The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 7, 1990 - Page 5 _ >ightomssoEEEEEEM System than meets the eye' 'There is By Amy Hagan 'Sorority? You joined a soror- ity? You have got to be kidding! What in the world did you go and do that for? I can't believe it. Overnight one of my best friends has turned into a sorority bitch! Which house anyway? You're kid- ding, right? You have got to be joking. They're the worst! Just a bunch of blondes, conceited and ar- rogant, who are all from you-know- where and interested in partying with and dating only Delta Phis. And now you're one of them! I don't believe it. What a nightmare!" After witnessing this scene nu- merous times from either the inside or out, it is only normal to ask: Are sororities really made up of women only interested in partying *and dating fraternity men? There are parties. And formals. :No one is denying this. But sorori- ties are much more than that. They ;are not simply comprised of girls, snotty and spoiled, joining an ex- clusive group, waving their parents' money around, hopping from fra- ternity party to fraternity party. Many other components, unseen to the outside eye, are what sororities are really about. Sororities are parties, but they are also scholarship. Most sorori- ties have "study nights," evenings when a group of women meet at a Hagan is an LSA junior. more to the Greek designated quiet area to study to- gether. Some even have "study ar- eas" in their houses. The Panhel- lenic Association, the organization that oversees all of the sororities, awards the house with the highest grade point average. Furthermore, some sororities honor individual members, those achieving high grades each term or for having a consistently good record. For example, in their na- tional magazine, one sorority fea- tured an outstanding member that graduated from the University with a 4.0. 1 Sororities are service. All sorori- ties also have an area of service in their chapter's programming. Ser- vice can be work done or money raised for a particular philanthropy, a charity that the sorority has cho- sen to sponsor. "The entire purpose behind Greek Week was to call at- tention to community service and to raise $50,000 for charities at both the national and local level," explained one member of the Steer- ing Committee for Greek Week, the group of dedicated men and women who organize and run Greek Week from beginning to end. (Sororities) are not simply comprised of girls, snotty and spoiled, joining an exclusive group, waving their parents' money around, hopping from fraternity party to fraternity party. may be the opportunity to gain wonderful leadership skills. Each house is individually responsible for all of its chapter's programming from year to year. Usually commit- tees and councils, comprised of members only, carry this out. Sorority members almost entirely run their own chapters, which is quite a responsibility. "I don't think I've ever held a job so demanding," commented the president of one house on campus. Said another, "As President, I have learned to make quick decisions for large numbers of people while keeping everyone's interests and concerns in mind. If nothing else, I have learned decision-making skills and how to deal with overwhelming responsibility." Holding any office demands more than simply time. Patience, trust, organization, re- sponsibility, and flexibility along with an undying spirit are all crite- ria for being an officer. Obviously, there is more to sororities than partying. Women in- terested in many aspects of sorority life, from social to philanthropic, join these organizations. Appar- ently, the Greek system is not what it seems to be. It is not all about parties, nor are the women all blonde and rich. Stereotyping, although it is a fact of life, doesn't have to be. Sorority stereotyping is just like stereotyping Blacks or Jews. Most stereotypes base them- selves on broad generalizations rooted in gross distortions of the truth. Not every member of any group is exactly like all of the rest. For the most part, stereotypes form when people, lacking knowledge of or exposure to various groups, irra- tionally judge an entire group based on an experience with one person from that group or simply on ._ Qty Sororities are standards. Manda- tory standards events help to im- prove and expand each member's horizons. Sororities encourage members to attend presentations, speaking engagements, cultural events, plays and concerts and self- improvement workshops. Some chapters bring speakers in and hold presentations at their houses. "We have seen all kinds of useful presen- tations, from resumd writing to eat- ing disorders," said one house's member. something that they "heard." It is only fair to judge for oneself. With an open mind willing to be a little enlightened about the Greek system and some truthful ed- ucation, possibly the myth about the stereotypical "sorority bitch" will end. Please take this discussion to heart. Dispel the ruthless and un- founded stereotypes. There really is a lot more to the Greek system than meets the eye. A sorority or fraternity sponsors one Greek Week event and donates the net money raised at that event to the philanthropy of the house's choice. Events such as Sing and Variety raise money for one na- tional and three local charities cho- sen by the Steering Committee. Houses also hold other fundraising events periodically throughout the year in order to further support their particular charity. Lastly, sororities are leadership. Even less apparent to the non-Greek h\ ITHINK ~(You MItrnDKgSTOOP ,,. N O ATNIE S ID A x