ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, October 24, 1990 Page 5 '6Os activism is alive in film Berkeley in the '60s dir. Mark Kitchell 1 by Jen Bilik W hen Ralph Nader spoke last ipring on Earth Day, he was about as inspiring as a sinkful of dirty dishes. In a thinly-veiled diatribe of disillusionment, he proceeded to cat- alogue every single evil in this world, from the minute to the grand. His list took about an hour and I don't think he took a breath. Meant to inspire our innate political ac- tivism as students, it instead over- whelmed to the point of total disem- * owerment. He polished off what started out to be an inspirational evening by informing us that w"' were probably as politically active as we'd ever be, and that after we gradu- ated we'd all go on to be money- grubbing capitalists with no greater social concerns. Thanks, Ralph. The term "The Sixties" has be- come not just a designation for a /decade, but instead an umbrella term to encompass the best within us all. Before the '60s, we lived in a pre- '60s world. Now, for better or worse, we live in the era of the posties. Unfortunately, the '60s have become ubiquitous and trite, a catch- Ell term for what it was that excuses us for what isn't. Berkeley in the Sixties is an an- tidote for the cynicism of the *osties, and a welcome reprieve from the empty, jargon-filled politics on campuses today. With the current conversational abuse of that golden decade, I'd begun to feel that the '60s hadn't ever really happened - that they were trumped up years of polit- ical hullaballoo that aging hippies i used to remind us of a time when their lives had purpose. Thanks to Berkeley in the Sixties, we can re- discover a time in which progress re- ally occurred, a time that actually earns its reverence. Directed by Mark Kitchell, the documentary consists of real footage from the time, intercut with inter- views with 15 of the activists that played a major role, most of whom are still politically active. The film is held together by the voice-over narration of Susan Griffin, one of the activists interviewed and now a prominent feminist writer, a narra- tion that is personal and inclusive. She uses the "we," a term that often screams "propaganda!" in documen- taries, but the film never pretends not to identify with the events it showcases. Although the various perspec- tives don't include those of the ad- ministration or status quo, the footage of such notables as Clark Kerr (then president of the Univer- sity of California at Berkeley) and Ronald Reagan (then governor of California) speaks loudly for their points of view. Add to that the fact that Kerr refused to be interviewed for the film itself, and Reagan didn't even respond to the request, leading one to believe that either he forgot, he'd been asked, the letter of invita- tion was shredded, or Nancy advised him to visit the Japanese instead be- cause they paid more. The film is brilliant in its ability to provide explanation and coherence to a movement that most identify solely with the anti-Vietnam protests. Rather, it was a movement that successively united itself around civil rights and freedom of speech, Vietnam, the growth of a counter- culture, the women's movement and the Black Panthers. The element of chance that led to each evolution in the movement's history is remark- able. The movement began originally in 1960 to protest discriminatory hiring practices in San Francisco. The demonstrations drew the atten- tion of the House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee, inspiring them to label the protestors as commu- nists in their film, Operation Aboli- tion. Clips from the film seem today as ludicrous as Reefer Madness, with a man who seems to come straight out of high school physics documentaries explaining the perni- cious and contagious effects of communism. Instead of squelching the move- ment, it galvanized the many who saw through the film's ridiculous and entirely unfounded nature. This starting point indicates a phe- nomenon that was to fuel the movement long past its original in- tentions. The government and the University administration repeatedly made glaring mistakes in their at- tempt to handle the various situations that presented themselves. Those interviewed repeatedly describe the administration's reactions as for- tuitous in their results because they brought more and more people into the cause. The students were able to succeed almost purely on the mis- takes of their foes. After the communist debacle, the University tried to further suppress the dissent by making illegal the tables outside campus that distributed political literature. This began what would come to characterize the movement, its ability to encompass such disparate A student at the University of California at Berkeley is arrested in Oakland at a demonstration. Berkeley in the '60s chronicles the modern advent of student activism in the United States. Goldwater and the Young Socialists Alliance. Later, the peaceful movement grew to include the militant Black Panthers. One interview describes meetings that took as long as 30 hours, because, in order to keep the coalition together, it "had to be by consensus and it took forever. Boring, disgust- ing, time-consuming democracy." But however boring, the students knew that solidarity was the only key to their success. In the footage of students inter- viewed at the time, the activists are groups on campus as Students for surprisingly articulate. The film shows the newness of the political involvement in part by revealing the level-headed intelligence of its partic- ipants. Now, student activism is a given. Students no longer have to prove their convictions with knowl- edge and awareness. Instead, they can postulate about whichever issue-of- the-week they choose, without the foundation of informed conviction. Perhaps Berkeley in the Sixties' greatest strength is its explanation of a movement that continues to affect us all. It reveals underlying dynam- ics and historical contexts that really led to change. It is engaging, enter- taining, and inspirational, without being untruthful. And it represents an extension of the movement itself in its ability to both inspire and edu- cate, prompting the posties into the belief that change is possible and giving us the means by which to do it. BERKELEY IN THE SIXTIES will be shown tonight at 9:15 and tomorrow night at 9:20 at the Michigan Theater. Theater Review *Sarafina! defines fine! by Lauren Turetsky 0., If only the Michigan Theater had a dance floor for the audience, I am sure that the audience would have not only given the cast of Sarafina! a standing ovation and clamorous atpplause, but also would have gotten up to shake their own stuff to the irresistible beat of the mbaqanga sounds. This urge, however, was easily repressed not only by the absence of such a facility but by the equally compelling desire to sit back and be mesmerized by the performers' own sleek and funky moves. Their stamping feet, clicking ,eels and bounding twirls combined a polished professional quality with youthful raw talent. It was truly a unique and stunning combination. Nothing detracted from the dancing of the cast. Even the stage had a minimalist quality which directed the audience's attention to the performers' movements. The perfect stage set, which consisted of only a barbed fence and a military REA: TE t*"{dh 44 Mchian's Bhikefsck' Laigea *Service that brings you to your feet" Sandals, clogs, & shoes for all-weather comfort Repair Service %663-1644 209 N.4th Ave. (B Kerrvtownh Mon-Sat 10.6 tank, provided a stark contrast to the beauty of the South African culture - their oppression became reality. Along with the amazing dancing in Sarafina!, the performers also enthralled the audience with their powerful and beautiful voices. In the program, cast member Thandani Mavimbela was quoted as saying that "singing is his darling." The performers' love and pride in their singing echoed clearly in all their voices. Even when the musical bordered on being a bit clich6d, or when some of the lyrics were in their native language and their English accents were hard to understand, the general meaning of the show was crystal clear and the cast's talent prevailed. The theater 4 err ,a seemed to be united of freedom as the sang, "Freedom tomorrow." in a celebration cast members. is coming I No Guns! No Cops! No Code! Students Rights/Activism Week! October 23-26 F [I October 23: 7:30 Graduate Student Organizing: Past and Present i 4 at Rackham-E. Conference Room. Representatives for more information dia763-1107 TNPRS1 h af.E'.-Z - C U B (dsr ,wbm I o from Temple Univ., UC Berkeley, U-M GEO October 24: 6:00 Howard Zinn Student Activism: Challenging the Knowledge Factory at Rackham Lecture Hall 7:30 Student Power in the Nineties at Rackham-E. Conference Room October 25: October 26: 1:00 Rally for Student Rights! No Guns No Cops No Code. On the DIAG