Page 8-The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 10, 1990
Budget talks continue
for. third straight day
State GOP, Dems.
show opposite
abortion stances
Md. (AP) --- Congressional leaders
and White House negotiators raced
theclock yesterday, trying to narrow
their differences over the budget and
reach an agreement for fiscal year
The tvo sides worked for a third
straight day at Andrews Air Force
Base in Maryland, 20 minutes from
the capital, spending much of their
time discussing taxes. Lawmakers
have said they want to finish work
y today to give Congress time to
enact a package of savings by the
October 1 start of the fiscal year.
Democrats wanted to raise
income taxes paid by the wealthy
and impose new levies on energy,
gasoline, alcoholic products, and
-luxury items such as boats and
Republicans were pressing for
new taxes on beer and wine,
eliminating some income-tax
deductions for the rich and cutting
the capital gains tax rate.
$50 billion in savings for next year
and $500 billion over the next five
years. Inaction could mean a record
$250 billion deficit next'year.
An official said the two sides
Lawmakers have said they-want to finish
work by today to give Congress 'time to enact
a package'of savings by the October 1 start of
the fiseal year.
Officials, speaking on condition
of anonymity, said the bargainers
could go to the White House this
morning to try -to complete their
work. Additional bargaining was
likely to be needed. after that session,
they said, perhaps running through
tomorrow. President Bush was
scheduled to return to Washington
late yesterday after his Helsinki
summit meeting with Soviet
President Mikhail Gorbachev.
The bargainers have been
searching for a combination of new
taxes and spending cuts producing
were considering about $10 billion
in cuts in benefit programs such as
Medicare and aid to farmers. When
the talks. began Friday, Democrats"
offered reductions of $7.2 billion,
while Republicans pressed for $15.5
Republicans were hoping to limit
cuts in the $303 billion defense
budget to.- about $4 billion.
Democrats, after initially demanding
about $15 billion in reductions,
eased their proposal by $2 billion.
E Fach side was seeking about $25
billion on new taxes and federal
fees, but their components varied..
DETROIT (AP) - Gov. James
Blanchard and GOP gubernatorial
challenger John Engler both got a
big response this weekend at their
state party 'conventions when they
mentioned their stands on abortion.
Both have deeply held - and to-
tally opposite - views on abortion
and the emotionally charged issue
figures to gain more attention as the
gubernatoral campaigns heat up.
Engler opposes abortion except
in cases of rape and incest or to save
the life of the mother. Republicans
meeting in Detroit roared out their
approval when he told them Satur-
day, "we will defend the unborn
In Flint, the two-term Demo-
cratic incumbent won his biggest
applause from the 2,000 delegates
when he repeated his suppoft for the
right of women to make their own
decisions on abortion.
"We want our government to
trust women with the difficult
choices in their lives," he said. Blan-
chard opposes any attempt to restrict
women's rights to abortion.
Activists on both sides of the is-
sue already are gearing up their own
efforts. .
As Engler spoke, about 40 pro-
choice protestors picketed outside
Cobo Hall and carried signs, among
them: "Engler Wants To Keep
Women Barefoot And Pregnant. Free
The GOP. Mind Your Own Uterus."
Carol King, executive director of
r the Michigan Abortion Rights
League, said the demonstration
marked the start of the group's ef-
forts to make sure voters know
where Engler stands on the issue. .
King said her group would orga-
nize protests at various Engler cam-
paign appearances and would be
working to help Blanchard. She a}
added it wasn't a Democrat versus
Republican decision.
"For us, this is the issue," she
said. "People must understand this is
a fundamenta'right that's being
This year's governor race takes
on added importance because of re-
cent U.S. Supreme Court decisions
giving states more power to restrict
abortion, she added.
"We want to let voters know that
John Engler doesn't trust the women
of Michigan to decide what is in
their best interest and John Engler*
thinks he should decide what's in
their best interest," she said.
For his part, Engler said it 11
be one of the issues in the ca-
paign, but not the main issue. "It is
going to be one of the differences be-
tween john Engler and Jim Blan-
chard. I would have signed the
parental consent bill. He vetoed it."
That bill would have required
unmarried young women, 17 and un-
der, to get a parent's permission or
an exemption from a probate judge
before they could get an abortion.
The bill cleared the Legislature
easily before Blanchard vetoed it this
Barbara Listing, president of the
anti-abortion group, said abortion
will be an issue in the campaign,
but didn't believe it would determine
the outcome.
"We've always said a candidate
can't win solely on the abortion is-
sue or lose solely because of the:
abortion issue," she said. "The im-
portant thing for us to do as a
movement is to inform the public
and to get the people that feel the
same way we do to vote."
Free Kuwait
Angry Arab demonstrators march in central London yesterday chanting
"victory for Kuwait," and calling for the Iraqi withdrawl as the west
continues its military buildup in the gulf:
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP)
Her opponents are determined
have Benazir Bhutto remembered
the disgraced leader of Pakistan
most corrupt and incompetent go
emnment, not as a martyr for demo
When she was dismissed la
month after 20 months in offic
they set out to destroy what son
called -"the myth" - that only
Bhutto could govern Pakistan.
In removing the prime minist
and her democratically elected go
ernment Aug.: 6, President Ghula
Ishaq Khancited a long list of con
plaints ranging from
ineptitude to abuse of power.
Bhutto called it "a constitution
coup" by the Establishment, a refe
ence to the generals who former
ruled Pakistan and still have eno
moos influence,
A caretaker government made u
largely of defected allies and bitt
faces determined
- critics of Bhutto has hurled charge view at her fortress-li
to after charge in an effort to discredit Karachi. "The wind of d
as her Pakistan People's Party, which come across
's was founded by her father. Some say new future ahead, andi
v- her enemies are trying to force her easy for them to' dr
c- out of politics. backward."
Three former Cabinet ministers Opponents have n(
st have been charged in special courts concrete evidence tos
e, set up to handle corruption cases and charges, and the famil
ne to disqualify candidates from elec- carries much of its ol
a tions called for Oct. 24, three years many. Wherever she go
ahead of schedule. tracts large crowds
er The new government.has said at 'Benazir,.Benazir is inn
v- least half a dozen more cases will be Since its creation a
m filed, possibly against Bhutto. homeland 43 years ago,
n- Many Pakistanis see the tribunals dian subcontinent beca
nd as "kangaroo courts" evoking memo- dent of Britain, Pakistan
ries of the process her father, Prime three wars, three intern
al Minister' Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, un- cies and three military d
r-. derwent 13 years ago after Gen. Mo- Two prime ministers
ly hammed Zia ul-Haq overthrew him. several high-rankingg
r- Bhutto was hanged two years later. countless politicians a
"There are glaring similarities leaders have been assass
up with 1977, but there also are differ- teen governments hav
er ences,"Bhutto said in a recent inter- missed and three consti
ike home in ten.
emocracy has "Many are wondering v
d. There is a there is something sick, sor
it will not be terminal festering deep down
ag Pakistan .political soul of Pakistan," s
litical analyst Akbar Ahmed.
ot presented cycle of despair, military rt
support their terror, civilian rule and anarch
ly name still Nobody said it would be-
d magic for lead this volatile country of 1
yes Bhutto at- lion out of the social and cc
that chant problems a decade of martial l
ocent!" ated, but never was such a le
as a Moslem admiration and goodwill squo
when the In- so swiftly.
ame-indepen- Bhutto - just 37 years c
n has endured experienced and Western-educ
nal insurgen- pursued a policy of confro
ictators. rather than compromise. Opf
rn in the
said po-
"It is a
Lle and
easy to
.10 mil-
law cre-
gacy of
old, in-
cated -
- +
Museum efforts fail
Ford's home to be sold
, a president,
generals and
and religious
sinated. Thir-
ve been dis-
itutions writ-
considered her arrogant and vindic-
tive, and spared no effort to bring her
She infuriated Beg by meddling
in army. promotions, something she
promised not to do.
- Former President Gerald Ford's
boyhood homne that has stood empty
for nearly 20 years will be sold be-
cause efforts failed to turn it into a
"It's almost a lost cause," said
Steele Taylor, chair of the Grand
Rapids Arts and Museum Commis-
sion. "We can't get anybody inter-
ested in fixing it up."
The federal Veterans Adrinistra-
tioni acquired the four-bedroom house
in 1972 when the owner defaulted.
Three years later, after Ford became
president, the VA donated it to the
The commission had trouble rais-
ing the estimated $51,000 to reno-
vate the home into- a museum be-
cause Ford lived in at least eight
homes in Grand Rapids; said Jim
Kratsas, curator of the Gerald R.'
Ford Museum.
City records show Ford lived in
the white two-story house from,
1923. to 1930, from the time he was
10 years old through his junior year
at the Grand Rapids South High
In a 1989 letter to museum direc-,
tor Timothy Chester, Ford wrote: "I
have no objection to - in fact, I en-
dorse the sale."
Museum officials have asked the
city's Historic Preservation Com-
mission to designate the house as a,
historic landmark to protect it from
Helena Jones, who has lived next*
door to the Ford house for 20 years,
said sentimentality aside, she hopes
the house gets sold.
"He wasn't president that long,"
Jones said. "We've got enough
things named after Ford."
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