Page 10-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 6, 1990 Ann Arbor still safely left of political mean by David Schwartz Daily Opinion Editor In the 1950s, University of Michigan students protested the fir- ing of three professors who refused to answer questions about their ties to the Communist Party. In the 1960s, the city of Ann Ar- bor and the University of Michigan spawned Tom Hayden and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and served as a locale for protests against the war in Vietnam. In the 1970s, the protests and sit- ins persisted, and liberals continued to control the Ann Arbor City Council. But in the 1980s, Republicans gained control of the city council, and students who called themselves the Con3ervative Coalition gained control of the Michigan Student Assembly, the University's student government. And all this took place while students on campus protested the intolerant racial climate at the University. So are Ann Arbor and the Uni- versity - a town and campus which have long been associated with fierce progressivism - buying into Rea- gan's world of deficit spending and coddling of big business? On the surface, many would say that Ann Arbor has taken a definitive turn to the mainstream. Marc Selinger, who in 1989 was editor of the conservative Michigan Review, a monthly student magazine, wrote in an editorial for the Detroit News that conservatives had taken over the campus. Among the evidence, he listed the success of the Conserva- tive Coalition, in the 1989 student government elections, in which con- servative candidate Aaron Williams captured the presidency. Others point to the success of Republicans in Ann Arbor politics as a harbinger of the city's political and social slant in the 1990s. In the spring of 1989, the GOP gained a 7- 4 majority on the city council while retaining the mayoral seat, held by Republican Gerald Jernigan. But as conservatives gloat and liberals fret, most overlook the pos- sibility that little has really changed. After all, how much could a city that many compare with Berkeley, Cali- fornia, suddenly turn into a bastion for right-wingers? The answer is, not as much as people seem to think: Thousands of Ann Arbor resi- dents participated in Earth Day 1990, and the city attracted speakers like Ralph Nadar, just as it did in the original Earth Day 20 years ago. Though not at the forefront of envi- ronmental awareness, the city of Ann Arbor is seriously contemplat- ing initiating a program of manda- tory recycling. Before the 1988 Michigan Democratic primary, candidate Jesse Jackson spoke at the University's Crisler Arena, and received more support in Ann Arbor than anywhere else in the state but Detroit. Jackson went on to win the Michigan pri- mary, the only state in which he fin- ished first. The annual Take Back the Night rally, in which women de- mand the right to be free of fear and abuse caused by men, continues to attract thousands of Ann Arborites each spring. Though Ann Arbor voters re- cently overturned the decades-old $5 fine for possession of marijuana, the penalty for smoking pot is still only $25. In the same election, citizens voted to make the city a Zone of Reproductive Freedom should the state ever outlaw abortions. Shanties protesting apartheid in South Africa and the treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territo- ries, among others, continue to dot the Diag in ever-increasing numbers. . So why, then, have conservatives ascended to power both in the city and at the University? Ann Arbor, to be sure, is no longer a city made up solely of liberal professors and other left-leaning intellectuals. But voting changes among city residents can most easily be linked to the success of Republicans like Ronald Reagan and George Bush on the national level, a success which has rubbed off on local GOP candidates. Still, the balance of power in city politics may be shifting back to the liberals. This spring, a Democratic challenger ousted an incumbent on council, cutting the Republicans' majority to a precarious 6-5. And re- cent Democratic defeats can easily be attributed to ballot questions dealing with the controversial issue of rent control, which the Democrats sup- ported and for which they subse- quently suffered a political thrashing. On campus, the success of the Conservative Coalition was precipi- tated by three liberal parties running in the same election; most CC can- didates won with less than 30 per- cent of the student vote. And though the conservatives promised to end liberal mismanagement of student government, they failed to end the persistent bickering on the assem- bly. Consequently, the Conservative Coalition's dominance of student government came to an abrupt halt; last spring, liberal Jennifer Van Va- ley and most of her Action party slate were elected to seats on MSA. So what lies in store for the 1990s? Contrary to recent speculation, liberalism in Ann Arbor is not dead, and most students at Michigan have not suddenly become closet Republi- cans. Liberalism in Ann Arbor may have stagnated in the '80s, but it's making a comeback. Incoming stu- dents anxious to experience the city's legendary political climate can take heart - a political conscious- ness, and a liberal one at that, still pervades the intellect of Ann Arbor. fW. )ne of Ann Arbor's two food co-ops. Dave thinks Ann Arbor is still liberal and what more proof does one need than i food co-op. Alex talks about many things in his column, but he mentions co-ops as well, making this photo the )erfect tool to tie the page together. Your ticket to success from an alu-m who knows it all If I could tell you one thing to help you master Ann Arbor (and ob- viously I can because I've been granted this space in the paper to say, in fact, many things about Ann Arbor, but I digress) it would be pay your parking tickets. But, I don't have a car, you may interject. Pay your tickets anyway. Everyone (owners of cars, car thieves, bicyclists, people who don't even know how to drive) gets park- ing tickets in Ann Arbor. There is no way to escape them. Don't even think they won't catch up with you. You have better odds of having a medicine ball sud- denly crash through your living room wall interupting a family game of Chutes And Ladders than escaping the wrath of the Ann Arbor Parking Citations bureau. As you stroll down South Uni- versity this fall, take note of the ex- tensive renovations done there. The entire project was funded soley by parking fines my friend Peter and I amassed over four years in here. Ann Arbor is a whole lot more than parking hassles. Besides being an anagram for Bra Ran On, this wonderful city is, to many, a liberal haven in the conservative midwest. AlexC Ahmt Ann Arbor is so liberal (how lib- eral is it? it's so liberal that there is a city ordinance requiring each resi- dent to have at least 1.78 bumper- stickers supporting Latin American sovierenty, a free South Africa, a cleaner enviorment or animal rights on their Volvo. There are two food co-op's in this town. Now I don't even know what a food co-op is, but we have two of them and that means we're pretty darn liberal. One very positive offshoot of this liberalismality is the number of parks around. The parks are great to ride bikes, play basketball, take a date late at night - almost any- thing. However, do not sleep on the hood of your car with a bagel and the USA Today sports section in your hand in the parks. I once did this un- til a member of Ann Arbor's finest came to rouse me for "camping out." Oh, and another thing, do not try and remove bread thats stuck in the toaster with a metal object like a fork unless the toaster is unplugged. Ann Arbor is a city of duality. It is at once both the birthplace ,of the chipati and Bob Seger. It is both the home of the University of Michigan and Concordia College. Where else is the penalty for smoking pot (recently made more stringent) still a lesser fee than the charge for using your bank card at another Magic Line machine? You want culture, Ann Arbor is a vertable panoply for the arts. This is See ALEX, Page 14 4, . 1 "MbMcntosh won't help mepredicmyfture. Butits oing toYelpmesai" Matt Kosterman Third Year Economics Major, University of Wisconsin, Madison President, Solutions Marketing (a marketing consulting firm) FALL JO BS! Good Times! Great Pay! Terrific People! I don't know where I'll be in five years. But if I'm in the business world, I know I'll have my Apple' Macintosh' computer with me. I've seen people in business change their attitudes about computers the minute they get their hands on a Macintosh. They get this look on their faces like, "Now I get it. That's what computers are for." I think that's what attracted me to a Macintosh in the first place. It lets you take control. You start out working the way you want to work. And it just keeps getting better. We want YOU at MICHIGAN TELEFUND $6.00/hour plus bonuses. I