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September 19, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-19

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 14, 990 - Page 3

City intensifies war against
drug and alcohol abuse
' y Donna Woodwell
aily City Reporter of businesses for liquor licence vio- Council Monday night. The report



The national "drug war" has in-
tensified in Ann Arbor.
' The city police department has
declared new measures against drug
and alcohol abuse - including more
patrols for noisy parties near campus
- while a City Council-appointed
tssk force proposed hiring a city of-
ficial to coordinate Ann Arbor's anti-
g and alcohol abuse programs.
Acting Police Chief William
Hoover said enforcing substance
aliuse laws will be the "number one
pViority" of the police force in the
cdming year. He included cracking
a6wn on driving while intoxicated
({WI) arrests, increasing the noisy
Party patrol, and closer monitoring

Ann Arbor Police Captain Paul
Bunten said education will still take
priority over these and other law en-
forcement efforts. "Our focus will
definitely be on education programs
in the schools and in the commu-
nity," Bunten said.
The Anti-Substance Abuse Task
Force report proposes the appoint-
ment of a city coordinator to lobby
for government funds, study drug
abuse prevention strategies in other
parts of the country, and to coordi-
nate education efforts in Ann Arbor.
The task force presented their fi-
nal report to the Ann Arbor City

the result of a 30-month study on
drug and alcohol abuse in Ann Ar-
The task force, which the city
council established in 1988, is made
up of 12 Ann Arbor residents, public
school employees, city and health
Although the City Council ac-
cepted the report by a vote of 7-4,
the task force's recommendations
may not be implemented. Council
members will take the next few
weeks to study the report before any
decisions are made concerning its

.Wiesel to become first recipient

of Raoul
by Annabel Vered
Nobel Peace Prize laureate and
Boston University professor Elie
Wiesel will be awarded the first
Raoul Wallenberg Medal by Univer-
Sity President James Duderstadt at
'Will Auditorium Tuesday.
' Wiesel will also deliver a lecture
entitled "The Passion For Memory."
The award - which is named for
University alumnus Raoul Wallen-
berg, class of '35 - is given in
recognition of unmatched courage,
s4lf-sacrifice in the protection of the
persecuted, integrity of the human
spirit, and the ability to reach out to
the powerless, said Vi Benner, Coor-
dinator of International Activities at
As a Swedish diplomat during
World War II, Wallenberg led an ef-
fort in Hungary to save the lives of
Hungarian Jews by issuing Swedish
passports to them. The Nazis would
have been in violation of diplomatic
conventions if they arrested citizens
from a neutral country such as Swe-

Arrested by the Soviets near the
end of World War II, Wallenberg has
never been heard from again.
"Wallenberg was a larger than life
figure," Benner said. "He was very
much a person of the world with in-
credible courage. He started a legacy
that can be perpetuated by other peo-
"Wiesel's writings and work per-
petuate Wallenberg's own extraordi-
nary accomplishments and human
values," said Susan Lipschutz, se-
nior Associate Dean of the Graduate
School and chair of the Wallenberg
Lecturer Selection Committee. This
makes him, "an especially fitting
choice as the first Wallenberg medal-
ist and lecturer."
An active defender of human
rights and world peace, Wiesel has
supported such varied causes as So-
viet Jewry and Ethiopia's famine-
stricken population.
Wiesel is a survivor of the Nazi
concentration camps of Birkenau,
Auschwitz, and Buchenwald. On the
day the S.S. -- Hitler's elite guard

- planned to kill Wiesel, Allied
forces liberated Buchenwald, the
camp then containing him.
Wiesel has written about his ex-
periences in more than 30 books,
winning him numerous literary
awards. His latest, "From the
Kingdom of Memory" is a book of
reminiscences, with a collection of
essays and speeches.
Wiesel's appearance is sponsored
by the University, the Hillel Foun-
dation and the Jewish Community
Center of Ann Arbor. It serves as a
benefit for the Celebration of Jewish
Hillel's program director,
Michelle Blumenberg, said, "It is the
ninth year of this year-long series
run out of Hillel that attempts to
bring in artists, writers and perform-
ers - especially Jewish ones."
LSA senior Jennifer Cohen
plans to attend the lecture. "You hear
him talk and you hear about his ex-
periences. It reminds you how peo-
ple should treat others and how they
themselves deserve to be treated."

Ann Arbor resident Carl Bruton challenges the preaching of evangelist Dr. Hubert Lindsey.
Visiting preacher's remarks
stirreligious debate on Diag

by Matt Pulliam
A blind, 76-year-old preacher
from Birmingham, Michigan cap-
tured the attention of lunchtime
Diag pedestrians with a fiery lecture
condemning Christians, Jews, and
Moslems yesterday.
Dr. Hubert Lindsey, of the non-
denominational Church of Birm-
ingham, promoted teachings which
provoked heated debate. By claim-
ing that organized religion is not ef-
fective and that most students
should expect an afterlife in Hell,
"Hubert" alienated much of his

multicultural audience.
Attacks on the shortcomings of
all major religions highlighted
Lindsey's lectures. His blunt com-
ments provoked some students into
angry defense of their religions.
LSA first-year student Mark
Leuchter responded to Lindsey's at-
tacks on "law-breaking Jews", say-
ing, "Until there is understanding
among religions there is a problem.
This man believes he is right, and I
respect that, but at the same time

he is insensitive and intolerant to
opposing views."
Ann Arbor resident Carl Bruton
angrily denounced Hubert and his
preaching. Addressing Lindsey's
remarks about alcohol consumption
and the armed forces, Bruton said, "I
believe in the kingdom of Heaven
and all that, but I disagree with
their (Lindsey and assistant Dr. Jim
Elsman, Jr.) self-righteous condem-
nation of everyone."

Capital gains stall budget talks

State House panel approves
measure for abortion rights

LANSING (AP) - A House
panel approved an abortion rights
protection bill yesterday, less than a
'4@week after anti-abortion forces won a
major victory in the Legislature with
passage of a parental consent mea-
. The House Judiciary Committee
passed the bill on a 10-6 vote and
sent it on to the full House. The
short bill says simply that Michigan
wpn't have any laws forcing women
to carry out or end a pregnancy.
"The bottom line is no govern-
Oient intrusion and who should make
the really critical decision of whether
o; not to complete or terminate the
pregnancy. We feel it's not the gov-
ernment," said its sponsor, Rep.
Maxine Berman (D-Southfield).
"That's all this says and that's all
we've ever wanted. What we're say-
ing is get off the backs of the public
and get on with more important
work of state government that in-
*truding on the most private decision
that people make in their lives."
- The staunchly pro-choice law-
niaker admitted she didn't have the
votes in the House to gain passage
of the bill. She said she wanted to

use the bill to make sure everyone
knew Right to Life of Michigan
would continue to chip away at abor-
tion rights.
Barbara Listing, president of
Right to Life of Michigan, said the
goals of the group never had been a
secret. "I think everyone realizes
what Right to Life is all about and
that's to restore protection to the
unborn child."
"She realizes just as everyone

else does that the bill is not going to
go any place. I think she is really
using this as an organizing tool,"
Listing said. "I really have to take
my hat off to Maxine. She is clever
in finding ways of grabbing the
Listing said her group will go on
working at the grass roots level and
try to pass laws to reduce the num-
bers of abortions.

cratic congressional leaders today
blamed the Bush administration's
demand to slash the capital gains tax
for the breakdown of budget talks
two weeks from the start of the new
fiscal year.
But President Bush, asked if capi-
tal gains was the stumbling block,
told reporters, "not as far as I'm con-
cerned." Bush said he talked with his
budget negotiators today and "we're
going back. We're staying with it. I
can't really predict what's going to
"The problem is the insistence of
the administration to reduce the capi-
tal gains tax," House Speaker

Thomas Foley (D-Wash.) told re-
"The real difficulty and the major
obstacle to agreement is the tax is-
sue," said Senate Majority Leader
George Mitchell (D-Maine). "The
rest would come together quickly."
Participants said they still hoped

to work out a budget deal, but it was
unclear how quickly they could do
so. Congressional leaders planned to
meet in the Capitol today with top
administration officials to discuss
the impasse.
"It's not total gridlock," said Fo-




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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

.4:::>. .

- 6 ~C

gI -- "": lrL" -




U of M Outing Club-Mass "The Political Situation in
meeting: 7 p.m. Steps of Graduate Yugoslavia: An Update"-Dr.
Library. Mark Baskin will share his research
Latin American Solidarity on the current political environment.
Club-Mass meeting: 8 p.m. An- 12 p.m. Lane Hall Commons Rm,
derson Rms. C & D, Union. Center for Russian and East
Arab-American Anti-Discrim- European Studies.
ination Committee-Meeting: 8 "Civil Disobedience in
p.m. Rm 236, Hutchins Hall. Call Defense of Fetuses, Animals, and
663-1567. Victims of AIDS"-Dr. Carl
Career Planning and Place- Cohen will speak on philosophical
ment Office-On-Campus Re- issues in medicine. 12 p.m. South
cruitment Meeting: 8:10 a.m. 2011 Lecture Hall, Med Sci II. Call 936-
MLB; Practice Interviews with Em- 1484.
ployers: Sign-ups in CP&P. "The World Economy in
U of M Association of Black Transition: Visions of the 1990's
Journalists-Mass meeting: 7 p.m. and Beyond"-Paul R. Krugman
Crowfoot Rm, Union. will discuss trade theory and policy.

Positions are available on the
following committees:
" Atheneum
" Academic Counseling
" Pedagogy
" Graduation/Distribution Req.
Descrintions of each of these committees can be


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