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September 07, 1990 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-07

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 7, 1990- Page 9

Bush sends

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -
While Saddam Hussein has.given
new urgency to an old debate over
hether America's friends should
more of the burden for defending
democracy, the response from most
#Dies in the current crisis has been
dr from overwhelming.
Treasury Secretary Nicholas
Brady is on an 18,500-mile odyssey
that has taken him from Europe to
Asia in search of economic assis-
tance, while Secretary of State James
Baker III launched his own Middle
,*ast fund-raising mission yesterday,
in the Saudi Arabian capital of Jid-
The two Cabinet members are
seeking aid to defray the high cost of

keeping a protective U.S.
shield on the Saudi-Kuwaiti1
Back at home, a third Ca
ficer, Defense Secretary E
eney, was keeping the ver
sure on, declaring in a spec
need to have some of our fri
up to the counter and c
more than some of them h,
cated that they are prepare
Shortly after Baker arriv
Arabia said it would comm
billion dollars toward the c
fending the kingdom's oil fi
And, following meeting
this week in Paris and
Brady insisted he was gettir
words of encouragement, e

envoys on
military from British Prime Minister Mar-
border. garet Thatcher.
binet of- Neither the French nor the British
)ick Ch- committed to specific dollar amounts
bal pres- and officials of the 12-nation Euro-
ch, "We pean Community were scheduled to
ends step take up the question of increased as-
ontribute sistance at a meeting today.
ave indi- While one official traveling with
d to con- Brady on the flight from London to
Seoul said it would not be unreason-
ed, Saudi able for the allies to pick up the en-
it several tire $1 billion monthly cost of the
ost of de- U.S. troop buildup, that statement
elds. was viewed more as a negotiating
;s earlier ploy than a reasonable expectation of
London, the outcome.
ng strong The Brady delegation faced an
specially even harder sell in meetings today


fund-raising i
with South Korean President Roh Bush declared that the "shape of the
Tae-woo and Japanese Prime Minis- post-Cold War world" was at stake
ter Toshiki Kaifu. in the Persian Gulf crisis.
The administration is turning to What he left unsaid was that
the two economic powerhouses in America, hobbled by a sluggish
Asia for support since both nations economy and a huge mountain of
depend heavily on Middle Eastern debt, can no longer afford to go it
oil. alone.
Japan has pledged $1 billion to But officials traveling with Brady
support the troop buildup, but did so insist that the fund-raising effort
only after Bush made a personal call would make sense even if the admin-
to Kaifu. istration were not bedeviled by the
The administration says privately mammoth budget deficit.
what critics in Congress are saying They note that when the Euro-
openly -- that Japan should do pean Community dismantles its
much more, given the size of its economic barriers in 1992, the com-
economy. bined economies of its dozen mem-
In dispatching Brady and Bush on bers will equal America's $5 trillion
their money missions, President annual gross national product.

Meanwhile, Japan's exploding GNP
could well surpass that of the United
States by the end of this decade.
"We live in a changing world,
whether there is a budget deficit or
not," said one senior official travel-
ing with Brady who spoke on condi-
tion that he not be named. "In that
changed world, we Americans have a
right to expect that the burdens will
be shared more appropriately."
Both the Brady and Baker mis-
sions were designed as highly visible
campaigns to demonstrate that the
allies are a united force, thus raising
the stakes considerably if there is a
perceived failure.

DETROIT (AP) - Detroit pre-
%ared a challenge of U.S. Census
figures that showed it dropping be-
low the magic million mark in pop-
ulation, while other Michigan cities
put finishing touches on similar re-
ports yesterday.;
Flint said a 12.9 percent popula-
tion indicated by its preliminary
count was greatly exaggerated, and
Jackson-area officials pored over
erial photos as local governments
put finishing touches on challenges
they must mail by Monday.
Communities have until then to
convince the Census Bureau that
housing in some areas was under-
counted, and until Sept. 30 to turn
in census forms from any uncounted

n cities push last-minute census
The Census Bureau is to deliver beauty and barber shop and anywhere ning department, said the undercount That would cost ti
its final count to the president Dec. else they can think of, Okotie-Eboh could be as high as 100,000. mated $35 million i
31. Working on Flint challenge yes- state aid, Williams sat

he c
n f

Detroit officials already have re-
ceived 5,000 more census forms
since their preliminary figures ar-
rived; "and they're coming in every
day," said Juliette Okotie-Eboh, co-
ordinating Detroit's census activities.
Preliminary figures put the city's
population at 970,156, just over half
its population peak of 1.85 million
in 1950 and down 19 percent from
Failure to regain the million
mark would cost the city millions in
tax revenue and state and federal aid.
Police, firefighters and other city,
employees are distributing "Were
You Counted?" forms in churches,

Mayor Coleman Young has said
reaching the million mark should

terday was Betty Williams, an offi-
cial in the city's Community Devel-

Preliminary figures put the city's
population at 970,156, just over half its
population peak of 1.85 million in 1950 and
down 19 percent from 1980. Failure to regain
the million mark would cost the city millions
in tax revenue and state and federal aid.

Flint officials found a1
group residences such asa
care homes and fraterni
where residents did notl
she said.
And she said she alrea
nearly 50 "Were Yout
forms requested by unco
dents responding to news
radio ads.
Jackson-area official
homes block by block and

ity an esti- building permits and aerial photos to
ederal and prepare their challenge. Preliminary
figures showed Jackson County with
number of nearly 7,000 more households than
adult foster in 1980, but almost 4,000 fewer res-
ity houses idents.
get forms, Smaller families could account
for that, said Richard A. Lotz, Cen-
ady mailed sus Bureau administrative manager
Counted?' in Ann Arbor.
Cunted resi- "Take my house. Ten years ago,
spaper and we had a count of six. Now we have
two," Lotz said. "We live on a cul-
s counted de-sac and at one time we had 28
d reviewed children in the neighborhood.

not be a problem and that the 30,000
shortfall "is a small number; we
think the undercount is much more
than that."
Okotie-Eboh, chief of data analy-
sis and research in the city's plan-

opment Department.
In the preliminary count, Flint
had a population drop second only to
Detroit among major Michigan ci-
ties, a 12.9 percent decline to



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