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September 06, 1990 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-06

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The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 6,1990- Page 15


Continued from page 1
ding payment based on the percen-
tage of time spent on University in-
cidents and a weighted formula with
costs based on land area, property
value, percentage of crime on Uni-
versity property, workload, and stu-
dent and staff population.
The options ranged between
$537,471 and $3.2 million in costs
for the University.
Schleicher said the city could
provide 27 officers for less cost than
the University estimates its own 24
officer force would be.
"I would much rather settle it that
way," he said.
City officials also disputed the
claim that response time is slower
for incidents on campus.
"It must be admitted that the
University of Michigan received a
similar level of service as the rest of
the Ann Arbor citizens when one
examines average response time for
calls of service by response code,"
said council member Ingrid Sheldon
(R-Second Ward).
According to figures provided by
Borgsdorf, the average response time
for calls on University property was
less than those for calls on city
property, except for incidents of the
lowest priority level.
The regents'-action establishing a
parking violations bureau has pre-
sented the city with further diffi-
Currently, payment for tickets is-
sued on University property are
collected by the city. However, this
will soon become the responsibility
of the University.
The city will lose approximately
$500,000 to $600,000 generated by
parking tickets on University pro-
perty. The University hopes to have
the Parking Violations Bureau in
place by January 1991, said Walter
Harrison, executive director of
University relations.
"To have such a significant
amount removed from our budget is
to increase the difficulties which the
city faces in the short term," said
council member Ann Marie
Coleman (D-First Ward).
In response to the $1 million cut
from the city's budget, council
members unanimously passed a reso-
lution at their July 2 meeting
establishing a citizen committee to
investigate "alternative fees" for the

Proposals include placing taxes
on student tuition and football
tickets. Mayor Gerald Jernigan - a
University employee - and council
member Liz Brater (D-Third Ward)
- whose husband works for the
University - abstained for possible
conflict of interest.
The 11-member committee will
report on its findings by December.
The University, however, is not
extremely concerned yet.
"Most of the things they are
suggesting are outside state law,"
said Harrison.
. "The state would have to'pass
some kind of enabling legislation -
and that's not very likely," said
-- Daily Staff Writer Mike
Sullivan contributed to this report.
Continued from Page 1
nances and laws is handled in two
ways," said Assistant Ann Arbor
City Attorney Tom Blessing. He
explained that the city code can be
applied by an authorized agent, like
the Ann Arbor Police, or another
agent can apply for authorization,
through the Ann Arbor Police.
"I don't believe they (university
police) would have the authority to
issue a ticket under city code," Bless-
ing said.
A University police force, Bless-
ing said, "would have to go through
the Ann Arbor Police Department in
order to continue under city code.
If the University elects not to en-
force city ordinances like the $25
marijuana fine or the Zone of Repro-
ductive Freedom ordinance, it may
effect one campus institution -
Hash Bash.
"It won't prevent us from having
our rallies," Rich Birkett of the Na-
tional Organization for the Reform
of Marijuana Laws (NORML) said,
"but it could make it rougher on
those who use the opportunity to do
a little public smoking."
Birket suspects the Regents ap-
proved plans for a police force with
the marijuana law in mind.
Harrison denied the accusation.
"Frankly, it (deputization) is not be-
ing put in place to enforce marijuana


'Pied Piper
"University alumnus Mario Casanova filled the Diag atmosphere yesterday with some light musical notes.

!' --

Gontinued from Page 1
nia statement, Penn State President
Biyce Jordan said, "Penn State's in-
clusion in the conference is consis-
telt with the Council of Ten's,an-
nounced mission of athletic reform,
particularly issues of academic in-
te ity.
4 enberry declined to elaborate on
the council's vote, saying only that
the. Nittnay Lions received at least
seven of the council's 10 votes.
Cojierence bylaws state that a two-
thirds majority is necessary to ex-
pand the Big Ten.
{ The presidents also voted to adopt
a four year "moratorium" on any fur-
their expansion or divisional play.
V0 amoratorium was imposed unan-
ously. Ikenberry said, but can be
lifted by a 70 percent vote of coun-
. The Des Moines Register re-
ported in its June 5 editions that
Michigan, Michigan State and Indi-

ana voted against the expansion.
Michigan State and Indiana officials
would not comment, but Executive
Director for University relations
Walter Harrison said, "Now that the
decision has been made, we welcome
Penn State into the conference."
Delany, who will take over
"expediting the process" of integra-
tion, said competition with Penn
State could begin as early as fall
"They can notify us within 12
months of the date of a particular
conference championship," to be in-
cluded, Delany said. "My assump-
tion would be that the first champi-
onship '91, '92 could see Penn State
as participants, both individual and
team, if they notified us within a 12
month time frame," he said.
But Delany added Penn State will
probably not be integrated into the
revenue sports of basketball and
football until the mid-1990s. Foot-
ball will probably remain with an

eight game conference schedule, he
said, although seven and nine game
schedules are also possible, and
competition could begin as early as
Ohio State University Athletic
Director Jim Jones said the confer-
ence should have no problem chang-
ing it's football schedule, which is
set until the year 20004. In the long
term, Jones said, "schools, rather
than have contracts, have letters of
Delaney said basketball competi-
tion would begin in the mid-1990's
and the double round robin format in
which each team plays every team in
the conference would be retained,
although the format could be
changed if the NCAA goes ahead
with its plan to reduce schedules to
25 games.
The decision to remain at 11
schools came as a surprise to many
who believed the presidents would
also announce their desire to expand

the league by one more team to a to-
tal of 12. That would have eased
scheduling problems and allowed the
conference to divide into two divi-
sions to cut travel costs and the
number of required regular season
basketball games.
The NCAA allows a 12 team
conference to split into divisions for
a 10-game double round robin sched-
ule, but a 108or 11 team conference
must play 18 of 20 games in order
to retain its automatic bid in the
NCAA basketball tournament.
Until full integration occurs, De-
lany said, the relationship between
Penn Sate and the Big Ten will be
"revenue neutral" - dollars earned
by Penn State will be maintained as
its property, and Big Ten revenues
will be distributed among ten mem-
bers. After integration, Penn State
revenues will be added to the Big
Ten pot, to be divided 11 ways.
The announcement ended five
anxious months for Penn State.



T 1



Don't write for the Michigan Daily.
You don't really want to be a news reporter for The Michigan Daily, do you? You don't need the aggravation involved in interviewing University President James Duderstadt, Senator Carl Levin, or President George
Bush. You don't need the embarrasment of having everyone in your residence hall cafeteria talking about your story on a proposed code of non-academic conduct. And who would ever want to write a breaking story
when the new Cheers episode is showing?
Now don't let anybody sucker you into writing for The Daily's Arts page either. Oh yeah, you'd get the chance to talk to entertainers such as Sidney Poiter or Robin Williams, but surely you'd rather talk to your
Physics teaching assistant. And then there's the oportunity to get into concerts free of charge to review them, and to receive free record albums, but you'd probably rather do your reading for Poli-Sci.
Perhaps you desire to take photos for The Daily. Don't even think about it. Who wants to be on the sidelines of a football game in Michigan Stadium or at the front of an angry protest anyway?
Maybe the Opinion page? Well, you start writing editorials on political issues you really care about, and the next thing you know, you might be responsible for provoking who knows how many conversations on the
issue, or - God forbid - even changing someone's mind.
Oh, a sports buff are you? Stick to watching them on TV. People on The Daily sports staff might tell you how great it is to cover a Rose Bowl or a Final Four, but is it really worth it? And who would want to end up
on a first-name basis with TripI Welbourne or Demetris Calip, anyway?
Worst of all, you could wind up gaining enough journalistic exerience to actually use this thing as a career, if you're not careful. Many's the hapless fool who has innocently wandered into the Student Publications
Building at 420 Maynard Street only to be doomed to follow a nightmarish path leading to summer internships at the Los Angles Times or a reporting job at the Washington Post. After all, look what happened to
activist Tom Hayden, Pulitzer Prize-winning Chicago journalist Anne Marie Lipinski, author Arthur Miller, and Time Magizine editor Waler Shapiro. They all began to write at The Daily, and have yet to put down
their pens. Wouldn't you hate to end up like them?
So act now. Avoiding writing for The Daily at all costs. They say any student can just walk into the building, trudge upstairs, and begin to write, even if he or she has no experience, and they say only students
manage and edit the paper, but don't get suckered by their claims. It might start with one innocent article. But then you might find yourself wanting to do another. And another. Next thing you know, you'll be doing
layouts, and even editing other people's stories. And by the time you realize you're enjoying it, you'll be beyond help.
The Michigan Daily. You've been warned!

Mass Meeting





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