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October 28, 1990 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-28

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Sports Monday Trivia
Name the only bowl game
Northwestern has ever
* played and its result.
(For the answer,
turn to the bottom of page 2)
The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday

Inside Sports Monday'
AP Top 25 2
College Top 2O 2
'M' Sports Calendar 2
Top Ten 2
Griddes 2
Athlete-of-the-Week 2
Q&A 3
Gill Again 3
Water Polo.. 3
Women's Rugby 3
Volleyball Coverage 4,7
Football Coverage 5
Ice Hockey 6
Field Hockey 6
Sports Roundup 7

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October 28, 1990



David Hyman

agaist Hoosiers
:., Michigan
sacks IU in
by Eric Lemont
}z. Daily Football Writer

*Michigan bowls over
more than Hoosiers
BLOOMINGTON - The Michigan football team made a statement Sat-
urday. The Wolverines 45-19 manhandling of Indiana marked a return to the
form that they showed in games against UCLA and Maryland last month.
They also showed the 11 bowl representatives in attendance that Michi-
gan would be an attractive commodity no matter where it travels. Represen-
e tives from the All-American, Blockbuster, Copper, Florida Citrus, Hall of
ame, John Hancock, Liberty, Mazda Gator, Mobil Cotton, Peach, and Sea
World Holiday Bowls watched Saturday's game.
"They played liked a No. 1 team today," said Gary Stokan, Vice Chair-
man on toe Team Selection Committee for the Peach Bowl. "I think they
have a great chance of going 8-3 and, if they do, they will be playing on
New Year's Day."
The Hoosiers entered the game with the conference's top-rated defense in
both yards (292.8 per game) and scoring (12.7), but Michigan ignored those
statistics. The Wolverines rolled up 461 yards on offense and scored eight
more points than Indiana had allowed in its four victories.
After punting on their fourth play from scrimmage, the Wolverines pro-
ceeded to score on five of their next seven possessions to take a 31-0 lead
with 2:54 left in the first half. It was an offense that mixed the pass with
the run, enabling Michigan to exploit the top-ranked defense.
While the Wolverines' offense lit up the scoreboard, their defense forced
the Hoosiers into two interceptions and five punts on their first seven pos-
sessions. Indiana did not gain its second first down until its final drive of the
first half when Michigan already owned a 31-point advantage.
With a renewed offense and defense, the Wolverines seem destined to fin-
ish the regular season with a five-game winning streak. A winning streak
,that should enable them to play in a January bowl game for the sixth con-
*secutive year.
Unfortunately for Stokan, the Peach Bowl is played before the new year
and he feels Michigan will be playing on January 1. However, he also
thinks the Peach Bowl has a good opportunity to lure the Wolverines if they
lose another game.
See HYMAN, Page 5

Wolverines taught Indiana a lesson
on the football field Saturday and, at
the same time, learned something
themselves - the three R's.
Michigan's players and coaching
staff were redeemed and relieved and
also rebounded as they put an ex-
clamatory end to a two-game losing
streak in Bloomington, Indiana,
moving their record to 4-3 (2-2 Big
Receiver Desmond Howard and
linebacker Erick Anderson called the
45-19 victory "a gut-check." Michi-
gan fans might have called the game
a team pulse-check after seeing their
team suffer consecutive one-point
losses at home to Michigan State
(28-27) and Iowa (24-23).
"I think the pressure was on us,
Michigan coach Gary Moeller said.
"It's a pride factor you're playing
for. We said this week in practice
that we're going to hang together,
play as a group and not let people
divide us."
Indiana, which started the season
4-0, fell to 4-2-1.
"We got a good old fashioned
kicking," Indiana coach Bill Mallory
said. "We never really made anything
happen and they controlled the line
of scrimmage on both sides."
See Hoosiers, Page 5

Defensive lineman Mike Evans puts the pressure on quarterback Trent Green before he was replaced for the
more mobile Todd Dyer. On the day, the Wolverines totalled five sacks, including this one by Evans. The
Wolverines' defense was instrumental in Michigan's 45-19 victory Saturday.

Icers sweep Flames, move
into first place in CCHA


by Matt Rennie
Daily Hockey Writer
The Michigan hockey team was
like that old television in your
basement this weekend. It took a
while to get warmed up, but once it
did, it worked fine.
The Wolverines overcame slug-
gish starts in both games to sweep
the Flames of Illinois-Chicago, 9-2
and 5-1. The wins boosted
Michigan's record to 5-1 in the
Central Collegiate Hockey Associa-
tion, and with Lake Superior State
playing a non-conference series this
weekend, the Wolverines vaulted
into first place in the conference as
The biggest news of the series
was the play of rookie goaltender
Steve Shields. In the Wolverines'
two previous series, Michigan coach
Red Berenson had alternated Shields
and junior Tim Keough on consec-
utive nights. But after Shields' 28-
save performance Friday night,

Berenson gave him the nod again.
"Coach told us that he would go
with the guy who stood out,"
Shields said after Saturday's game. "I
was ready for (the start) tonight."
The two games were easily
Michigan's top two goaltending
performances of the young season.
In Shield's previous start, he was
bombarded by Bowling Green and
pulled in favor of Keough with ten
minutes left in the game.
"Getting two wins really helped
after my performance against
Bowling Green," Shields said. "I had
to keep telling myself I could do it."
Michigan was not hurting on the
offensive side of the ledger either, as
the most prolific scoring team in the
CCHA was true to its high-scoring
reputation. In both games, however,
the Wolverines took their time
finding the scoring touch. Michigan
held a 1-0 lead at the first inter-
mission Friday, and there was no

score at the same juncture on
Saturday night, the Wolverines
received scoring support from some
unexpected sources in the second
period, as their top two scoring lines
were held in check.
Michigan drew first blood when
senior center Don Stone blasted the
puck past Flames' goaltender Jeff
Featherstone five minutes into the
period. Newcomer David Oliver
added to Michigan's lead ten minutes
later, off assists from fellow rookie
Cam Stewart and senior defenseman
Mark Sorenson.
Sophomore defenseman Chris
Tamer cemented the Wolverines' lead
with 22 seconds left in the period, as
Stewart and Oliver each picked up an
The line of Stewart, Stone, and
Oliver was on the ice for all three of
the second-period goals.
See UIC, Page 6

Senior co-captain Don Stone faces off with Bob Melton of Illinois-Chicago. Stone scored the first goal in
Michigan's 5-1 victory Saturday against the Flames off a pass from Ted Kramer in the second period.



Cross Country Big Ten's
Wisconsin continues to reign as men
fall short of capturing first

Look for Michigan guard Tony Tolbert to
jumpstart a new-look Wolverine offense
by Theodore Cox high school coach Ed Rachal said. Since DePorres lacked
Daily Basketball Writer "They grot up on us early. They DeLaSalle's depth, Peplowski


Tony Tolbert is listed in the
media guide as a 6-foot-4, 180 lb.
guard. That's a very short 6-foot-
He's quick, but not
tremendously fast. He can jump,
but his strength is not something
that frustrates opponents. But
don't be surprised if this soft-
spoken Detroit native emerges as
one of the Michigan basketball
team's leaders.
Tolbert is a scorer - one of
those rare players who can find the
basket at any moment.
The defender's size is

were up ten and we were chasing
them the whole game. We started
to come at them in the fourth

able to center his defensive attack
on Tolbert. Unfortunately,
DePorres wasn't getting enough
production from anyone else.
"We decided if we're going to
get back in the game, we'd just go
to Tony. We were posting him
up, as little as he was, and they
had some big people," Rachal
said. "Tony was still scoring and
there were two or three people on
him. I just sat there and said, 'I
don't believe it.' He was making
every kind of shot in the book. He
ended up with 38 or 39.
Peplowski had 40."

by Jeff Lieberman
Daily Sports Writer
Prior to this Saturday's Big Ten
Championships in Minnesota,
Michigan cross country coach Ron
Warhurst seemed to be on top of the
The ninth-ranked Wolverines
were ready to take on defending Big
Ten champs Wisconsin, ranked third,,
and Warhurst was aware of the chal-
lenge facing his team.
"Wisconsin's not going to lay
down and die," he said prior to the
meet. "They've been there (the Big
Ten Championships), everyone of
their kids has got experience and
they know what it's like to win the

Once again, Michigan was led by
senior Brad Barquist who placed third
overall with a time of 24:45.3 for
the 8,000 meter run. Tony Carna
was the next highest Wolverine, in
eighth place, with a time of 25:14.8,
followed by Jeff Barnett in tenth at
Actually, the combined time for

the Wolverines was better than Wis-
consin's. Yet, the Badgers came in
first with strong performances down
the stretch.
"I'm not unhappy about my per-
formance," Barquist said. "Consider-
ing the way the race went, I really
don't think I was going to do any
See Big Tens, page 4

Women finish third, unable to
fulfill second place goal

by Jim Foss
Daily Sports Writer
They wanted a second place fin-

behind with 59.
Coach Sue Foster was pleased

. .,

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