CopyrihuD 1990 Vol. C, No. 36 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 24, 1990 1 MChiygan Daily Israel seals occupied territories TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Defense Minister Moshe 4rens ordered the occupied territories completely sealed ff yesterday after a series of revenge attacks by both Jews and Arabs. Under Arens' order, the 1.7 million Palestinian resi- dents of the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip will be banned from entering Israel as of this morning, the military command said. Those staying in Israel are or- dered to return home immediately. A West Bank Palestinian knifed two unarmed women soldiers and another Palestinian beat two Israelis with a hammer yesterday in part of a wave of attacks on *Jews in Israel, police said. The Arab was chased and captured by soldiers and' civilians,, police said. There were reports he was beaten, and hospital officials said he was in critical condition with head injuries. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said the attacks on Israelis, which began Sunday with three stabbing deaths in Jerusalem, resulted from "unusual hysterical incite- ment" of Palestinians under Israeli rule. Tension has risen since Oct. 8, when police fired on stone-throwing Palestinians at Jerusalem's hallowed OTemple Mount, killing at least 19 Arabs. - Clandestine leaflets have urged Palestinians to step up attacks on Jews, and the violence since Sunday's killings raised fears that the 34-month Palestinian uprising may be entering a more dangerous phase. A leaflet distributed yesterday by Hamas, a Moslem fundamentalist group, praised as a "hero" the Palestinian laborer who killed an unarmed woman soldier, a gar- dener and an off-duty policeman Sunday in Jerusalem. It said the laborer had killed "three enemy soldiers" and added: "This is only the beginning." The daily Yedioth Ahronoth reported a rush by Is- raelis on gun shops, and reporters pressed Shamir to say what his government was doing to protect the public. Crime bill expected to be law today Bill would force universities to release crime, graduation stats by Elizabeth Marshall Daily Staff Writer Congress was expected to give final approval late last night to a bill that would require colleges and uni- versities to publish statistics on crime and graduation rates on their campuses. The House of Representatives passed the bill Monday night by a voice vote and both Congressional aides and University administration officials predicted that the bill would easily pass the Senate. If passed, the bill will go to Pres- ident Bush for approval this week. The legislation requires that prospective students have access to statistics on campus crimes includ- ing murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and theft. The Uni- versity's Department of Public Safety, classifies these crimes as "Part One Crimes." -Sgt. Vernon Baisden, supervisor of University crime prevention, em- phasized that statistics on campus crime and security policies have al- ways been available to students upon request. The bill would only increase awareness among students, he said. The number of Part One crimes reported to the department in 1989 was 2,414. The total includes 30 re- ports of aggravated assault, 97 non- aggravated assaults, and 9 robberies. The Ann Arbor Police Depart- ment keeps separate statistics for the entire city. Last year the number of Part One crimes reported in Ann Arbor number 8,667. In addition to requiring universi- ties to publish crime statistics, the bill will require the release of gradua- tion rates. The original graduation rate proposal was aimed at student- athletes, but the provision was later changed. Bruce Madej, the Sports Informa- tion Director for the University, said that the University has never had anything to hide in terms of the graduation rates of its athletes. He said, "We have been strong with stu- dent athletes in all our sports." He added that the disclosure of gradua- tion rates of all students, not only athletes, "can only help the Univer- sity." Walter Harrison, the executive di- rector of University relations, voiced approval of the bill. As an effect of the bill, "a better educated prospec- tive student will make a better choice," he said. Harrison said he would not expect the bill to affect enrollment at the University. Tom Butts, the executive director of the University's Washington of- fice., expressed confidence in the bill's passage and usefulness. Leaf roundup University groundskeepers Charlie Scott, Fred Voss and Zara Furbash collect leaves yesterday. By now, the leaves are happily fermenting in a compost pile. Melan d passes mandatory by Amanda Neuman Daily Staff Writer Beginning in January, large red O6ins filled with cans, glass, newpa- pers and plastics will accompany regular garbage cans on trash pick-up day in the city of Meiland as part of a new mandatory recycling ordi- nance. Meiland is the first city in Washtenaw County to pass such an ordinance. The Ann Arbor City Council has ;been considering a Comprehensive Recycling Ordinance similar to the one passed in Meiland for the past two years and a vote is expected be- fore the end of this year. The Meiland City Council unan- imously voted on Monday to ap- prove the ordinance which was pro- posed one month ago, said Kimberly, Dunbar, Chair of the Michigan Citi- zens Against Toxic Substances. Though Meiland residents began voluntary recycling last July, they will be required to begin recycling Jan.1 or receive a $25 ticket for the first three offenses, Dunbar said. "What we're seeing in our com- munity is an awareness of environ- mental issues. We're hoping that the. people of Ann Arbor will take no- tice," Dunbar said. The Ann Arbor ordinance differs from the Meiland ordinance because in addition to requiring single-family households to recycle, property own- ers and commercial businesses would also comply with the program. If passed, Ann Arbor's ordinance will take effect for apartment build- ings in April 1992, for businesses in January 1993 and for single-family households in July 1993. The estimated cost for the entire program in Ann Arbor will be ap- proximately $2 million said Michael Garfield, Environmental Issues Di- rector at the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor. recycling A public hearing on the proposed mandatory recycling ordinance will be held on Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council chambers. Garfield said nervousness and ap- prehension of the Ann Arbor City Council has delayed the passage of an ordinance. "Ann Arbor was once on the cutting edge in environmental protection and now we're falling be- hind cities that never before had a name for themselves, " he said. City Councilmember Ingrid Sheldon (R-Second Ward) favors the ordinance, but said Ann Arbor should not be compared to Meiland. See RECYCLE, Page 2 'A better educated prospective student will make a better choice' - Walter Harrison Executive Director of University Relations "We expected the bill to clear the conference," he said. "I don't see any problems with the University adjust- ing to the bill." Butts said "the spirit of the bill was laudatory" because it would en- able students and their families to gain a better understanding of the environment of a particular campus. Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) supports passage of the bill, said deputy press secretary David Eichen- baum. Troy Zimmerman, legislative director for Representative Carl Pursell (R-Ann Arbor), reported that Pursell did not oppose the bill in Monday's voice vote in the House. Senator Don Riegle (D-Mich.) sup- ports passage as well, said Joan Huf- fer, Press Secretary for Riegle. 'U' estimates. 6.5% tuition increase for 91-92 school year by Daniel Poux Daily Administration Reporter Tuition will increase next year by at least 6.5 percent for in-state stu- dents and 9.1 percent for out-of-state students even if the state appropri- ates the requested $247 million for the University's 1990-91 budget, ac- cording to the University's Board of Regents' budget request released last week. The University is asking for an increase of $21.6 million in state appropriations for a total of $247 million, an 8.5 percent increase from the amount requested last year. The request to the state legislature stipu- lated that $16.7 million - a 6.5 percent increase -- is the minimum the state can appropriate to allow the University to continue its basic *operations. If the University does not receive the requested amount, tuition will rise by more than the base figures. Vice President for Government Relations Richard Kennedy was quick to point out that the figures for tuition increases are far from official. "It's certainly not, a set level for tuition increases," Kennedy said. "Its *merely a projection based on an as- r pated cost increases," the Executive Summary for the State Budget Re- quest read. "If we fall short of this goal, the result will inevitably be some combination of staff reduc- tions, service cutbacks, and declines in the number and scope of our academic programs." One of the reasons for the re- peated tuition increases in the last several years is the continual de- crease in the percentage of the Uni- versity's total budget funded by state appropriations. In Fiscal Year 1980-81, almost 54.2 percent of the University's gen- eral funds revenue came from Lans- ing, with only 36 percent coming in the form of student tuition and fees. By fiscal year 1989-90, tuition and fees surpassed state appropria- tions in the University's general fund. State funding shrank to 44.4 percent and tuition and fees rose to 45.3 percent. Student money now comprises 46 percent of the University's gen- eral funds, and state funds only make up 44 percent. Vice President Kennedy argued that, unlike a government or a cor- poration, you cannot look for ways to "cut corners with a University resents a lack of commitment of the government at all levels to the sup- port of education at all levels," Barkow argued. "This university has not concentrated enough at keeping tuition levels down." Barkow said the ERC, which is MSA's lobbying committee, will continue to fight in the state and fed- eral legislature to keep college costs down. "We're going to continue our ef- forts, especially in an election year, to let our elected representatives know how we feel about higher tu- ition," he said. Student money now comprises 46 percent of the University's general funds, and state funds only make up 44 percent. Vice President Kennedy said the University will have its first indica- tion of the size of the state appropri- ation in January, when Governor James Blanchard makes his recom- mendations to the state legislature. After that, both houses must vote to enact the appropriation into law, Saddam releases 14 American hostages-, Associated Press Saddam Hussein allowed a trickle of foreigners - including 14 Ameri- cans - to leave Iraq yesterday, but showed no sign of dismantling the "human shield" at strategic sites. Several thousand Americans and other foreigners are being denied permission to leave Iraq or occupied Kuwait. Five Finnish men also left Iraq for home, and 33 ailing or elderly Britons were scheduled to depart with former British Prime Minister Edward Heath. Also yesterday, the Iraqi parlia- ment endorsed Saddam's proposal to allow all 300 French citizens to leave Iraq. Saddam's move was seen in Paris as an attempt to divide the West's anti-Iraqi alliance, and the French government called on Iraq to free all foreign hostages. None of the Americans who left Iraq yesterday had been part of Saddam's "human shield" against attack. "I'm just thrilled that I'm going," William Hollingsworth said in .,~