A century of editorial freedom Vol. Cl, No 7 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, September 14, 1990 TheWm.icgan ily Blue *hoping. for luck of Irish by Eric Lemont Daily Football Writer Poor Lou Holtz. You see, the Notre Dame coach is very concerned about how his new quarterback, Rick Mirer, will per- form this weekend (although his Fighting Irish defeated Michigan last year with their quarterback, Tony Rice, completing only two passes). And he's having trouble sleeping at night thinking about the three new players in his secondary (although all-American Todd Lyght will line up at cornerback). But aren't Holtz and Notre Dame undefeated at home the past three seasons? And, well, aren't they the No. 1 ranked team in the country? Sure, tailback Dorsey Levens and guard Bernard Mannelly are injured and will miss this Saturday's game I when the two teams meet in South Bend, Indiana (kickoff 9 p.m EDT). But there must be some qualified backups ready to step in. Didn't Notre Dame recruit, oh, 92 of the top 100 high school recruits in the country last year? For his part, Michigan coach Gary Moeller is preoccupied with 'g, } JOSE JUAREZ/Daiy ity of Michigan in last September's doing the same. Or, as past experience has shown, the game could be won on a change of possession. Michigan fullback and co-captain Jarrod Bunch hopes the luck of the Irish will be with this Wolverines this year. "In three years, I've had three injuries and three losses. Maybe if I come out injury-free, we'll come out with a victory." See FOOTBALL, Page 13 Faculty debates diversity class by Amanda Neuman The debate over a mandatory course on ethnic and racial issues, which began in 1987 when United Coalition Against Racism (UCAR) students demanded such a course, is being taken up again by LSA fac- ulty. The LSA Curriculum Committee is putting forth a proposal for such a requirement again this fall. If approved, the requirement will take effect in September 1991. In- coming students could choose from a list of courses meeting a set of spec- ified criteria designated by the LSA Curriculum Committee. Such courses may be included under distri- bution or concentration require- ments. Faculty are currently considering three proposals. Proposal A is most likely to come to a vote. It would require classes to relate issues of intolerance to contemporary American society and to cover a comparative analysis of discrimination. Prof. Ruth Scodel, a member of the LSA Curriculum Committee said, "We wanted a requirement which a fair number of existing courses would already fulfill," and one in which students would have a lot of possibilities. If this proposal is rejected by the faculty, they may decide to substi- tute one of the other two proposals. Proposal C calls for special courses focusing on racism or ethnic intolerance. Both Proposals A and C require at least some focus on American is- sues, while Proposal B calls for a focus on examples in any society. If a vote takes place, it will occur on October 8 said Henry Griffin, co- chair of the LSA Curriculum com- mittee. Griffin said the current LSA courses do not adequately address the problem of racism. Two forums have been scheduled for September 24 and October 2 at 4 p.m. in Angell Hall Auditorium C to discuss the proposed requirement. These forums are open to the public and have been organized in response to faculty requests for more informa- tion, said Griffin. Michigan Student Assembly President Jennifer Van Valey said she supported the proposed gradua- tion requirement. "This is one real tangible thing we could do. We need to have some standard which we can apply to the University," she said. The assembly's Academic Affairs Commission will explore the impli- cations of such a requirement, she See DIVERSITY, page 2 Notre Dame's Anthony Johnson scores a touchdown against the Univers home game. The Wolverines hope to stop this year's running backs fromd finding a way to avoid a fourth straight loss to the Irish. "I think revenge is a factor," he said. "But you don't need a lot of things when you're playing Notre "Their play-action passing scares me as much as anything because our defensive line has to come in against the run and that puts pressure on our secondary." The outcome of Saturday's war could be swayed by any number of factors: who wins in the trenches (Michigan's offensive line vs. Notre Dame's defensive front), who wins the battle of the last line of defense (Lyght vs. all-American Michigan safety Tripp Welborne) or who puts forth the most strategic game plan (Holtz says the element of surprise is on the side of first-year coach Moeller). * Familiar debate rages on, will by Kristin Palm and faced prosecution during the 1960s. indicative of a new wave of repres- - is Annette Petrusso Today, the debate is still played out sion is open to several viewpoints. ple w, Daily Arts Editors in the arts arena - but this time the - great Last in afive-part series main targets are controversial pho- Barry Lynn, legislative director talk a Issues involving obscenity and tographs and rap groups. and counsel of the national office of and f censorship are nothing new. Enter- There are many reason why ob- the American Civil Liberties Union, going the Polics Of Art tainers like* Lenny Bruce and Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, scenity is again a hot topic. Some say right-wing activists are involved in the current debate because they need a scapegoat in the absence of more visible "threats" like commu- nism. Others say the controversy must escalate into an all-out war in order to rid America's bookshelves, movie houses and concert halls of dangerous sexual images. Whether or not recent attempts at censorship and drives to decrease government funding for the arts are thinks censorship has been more prevalent in the past. Lynn said he believes much of the recent concern about obscenity comes from Americans' increasing openness in regards to sexuality. This openness, said Lynn, has re- sulted in the desire to suppress nega- tive sexual images. "For better or worse, the avail- ability of sexually-oriented material - which does seem to be the focus of a lot of the censorship these days Al direc socia group mov porn has b "T tized hard plain finds nitely persist here to stay. It's because peo- vant it. Men and women have a er openness, a willingness to about sex in ways that are open fairly explicit. And nobody is g back," he said. lan Wildmon, public relations tor of the American Family As- tion, one of the most visible ps behind the anti-obscenity ement, said this acceptance of ography is one reason his group ecome so active. The public has become desensi- to what is actually contained in core and softcore porn," he ex- ed, and alluded to a rap group he offensive: "2 Live Crew defi- y falls into this category." through t Wildmon said the fact that art de- picting homosexual activity has be- come more widespread was another reason his group felt the need to op- pose displays of works the AFA be- lieves are obscene. Musicologist Robert Walser, who has taught at the University of Michigan and the University of Minnesota, said he believes incidents like the arrest of rap groups for ob- scene performances signifies a polit- ically conservative trend. "I think this reflects the Reagan decade that these kinds of issues are now showing up in the court rather than just a public forum," Walser he '90s said. "I think what we're seeing has to be put in the context of the last 10 years of the Reagan era in this coun- try," he continued. "There's a greater gap between rich and poor in this country than there has ever been in this country and this is a decade that has just passed during which the Reagan administration managed to undo a lot of the gains that were made in terms of civil rights, in terms of affirmative action, all kinds of progress that had been made by Blacks." Along the same lines, rock critic Dave Marsh, a longtime anti-censor- See FUTURE, Page 12 Iraq threatens U.S. forces Some clergy members in Mecca support U.S. mission I by the Associated Press Iraq warned yesterday of possible terrorist attacks against U.S. forces, again sounding the theme of Arab * feelings wounded by the presence of non-Moslem soldiers massed in the holy lands of Saudi Arabia. But a convocation of Moslem clergy in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, condemned the Iraqi annexation of Kuwait and said the U.S.-led multinational force's presence was justified by Iraq's invasion. The Iraqi warning was contained in a memorandum handed to the U.S. charge d'affaires in Baghdad, according to the Iraqi News Agency, monitored in Nicosia, Cyprus. It said Iraq was responding to a U.S. claim that Iraq-based terrorists were preparipg to attack U.S. targets. The United States is creating a "pretext" for aggression, the memorandum was quoted as saying, and "Iraq reserves its legitimate right to self-defense, to reciprocate and to retaliate firmly against these parties if it becomes a target." President Bush should expect that the crimes the United States of America is committing against the Arab nation and the insult it is directing to the Islamic shrines by occupying holy lands will undoubtedly produce a natural reaction from the Arab and Islamic masses," said the memorandum. INA said the U.S. claims were contained in - a note delivered Wednesday to the Foreign Ministry in Baghdad. U.S. officials had no immediate comment. U.S. Secretary of State James Baker flew to Damascus on Thursday to try to reinforce U.S. cooperation with Syria against Iraq, its longtime enemy. See IRAQ, Page 5 PSC envoys discuss trip to Israeli-occupied territories By Amy Quick A University student and recent graduate spoke about their experiences in a recent trip to the Israeli-occupied territories last night at the Rackham Building. LSA Senior David Levin and recent School of Public Health graduate Luis Vazquez last night presented "Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising," including a lecture and slide-show, to 100 people. Levin and Vazquez spent two are experiencing, and to express solidarity with students denied the opportunity for education by Israel. Levin and Vazquez spent time at Birzeit University, which is 12 miles north of Jerusalem. Birzeit. was closed in 1988 because Israeli officials claimed it served as a staging ground for the Intifada. MSA initiated a sister University relationship with Birzeit last year. Levin stressed that the trip was "not a fact-finding mission to determine whether or not oppression movement. They told the audience that Birzeit University has been closed since January 1988 and, despite several announcements that the University would reopen, it remains closed. Vazquez said that the campus is off limits to students. Students are not allowed inside libraries and it is illegal for more than seven students to live together, said Vazquez. He added that the University will be held responsible for for any student political Pepsi generation KENNETH SMOLLER/Dali LSA junior and crew team member Sylvan Robb takes students' credit card applications in exchange for free liters of Pepsi. The crew team makes $1.25 for each application. Nom*inee Souter refuses discuss his abortion views W TA fCT4TkTnN '~M(A PI - tested constitutional matter as abor- that any iudge in our renublic can