0 Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 19,1990 hie miditian BaiQ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ANA t) \\ a5kDC Y V -TQ) W(TH \Tlk 4 A C -jD\! 7l -ea E t,,. NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor I \t IJ Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Let there be light New construction illuminates mistaken priorities "This is the greatest thing that the city could have done for the downtown!" - Ann Arbor Mayor Gerald Jernigan, at a gala ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, September 7. a~lE ()U I,-' 4Nw KN, r3~ \~ Qy 3 t - U mI I 'T'A 1 - / 7 f~ r:t i'~I - You GIVEN ANN ARBOR'S CONTINUING housing crisis that has seen the city's homeless population skyrocket to 1,500 people because of the lack of low-income housing, surely Jernigan was commemorating the ground- breaking of a new, multi-unit, low-in- come housing complex, right? Wrong. Jemigan's pronouncement was celebrating the city's outrageous expenditure of $3.5 million for new downtown lightposts, trees, and side- walks. The new fixtures were not in- stalled to serve any functional purpose. Main St. and South University had previously been lined with sturdy, well-lit sidewalks.+ The new fixings were installed to "help create a more social and pleasant atmosphere on (downtown) streets." (Ann Arbor News 4/6/90). The Downtown Development Au- thority (DDA) is the governmental body that financed this latest waste of funds. Since its creation in 1982, the DDA - whose charter states that it is committed to preserving the balance be- tween residential and commercial de- velopment - has allocated more than $20 million for projects that serve business interests (chiefly parking structures) and only $100,000 to help develop housing. The DDA raises money by selling bonds to investors, and pays off these bonds with the taxes levied on new downtown developments. Before the establishment of the DDA, these taxes - like all other property taxes - went into the city's general fund. Now the DDA has sole control of their use. The city has not subsidized the con- struction of housing that is affordable' to people with low incomes in more than 15 years. The struggle to reverse the city's spending priorities has been led by the Homeless Action Committee (HAC), which demands a change in city policies so that tax dollars are used to "subsidize a human need, not busi- ness greed." The reckless course that city gov- ernment currently follows has been disastrous. According to the Main Street Merchants Association an esti- mated 30 percent of the city's down- town housing has been destroyed in the last 30 years. High-rise office build- ings, retail centers, and parking struc- tures that go largely unused have been built to replace this housing. Downtown office buildings have a vacancy rate of close to 50 percent and the parking structures are regularly nearly empty during peak hours. The DDA's next project is a parking structure behind Kline's Department Store on Ashley St. near William. The city plans to destroy three downtown homes in order to make room for the $9 million structure, which is the third of its kind that exists in the immediate vicinity. The Homeless Action Committee has squatted two of these houses - one at 337 South Ashley and one at 116 W. William - which are now home to several formerly homeless women and men. Many myths are disseminated about people who are homeless. They are called lazy or accused of being depen- dant on drugs and alcohol. The facts remain that 50 percent of homeless people have jobs, and the fastest growing sector of the homeless popu- lation is children. A lack of housing that is affordable to people with low-incomes is the chief cause of homelessness, not alleged de- ficiencies in the characters of those who are denied housing. The city's decision to prioritize vic- tim-blaming propaganda and business subsidies over rational discussion and housing subsidies must change before homelessness will end. This will be the case only if the efforts of organizations like HAC are supported by everyone who opposes homelessness. Until that time, the city's business elite, the DDA, and city officials like Jernigan who serve their interests will continue to celebrate of their perverse version of "downtown development". The new and expensive lights, that shine over the streets which Ann Arbor citizens are condemned to sleep in, are but the latest symbol of our commu- nity's failure to rise to the occasion and demand immediate change. The Homeless Action Committee meets every Thursday at 337S. Ashley at 5 pm. If-,- e- '-(IcLN y I A Kt, j k-- tl L)F S V~ Ii- > . Daily neglects to give specifics about threats to its editorial freedom To the Daily: So it is again that we witness the Daily ranting about another violation of sacred canon and dogma, in this case over "censorship," a favorite left-wing straw man. I suppose I would not care so much if the Daily was charitably described as "liberal" by some, or scornfully as "Pre- Dawn Leftist" by others, but at least a measure of consistency could be expected. So why should I believe the Daily edi- tors that the American Way is at stake this time when they trumpet the latest nasties of those Reagan Reactionaries among the powers that be? We hear only the glories of left-wing ideals, but no apologies or candle-light vigils for Tiananmen Square. We hear endless calls for penance by the Yankee Imperialists in Central Amer- ica, but only excuses over the Sandinista defeat in democratic elections. We are told of the glories of the socialist paradise, but only given stony silence over the utter collapse of left-wing tyranny in the East- ern Bloc in 1989, or the Soviet economy. Thus again we see here the same deal in the Daily's front page editorial ("A Threat To Our Editorial Freedom") of Sept. 17 - only selective coverage and assertions with little solid, specific infor- mation for us to make our own judge- ments. Who is the latest bad guy now? Nancy McGlothlin. What are her crimes? 1) "Claimed authority to decide the impor- tance of various news and sports events." Since when is the Editor's opinions news? What other specifics? 2) "Forced a Daily business manager to resign." What were the circumstances? Was this person embezzling money? Aren't business opera- tions already conceded to be the domain of the Board? 3) "Usurped the power of the Michi- ganensian editor. So you say. How has this been done, let alone detailed? 4) "Threatened to end publication of Weekend Magazine and Sports Monday." Again, why? Was it because they were losing money? Or is it indeed as the Daily claims? We don't know because you haven't provided us with specifics to make a judgement. I gently suggest the editors at least re- read the definition of "yellow journalism," since I expect it's too much to expect them to print this (in full!). I am not ac- cusing them of, it, but it is disturbing to read such sensational comments as "harassing editors who refuse to kowtow to the Board's wishes, and threatening the Daily's finances," especially when the above deficiencies are noted. A woman is entitled and has a "right" to her good name until proof is brought forward. The rights of the Daily's editors can only be seen as intelligible when they place it in the context of their responsibil- ities. Adam Condico (Part-time) Library Science Graduate Student Board Chair Rosenthal responds to editorial; contends Daily wants too much power To the Daily: In protest of production deadlines and the publisher's control of printing and op- erational costs, the editors of the Daily have chosen to strike "a century of edito- rial freedom" from the masthead in the pa- per's centennial year. Unfortunately, this also seems to be the year that the editors elected to redefine the meaning of the term. In dramatic, white type on the tradi- tional, funeral-black background of censor- ship, the front-page editorial states that "editorial freedom extends beyond the abil- ity to control the words which appear inS the paper." It seems to me that the only part of ed- itorial that extends what's in the paper is editorial fantasy. Daily editors have always. had freedom from censorship. The editors of 1990 want freedom from economic$,- That is not in the power of the Board foi Student Publications to grant. Amnon Rosenthal Chair, Board fdp Student Publicatiors ,ah Editors Perhaps we erred in neglecting to, print more specific details of how our editorial freedom has been threatened. Since so many people have asked, we have decided to re- spond. What follows is a partial list of Board for Student Publications Secretary Nancy McGlothlin's in- terference in editorial and other op- erations involving student publica- tions. This list is not by any means complete, for it is exceedingly diffi- cult to chronicle actions ranging over almost a decade. It should also be noted that the Board deserves condemnation for neglecting to cen- sure McGlothlin, thereby implicitly endorsing her activity. McGlothlin has indirectly af- fected the editorial content of the paper. She recently imposed incremen- tal deadlines on the editorial staff of the Daily. Though the paper's final deadline each night is at midnight - that's when the paper is sent to the printer - McGlothlin believed it within her authority to impose E deadlines for each of the editors. The reason is not financial. In the past, editors have met with key- liners in production to set incre- ment alnln ,,,hyhiere, note: Essentially, McGlothlin was saying that mistakes cannot be cor- rected, and must go into the paper even if editors know they exist. Such a rule is ludicrous; even The New York Times corrects errors. By refusing to let us fix mistakes, which are common at any newspa- per, we would be forced to run inac- curacies. That is, McGlothlin would force us to run inaccuracies, a policy which clearly violates our editorial freedom. In addition, she ruled that no more than two late-breaking stories or photos may be included in the paper. This further compromises our ability to determine what is news and what is not. Last week, McGlothlin threatened to stop publication of Sports Monday and Weekend Magazine. Though she said the rea- son was financial - both sections of the paper do not make a profit - her actual motive was to threaten editors who don't abide by the new production rules. Both sections were approved by the Board as part of this year's Daily budget, yet McGlothlin now claims the money isn't there. McGlothlin in the past has made rcnt. rid e, it oth Dn .r *t n what news to cover. McGlothlin, for a period of several years, would stand by the laserprinter as articles and editorials were printed. It is unclear if she was approving their content, but her job as Board secretary should not in- clude the power to review content. McGlothlin has also interfered in daily operations in other ways: At various times in the past several years, she has refused to let Daily staffers or editors into the Student Publications Building, claiming they were a threat to secu- rity. She once called Campus Secu- rity to forcibly remove a student from the building, even though an editor insisted that the student be al- lowed to remain. In 1987, McGlothlin usurped the power of Michiganensian Editor Rebecca Cox (see letter at right). In 1987, McGlothlin in- stalled timers in the Student Publi- cations Building which prohibited computer use between midnight and 8 a.m. Needless to say, as students who attend classes during the day while working on articles for the paper at night, we often need extra time to catch up with our work at the Daily. By being barred from do- ing work at night, McGlothlin lim- ited our ability to put out the paper. ,rh rt t. s n r I A+ - scription is three lines long. McGlothlin continues to draw an annual salary of more than $45,000 - taken from the profits of the student publications, largely from the Daily - though she gen- erally works from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. McGlothlin has also decided it is appropriate to attend meetings of the Daily's business staff, where student managers discuss advertis- ing policies. This list, were it to be inclu- sive, would undoubtedly stretch be- yond the boundaries of this page. What is most disheartening is the amount by which McGlothlin's au- thority grows each year. We are not the first editors to have serious concerns about the actions of McG lothlin. Nor are we the first editors to express our concerns to the Board for Student Publications, University officials, or McGlothlin herself. On April 15, 1986, Bill Marsh, the 1986 Michiganensian editor and former Weekend Magazine editor, wrote a letter to then Associate Vice President for Student Services Thomas Easthope. The letter states: "Unfortunately, McGlothlin's extreme distrust of students and her very unprofessional conduct are personally insulting to staff members and discourage their . . . i . . member addressed to Easthope: "We as students of the Univer- sity of Michigan and heresaid staff and student board member of the Board of Student Publications, are formally stating our discontent with the appointed Secretary/Treasurer Nancy McGlothlin. Her perfor- mance has been downright unpro- fessional, confrontational and finan- cially burdensome to the affairs of Student Publications. "For... her irreconcilable behav- ior we are hereby formally seeking the aid and assistance of Thomas Easthope in our recommendation to the Board of (sic) Student Publics tions and Administration of tho University of Michigan for hei permanent removal from any posi. tion at Student Publications." The last five Daily editors ii chief, as well as four past Michigai. nensian editors, have in the lass week expressed their support in any: effort to remove McGlothlin from her position. As 1988 Daily Editor in Chief; Rebecca Blumenstein said recently "You can chronicle every year what the editorial staff has lost to Nancy." Ensian editor criticizes McGlothlin To the Daily: lications. Isn't it time the University no- "You can expect some real ticed that seven generations of hard- ing from her when she getsab working student leaders and journal- from summer vacation, she ists have complained about in 1986 to Charles Eisendrath, Nancy McGlothlin? chair of the Board. As 1987 Editor in Chief of the During my editorship she Michiganensian, I want you to gotiated contracts behind my know that because of McGlothlin I with photography companies have not donated a red cent to the yearbook publishers, hired staf University. I swore on the day I I had not approved, and finall graduated that I would not support stricted my access to the Ensia my alma matter until that woman pretty tough to do youi is removed from the University without a key to the office. payroll, and I assure you that many So myself and five other E University student publications, and Daily editors protested tc alumni feel the same. Board of Student Publications When I was editor in 1987, University ombudsman, and4 gri-' ack, vrotr' then renr back, and f than ly re. n. * r job nsian o the s, the even 0