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September 13, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-13

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A century of editorial freedom
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Vol. Cl, No.6 Ann Arbor, Mviciigan - Thursday, September 13, 1990 The Mihgan Daily

tape for
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Bush videotaped a message yesterday
telling the Iraqi people he has "no
quarrel" with them and they should
blame any hardship on their own
government, the White House said.
On the eight-minute tape, which
the White House hopes will be
broadcast unedited in Iraq, Bush says
the U.S. military is in the Persian
Gulf only to defend Saudi Arabia
from Iraqi aggression.
"We want a peaceful resolution.
We want peaceful coexistence with
the people of Iraq," Bush says on the
tape, according to spokesman Marlin
The White House held off releas-
ing a transcript, but Fitzwater gave
an overview of Bush's comments.
The president's address was in-
tended to create internal problems for
Hussein by emphasizing Iraq's isola-
tion in the world community as a re-
sult of the invasion of Kuwait. Bush
has said previously he would not be
unhappy if the people of Iraq re-
moved Hussein from power, and the
address stressed the Iraqis are paying
a heavy price for his actions.
The president consulted with
Arab specialists, and met twice with
State Department and National Se-
curity Council officials in order to
come up with the wording, Fitzwater
The Arab specialists were asked
to look at the wording "to make sure
that the tone of it translates well
into Arabic," said one official,
speaking on condition of anonymity,
"You can write a speech that sounds
perfectly good to Western ears," but
might not convey the right impres-
sion in Arabic, the official said.
Fitzwater described the message
as "a very candid but personal de-
scription of our goals and our objec-
tives in the region."

Number of 'U'



by Amy Quick
For the second year in a row the
University hired record high numbers
of minority faculty, according to the
University's preliminary counts.
A total of 52 people were hired
this year on the Ann Arbor Campus.
Twenty-two of the new faculty
members are Black, 20 Asian, 9
Hispanic, and one Native American.
The new faculty members are
spread throughout the University's
colleges and schools, with the ma-
jority teaching in LSA.
Factors that contributed to the
large number of minorities hired in
the last two years include a focus on
the issue by the Michigan Mandate
- a blueprint for achieving cul-
tural, and ethnic diversity - and
diligent recruiting by deans and de-
partment chairs, said Executive Di-
rector of University Relations Walt
Harrison said the Target of Op-
portunity Fund was the most impor-
tant factor in the increase. The fund
was set up by President Duderstadt
three years ago when he was provost
and vice president for academic af-
fairs and sets aside money for the
hiring of minority faculty.
The program acts as an incentive
for departments to actively seek out
potential minority faculty. The

money can be used to hire additional
faculty, even when a vacancy does
not exist, said Shirley Clarkson,
special assistant to the president.
Harrison said the increased minor-
ity faculty will "bring a terrific
amount of talent" to the University
and add expertise in areas it may not
have had before. He stressed that the
new faculty will provide additional
role models for students.
Thirty-eight of those hired are on
"tenure-track" positions, said Dr.
Peggie J. Hollingsworth, Chair to
the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA).
"Tenure-track" professors are eligible
for tenure, take sabbaticals, and re-
ceive other benefits, whereas the 14
non-tenure track instructors are not,
she said.
Clarkson said that with larger
numbers of minorities on staff, peo-
ple will be more receptive to minor-
ity perspectives. "Students live in a
world much more ethnically diverse
and part of the University's educa-
tional mission is to prepare students
to live in a world with many differ-
ent ethnic, religious, and racial
Harrison said statistics for the
overall ethnic make-up of the faculty
are not available.
See HIRING, Page 2

Ann Arborite Jon Dayton creates the scenes of Ann Arbor on his hand-painted shirts which he sells on the Diag.
TA union complains of
cutbacks in e

By Henry Goldblatt
Cuts in the number of teaching
assistants in the Computer
Science department (EECS) is un-
dermining the quality of under-
graduate education, according to
Graduate Employees Organization
Due to budgetary constraints,
EECS has reduced the number of
TAs from 95 to 72.
Chris Roberson, president of
GEO - which represents all TAs
in collective bargaining and em-
ployment contracts - was skep-
tical of the cuts. "It seems likely
that students will get less time
from TAs and that it will decrease
the quality of student education,"
he said.
Two years ago the University
shifted the financial burden of TA

tuition waivers to individual col-
leges, said GEO member Joe
Tillo. Last year the responsibility
was passed on to the EECS de-
partment after the School of Engi-
neering exceeded their budget, and
the increased financial pressure re-
sulted in the TA cuts, Tillo said.
Roberson said that although
GEO has not received any formal
complaints from EECS TAs, an
undeniable burden has been placed
on the TAs.
This year, some TAs will have
to adjust their workload to a 40
percent appointment, which
equates to 17-20 hours per week.
During this time TAs must teach,
as well as, prepare for lecture, lab,
and hold office hours. The work-
load could result in cut backs or
elimination of TAs' office hours,

said Davidson.
Tom Senior, associate chair-
person of the EECS department,
said that only in one course did
TAs have to take on extra class
sections. The TAs were assigned
extra sections to make the class
time for all TAs equal, Senior
Senior admits the cutbacks
may hurt some graduate students.
"Students who would receive TA
support will no longer. The top
students who did receive support
will continue to, but somewhat
more average students who did get
support last year will not," he
EECS chairperson Ed Davidson
said it is not likely that the situa-
See EECS, Page 2

Parental consent
bill progresses

New group to help learning disabled
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Last winter semester, dealing
with red tape prevented LSA junior
Emily Singer from spending the
time she wanted on her classes.
Singer, who has documented learn-
ing disabilities, was threatened with
revoked admission from the Univer-
This year a different cause will
keep her busy. Singer is organizing
a new student group, the Learning
Disabilities Society, to provide sup-
port for and increase awareness about
people with learning disabilities.
LDS kicks off with a Festifall booth
on the Diag tomorrow, and a mass
meeting on Tuesday, September 18
at 7:00 in the Union.
"The idea for the group had been
tossed around before, but there was
no funding or someone devoted to
starting it," Singer said. "Believe
me, they've found someone dedicated

Learning disabilities include dis-
orders such as poor reading retention,
perception problems, and deficits in
math computation or problem solv-
ing. "It's hidden," said Singer. "It's
not like being deaf."
John Haggen, psychology profes-
sor and director of the Reading and
Learning Skills Center, said he be-
lieves that LDS will be a valuable
addition to the University. "We've
been trying to give support to these
students, but we've been slow," he
said. "This group is being organized
primarily by the students."
"We are very excited about this,"
agreed Julie Biernat, acting director
for Services for Students with Dis-
abilities. "This group has great po-
Expressing great frustration over
the stress and time involved with
last year's bout with the bureaucracy
- now resolved with Singer still

enrolled - Singer admitted some
good things came out of the experi-
"It helped me figure out what I
want to do: work for the advocacy of
people who have learning disabili-
ties, to improve what's available in
terms of funding and policy and pro-
cedures for special education."
"People with learning disabilities
are just as capable as anyone else and
shouldn't be discriminated against,"
Singer said.
LDS will be her first step toward
this goal. Singer hopes to heighten
awareness for both students and fac-
ulty about the existence of "LD's"
through handbooks and training sem-
inars. Singer hopes to make avail-
able catalogs listing available learn-
ing aids, increase tutoring services
and peer volunteers, and work with
the Education Task Force of The
Council for Disability Concerns to

fund a full-time LD counselor at the
Services for Students with Disabili-
ties office.
"As an elitist institution, we like
to think students with learning dis-
abilities aren't getting in, but we in-
deed have them," said Professor
Haggen. Fifty self-identified stu-
dents have registered at the SSD, but
Haggen estimates the actual number
at 150.
"As the number of LD students
on campus continues to grow each
term, we become keenly aware that
students not only need the services
already in place, but even further
support of peers, faculty and admin-
istrators," Biernat said.
Singer's advice to anyone with a
learning disability is to register at
the SSD, to explore the aids avail-
able, and of course to join the new
Learning Disabilities Society.

LANSING (AP) - A measure to
require parental consent for a girl's
abortion flew through the Michigan
legislature yesterday, but pro-choice
activists vowed to launch a quick
counterattack to protect abortion
The veto-proof measure requires
unmarried girls 17 and younger to
have permission from a parent or a
judge to get an abortion. It will
become law 90 days after the last
legislative session in December.
That means it would take effect
abou April1.
The legislature approved an
identical bill earlier this year, but
Gov. James Blanchard vetoed it.
Right To Life of Michigan then
gathered about 330,000 signatures to
put it back before the legislature,
which took less than five hours to
approve it.
Because it began with a petition
drive, Blanchard can't veto the latest
version. Repealing the law would
take a vote of the people or another
vote by the legislature. Katherine
Spillar, national coordinator for the
Fund for a Feminist Majority, said
that her group hadn't decided which
route to follow.
Barbara Listing, president of the
Right To Life of Michigan, said it
would encourage sexually active
teenagers to use birth control. Girls
who do become pregnant will be
able to get help, guidance and
support from their families in

deciding what to do, she added.
Carol King, executive director of
the Michigan Abortion Rights
Action League, said her group will
start an effort to help pregnant girls
who want to ask probate judges for
permission for an abortion. She said
she expected the measure would lead
to an increase in teen suicides, teen
mother, and dangerous back alley and
self-induced abortions.
Listing said parental consent
would have been on the books
months ago except for the veto from
Blanchard, a democrat, who is
seeking his third four-year term.
His republican opponent, Senate
Majority Leader John Engler, of
Mount Pleasant, opposes abortion
except in cases of rape, incest, or to
save the life of the mother. Engler
voted for the parental consent bill.
The measure's speedy journey
through the legislature began with a
Senate committee meeting. Two
Indiana parents told lawmakers at
that hearing how their 17-year-old
daughter died after a botched back
alley abortion.
Later, Bill and Karen Bell, of
Indianapolis, watched grimly as first
the Senate voted 28-9, then the
House voted 61-40 to approve the
"Bill and I were just any Mom
and Dad," Mrs. Bell said, "We're
saying if it can happen to us it can
happen to any family. I'm afraid
there are going to be other Becky
Bells out there because of this."
tempt to censor valid works, Wild-
mon offers another interpretation of
the issue: "It's not a matter of cen-
sorship, it's a matter of sponsor-
ship," he said. "Every U.S. depart-
ment in Washington has guidelines
on how money can be spent, and the
NEA is no different than the rest of
them. If they're going to accept the
money, the taxpayers' money, then

*National Endowment for the Arts su
by Kristin Palm and
Annette Petrusso elimination of the program alto- - a collection of Robert Map- Hennessey said it is this project that depict
Daily Arts Editors gether - in an effort to discontinue plethorpe photographs that depict could potentially be affected if fur- a wag

Fourth in afive-part series
The National Endowment for the
Arts celebrates its 25th year of exis-



funding for work they claim is of-
fensive. Meanwhile, many artists
and supporters of the arts are fight-
ing for the continuation of what they
believe to be necessary finances.
Like the debate surrounding other
art forms - most notably music and

homosexual activity. The exhibit
also featured photographs of chil-
dren, which some say constituted
child pornography.
As director of the University of
Michigan Museum of Art, William

ther limitations were to be legally
imposed on the NEA.
"I think the worry about (further)
restrictions applies mostly to works
of contemporary art which tend to be
more controversial," he said. "But,
that said, there are, to give you an
example, a lot of Asian paintings,

the cu
ally c
alog 1
is a gr
ily As

bject to
s Native Americans ambushing
on train as an example. "Under
urrent statute that painting re-
ouldn't be published in our cat-
because it could be seen as
rading a minority group," Hen-
y said.
e major opponent of the NEA
oup called the American Fam-



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