Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 22, 1990 Group provides niche for English ..~ concentrators by Nicole James Students with a passion for En- glish, as well as dramatic readings, trips, career-planning, guest speak- ers, and magazine publication, can now find an outlet through the Un- dergraduate English Association (UEA) . In the past, the association has been plagued by indecision and lack of student support. As a result, the association has had to start anew ev- ery year, said this year's organizers Kristina Foote and Rhana Jacot, both senior English majors. The goal this year is to build up a strong group that will have leader- ship to carry over into the next year. _Cf- L JOSE JUAREZ/Daily Daily Opinion Page Editor David Schwartz (left), University Regent and 1960 Editorial Director Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor) and former Daily Managing Editor Steve Knopper discuss the Daily's history at Friday evening's centennial banquet. CELEBRATION Continued from page 1 ground," said Holst. "I sense most of the problems at the Daily can be solved by having alumni on the Board (of Student Publications)," Holst continued. "We nedd to be supportive of the students. Sometimes we have to let them make mistakes and fall on their faces. That's what the Daily is all about." Bill Marsh, 1987 Weekend Magazine editor and currently news artist at the Philadelphia Inquirer, said he is also very concerned about threats to the Daily's editorial free- dom, and sees it as an issue "for the alumni to rally around. The battles that were won in the sixties are not absolute. It's something your always have to fight for." The centennial events also in- spired many other of the Daily's current staff members. LSA sophomore Erica Kohnke said, "It was really inspiring to see how close the old Daily staff mem- bers were after so many years. I felt a part of a common spirit" seeing old Daily staffers mingling with to- day's students, she said. Graff, as he was readying to leave Ann Arbor, had some for advice the current and future staff of the Daily: "to take chances, be creative, don't take yourselves too seriously. Be critical of yourselves and your work and keep on putting out the paper." Campbell said the possibility of another large reunion in the year 2000 to celebrate "three centuries of the Daily" was discussed. Jones said, "We certainly don't want to wait another hundred years for the next one." cT 7 stuaen; uroup There are already around 50 people in the group, from all class levels. Many of these people are on one or more of three organizational com- mittees. The Academic Committee is or- ganizing study groups, peer paper reviews, and workshops on graduate schools and career options. Academic functions are not the only purpose of the group. The Ac- tivities Committee's purpose is to "let people have fun with what they want to do," said committee chair and senior English major Jen- nifer McGuone. An reading of Othello is planned for the near future, during which people will be able to act out parts. Trips, lectures, and meetings with faculty are also being planned. The third committee works on the Yawp, a literary magazine written and run by students - pub- lished by the UEA. Short stories, plays, poems, art work, and other literary work are being accepted from now until December for the first edi- tion, which will appear in mid to late January. The second edition will be out in April. There were over 300 submissions last year, from a wide range of stu- dents, not just English majors, said Jacot. Foote and Jacot agree the main purpose of the association is to pro- vide a spirit of community among English majors. There are approxi mately 911 English majors, and it's "kind of ludicrous that there is no group (to provide this)," said Foote. The UEA brings together people with similar interests. For Jacot, th group is a place to meet with people outside of class. "It's nice to have people recognize your allusions," she said. Jacot stressed that the group is open to new input and ideas from. everyone. Mass meetings are held in 7629: Haven Hall on the first and third,,- Tuesday of every month at 8 p.m. 0 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I STAWI F/PM IN WtA B ELIEF OF *W7's RIGHT! I REF(SE ToCMROIEM PIIO N0 I MO~T //EA TO COMPROMISE M { PRICIPLE, BECAU~SE THE ( DoX1T NAVE THE SUAGiTtST'BEARMNG OR WHAT" HPPENS lbME AWAY. 0 00 ~,ca0 +\ , p - - Gartv YROOOM IR voooNM Ij~ c 1990 Universal Press Syndicate I WOULDRT 'WOULD io0) MIN4D "N ,SD s m (Orgy WER MC IF N-E "VE~( SURPRISED DIDNT IKEEP O. OR"CDWIEh tA fLOG. SURPRISED Wills Nuts and Bolts L.L)MS AND WATSONMH wrH AN UPPAT . LA5r WEEK LEVON AN) V-J. HADA $wASlcxA ON THEIR DOOR WJHEN TH-EY WAE TOLD BY TN~ ?'Pc le-HAT TNEMT17 VANDt*uLJ2D T, 1IC PRicE bTATn cN. AND 7HUU..Y R Z,,1 AND C 44R&ED WITH VANDAU5M, DEFACING .STATE PRM5RTtl, AND MALICIOUS MlxiiI6F. I ti C* u by Judd Winick. i Under God: Religion in American Politics Michigan ,Alumni work here: The Wall Street Journal The New York Times The- Washington Post The Detroit Free Press The. Detroit News NBC Sports 4br £irb4jan aI The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters) $28.00 U.S. mail and $28 on campus, for fall only $22.00 U.S. mail. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir- culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550 EDITOAAL STAFF: Editor in Chief Managing Editor News Editors Opinion Editor Associate Editors Weekend Editors Photo Editor Noah Finkel Kristine Lalonde Diane Cook, Ian Hofman Josh Minick, Noele Vance David Schwartz Stephen Henderson, 1. 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Heaton, David Kraft, Albert Lin, Rod Lowenth, Adam Mier, John Niyo, Sarah Osbun, Matt Rennie, David Schechter, Ken Sigura, Andy Stabile, Dan Zodh. Ar Mark Binel, Greg Baise, Jenie Dahknann, Michael Paul Fischer, Forrest GreenIllI, Mke Kuniavsky, Elizabeth Lenhard, David Ludiner, Mike Moior, Ronald Scott, Sue Useimann, Kim Yaged, Nabed Zuberi, Photo: Anthony M. Crdll, Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Krissy Goodman, Kenneth Smoler, Weekend: Phil Cohen, Miguel Cruz, Donna ladipaolo, Jesse Waker, Fred Zinn. .1 i