It4tv& Vol. C, No, 32 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 18, 1990 ThepMicign Daiyo Senate *seeks O.K. for budget WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate leaders sought swift approval yester- day for a $250 billion deficit-reduc- tion plan that would double gasoline taxes, cut Medicare benefits and mildly boost income taxes on the wealthy. The measure includes a broader- based tax increase than the soak-the- rich House version that President Bush has said he will veto. Democratic Budget Committee Chair James Sasser, D-Tenn., said, "We tell the American people that there will be some sacrifice in this package. But we tell them at the same time that it will be fair." The White House said the Senate version could form the basis for end- ing the government's long budget -stalemate. "The White House is ready to re- ceive the bi-partisan package similar to the Senate package," said Bush's chief of staff, John Sununu. "Get it to the president's desk and he'll sign it." Bush has tried to keep the pres- sure on by threatening to shut the government down again Saturday un- less Congress sends him a compro- mise budget he can accept. Without emergency legislation, federal au- thority to spend money expires that day. Acting one day after the Democrats pushed a bill much tougher on the rich through the House, Senate leaders chose to face Election Day just three weeks off with a proposal bearing all the marks of a political compromise. Senators seek larger role in Gulf crisis Bush must get O.K. for combat Homecoming on the way BRIAN CANTONVDay Three Alpha Zeta Delta member help advertise Homecoming on the Diag. They gave out megaphones filled with popcorn today. Look for them to be giving out keychains tomorrow. Events fill Homecoming weekend celebrations WASHINGTON (AP) - Key senators yesterday demanded the Bush administration seek the ap- proval of Congress before sending U.S. troops into combat against Iraq, but Secretary of State James Baker resisted. Baker promised only further con- sultations as he confronted a bi-parti- san demand for decision-sharing from members of the Foreign Relations Committee. "We should not have a constitu- tional argument over whether or not the President as commander-in-chief has authority to commit forces," Baker said in an effort to end the de- bate. Besides, Baker said, a vote on Capitol Hill could tip off Iraqi Presi- dent Saddam Hussein about a pend- ing military operation or even cause the White House to abandonsthatop- tion. But only two members of the committee, Sens. Rudy Boschwitz (R-Minn.) and Daniel Moynihan (D- N.Y.) supported the administration in its insistence that consultation with Congressional leaders was suf- ficient. Typical of the demand was an as- sertion by Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D- Md.) that "consultation is not enough." "There is a difference between consultation and authorization," Sar- banes said. -"The notion that the President alone would be able to commit American forces in a mili- tary assault in effect without receiv- ing a shared decision by the Baker by Meryl Finkelstein The University's 1990 Fall Homecoming kicked off four days of activities yesterday with the dis- tribution of popcorn-filled mega- phones on the diag. The homecoming agenda includes a performance by the "The Differ- ence" at the U-Club tonight, and a pep-rally featuring alumni cheerlead- ers tomorrow on the steps of the Graduate Library. This year the theme is "Play the Michigan-Iowa Pursuit" based upon the board game "Trivial Pursuit." In keeping with the theme organizers circulated a trivia question with the grand prize being dinner for two with Coach Gary Moeller at the Gandy Dancer restaurant. Autographed foot- balls will also be awarded. Plans for this year's activities began at the end of last spring, when the University Activity Center (UAC) allocated $3,000 to the event. Homecoming chairs Juliet Jones and Stacy Weiner, both LSA ju- niors, have been publicizing the week's events in the campus news- papers, on flyers and posters, and on campus radio. Jones said she is optimistic about the week. "The trivia question was something we tried to do to get ev- eryone involved," she said. "I hope that a lot of people come to the pep rally and get excited about the week- end." Other events, not planned by the organization committee, include the Daily's centennial celebration which See WEEKEND, Page 2 Congress is contrary to the Consti- tution." On the House side of the Capitol, meanwhile, Speaker Thomas Foley (D-Wash.) said he was "favorably in- clined" to provide for Congress to call itself back into session if mili- tary action began in the gulf. The debate centers on the author- ity the Constitution gives Congress tohdeclare war while designating the President as commander-in-chief. It also concerns the War Powers Act, which Congress passed over former President Richard Nixon's veto in 1973 after thousands of U.S. troops had died in Indochina without a dec- laration of war. The law requires the President to withdraw troops from combat or from situations of "imminent in- volvement in hostilities" within 60 days unless Congress gives its ap- proval. I Students, staff discussed possible code for campus by Daniel Poux Daily Administration Reporter Student leaders, faculty, and ad- ministrators who met to discuss campus life earlier this semester considered the possibility of a Code on Non-Academic Conduct as one answer to campus problems. According to a memorandum from Connie Cqok, Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs and one of the planners of this year's re- treat, the students, faculty and staff came up with several ambitious pro- posals for improving the University community's shortcomings. In an effort to make the campus more "disciplined" and "just", many delegates suggested that the Univer- sity develop both a code of non-aca- demic conduct, "so that students would be apprised of their rights and responsibilities..." and a "thoughtful and systematic approach to alcohol and drug abuse on campus." The University instituted an in- terim drug and alcohol policy Oct. 1. "The University has to address the problems of alcohol and drug abuse on campus; they're already working on that," said Rhetaugh Dumas, Dean of the Nursing School and a faculty representative at the re- treat said. "I would also argue that there is merit in a code of conduct that students and staff can subscribe to." Some student leaders, however, expressed some concern over in- creased control over campus activi- ties and students behavior. "When you think of discipline, you think of punishment," MSA Vice President Burks, who attended the retreat, said. "If we're going to improve campus relations and safety, we need a greater emphasis on educa- tion of students, not punishment." LSA senior Nicole Carson said the recommendations of the retreat were skewed by administration bias. "I wasn't for a code, and I don't think many students wanted a code," Carson said. "There were so many more administrators and faculty pre- sent than students, I don't think the results can accurately reflect student opinion." Shirley Clarkson, assistant to University President James Duder- stadt, said she was pleased with the results of the meeting, and pointed out the retreat's value in improving student-staff relations. "The leadership retreat is held ev- ery September, and it is more of a forum for students, faculty and staff to brainstorm on how to improve the University," Clarkson explained. "It is not an effort to influence stu- dent leaders to go along with the administration's wishes." Carson said she learned much from the one-day meeting, but still did not feel her voice was being heard. "I did not feel like I had much say in what was going on," she said. "I learned a lot, but I felt like a 'token student."' Both student and staff representa- tives agreed the retreat was a success, but said the hardest job is yet to come. See DISCUSSION, page 2 *City bans alcohol at some tailgates Pre-game partiers can no longer drink at Pioneer High b~ Lisa Sancghez 'GEO discusses recent budget cuts Uy LIaall & I Football tailgaters may have to deal with interference outside the sta- dium Saturday. The Ann Arbor City Council passed an ordinance Monday banning alcohol on Ann Arbor Public School District property. The mandate would primarily af- feet Pioneer High School, where about 3,000 cars park for games each football Saturday. The ideal proxim- ity to Michigan Stadium makes it a prime scene for tailgating parties. Now, however, Wolverine specta- tors may find that the game-day beer in the parking lot may not be worth the misdemeanor offense. Violators could face fines of up to $500 or 90 days in jail. The Ann Arbor Board of Educa- "pro-active measure rather than a re- active measure," and is part of a larger drug-free agenda for Ann Arbor Schools. Ouimet said that this measure is not meant to target "M"-football spectators exclusively. Signs will be posted at the areas stating the tenets of the statute. Although University graduate and Ann Arbor resident Ron Thomas is not opposed to banning alcohol dur- ing public school hours and func- tions, he said that "this measure is not appropriate if it's not directly af- fecting (public school) students." City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw ex- pressed a concern about enforcement problems since "the police already have enough to do on football Satur- days." by Lynne Cohn Members of the Graduate Em- ployees Organization (GEO) are fear- ful that University budget difficulties may affect future teaching assistant employment. The GEO is a union that sup- ports teaching assistants and many graduate students employed by the University. Last night's GEO monthly meet- ing agenda focused on budget-related teaching assistant cuts and increasing problems with child care provisions for graduate students' families. "Both the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science departments have made plans to cut a large per- centage of teaching assistants in the next year due to budget problems," said GEO President Chris Roberson. Electrical Engineering Adminis- trative Manager Virginia Owens con- firmed that there have been such cuts over the previous year prompted by hiIdt fW"lln fl tuition if they teach anywhere from quarter time to full time. Concerned GEO members said fewer University-employed teaching assistants would result in overloaded graduate students teaching multiple classes. They also said students would likely not receive a quality education and that unemployed grad- uate students would not be able to afford their education. Carol Cummings from the Cam- pus Child Care Alliance spoke about the lack of available child care provi- sions for University employees. Cummings urged GEO members to implement various child care provi- sions in their Nov. contractual bar- gaining. "The University would becomea model of child care to the commu- nity, as it is the largest employer in the area," said Cummings. "A solid child care policy would reduce absen- teeism among teaching assistants ';.:fiT7*,t