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Copy ght 1990
Vol. Cl, No.11 Ann Arbor, Michigan --Thursday, September 20,199 The Michsgan Oasy
to resign
WARSAW, Poland (AP) -
'resident Wojciech Jaruzelski, the
only Communist leader to survive
politically after democratic revolu-
tions swept the East bloc, told Par-
liament yesterday he will resign
early to help Poland complete its
transition to democracy.
Jaruzelski's announcement came "
amid increased calls for his resigna- '
tion to make way for a popularly
chosen head of state.
Solidarity chair Lech Walesa has -x
already declared his candidacy for
president, and Prime Minister AMY FELDMAN/C
Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Walesa's The last of the veggies
Christine Pudyk of South Lyons sells the last vegetables of the harvest - all grown on her own farm - at the
See POLAND, Page 7 Ann Arbor farmer's market
Iraq r(
more I
by the Associated Press
Baghdad yesterday began confis-
cating all foreign assets from coun-
tries imposing sanctions on Iraq, but
it allowed another planeload of hun-
dreds of American women and chil-
dren to fly to freedom.
International support grew for a
proposed air embargo against Iraq.
So did worries about the economic
fallout from the Persian Gulf con-
"Regrettably, events in the Mid-
dle East have introduced new and
substantial risks to the outlook,"
Federal Reserve Chair Alan
Greenspan said in testimony before
the congressional Joint Economic
"Just the enormous uncertainty
about how and when the tensions in
the Persian Gulf will be resolved un-
doubtedly is affecting the economy
in a negative way," Greenspan said
in his first comments on the U.S.
economy since Iraq's Aug. 2 inva-
sion of Kuwait.
Still, the economic news wasn't
all bad; oil prices dropped about $1 a
barrel after futures traders discovered
that the United States has a bigger
supply of gasoline than they
In other developments yesterday:
The chair of the KGB offered
to give the CIA intelligence about
Iraq, where the Soviet government
still has about 5,000 specialists.
Defense Secretary Dick Ch-
eney asked Congress to let the Pen-
tagon accept and spend billions of
dollars in allied contributions for
military operations in the gulf with-
See GULF, Page 2
i ... _ _
.Lack of T.A. funds adds up to crowded rooms
by Stefanie Vines
Not enough money is being
spent on teaching assistants'
salaries, and as a result, many
courses are overcrowded due to the
lack of sections, LSA Budgeting
Dean Carolyn Copeland said.
n Seven million dollars is spent on
Teaching Assistant salaries annually,
* Copeland said. However, Copeland
admitted that more money should be
spent on allocating funds to teaching
"What we do is keep track of all
courses with teaching assistants. We
make allocations in February based
on enrollment figures of the previ-
ous year. The problem is that we
have a set amount of money to
spend and not enough teaching assis-
tants to meet the growing undergrad-
uate demand for more sections," she
LSA junior Jae Lee, a member of
the Planning Committee on the Un-
dergraduate Experience that recently
released a study on the changes
needed in the college of LSA, said
there is no practical solution to the
"No matter what people would
like to think this is a large Univer-
sity and certain things will have to
take a back seat to make things
work," Lee said. "The bottom line is
that there is a funding problem and
the administration is not going to
spend more money."
However, some faculty say the
issue is more than money.
Professor John Shy, associate
chair of the History Department,
said, "We are limited in CRISP by
what the budget will allow. I teach a
class right now with 140 students,
and I only have space for 125. What
it boils down to is that we need
more money."
Professor Edward Gramlich, chair
of the Undergraduate Economics De-
partment, said that part of the prob-
lem is that LSA is underfunded.
"One problem is classroom space.
The most popular times are from 10
to 3 and it is impossible to get a
room then. Also the freshman
classes are in large units, there is no
way around that," he said.
The problem, however, is not
just limited to underclassmen.
LSA senior Meredith Holtz had
problems fulfilling her graduation
requirements because of overcrowded
classes. "I signed up for a Political
Science class in World Politics be-
cause I needed it to graduate. But
when I got to the class the professor
refused to give me an override be-
cause the room was too small. He
said it was too dangerous to have all
those students together in one
Professor Arlene Saxonhouse,
chair of the Political Science de-
partment, said that Holtz's situation
was a special circumstance. How-
ever, she agreed that there is a prob-
lem with the system. "We try to ac-
commodate the seniors who need
classes to graduate. However, there
is no way for a professor to tell how
many students are going to drop or
add their class. So you can only sign
a certain number of overrides."
'What it boils down to
is that we need more
- John Shy
History Prof.
One solution lies in changing the
room scheduling system said Stella
Theros, administrative assistant in
the Room Scheduling Office. "The
problem is asking departments to
change to smaller rooms. They
shouldn't allow too many students
to enroll."
Theros added that the top priority
is in providing classrooms to classes
that do not have one. "Sometimes
when sprofessors don't have a room
they blame us. What they don't real-
ize is that we aren't contacted in
time to get them rooms."
Gramlich saw several solutions.
"What we need is more money, more
individualized attention, and more
lecturers who teach. We need a two-
tier system divided between re-
searchers and teachers. The problem
won't go away until we do some-
thing about it."
*U.S. to take tougher action
against Ir
President George Bush warned
Saddam Hussein yesterday the United
States will take tougher action
against Iraq if sanctions and
diplomacy fail- to work. He said
demands for Iraq's withdrawal from
Kuwait were non-negotiable.
Bush said the United States,
joined by other nations, is "standing
firm and unyielding in the distant
desert sands" against the Iraqi presi-
In a prepared speech winding up a
0 two-day campaign trip, the president
called anew for Iraq to withdraw its
invading army from Kuwait, restore
the country's exiled leaders and re-
lease all foreign hostages.
"If Iraq does not meet these non-
negotiable conditions," Bush said,
"then its isolation will not end. And
-we are, as I've said before, prepared
to take additional steps if sanctions
and the quest for a political resolu-
*6'tion do not work."
He did not specify what additional
steps are being contemplated, and his
warning did not go beyond a single
sentence in his prepared remarks.
White House aides said the comment
was not intended ae a new signal by
aq if sanc
reinforced earlier statements.
With more than 150,000 U.S.
combat troops in the Persian Gulf,
Bush has refused to rule out the pos-
sibility of military action. More-
over, contingency plans for waging
war against Iraq have been publicly
discussed by Gen. Mike Dugan,
whose comments were deemed an in-
discretion and led to his firing as Air
Force chief of staff.
Bush's threat against Iraq echoed
a warning from the Helsinki summit
between the president and Soviet
President Mikhail Gorbachev.
They agreed that the superpowers
"are prepared to consider" additional,
unspecified action against Iraq unless
it pulled out of Kuwait. However,
Gorbachev appeared far more resis-
tant than Bush to possible military
"The unity of outrage across the
globe, the depth of support in the
gulf and the ferocity of condemna-
tion in the United Nations are un-
precedented,'; the president said.
He said Saddam has been put on
notice by "the extraordinary joint
declaration" that Bush signed with
"It is an absolutely unparalleled
tions fail.
message of solidarity, a clarion call
for Iraq to comply, immediately and
completely, with the five resolutions
which had been so urgently ordered
by the U.N. Security Council,"
Bush said.
"And it heralds a new era for our
world: the Soviet Union and the
United States standing together in
vigorous condemnation of an outra-
geous aggression."
He said the gulf crisis had forged
a "new partnership for peace, a
united world response to Iraq's ag-
gressive ambition."
Bush's appearance here, and a
stop in Los Angeles, were intended
to raise between $1.5 million and $2
million for Sen. Pete Wilson, who
is locked in a close race for governor
with former San Francisco Mayor
Dianne Feinstein.
Environmental issues have been a
major focus of the campaign, and
Bush underscored that theme in his
Wilson has ardently supported
coastal protection, bucking both the
Reagan and Bush White Houses, and
championed forestry and river protec-
tion as well. He has won the back-
See BUSH, Page 2
Soviet peace march
Banner and flag'carriers from and Soviet and American anti-nuclear groups participate in a segment of their
"Peace March" near Karaganda, in the Kazakhstan region of the USSR.
Boyd named coach
at Cleveland State
Senate passes 'polluter
by Theodore Cox
Daily Basketball Writer
Yet another member of the 1989
NCAA championship basketball
team is departing Michigan. Wolver-
ine assistant coach of 11 years, Mike
Boyd, was given the head coaching
job at Cleveland State University
Grant, Kirk Taylor, Eric Riley and
others to Michigan. Boyd was also
in charge of the Wolverine offense.
The timing of the announcement
comes in the middle of a recruiting
period. Coaches are presently al-
lowed to talk with recruits through
LANSING (AP) - Landmark
"polluters pay" legislation to beef up
Michigan's environmental protection
laws was approved overwhelmingly
by the Senate yesterday.
The bills, most of which have al-
ready passed the House, now need
only final approval to be sent to
Gov. James Blanchard for his signa-
Blanchard had made the measures'
passage one of his priorities for this
month' brief legsliative enin en i
tal legislation in years, the bills are
designed to strengthen the state's
ability to investigate pollution and
its power to order cleanup of con-
"This will go a long way to forc-
ing polluters to pay for their
cleanup," said Sen. Lana Pollack (D-
Ann Arbor), who worked on the is-
sue for seven years.
However her bill was defeated
amid bitter partisan squabbling in
tha no. :n .inTrine Th.a Una then
s pay' bills
Dillingham of Fowlerville and Nick
Smith of Addison.
Voting against the third bill were
also Doug Carl, (R-Mount Clemens)
and Norman Shinkle, (R-Lam-
Smith argued that "to rush it
through the Legislature ... is a dan-
gerous move." And Welborn de-
lared: "Frankly, I do not trust the
DNR (Department of Natural Re-
sources) in their law enforcement."
But hrkre rfenued the hills