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October 15, 1990 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-15

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Page 4 --The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 15, 1990
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420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109


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Editor in Chief

Opinion Editor

Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons,
signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
......F rom the Daily
Domestic violence
Show support for innovative Ypsilanti resolution


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seconds in the United States. More
than 50 percent of women are battered
at some time in their lives, more than
one-third are battered repeatedly each
year. The perpetuators of thisaviolence
are the lovers, boyfriends and hus-
bands of these women. But equally at
fault is society and its criminal justice
Until 1988, rape was legal in mar-
riages. In 1977, Oregon became the
first state to enact legislation mandating
arrest in domestic violence cases. Even
now that token progress has been made
recognizing this violence as a crime,
rates of prosecution and conviction are
still entirely inadequate. The fact that
many people still believe it is the right
of men to abuse their wives definitely
contributes to this problem. Obviously,
many changes still need to be made in
the legal system.
Currently in Ann Arbor, there is a
policy of mandatory arrest for domestic
violence if, when the police arrive,
there are visible signs of injury that
have been inflicted within the past 24
hours, and the assailant is available for
arrest. After the arrest, the man (used
generically because 95 percent of as-
sailants are men) is released on a small
bond or on personal recognizance after
two hours. In order for the case to be
prosecuted the woman must sign a
The mandatory arrest law, as a

statement that women do not deserve to
be physically abused, is a step in the
right direction.
Unfortunately, requiring the woman
to sign a complaint only serves to place
her in greater danger of abuse. Many
men, already experienced in using vio-
lence as a method of intimidation, will
use this tactic as a way to force the
woman to drop the case.
In Yipsilanti, the sheriffs office has
a policy similar to that in Ann Arbor,
but it is more effective, differing be-
cause the assailant is held overnight,
and the complaint is automatically
signed by the arresting officer. This
effectively forces the assailant to an-
swer for his violence in court and re-
duces the danger of intimidation for the
Tonight there will be a hearing and
vote at the Yipsilanti City Council
meeting to make this a formal resolu-
tion carrying the same weight as a law.
This is a small but important step in the
fight to end violence against women.
To show support for this resolution,
the Domestic Violence Center is asking
people to join them at the meeting, 7:30
pm, at the Yipsilanti City Hall.
If you are interested in attending this
meeting there will be rides leaving from
the cube (Regents plaza) at 6:30 pm
and the Michigan Union at 7 pm. For
more information, call the Domestic
Violence Center office at 973-0242.

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Why is there only criticism of Israel?

By Jennifer Knoll
I am more shocked at the events which
have taken place at the United Nations
over the past week than I am over the
events which took place in Israel.
Palestinians gathered at the Western
Wall and threw rocks on the people pray-
ing below. These rocks, many the size of
watermelons, were being dropped ran-
domly from 200 feet down to the 20,000
innocent Jews who were praying at the
Wall on a Jewish holiday.
The police shot bullets in the air in an
attempt to get the Palestinians to stop,
but the Palestinians continued. Finally,
the police resorted to shooting the perpe-
trators. I am not condoning or condemning
the actions the police took, because I am
not sure what else the police could have
The UN Security Council passed a res-
olution denouncing Israel for the event
which took place in Jerusalem. Such a
resolution against Israel, under the circum-
stances, is unjustifiable.
The aggression was not started by the
Israeli police, but by the Palestinians.
Furthermore, and more significant to my
gripe, is that in the recent past when peo-
ple have been killed for any number of

reasons in different countries in the world,
the UN did not propose such resolutions.
Recently, Muslims were killed at holy
sites by the Saudi government, and the
UN did not take action. Palestinians were
rallying in support of Saddam Hussein in
Syria. The Syrian government killed
Palestinians, but this event went unno-
ticed by the UN.
Massacres have taken place in Ireland,
India, the Soviet Union, etc., yet do not
receive the attention that Israel is receiv-
ing. If the world does not call attention to
these events and does not pass resolutions
condemning these countries, then it should

ate Israel. Also, most of these countries
invaded Israel on numerous occasions.
What gives these nations the right to stand
in judgment of Israel?
Last semester while I was in Israel, an
Egyptian soldier shot and killed nine Is-
raelis. The Egyptian authorities said theyO
hoped this would not hurt tourism. The
world said, "What a terrible, crazy man."
Also while I was in Israel, an Israeli,
determined mentally unstable and not al-
lowed into the Israeli army (a duty required
of all Israelis), stole a gun and killed seven
Palestinians. Israel condemned this action
and the man was jailed.


I am not condoning or condemning the actions the
police took, because I am not sure what else the
police could have done.

not perpetrate such action against Israel.
It is simply a double standard. At the
UN Security Council meeting, representa-
tives from the Arab and Muslim countries
in or around the Middle East presented
statements condemning Israel. Most of
these countries do not even acknowledge
Israel as a state or accept Israel's right to
exist, and give financial support to terror-
ist organizations whose goal is to obliter-

The world condemned Israel for the ac-
tions of this one man and the UN Security
Council held a meeting. Why is the world
so willing to condemn Israel, but no qne
else? Why is a Palestinian life considere
so much more valuable than a Jewish life.
I will answer these question with a
quote from Martin Luther King Jr.: "When
people criticize Zionists they mean Jews.
You're talking antisemitism."

Hail to the victors?
Poor officiating leaves Michigan out in the cold

Knoll is an LSA senior.

Tripp Welborne discusses a penalty with an official during Saturday's
game against Michigan State. The officiating cost Michigan a shot at the
national title.

went to the game Saturday versus
Michigan State, the facts are clear. In a
bitter one-point upset, any chance of a
national football title was taken from
the Wolverines, dashed both by missed
opportunities and bad officiating.
The most crucial point of the game
was with six seconds remaining, when
Michigan's two-point conversion at-
tempt from the three-yard line "failed."
The referees felt that Desmond
Howard's catch and subsequent loss of
the ball was clear evidence that he did
not have sufficient possession to count
the score.
However, most commentators and
sports officials have criticized the offi-
cials' judgment, noting that a Michigan
State defender interfered with Howard
and prevented him from scoring the
game-winning points. The pass inter-
ference was never called against the
Spartans, allowing for their win.
Crucial, game-deciding calls against
Michigan are not new to Wolverines
fans. Remember the Phantom Touch-
down in 1979, when a Southern
California player, Charles White, ran

It seems there has been a grand con-
spiracy blocking the Wolverines from
retaining their Number One ranking.
Every time Michigan rises to the top of
the field, they are knocked out the next

Committee studies
To the Daily:
I am writing'as chair of the Study
Committee on the Status of Lesbians and
Gay Men at the University of Michigan.
We are preparing a report describing the
climate that exists for lesbian, gay, and
bisexual students, staff, and faculty.
We have been charged by the Director
of Affirmative Action to determine the ex-
tent of discrimination based on sexual ori-
entation, describe how that discrimination
is manifested, and make recommendations
for reducing it.
We are collecting information for this
report in a variety of ways; one of the
most important is by requesting first
person accounts of situation that ex-
emplify the climate for lesbians and gay
men. We are seeking descriptions of ha-
rassment and discrimination based on sex-
ual orientation, as well as reports of posi-
tive experiences. We especially welcome
suggestions about how the University can
reduce discrimination and achieve an envi-
ronment in which diversity and pluralism
are valued.
We want to hear anecdotes, ideas, and
opinions from all members of the
Univesity community. For example, have
you ever been the victim of discrimination
or verbal or physical harassment on the
basis of your perceived sexual orientation?
Have you observed someone else's having
been harassed? Do you think sexual
orientation issues are fairly represented in
the curriculum? -Do you think your
professors, colleagues, or classmates are
knowledgeable about and sensitive to the
needs of gay male and lesbian students,
faculty and staff? Have you ever felt the
need to censor yourself because of an
atmosphere of intolerance, either in or out
of the classroom? Have you experienced or
observed situations which have been
supportive and respectful regarding sexual
orientation? Do you have suggestions
about how the University can reduce anti-
gay and anti-lesbian discrimination?
Responses can be made anonymously.
Please mail your response to Brian
Clapham, Affirmative Action Office, 6040
Fleming-1340. I can be reached at 3-9347
or via MTS for responses or if additional
information is desired.
mavra Trsnn..

climate for gay men and lesbians
Arts reviewer defends critique of N.W.A.

Last week, a number of letters were
sent to the Daily, accusing me of stating
that white women actually want to be
raped. My statement was taken com-
pletely out of context. It was a very un-
clear reference, but my interpreters were
still way off the mark.
The article about the controversial rap
act's philosophy was an impersonal in-
terpretation, stating that nothing has
changed in America since the time of the
slave Holocaust. Granted, N.W.A. do not
talk about raping women (not quite), but
their threatening identity encompasses an
endless amount of racial stereotypes, all
under the power of myth.
The line about white women is a very
blatant confrontation of the vulgar myths
that have plagued this country since
white men attempted to justify the lynch-
ing of Black people in the 1800s.
Lynching was a control mechanism
used by white men to regulate, among
other things, the sexuality of everyone
else. It was a defense against sexual rela-
tions between white women, then con-
sidered the height of purity and immacu-
lateness, and the newly freed Black men
that were still considered inferior by soci-
ety. These sexual relations were consid-
ered obscene and unthinkable at that
time. And so, every Black man was slan-
dered as being a rapist. Many times when
such a relationship was discovered, the
woman would say that she was raped in
order to excuse it.
Sure, this exact situation doesn't go
on in 1990. But the emotional baggage
created by those nightmarish events does
continue to this very day. It was my

anger at this absurd sexual-racial mythol-
ogizing that provoked the reckless joke
about such matters. Among these myths
is the animalistic, subhuman, abnor-
mally endowed Black rapist with an insa-
tiable craving for white women. Also,
the myth of the promiscuous, immoral,
Black woman who wants nothing more
than to get fucked all night.
Christina Graeser's pathetic statement
that "women are generally more likely to
be assaulted by someone of their own
race, this means that women of color are
more likely to be assaulted by men of
color" only perpetuates these dehumaniz-
ing myths. There is no proof that Black
men are predisposed to rape, Graeser. Be-
fore you spread such illogical, racist lies
in order to correct me, perhaps you
should try to learn why such a ridicu-
lously small number of white men have
ever been convicted of raping Black
I apologize to any and all women who
were offended by the N.W.A. article. It
was a misleading reference to a part of
American history that many people
would like to ignore, some of whom ac-
tually benefit from the stereotypes created
therein. By taking my quote out of its
historical context and of my own text,
my critics have ignored the underlying
social problems that provoked it.
Until all of these myths and stereo-
types are confronted and utterly eradi-
cated; until every race is free of sexual-or
racial slandering and stereotyping
none of us will ever be free.
Forrest Green Ill
Daily Arts staffer

Returning to the game itself,
Spartans fans who visited Ann Arbor
were, to say the least, unsportsmanlike
in their conduct. Michigan State players
and band members have a history of
harassing the Wolverine players and
Sure, the game shouldn't have come
down to one point. Flubbed passes,
turnovers, and missed opportunities
did prevent Michigan from running
away to victory. But when the game
was on the line, it was officials who

cultural" does not necessarily imply "non-
I was born and raised by American par-
ents in Schenectady, New York. I am, and
always have been, a citizen of the United
States of America. University records
agree with this fact But when I asked my
department about the possibilities of fi-

But last week, the University Payroll
Office sent me a similar rude letter, which
declared, "A non-resident alien cannot
claim 'Exempt' from income taxes or
claim Exemption Allowances greater than
I was furious. How could they possibly,

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