-day period last year.
Police arrested 154 youths Mon-
day night for violating a 6 p.m. to 6
a.m. curfew. That was six fewer than
the 160 arrested during the first night

of the curfew last year, Detroit po-
lice spokesperson Officer John Leav-
ens said.
As of 9 p.m. last night last night
71 youths had been detained, com-
pared to 94 last year.
All those detained receive tickets
for breaking the curfew, court dates
are later sent through the mail. The
curfew-breakers can be fined a max-
imum of $100.
Seventeen-year old detainees were
allowed to post $50 bond and leave
police custody, while younger chil-
dren -have to wait until parents or,
guardians pick them up.
The mayor's office said it would

release the total number of fires over
the three-day period on Thursday.
There are about 60 fires on a normal
night in Detroit.
Dale Wiltse, a firefighter from
Milford who was in Detroit last
night to observe the operations, said
he had been to six fires but had heard
of more fires "than (he) could count"
over the scanner radio.
Wiltse said the firefighters were
doing an excellent job, but it angered
him to see the mayhem.
"These guys are busting their
butts working all nights and risking

their lives all because someone
wanted to light a fire," he said. "The
firefighters are out there putting their
lives on the line and someone could
get killed."
"The curfew is only as good as
the people who obey it," Wiltse
A police officer working crowd
control at one fire said that although
he had worked at six fires by 10:30
p.m., police officers were "ahead of
the game."~
The worst Devil's Night occurred
in 1984, when 810 fires were set
during the three-day annual rampage
that left dozens of families home-

President Bush discussed the possi-
bility of war in the Persian Gulf
with leaders of Congress yesterday
and was urged not to let impatience
lead to combat with Iraq.
"There's concern on Capitol
Hill...that this is somehow a prelude
to immediate military action," said
George Mitchell (D-Maine), the
Senate Democratic leader. But the
White House tried to dampen fears
that fighting was imminent.
The attitude was "play it down-
be calm," said presidential press sec-
retary Marlin Fitzwater. "I would
say that it's pretty much steady as
she goes."
Bush promised to continue con-
sulting with lawmakers but point-
edly added, "We must all understand,
however, that any such commitment
must be hedged, given the unpre-
dictable and dynamic circumstances
of this crisis."
"Many of us told him to make
sure we don't use the military option
out of impatience, that we try the
embargo, the sanctions, Sen. Patrick
Leahy (D-Vt.) said as he left the
White House.
Fitzwater said the administration
hopes the economic sanctions will
drive Iraq from Kuwait. But he also
said, "It is a process that requires pa-
tience. We have to keep watching
it. We have not seen a lot of impact
at this point."
After consulting lawmakers,
Bush also met with senior national
security advisers. Bush has sent
more than 200,000 forces to the
gulf, and Defense Secretary Dick
Cheney said last week that 100,000
more may be deployed.
"The administration is consider-

ing further augmentation of our gulf
forces and will be consulting with
the allies on this matter," Fitzwater
Meanwhile, at a Republican po-
litical rally, Bush assured the
American people there will be plen-
tiful oil supplies despite the cutoff
from Iraq and Kuwait. He said any
shortages had been made up by in-
creased global production and other
says war
with U.S.
Associated Press
Saddam Hussein said yesterday
that Iraq was making final prepara-
tions for war and expected an attack
within days by the United States and
its allies. A U.S. senator said
President Bush's "patience is
wearing thin."
In the Persian Gulf, 10 American
sailors died when a steam pipe rup-
tured in the boiler room of the USS
Iwo Jima. And in Saudi Arabia, a
Marine was killed in an accident
while driving in the dessert.
Bush discussed possible military
action against Iraq in a meeting with
congressional leaders on the gulf cri-
sis, but he told them he could not
guarantee he would consult them be-
fore embarking on hostilities. He re-
fused to comment publicly on a
report the United States plans to
discuss a timetable with U.S. allies
See GULF, page 2

Spooky festivities brew


Halloween serves to
frighten and excite
by Lisa Sanchez
Ghastly ghouls and spooky sights are sure to attract
scary souls tonight.
That is if you're not too old for Halloween.
Unfortunately for horrific-minded but responsible
students, Halloween falls on a midweek evening amidst
midterm anxiety. As a result, some of the fun has to
wait until the weekend.
"Halloween comes at a bad time this year," said LSA
sophomore Jonathon Marx. "I haven't even thought of
going out, especially since I have a midterm. Besides,
most people either celebrated it last weekend or will this
Last weekend did not lack activities. East Quad did
the "Halloween Thang" and R.O.T.C. sponsored its an-
nual Haunted House before hundreds of scary souls.
In spite of midterms, a multitude of parties have
worked their way into students' calendars this week.
Among the Halloween personalities appearing this week
are Phantom of the Opera, Medussa and the New Kids
on the Block.
Fantasy Attic, a popular costumer in Ann Arbor, is
not surprised by their excellent sales this season.
Lindsay James, a sales assistant, said "Dick Tracy,
Breathless Mahoney and the Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles are the hot in demand this year. Pirates are al-
ways a favorite, too."
Big kids aren't holding a monopoly on fun in Ann
Arbor this week. Residence halls, such as Mary
Markley, East Quad and Stockwell, are taking part in
Trick-or-Treating activities for local children. Student
residents who signed up are visited by area kids making
the candy rounds. See SPOOKS, page 2

Manchester resident Dan Huntsbarger tries on one of Fantasy Attic Costume's Dracula
masks for Halloween.

Kelly set
by Stefanie Vines
Daily Research Reporter
The ozone layer, research funds,
and student participation in research
projects are some of William Kelly's
top priorities.
Kelly, the interim Vice President
r eomh %uhn wi...hP ratt m

s goals f
sion. And, conversely, the impact of
the modified environment upon man
is an issue that needs to be ad-
dressed," said Kelly.
"What I want to do is to imple-
ment more programs to focus on
both the social and physical struc-
t.r-e ft -ewnwh All noe thiscam.

)r researc
learning experience for students both
in the classroom and in the research
labs," said Kelly.
Kelly added that the age-old con-
flict of research vs. teaching could be
resolved through more student partic-
ipation in research projects.
"There are reseachers who can't

h dept.
visor for the research department,
said some of Kelly's priorities would
be balancing available resources for
faculty and examining the affect re-
search plays on the human values of
its participants.
"A lot of the job requires balanc-
ina between the neonle Bill deals

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