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September 14, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-14

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 14, 990 - Page 3

kicks off
Iy Ken Walker
University students will celebrate
1 ispanic culture this month as a part
cf Hispanic Heritage Celebration
:990. The celebration will take the
fpim of lectures, readings, and per-
formances by Hispanic artists and ac-
ti ists.
1 The celebration opens tonight at
7,:00 p.m. with a lecture by Puerto
lbcan author and activist Piri
Thomas in the Michigan Union
l4llroom. Thomas will also partici-
i3ie in a discussion of Latino issues
ib'he Bursley Hall cafeteria on Sun-
Wy, Sept. 16, and in a discussion of
lis film, "The World of Piri
homas/Repetition of Indignities,"
after its showing at 7:00 p.m. in the
Oond Room at the Michigan Union.
Other presentations during the
rtionth-long celebration include those
by Dr. Blandina Cardenas Ramfrez,
from the American Council for Edu-
cation; artists Nora Mendoza and
.am6n Hill; poet Sandra Cisneros;
and Puerto Rican activist Juan Mari
2 Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity
will perform Los Vendidos, a play
by Luis Valdez, and a performance
wbrkshop will be held with Maria
Del Carmen Grupo Espana. Several
additional artists will also attend.
In a prelude to the coming
month, Author Pirn Thomas held a
rap session with a small group of
students' last night in South Quad's
Ambatana Lounge. He read several
pieces of poetry, including "Black,
V hite, or Shades of Grey", dedicated
to him and written by his daughter.
."All colors are beautiful to me,"
Thomas said in his discussion of ra-
cWa discrimination. "What difference
dues your color make when you go
.tor that hole in the ground? All the
worms care about is your flavor -
and they will spit out a lot of peo-
ple, in that sense."
"Thomas, who has written four
b6oks, discussed Hispanic enroll-
. I,.

New marching band
director takes the wand

by David Rheingold
When Notre Dame and Michigan
meet tomorrow night, coaches, play-
ers, and managers will pace- ner-
vously, wring their hands, and look
with worry at the action on the field.
Gary Lewis will be no exception.
But his attention won't be fo-
cused on the bone crushing football
game. Instead, he will concentrate on
the performance of another group of
talented young players.
The Michigan Marching Band.
Lewis, the band's new director,
will be leading the band for the first
"I'm sure it'll be very exhilarat-
ing. All this work is fun, but the
real fun is when we get to perform...
and that's where it really becomes
exciting. I'm looking forward to it a
great deal," Lewis said.
The Oklahoma native, who took
over earlier this summer, reassures
fans that he hasn't revamped the
program. He said the pre-game show
will stay essentially the same, and
little other than drill designs will
Taking charge of the 300-member
Michigan Marching Band is a big
change from Lewis' previous posi-

tion as band director at Abilene Uni-
versity in Texas.
The student body at the Univer-
sity almost eclipses tiny Abilene's
enrollment, which numbers 4000.
But Abilene's band had 185 mem-
bers. "The size of the programs were
more comparable than you might
think," Lewis said.
However, he said adjusting to a
new geographical region is a big
transition. "I'm not sure it has as
much to do with the conference as
the part of the country," Lewis said.
"The pace is a little bit more in-
tense, not that there aren't people in
the Southwest that are intense peo-
ple, but the Big Ten bands have a
long tradition of excellence and
there's a great work ethic that's al-
ready present," he said.
Tomorrow also happens to be
Lewis' 28th birthday. Although the
new director is only a few years older
than some of his students, he said it
doesn't diminish his authority.
"I really don't think about (the
age difference). I'm just learning a
lot every day. I'll probably learn just
as much as the students do and I just
try to keep an open mind and never
stop learning," he said.

Many band members - some of
whom have worked with three direc-
tors in three years - said Lewis is a
good addition to the band.
"He's helpful and knowledgeable
about marching techniques and play-
ing techniques," said LSA first-year
student Evan Gordon, who plays the
"I think he's really cool," agreed
first-year trombone player Mike
Bartlett. "He's got a lot of enthusi-
asm and a lot of good ideas. I guess
you could sum it up by saying that
he makes us look good and sound
School of Education senior Pet
Larson, worked with Eric Becher a
director two years ago and Jerry
Luckhardt as interim director lasi
Larson described Lewis as enthu-
siastic. "He brings out a lot more
positive things than negative, and
that's really important to keep
things moving. He's approachable. I
found him really easy to talk to
when I met him this summer," he


Gary Lewis, the University's new marching band conductor, drills the
band into shape during practice.

ment at the college level in a short
interview after his presentation.
"After I wrote my book ["Down
These Mean Streets," 1967), when I
toured colleges and universities ...I
felt lucky if I could find three or four
of us as students. Now there are
hundreds, thousands," he recalled.
"But the ratio, among the total sum
of students seems the same. We are
still at the bottom of the totem
University of Michigan Minority
Student Services Hispanic Represen-
tative Katalina Berdy said 967 His-
panic students were enrolled last year
in the undergraduate and graduate
programs at the University. "This is
a slight increase over the year be-
fore," Berdy said, "but it is still a
low percentage." :

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Phi Sigma
Wfy Jin-ho Chung
Following last year's trend that
bgan affecting fraternities nation-
wide, Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity
has eliminated its pledging system
for the fall semester.
- The fraternity's Grand Council
eliminated the pledge program Au-
gust 8, citing 10 serious incidents of
hazing by PhiSigma Kappa students
around the country. The governing
board also cited an increase in legal
Campus fraternities Zeta Beta
Tau and Tau Kappa Epsilon also
have eliminated formal pledging.
- Acts of hazing occur when a
"pledge" is pressured to do some-
thing they wouldn't under normal
h The incidents of hazing have been
serious enough to warrant increasing
numbers of lawsuits and legal prob-
lpms for many fraternities. Phi

Kappa fraternity
pledge program
Sigma Kappa officials hope that the Although hazing was officially
new system will help trim costs on outlawed years ago by all national
legal fees. fraternities, some haphazard incidents
To replace pledging, Phi Sigma continue to occur. Gamz said there
Kappa has adopted a "Brotherhood wasn't a problem with hazing at the
Program." Under the new program, University's Phi Sigma Kappa
invited students go through a four to Chapter, but that all Phi Sigma
six week period during which they Kappa chapters must abide by the
become acquainted with fraternity national decision.
members. There were mixed reactions to the
If the student is voted in, he is new charter, but there wasn't a great
then expected to attend a 25-session deal of resistance to its implementa-
"Member Education Process" that tion. Many who opposed the Broth-
covers a wide variety of subjects in- erhood Program did so for because
cluding ethics, planning, and values they liked the tradition of pledging,
studies, said University Chapter Vice Gamz said.
President Brian Gamz.
Members already inducted from "Some of the students recalled it
previous terms are also expected to (the pledge process) as being a lot of
attend the sessions. The classes al- fun," Gamz explained. He expects
low the new inductees to participate first-year students who plan to rush
in their chapter's development early will have a positive reaction to the
while meeting various fraternity change and expects no problems
members. with the program on campus.





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Military commander tours
*Saudi Arabia, praises troops





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DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia
(AP)- The top American military
commander extolled exhausted troops
in the Saudi desert yesterday to "bear
with me" as evidence mounted that
the growing U.S. deployment here
will be a prolonged one.
"Don't think I ever forget that
you have loved ones back home,"
General Colin Powell, chair of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Army in-
iantrymen during a stop at their
desert camp.-
At each of a half-dozen stops at
Army, Air Force and Marine camps,
the four-star general, clad in desert
camouflage, promised troops they
had the support of President Bush,
the Congress and American people.
*: After each pep talk he was

lengthy deployment.
"Even if Iraq pulled out starting
tomorrow, I'd be here probably six
months minimum," one general who
met with Powell said, asking that he
not be named.
Powell refused to say how long
the Bush administration would toler-
ate an Iraqi occupation.
"That's not for me to judge," he
said. "That's for the political leaders
and it's not just for the United States
to judge."
A senior American military offi-
cer in Saudi Arabia, who spoke on
condition he not be named, said no
end to the U.S. military presence is
in sight. He all but ruled out a uni-

sive one and that the U.S.
would leave when asked to1
Saudi government.

by the


"We have no desire to have any
permanent presence," he said.
The U.S. deployment to the re-
gion, including sailors and Marines
at sea, now was close to 145,000
men and women.
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