Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 12, 1990 hie Ridftguu fanlQ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Viewpoint NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Heil, David Duke? The Louisiana racist is not just an aberration - r-_.p 6 r- t .it l ALTHOUGH REPUBLICAN DAVID Duke fell short of his bid for the Louisiana Senate, he did gamer 44 per- cent of the votes - including 55 per- cent of those cast by white voters - in the state's multi-party primary, which was held Saturday. tactics win votes in America. There is a strong youth support for Duke, and as one supporter explained, "My girlfriend has a 3.8 average and there was a Black girl that had a 3.2. She got the scholarship... and my girl- friend didn't.. That's bull. You give them an inch, they take a mile. They should be back in chains" (New York Times, 10/8/90). Duke often speaks of the "myths" of the Holocaust, namely the Holocaust itself. Similarly, he tries to refute his role in racist organizations like the Na- tional Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP), as well as the KKK, while still defending their cause. Duke claims he should not be held accountable for his KKK background as a 17-year-old. However, he neglects to say his KKK membership lasted decades, that he was Grand Wizard leading the organization, and that the reason he left only a few years ago was because he was thrown out. According to an article in The Na- tion (10/8/90), "Duke [and others like him] is the logical outcome of the Re- publican's 'southern strategy' of play- ing on the race card, introduced by Richard Nixon, to steal the White vote in the South from the Democrats." Duke's own reasoning is, "If liberal Democrats can elect Robert Byrd, a former Klansman, majority leader, then conservative Republicans in Louisiana can elect me for their state legislature." Lee Atwater's election campaign for George Bush also played on racism, using the "Willie Horton" image. Nev- ertheless, Bush was the first to separate from David Duke, the thorn in the side of the Republican Party. It would be impractical for the GOP to be associ- ated with Duke's bad press, for Duke's association with the Republicans could be targeted by the Democrats. Democrat John Silber's campaign in Massachusetts relies on similar princi- ples. The gubernatorial candidate re- fused to campaign in Roxbury, a sub- urb of Boston, remarking, "there is no point making a speech on crime control to a group of drug attacks." David Duke is not an aberration, and people should open their eyes to the widespread use of race-baiting in polit- ical campaigns. Referring to Duke's success as an isolated problem only ig- nores the extent to which politicians use the race card to gain office. , l . -o _ """'s 1 / , -; r, ' .1 --' ', ! , 1 . 1 Real threats to our free expression* Claire Schwartz constitutional to limit their right to ex- Americans seem to have for their freedom. There is a dangerous trend that is gain- press that view. To do so would be a We all recoiled at the brutality of the Chi- ing momentum in this country and it is mockery of the First Amendment. nese government against the students of threatening the very fabric of our democ- It is an issue of accountability. We Tiananman Square, who went through a racy. It is a trend that wishes to shut our have invaluable freedoms in this country. bloody revolution to try and attain the mouths, rob us of our choices and cripple It may seem easier to just let laws dictate rights we have. Yet in the same breath, we our creative thought. This scourge is censorship and it is in- vading American lives as strongly as ever. The Jesse Helms of the nation are wag- ging their fingers at obscenity, indecency and immorality. But they have ignored a much broader issue that involves our more esteemed freedoms of speech and expres- sion: you can't tell people what they may see, read, listen to, or perform. Once that begins, there is no telling where it will stop. Now before you accuse me of approv- ing of 2 Live Crew, let me assure you I do not. I find their lyrics obscene, extremely sexist, and deeply insulting. But it is not Schwartz is a junior in the Residential College. As soon as we start to censor the works of artists, 6 whether we approve of them or not, we add another tear in that democratic fabric. morality, but with every law, those free- doms are restricted just a little more. Sure, trying to teach morality while maintaining artistic freedom is difficult. But if we want to keep our freedom, it is our responsibil- ity, as free individuals, to take an active role in educating ourselves and our chil- dren to make informed choices. We cannot make laws that raise our kids for us, thinking it will ease our burden of obliga- tion. I am disgusted by the lack of respect not only take advantage of our liberty, but scoff at, abuse, and flaunt these very rights. As soon as we start to censor the works of artists, whether we approve them or not, we add another tear in that democratic fabric. We must have freedom of expression and speech across the board or it means nothing, for to demand your own freedom while restricting it for others is utter hypocrisy. Duke Shown here at the 1970 trial of the Chicago Seven. It should come as no surprise that the former Grand Wizard. of the Ku Klux Klan and Holocaust "revisionist" is a popular politician in his area. Duke's neo-fascist politics are not a new phenomenon in the United States. Even today, there are an estimated 7,000 Ku Klux Klan members in the United States, and 17,000 members in newly formed white supremacist groups. Duke plays on peoples fears of crime, economic hardship, and dissat- isfaction. He blames the "under- classes," affirmative action programs and Blacks for the country's woes. What this shows is that racism and fear Fraternity editorial perpetuates false stereotypy Columbus' legacy Why celebrate exploitation of Native Americans? TODAY, PROTESTS THROUGHOUT the country will mark the actual an- niversary of Christopher Columbus' first landing in the "New" World. Un- like the Columbus Day celebrations that took place Monday, the protests today will focus on what really happened that October day 498 years ago, which marked the first stage in Western Eu- rope's conquest and genocide of the indigenous American population. Whatever schoolchildren are taught in textbooks and holiday speeches, Columbus' voyage was less in the in- terest of navigation and scientific in- quiry than in a carefully conceived quest for slaves and gold, undertaken with full cognizance that brutal mea- sures would have to be employed for their extraction. The celebration of Columbus' con- quest and discovery is ultimately the celebration of an estimated 50-100 mil- lion dead Native Americans - cer- tainly not a joyous occasion. The indigenous population was subjected to slavery, and many died in captivity. Others were murdered outright for their failure to produce the gold that Colum- bus demanded. Still more died of new diseases the Spanish brought, for mands for greater education on the history and current realities of Native Americans have been made. Students at this University have been calling for the creation of both a Chicano Studies Department and a Native American Studies Department for a long time. The desperate need for these areas of study is clearly illustrated by our coun- try's continued celebration of historical atrocities like Columbus Day, despite its enormous implications. The Uni- versity does have an understaffed sub- department called Latino Studies - merely an insufficient extension of the American Culture Program. The University of Minnesota, situ- ated in a geographical area with fewer Chicanos, has a fully staffed Chicano Studies Department. Genocide of Native Americans is not just an historical tragedy to be mourned, it is a present day reality that we need to address actively. People of the Kanesatake reservation in Canada, part of the Mohawk Nation, were held under siege for more than two months this summer for attempting to block the expansion of a golf course onto their ancestral burial ground. Food and medical supplies were barred from en- To the Daily: The Daily's editorial "Dark Ages (10/5/90)" shamefully perpetuated a false stereotype about fraternities in its smear campaign to label them as sexist. Fur- thermore, it set back the cause of reducing violence against women by attempting to paint Greeks as thedmajor perpetrators of those crimes, instead of viewing the prob- lem as concerning the entire University. The fact that fraternity members shouted "Date rape" at participants in the Take Back the Night march, while despi- cable, illustrates the hostility between fra- ternity members and those who wish to do away with the Greek system. Fraternity members feel their institu- tion is being threatened and responded by lashing back, in this case inappropriately. What should be noted, and what the edito- rial failed to mention, is that the partici- pants in the march went on a rampage across the lawn of the house. Slogans such as "Down with Fraternities," among other unprintable ones, were yelled. Another offense to women that was al- legedly committed by fraternity members was the rowdy behavior of a couple of people running through East Quad. These persons shouted the name of a fraternity, and chanted "where are the dykes?" These individuals were later proven not to be from the house whose name they yelled, and it is unknown whether they be- long to any fraternity at all. It seems in- conceivable that the Daily would attempt to use this incident as a clear-cut example of fraternity sexism. The contention that fraternities pro- vided "cover" for these men is an insult to reason. Does the Daily suggest that frater- nities should efface Greek letters from their names simply so a few rowdies won't have anything to shout during a dash through the dorms? If that sounds a little out of line, it's nothing compared to the main point of the editorial: "Fraternities regularly sponsor activities that foster perceptions of women as sexual objects." From where does the Daily derive this statement? No statistics, no substantiated facts are used to support it. Such a broad Daily generalizes about German character to nothing more than prejudice. Violence against women is a problem that certainly needs to addressed, but it serves no one's interest to use the Greek system as a scapegoat for sexism in general. It is a problem that is just as pervasive in frater- nities as it is in the community as a whole, but no more or less so. Jonathan Margolin Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity RC story was biased To the Daily: I would like to clarify the role I played in the article "RC faculty, students disagree about attrition" (10/3/90). The reporter spent a lot of time trying to reach me, and though he finally did interview me, he chose not to quote me at all. That's fine, except he chose to paraphrase an article I wrote for OURC Magazine on RC attrition. In addition to misspelling my name, the Daily didn't print what I had to say about my article. My article sought to explain why four students had chosen to leave the RC. It did not attempt to forecast or generalize b@ yond these four people, though that's clearly how the RC administration has chosen to view my article. I don't understand why the reporter left me out of his story. Maybe it's because his pre-set ideas about RC attrition didn't allow him to print my views. If so, I wish he had been more up front about his biases when he spoke with me. Michael Kellp RC Senior To the Daily: I was rather surprised to read the edito- rial "Reunification II" (10/4/90) and find that it represents the majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. Can it really be true that the Daily is so full of anti- German resentment and popular cliches? The article completely mishandles the complex question of xenophobia and its connection to the celebrated reunification. It is always very easy to label certain inci- dents and statements that are rooted in so- cial and economic problems as "racist." Furthermore, it is dangerously mis- leading to place such a heavy emphasis on a radical outsider like Franz Schoenhuber. His electoral successes are ancient history today, and after reunification was officially announced, his popular support dropped. considerably. Equating Schoenhuber's ideas with general German beliefs encour- ages preposterous and racist implications about the German people. We are not racists, and the over-whelm- ing majority of Germans are well aware of the past and its special role in the future. Still, young Germans in particular will re- sist the everpresent demands to dwell on a ganda, making that infamous night seem much more harmless than it really was. A more correct term would be "night of thq pogroms." Wolfgang Schubert Engineering SophomoreU Charged language To the Daily: I'd like to thank The Daily for its coverage of the public briefing on German reunification, but point out an inaccuracy in a summary erroneously attributed to me re-garding the "opposition" in East Germany and what it represents. The Western press tended to use the term "opposition" to refer conveniently to the various groups of activists engaged in trying to bring about change in their coun- try before, during, and after the November revolution. They preferred to call them- selves the "Andersdenkende," or those who "think differently," alluding to a passage in an essay by Rosa Luxemburg. These groups (New Forum, Democracy Now, the Green Party, etc.) wanted to be defined by the changes they fought for an I