Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 10, 1990 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 N r .' "" G NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ......From the Daily Awareness Support the basic rights of lesbians and gay men WE LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE will be forced to think, just as every people are slowly becoming more open gay, bisexual and lesbian man and and accepting of sexuality. Some woman is forced to think before they schools are teaching sex education, are open about their sexual orientation condoms are distributed freely in a with everyone in their lives. few, albeit select, places, and it is no The symbolism attached to blue longer shocking for people to hold jeans and the decision it forces people hands in public. to make may seem like a nuisance to This acceptance, still very limited in some, but hopefully people will realize scope, unfortunately does not extend to that this nuisance is only a small repre- lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. It is sentation of the decisions lesbians, bi- pot shocking for a man and a woman to sexuals, and gay men are forced to hold hands in public, but when two make daily. wyomen or two men do so the reactionUnotaeliauivrtys becomes very different. They are often Unfortunately, in a university as verbally attacked, and even physically large as ours, not all people will be assaulted. aware of blue jeans day, and those who , It is because they are ostracized and unwittingly do not wear them should persecuted that many bisexuals, les- not be condemned as homophobic. But bians and gay men choose to hide their for those who are aware, the choice to identity from others. The shame they not wear blue jeans is the choice to internalize daily from the portrayal of support the oppression of lesbians, bi- aiything other than heterosexuality as sexuals and gay men. disgusting leads many to hide their In addition to raising awareness, the sexual orientation from themselves. source of the fear that forces this deci- Those who are'able to overcome this sion on people needs to be fought. That socialized shame must then decide source is our society - it's laws, it's when and with whom they can be institutions, and it's customs. We live themselves. It is not safe; emotionally in a society in which gay and lesbian or physically, to be gay, lesbian or bi- marriage is illegal, the University will sexual in our society. It is fear that not include sexual orientation in its by- forces people to choose whether they laws, and people are harassed and as- have to hide their sexual orientation ev- saulted for holding hands with their ery day of their lives. lovers. Tomorrow, everyone on this cam- People have been fighting these pus is going to be asked to make a practices for years and it has become similar choice. In honor of Pride, Ac- clear that nothing short of a mass tion, Commitment week - a week- movement is going to elicit change. long celebration in support of lesbians This movement needs the voices of all and gay men - people are being asked who support and accept the individual- to wear blue jeans tomorrow to show ity of people. support for lesbian and gay rights. To join your voice with others who Because blue jeans are an integral are working for social change, wear part of most wardrobes, this request blue jeans on Thursday and attend the will force many people to think before lesbian/gay pride rally Thursday night they dress tomorrow morning. They on the steps of Rackham at 7 pm. Locked away Inhumane prison conditions must be ended IMAGINE A PRISON WHERE THE IN- ening. According to studies done by mates are locked in individual cells for Amnesty International, numerous 22.5 hours a day. The same prisoners political prisoners are housed at are often chained to concrete bunks for Marion, as well as prisoners who have hours or even days at a time, and are been incorrigible only by continually subjected to extreme temperatures appealing their convictions or by filing which are artificially maintained. They suit against the prison system. are denied educational programs of any In reality Marion is simply an type, and contact with the outside institution that serves to monitor and world is virtually non-existent, control the thoughts of prisoners of Furthermore, the inmates are forced conscience or those who exercise their to drink water which is drawn from a legal rights by questioning the system. source proven to be contaminated with A former warden once said of the PCB, lead, arsenic, and more than prison, "The purpose of Marion is to 1000 times the established safe limit for control revolutionary attitudes in the chloroform. Most Americans would prison system and in society at large." think it would be necessary to travelY thousands of miles to a remote third Yet Marion seeks not to educate or world country in order to find such a rehabiitate those ho quescon tros barbarous institution, but in fact, one "evolutionary attitudes" by denying need look no further than rural it's inmates the most basic human Southern Illinois. rights, and hence imposes upon them On Oct. 27,1983, the Marion incredible physical and psychological Federal Prison in Southern Illinois was tortures locked down. Since that time Marion t r has imposed intolerably inhumane The existence of an institution such conditions upon it's inmates, and has as Marion within a nation which practiced cruel and archaic means of purportedly defends the right to free punishment. U.S. District Judge James speech and the right to peacefully Foreman, referred to Marion as "...a question authority is appalling. Marion place where modern methods of illustrates that this country is willing to penology make the rock and the go to any lengths to silence it's critics, thumbscrew obsolete." Yet despite even on domestic soil, and with the this admission of human rights proliferation of a "get-tough" policy violations within Marion, the prison toward crime, the expansion of in- remains locked down and the courts humane prisons such as Marion seems have upheld the legality of its methods inevitable. In fact over 20 states are as "necessary under the circum- considering opening a prison based on stances." the Marion lockdown. Obviously this provokes one to ask Currently this nation incarcerates what "circumstances" could validate more people than any other nation in such horrific conditions. According to the world, and that number is in- prison authorities, only incorrigible creasing by 2000 prisoners per week. prisoners who have failed to obey Now is the time to invest in regulations in other penitentiaries are preventing crime, not to invest in confined in Marion. However the prisons such as Marion which through statistics tell a different story. their hateful methods can only foster A congressional audit found that 80 resentment towards the system. In the percent of all prisoners in Marion words of Daniel Bifield, a former qualify for placement in less restrictive nrisnner at Marinn. "Reing nished Viepoin OR1 LE u L O\ERENT~ Ft &PERIAWT rTS/ . TI- Guns Don't Kill People, People By Jonathon Chait Ever since the 1988 election, when the American people resoundingly rejected Michael Dukakis and his ultra-liberal plan to raise taxes to support federally busing Willie Horton into white middle-class neighborhoods, a new issue has dominated the political scene: Crime. Now, any candidate running for office must let the voters know exactly how he feels about crime. As far as I can tell, most politicians are against it. This isn't the first time that crime has been a major issue. In 1968 Richard Nixon won the presidency running under the slogan "Law and Order." Four years later he switched his theme to the more re- alistic "Sometimes You Gotta Break the Rules," a slogan which was later adopted by Burger King. This is very disturbing. Exactly what rules are they breaking, specifically with regards to federal stan- dards for sanitation in food preparation? Customer: Excuse me, my whopper has a dirty kleenex in it, along with what appears to be toenail clippings. Employee: Hey, Sometimes You Gotta Break the Rules. Chait is an LSA first-year student. This is just the kind of lawless attitude that our elected leaders are starting to crack down on. Recently, the House of Repre- sentatives, responding to growing public outrage over drug-related crime, passed legislation which would (this is the truth): 1)Drastically increase the number of crimes which can result in the death penalty, to the point where people soon will be executed for jaywalking. 2)Weaken President Bush's ban on foreign-made assault rifles by permitting American gun makers to produce parts for semiautomatic assault rifles. Eat Burgers . Safe, by passing laws to execute criminals who have already committed the crimes: Before the '92 elections, I would guess; they will pass laws to dig up the criminals who they executed last year and execute them again. While Congress was busy passing this legislation, to Take Back Our Streets, however, they were unable to agree on plan to reduce the budget deficit. As a result, nonessential elements of the federal government were shut down for a couple of days. You probably didn't even notice. I sure didn't. What I want to know This... sent a strong message to criminals: You can buy assault rifles, but if you actually use them, you will be executed. This way the pro-Death Penalty people are happy, the drug dealers are happy, and the NRA is happy. A This legislation sent a strong message to criminals: You can buy assault rifles, but if you actually use them, you will be executed. This way the pro-Death Penalty people are happy, the drug dealers are happy, and the NRA is happy. And the Representatives have proven their commitment to Keeping Our Children is, if most of the federal government is "nonessential," and nobody, with the ex- ception of those wimpy-looking forest rangers in national parks, even notices when it's shut down, why do we need it? And why aren't President Bush and the Congress considered "nonessential?" Letters Reunification a step inl Bell's decision not the right direction punishable by death i . . To the Daily: I realize you have difficulty accepting criticism of your own opinions, but this time I must respond. Your editorial "Reunification:Swift Process ignores wishes of East Germans" (10/3/90) shows an ignorance of the state of affairs in both Germanies. You claim that East Germany will be giving up social services including free health care and education, but you failed to mention that West Germany has socialized health medicine and education and also provides its citizens with these services for free. You also seem to have forgotten that East Germany is a relatively new country, many of it's citizens were born and raised in a'united' Germany. In March of this year I had the oppor- tunity to visit my great aunt and uncle in East Germany. As you pointed out, their rent was very cheap. But they were told which of the crumbling, ugly apartment units they could and could not live in. They also had guaranteed employment. But for East Germans this does not mean guaranteed work; a work day often meant passing time and trying to look busy rather than doing any meaningful work. As you stated, they also had free health care, but good health care was usually re- served for those with connections in the communist party. They also had access to many other free services, but they were not allowed to own a telephone, and waited 14 years to own a car. Once they had the ca: they had to carry identification papers when they drove anywhere because they were frequently stopped by Russian of East German sol- diers. Driving to the store meant travelling on awful roads and waiting in long lines to buy anything. East Germany's infra-structure is far better than their contemporaries in Poland, Hungary, Rumania, and other re- cently liberated countries. Reunification is not just about finan- cial aid for the East. It is about giving people the opportunity to make their own choices in life, to enjoy some of the goods and services we take for granted. It is also about reuniting families who have been separated for decades, and allowing millions to once again live in the land they grew up in and loved. Patricia Bach Arts review promotes 'blaming the victim' To the Daily: I am writing to express my outrage at Forrest Green III. In the middle of a record review ("N.W.A.: 100 Miles and Runnin"' (10/2/90), he states: "Still in 1990, broth- ers are being scowled at by pure, immacu- late, white girls secretly hoping to get raped..." Statements like these are a clear at- tempt to "blame the victim" of an assault, and can only contribute to the insanely high rate of sexual assaults in this coun- try. I have some news for men like Green: no woman wants to be raped, no matter what the color of her skin. Furthermore, women of color are far more likely to be raped than white women. Since women are generally more likely to be assaulted by someone of their own race, this means that women of color are more likely to be attacked by men of color. Men like Green might want to devote some thought to the treatment of women of color within the community, and start asking questions, such as why assaults on women of color are rarely reported by the media. The problem of sexual assault is one i V To the Daily: I am fascinated with Emily Metzgar's letter (9/27/90) regarding Rebecca Bell's illegal abortion and subsequent death. If I understand her contentions cor- rectly, Rebecca Bell was guilty of having illicit intercourse (unmarried and under 18 in Indiana, if I remember correctly), thus breaking the law against fornication. Compounding her felony without her par- ents' permission, which resulted in her death. Thus, she was guilty of two crimes, and punished for those crimes by death. In truth, this interpretation of the case is accurate. However, what Ms. Metzga* seems not to understand -is that Rebecca Bell's parents and those of us who oppose parental consent believe that Ms. Bell should not have broken the law because there should have been no such law! Had Ms. Bell been able to receive a safe, medical abortion without telling her parents, even her parents believe she would have. I doubt that even the Indiana State Legislature intended for youn women to be punished by death fo breaking this law. This is the message we want our State Legislators to hear. In that best of all possible worlds, Rebecca Bell would not have engaged in unprotected, underage sexual intercourse. Had she become pregnant, in that world, she would have had the personal confi- dence and assurance that she could admitto. a mistake without fear of disappointing her parents or being punished for hel behavior. In the real world, however, Ms. Bet behaved immaturely. The consequences of such immaturity, however, should not be fatal. Sabra C. 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