Cl, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 22,1990 TheMkhgannDeity
by Donna Woodwell
Daily Staff Writer
As registration for the Daily's
centennial celebration began early
Friday morning, Daily alumni, rep-
resenting eight decades of the paper's
history, arrived from all corners of
the United States, greeting each
other with hugs and tears.
The centennial was "an exhilarat-
ng success" said Centennial Chair
Richard Campbell, "There was no
better combination than discussing
freedom of the press and socializing.
Several alumni said they have never
had such a good time in their lives."
Campbell pointed to the
"profound and moving experience" of
meeting old friends combined with
the creation of the Michigan Daily
in Mich.
by The Associated Press
A new federal report shows vio-
lent crime is on the rise in most
Michigan cities, mirroring a nation-
wide trend.
Grand Rapids residents have seen
violent crime jump by 31 percent in
the first six months of this year
compared with the same period last
year - the largest increase in the
state, according to a report released
Sunday by the FBI's Uniform Crime
Reports division.
The number of murders in Grand
Rapids increased from six in the first
half of last year to 13 in the same
period this year, the report said. Re-
orted assaults increased from 622 to
"For the most part, the assaults
are occurring in the privacy of the
home or apartment, between husband
and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend, or
between friends, people with prior
knowledge of one another," said
Grand Rapids police Chief William
Police and community leaders
have been meeting to develop pro-
grams to combat crime, Hegarty
Detroit had 13.9 percent more vi-
olent crimes, which include murder,
rape, robbery, and assault, the report
showed. Property crimes were down
6.2 percent.
9 Among the nation's largest
cities, Detroit's increased crime rate
lagged behind Philadelphia, Hous-
ton, Phoenix, and San Diego, the
report said.
alumni celebrate centennial
Alumni Club and election of nine
members to a Board of Governors as
the basis for the weekend's success.
Response to "the reunion was far
beyond our expectations," said 1959
Sports Editor Alan Jones, who is
currently publisher of the Caddo Gap
Press and one of the organizers of
the Centennial. Jones estimated 580
Daily alumni and current staff mem-
bers attended the events.
Chicago Tribune reporter and
Pulitzer Prize winner Anne Marie
Lipinski, a 1978 Daily editor, con-
jured up Daily memories at the Cen-
tennial banquet Friday night. Lipin-
ski read letters written by Daily edi-
tors from throughout the years and
talked about the continuity of the
Daily experience.
All weekend, alumni wandered
into the Daily's open house in the
student publications building. Lloyd
Graff, 1966 sports editor, leafed
though the paper's library of bound
volumes of past Dailys reading his
old articles. He said said he was
amused over "how sophomoric they
were, but they still had energy. They
were unrefined but vibrant, and I
think that's also the way the Daily
itself has always been."
Standing around the newsroom,
alumni mused over changes at the
Daily-since their time as staff mem-
Managing Editor from 1978 Jay
Levin, Executive Editor of Meetings
and Conventions Magazine, remi-
nisced with 1971 Associate Manag-
ing Editor Rob Bier, currently
Managing Director of Communica-
tions America Council of Life Insur-
ance, about the days when the Daily
was printed in its own production
shop with hot lead type.
Both were sad to see the lines of
Macintoshes replacing the old, war-
torn typewriters.
"There was something magical
about knowing the same lead which
you used to put out the next morn-
ing's paper had been used forever,
since the first days of Daily publica-
tion," said Bier.
"It will be almost impossible to
go back to the real world after this
weekend. It is a memory overload,"
said Levin.
However, the. reunion was not
only a social event. The weekend's
schedule of events kicked off with a
panel discussion on Editorial Free-
dom, held in Rackham Auditorium,
and was followed by a meeting to
discuss to the formation of the
Michigan Daily Alumni club and to
elect the club's Board of Governors.
"We are very concerned about the
continuation of the Daily's editorial
freedom," said 1986 Managing Edi-
tor and Opinion Page Editor Jackie
Young Holst, currently the Educa-
tion and Medical issues reporter at
the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
in Iowa. "We are going to take ac-
tion (on recent events)... we are not
going to stand by and let one or two
people run the paper into the
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Staff Writer
An increase in the availability of
tuition grants to public university
students, a bill planning to improve
the current work-study program and
student rights were all topics of dis-
cussion at a conference of the
Michigan Collegiate Coalition
(MCC) this weekend at Oakland
University in Rochester Hills,
"The purpose of the conference
was to lobby for student rights and
for financial aid," said Aberdeen
Marsh, Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) representative and one of
three University students who at-
The MCC is a student organiza-
tion comprised of representatives
from Michigan's 15 public universi-
ties. The organization lobbies in the
state legislature for the rights and in-
terests of students.
University of Michigan students
pay $.35 a semester for membership
to the group.
MCC Legislative Director Kathy
Swift said political platforms and
projects for the upcoming year were
the main focus of the conference.
"The decisions made will determine
the political direction of the MCC
for the next year," she said.
State House bill 5441, MCC's
Public Service Work-Study Bill is
one piece of legislation the MCC is
currently pushing. The bill, now in
the House Subcommittee on Higher
Education, would allow work-study
students to work for non-profit orga-
nizations in the community instead
of the more institutional jobs within
a university.
The legislation would work by
"broadening the employment options
available to students and further sav-
ing the limited resources of strug-
gling community agencies," accord-
ing to an MCC prepared statement.
"I'm very confident that we'll get
it through this year," Swift said of
the bill.
The Michigan Educational Access
Grant (MEAG) is another proposal
the MCC is currently addressing.
The goal of the proposal is to merge
all the existing state financial aid
grants into one program.
Seventy-five percent of all avail-
able financial aid is awarded to pri-
vate university students, Swift said.
But, there are approximately
250,000 public university students
in Michigan in contrast to 80,000
private university students.
"(MEAG) would make the total
pool of money available to all stu-
dents, no matter what kind of insti-
tution they attend," Swift said.
Although the University of
Michigan was allotted nine MSA-
appointed conferees, only three rep-
resentatives attended.
Conferee Paul Oppesidano, an
MSA representative from the School
of Public Health, said he hoped the
low turn-out was not a reflection of
a lack of support for MCC.
"A lot of people weren't prepared
to take three days off from school
and their other commitments,"
Oppesidano said.
Oppesidano said there was little
conflict in deciding the agenda for
the year and the extra six votes
would not have made a difference.
Jenny Dupree of Chi Omega sorority scores against an unidentified goal
tender from Kappa Alpha Theta sorortiy during half time at the SAE Mud
by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
focus on student activism
Events aimed at opposing
Student activists are hoping to
motivate others to fight for students'
rights through a series of activities
this week.
Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) and the Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) are sponsoring
Student Rights/Activism Week to
mobilize student opposition to the
deputization of University police and
a Code of Non-Academic Conduct.
Since the Sept. 20 Regents meet-
ing where students voiced their dis-
sent about campus deputization, the
sponsors have been planning this
"mobilization effort," MSA's Stu-
dent Rights Commission (SRC)
Chair Corey Dolgon reported.
"The SRC hopes that we can,
one, specifically get people involved
in the campus democracy movement;
and, two, legitimize protests and
present student activism as a legiti-
mate form of participation
sion-making processes,"
Graduate student unions
role in campus activism w
focus of a panel discussion
ham East Conference Room
at 7:30 p.m.
The panel will be comf
representatives from GEO.
University, and University
deputization, Code
in deci- Howard Zinn, a retired professor
Dolgon involved in the civil rights and anti-
war movements, will speak on stu-
and their dent activism Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. in
ill be the Rackham Lecture Hall.
in Rack- A number of University students
Tuesday and a student from Cleveland State
University will address issues such
prised of as racism, gay and lesbian rights,
Temple and solidarity with developing coun-
of Cali- tries Oct. 25 in Rackham East Con-
ference Room, 7:30 p.m.
The week's finale is a rally for
student rights, focusing on the Uni-
versity's Board of Regents' June de-
cision to deputize the campus secu-
rity force and the administration's at-
tempt to implement a Code of Non-
Academic Conduct. The rally will
begin at 1 p.m. Friday on the Diag.
A party for student rights will be
held later that evening at 8 p.m. at
the Half Way Inn located in East
Quad and will feature local band Ry-
thym McFeud.
Arab teenager kills
*three Israeli civilians
JERUSALEM (AP) - A knife-wielding
Arab teen-ager shouting "God is great!" stalked
a quiet Jewish neighborhood yesterday, stab-
bing three Israelis to death, police said. They
said he was seeking revenge for the Temple
Mount killings.
One victim managed to shoot and wound
the attacker, who was then seized by furious
Aresidents, ending the rampage in the Baka area
in southern Jerusalem, police said.
Police said they would bar Arabs from trav-
eling into Jerusalem today and would patrol
sensitive districts of the city to head off
clashes, said spokesperson Aharon Elchayani.
The early-morning incident inflamed ten-
sions in the city, running high since the
killings of at least 19 Palestinians on Oct. 8 at
Jerusalem's Temple Mount, when Israeli po-
*ice fired into a stone-throwing mob.
criminal background.
The slain Israelis were an 18-year-old
woman soldier, a garden nursery owner, and a
member of an elite police anti-terrorism unit,
police said. The off-duty police officer managed
to shoot the assailant when he was attacked.
Angry Israeli youths threw stones at Arab-
owned cars on a Jerusalem highway. Shouts of
"Death to the Arab!" resounded in the streets of
Defense Minister Moshe Arens voiced fears
that Arab-Jewish communal violence was re-
ducing prospects of a Middle East peace set-
tlement. He told Israel television's Arabic-lan-
guage service he feared "a chasm is opening"
that will make any reconciliation difficult.
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek appealed for
calm, saying the attack was "a tough test of
rnnnf e l a't n ar~~lnld tn*ramflll"
/Blue says
goodbye to
k ~ Rose hopes,
Iowa pulls upset, 24-23
by David Hyman
Daily Football Writer
Saturday's football game showcased two teams
headed in opposite directions. Twenty-second-ranked
Iowa is heading up and moved a step closer to reaching
Pasadena for the first time since 1986. After Iowa's
24-23 victory over Michigan, the Hawkeyes (5-1, 3-0)
are tied with Illinois and Minnesota for first for the
%N conference lead.
On the other hand, Michigan is quickly fallen. The
defeat marked the first time the Wolverines (3-3, 1-2)
have lost two consecutive home games in the same
season in 23 years. The loss also marked the first
homecoming loss in 23 years.
"I'm stunned," Michigan offensive guard Dean