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September 13, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-13

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The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 13, 1990 - Page 3

New roommates
jmust adjust to
living together

-by Bethany Robertson
In college, not all lessons are
taught in the classroom.
.^ Students from all cultures and
backgrounds must also learn to live
*zogether in the most personal situa-
tion possible - the dorm room.
- "Learning to live together in a
. residence hall room is probably the
,0losest thing to marriage that people
iill experience before marriage,"
said Mary Lou Antieau, director of
,housing for South Quad.
College is the first time most
sludents have to share a room.
"Eighty percent of the roommates
*who come here have not had a sib-
ling roommate at home," said John
)eidke, associate director of Univer-
sity Housing. He said the figure was
based on responses from parents at
first-year students' parents' parent
Almost every person who has had
.a roommate has a story to tell. LSA
junior Kathleen Stewart said she
fiardly noticed one of her past
,roommates was there. "She gave me
'the silent treatment for two
ifionths," she said.
A first-year LSA student com-
lained his roommate's belongings
'smell. "I had to put up Stick-ups in
the room. The room is making me
E'ck because of my allergies," he
Resident advisors report other
problems that arise when people live
.ogether for the first time. LSA se-
nior Karen Wisham, who is a resi-
dent advisor in West Quad, said the
most common complaint she hears
is that roommates are "always hav-
Jog other people in the room."
LSA junior and South Quad resi-
dent advisor Christian Rogiers re-
ported a more complicated problem.
!'The majority of the initial room-
*mnate complaints have involved peo-
kle of different races. But it's impor-
ant that they learn to live with peo-
ple different from themselves," he
Rogiers suggested that room-
mates have respect for each other in
order to avoid problems. "Just re-

spect them for what they are and try
to understand where they're coming
from," he said.
Wisham said living with a
roommate of a different ethnic
background can be an ad-ditional
learning experience. "There is a
shock when you walk into a room
for the first time," she said.
But Wisham said after living
with her roommate she learned a lot
about the other person and considered
it a valuable experience. "We were
able to get along fine," Wisham
Some form of roommate agree-
ments or contracts are available in
all the residence halls and can help
when conflicts arise, Heidke said.
Roommate agreements are given to
residents and ask them to discuss
such questions as "Should there be
parties in the rooms?" and "Should
visitors be allowed in the room?"
"It's really helpful to get people
talking about their expectations in a
non-judgemental way," she said.
Antieau said the agreements open
communication lines necessary for
successful relationships.
Mimi Arnstein, a first-year LSA
student said the roommate agree-
ments helped start some lines of
communication. "We agreed on most
things but I think it was good to
clarify verbally instead of just mak-
ing assumptions."
Resident advisors and directors
agreed that the best way to deal with
roommates is to respect each other
and to communicate. But when prob-
lems arise there are steps roommates
can take.
"I'd strongly recommend they try
to work it out themselves, but the
R.A. is always there to serve as a
mediator," Wisham said. If the resi-
dent advisor is not able to help prob-
lems are sometimes taken to the
building director. As a last resort,
new room assignments can be made.
Rogiers stressed that compromise
is another important way to avoid
conflict. "You can't have it all your
way," Rogiers said. "Here you just
Shave to give in."

Engineering first-year student Ashish Gupta (background) and his friends LSA first-year students Scott Skoglund (front left) and Jeff Klotz get


together in a dorm room.
Dorms face less overcrowding this year

*Speaker: U.S. owes:
descendants 'repari
by Debbie Siegel nuity Pay (SLAP.) The issue gained
Raymond Jenkins thinks the support in 1988 when legislation
U.S. government owes a debt it's was passed awarding $1.2 billion
no willing to pay. dollars in reparations to the surviv-
oH e wants the descendants of ing Japanese-Americans who had
S Hae wnto b e id sortdab of been wrongfully interned during
aves to be paid for the labor of rld WarI


their ancestors. He's devoted 23
years to the cause.
The Detroit real estate broker and
political activist began his crusade in
-1967 by founding Slave Labor An-

After over 20 years of facing
ridicule, the cause has gained recog-
"They stopped laughing at me

by Matthew Pulliam
Unlike years past, students will
not be forced this year to sleep in
dorm lounges or fight for space
while harried residence hall
directors look for additional
Though student population fig-
ures will not be certain until mid-
October, there will be no
problems housing students in
standard residence hall rooms, said
Housing Program Director Edward
Based on projections of stable
or declining enrollment, as well as
a 7 to 8 percent increase in non-
University housing, overcrowding
problems are not expected.
Even though the dorms aren't
overcrowded, some rooms are still
a tight fit.
when the Japanese-Americans got
reparations," he said.
Jenkins spoke to 60 people at
Angell Hall last night.
"I've been travelling the country,
planting the seed in Black people's
minds that if you ask for reparations,
you'll get it, but if you don't ask,
you won't get it for another 240
years," said Jenkins.
Since he began, he has sent let-
ters to presidents, senators, TV talk
show hosts, and wealthy Americans
urging the U.S. government to grant
financial compensation to African-
Americans for the more than 240
years of slave labor performed by
their ancestors.
Jenkins wants Congress to estab-
lish a $40 billion education fund for
the descendants of slaves.
Jenkins' crusade has been met
with tremendous opposition. He has
been called a fool and his campaign a
joke. Other times people have ex-
pressed support for the idea, but
haven't worked for its realization.
"I can't understand why the Black
people don't get excited like I do -
why they don't join in. I suppose
240 years of brainwashing has a
great effect," he said.
"(The government) finds money
for everyone else, but when it comes
to the Black people, they say let by-
gones be bygones. But I won't let
it," Jenkins said.
Jenkins has rallied the support of
many professional organizations in
Detroit. His resolution has received
endorsement from Mayor Coleman
Young and members of Congress.
Jenkins' next step is to get the
bill moving again.
Tom Gerschick, Coordinator of
Undergraduate Education in the So-
ciology Department, which co-spon-
sored the lecture, said that it is cru-
cial that whites hear and understand

Don't Get Sacked at the Kickoff...
Check out the MCRS
fall lineups
Some off the Key Players:TUB

First-year engineering student
Ashish Gupta said of his West
Quad converted triple, "We have to
share closets. The person who gets
the dresser...doesn't get to hang
his clothes. So we have to
Salowitz said some converted
triples would be reduced to doubles
if space were available.
Deba Patnaik, East Quad Resi-
dence Hall Coordinator, said he
faced no overcrowding problems.
The directors of South Quad, West
Quad, and Mary Markley all


reported similar satisfaction with
the populations of their respective
West Quad Director Mary
Ramirez said, "We actually have
some empty rooms, because many
students failed to return their
housing leases."
If the student population unex-
pectedly grows, rooms in West
Quad, which currently hold
Psychology Dept. offices, could
be converted to dorm rooms. Any
conversion, however, will require
state funding for the refurbishment



F - -

i - - -

of the department's new offices.
Salowitz said such funding will
not be received in the near future.
Salowitz said construction of
new residence halls is unlikely. A
new hall would cost $40,000 for
each resident housed. I n
comparison, Bursley, built in
1968 with the aid of a now-defunct
low-interest government loan, cost
approximately $6,000 per resident.
The cost of building a new halL
translates to a $1,000 increase in"
tuition for every student in the


" Mini Deluxe Cabinet with key lock,
seact button, turbo on light,
power light, hard disk light
(supports 2 exposed 112 height drives)
. 8088Proceaoasx10MHZ 0 Wait State
640 KRam
150 High Output Power Supply
" 20 MEG Seagate ST-225 Hard Disk
- 360 K Law Density Floppy
" 720 K Low Density Floppy
2 Serial Pots (Moders, Mouaeetc.)
2 Parallel Ports (Printers, etc.)
" High Res. Mono Monitor (Amber)
- Hercules Compatible Graphics Adapter
" 102 Key Extended Keyboard

$1,t6i6ttillit0 Itltltiti1

" Mini Deluxe cabinet with key ldck.
reset button, turbo on light.
power light, bard disk light.
(supports 3expoed112 height drives)
"802.68 Processor 12 MHZ 0 Wait State
1 IMcgRam
" 200 Watt High Output Pbwer Supply
" 48 Meg SCSIlHard Disk
" 1.2 MegH.D. Floppy
*1.4 Meg H.D. Floppy
" Two Serial PFats (Mouse, Modem, etc.)
" Two Parallel Patls (Primter. etc.)
" High Res. Morro Monitor (Amber)
"Hercules Comnpatible Graphics Adapter
*102 Key Extended Keyboard

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

,r Possible Configuration are Listed Eel

Jewish Peace Lobby - Mass
meeting 8:30 p.m., Hillel, 1429
I3fi11 St. Questions? Call 769-0500.
Campus Crusade for Christ -
General meeting on college life 7-8
.m., Dental School, Kellogg And.
Society of Women Engineers
- General meeting 6:30 p.m. 1500
EECS, North Campus. Contact
Trudy Robertson, 747-7115.
Community Leaning Post Inc.
- Meeting for students interested in
participation in fall tutorial outreach.
Last semester tutors only. 2:30 p.m.
211 and 1/2 N. 4th Ave.
Tagar - Mass meeting. 7 p.m.
Hillel, 1429 Hill St.
Department of Recreational
Sports' Horseback Riding - Pre-
trip meeting. 7-8 p.m., Conference
Room, Recreation Building, North
Campus. For further info call: 764-
Inter-Varsity Christian Fel-
lowship -- Mass meeting, 7 p.m.
Henderson Room, Michigan League.
Graduate Employees Organi-
zation - Mass meeting, 7:30 p.m.

taining Polymers" - Prof. Stuart
Cooper, Department of Chemical
Engineering, University of Wiscon-
sin, 4 p.m. Dow Building Rm.
1013, North Campus.
"Scenes from the Palestinian
Uprising" - a presentation by
David Levin and Luis Velazquez,
MSA/PSC/RSG delegates to the
Occupied Territories. 8 p.m., 4th
Floor Rackham building.
"Our Children: Are They Our
First Priority?" - Carol Brock,
Editor, Washtenaw Child Care Jour-
nal. Sponsored by the Women's In-
ternational League for Peace and
Freedom. 8 p~m. 310 S. Ashley St.
hear Liberty. Refreshments served.
For more info call: 663-4741.
"Sexual Strategies: The Evo-
lution of Human Mating" -
David Buss, Associate Prof., Psy-
chology Dept. 4 p.m., E. Lecture
Room, Rackham Building.
U of M Women's Rugby -
Practice. 6:45 p.m. Mitchell Field.
Rookies welcome.
Hillel Social Committee

Hard Dri Mono Monitor- 640 K VGA Monitor - 640 K
No Hard $830.00 $1,245.00
20 MEG $1,155.00 $1,570.00
48 MEG $1,305.00 $1,720.00
80 MEG $1,505.00 $1,920.00
*With VGA.only one Parallel Port (2nd Optional)

oer Pssible Coifig.iO.a r Listed BtkW
Hard Disk Mono Monitor Mono Monitor VGA Moaltor VGA Monitor
Type 1 MEG Ram 4 Neg Ram 1 MEG Ram 4 MEG Ram
None S1,190.00 $1,375.00 $1,595.00 $1,790.00
48 MEG $1,60.00 $1,855.00 $2,070.00 $2,270.00
80 MEG $1,855.00 $2,050.00 $2,270.00 $2,465.00
150 MEG $2,705.00 S2,900.00 $3,120.00 &3,315.N
320 MEG $3,305.00 $3,530.00 $4745.00 $3,145.00
0With VGA.alyone Parel Pot (ndOptiona)




- ii Deluxe cabinet with key lock,
reset button, turbo on light.
power light, hard disk light.
(supports 3 exposed 1/2 height drives)
"80386-SX Processor 16 MHZ 0 Wait State
" 1MegRam
200 Wat High Output Power Supply
"48 Meg SCSI Hard Disk
1.2 Meg H.D. Floppy
" .4 Meg H.D. Floppy
,Two Serial P s (Mouse.Modem, etc.)
- Two Parallel Pts (Printers. etc.)
"High Res. Mono Monitor (Amber)
" Hercules Compatible Graphics Adapter
102 Key Extended Keyboard

33 b
Oda o M aconuati.on arelste lw:

Mini Deluxe cabinet with key lack,
reset button, turbo oalight.
power light had disk light.
(supports 3 exposed 1(2 height drives) f
8038623 processor25Mhz0WaitState
I MegRam
200 Watt High Output power Supply
48 Meg SCSI Hard Disk
1.2 Meg Hi). Floppy
1.4 Meg Hi). Floppy
Two Serial Pouts (Mowse, Modem, eta4 -
Two Parallel, Parts (Printer. etc,)
High Res. Mona Monitor (Amber)
Hercules Compatible Graphics Adapter
102 Key Extended Keyboard
dd $150 for towrer cabiact
i Mho w/4Knboard cawc: -70 extra
Mi M w/64K onboardcache:$895 extra



Other PomsiN Coggrations are Listed Below.
Hard Disk Mono Monitor Mono Monitor VGA Monitor VGA Monitor
Type 1 MEG Ram 4 MEG Ram 1 MEG Ram 4 MEG Ram
None $1,400.00 $1,595.00 $1,815.00 $2,015.00
48MEG $1,880.00 $2,075.00 $2,295.00 $,490.00
80 MEG $2,080.00 $2,275.00 $2,495.00 $2,690.00
150 MEG $,925.00 53,120.00 $3,340.00 $3,535.00
320 MEG $3,555.00 $3,750.00 $3,970.00 $4,165.00
"With VGA, only one Parallel Porta(2nd Optional)

Hard Disk Mono Monitor Mono Monitor VGA Monitor VGA Monitor
Type 1 MEG Ram 4 MEG Ram 1 MEG Ram 4 MEG Rai
None $1,790.00 $1,990.00 $2,205.00 $2,45.00
48 MEG $2,270.00 $2,470.00 $2,690.00 $2,890.00
80 MEG $2,470.0 $2,670.00 $2,885.00 $3,885.0
150 MEG $3,320.00 $3,520.00 $3,35.6 $3~9!3.08
320 MEG $3,945.00 $4,140.00 $4,0.00 54555.00
"With VGAonly oneParallelPet(2ndOptional)





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