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Rely on the Emergency Assistance Network for medical, legal and administrative services while traveling beyond 100 miles from home. 0 0 0 4 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CARD APPLICATION 'Please consider my application for The Alumni I Ed " Asociation of The University of Michigan VISA' csrd lyve indicated below. I understand that if I am not already a member of the Alumni Association, this application will also serve as my membership application, and the $30 membership dues will be charged automatically to my new VISA account upon approval.I further understand that if my request for a VISA Gold is not accepted, this constitutes my request for a VISA Classic. I also accept that on a periodic basis, I may be considered for an automatic upgrade to the VISA Gold at MBNA America's discretion. I have read this entire application, agree to its terms, and certify that the information is correct APPLICANT'S SIGNATURSE DATE Please complete the information below if you wish an additional card issued to a co-applicant orver 18 years of age, or if yos wish tn be a guarantor for the applicant CO-APPLICANT/GUARANTOR INFORMATION NAME (As you would like it to appear on card -Frust. Middle initial, Last) (Note This is not an application frsa corporate account ) Please check one: BVNR VISA Gold VISA Classic VISA Classic Universiry of Michigan Michigan Stadium Burton Memoriai Tower 06-843 34.183 34.185 RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER BIRTfiiOATS HiOME PIHONE CITY STATS ZIP ANNUAL SAlARY Apply by phone right now' Call toll-free 1-800-847-7378, ext. 5000 FEMPLOYER S ADDRFSS PH ONE I have read this entire application, agree to uts terms, and understand that I will be jointly and sverally liable fcor all charges on this account APPLICANT INFORMATION -CuV 4v zUC wev scn J L n >'_ y v _S V L m' n y a L Z O-APP(IiC.5NT S/GUARANTOR'S SIGNATURE OATS NAMES(As you would like it to appear on yard - tatut Midudle initial Last) BIiRTHlOATS PRESENT ADDRESS I (Wel authioizue MBNA America- to inuestigate any facts iorobtrain and exchange reports regarding rhis application and/ioe resulting acciounituihi credit retirting agencies and otsers Uponrequest I (Wei will he istormed of each agencys same andi adidress Federally Required Notice to Cosigner Yoiu are beinig asked to. guaraateeetni deht Thinok carefully befotre you. do it the borrouei ioesn't pay the delt, you will have to Be sure thait you car affoid to pay it you haiie to aind tsar you want to occept thssrespioibiluty You may- hose to pay up to the lull aoiuntcr1 tho debt iftrhe orowoer does itot tay You may also have toi pay late tfees or col lection cists, which increase rhis amo:unt The haink car collect this debt trorn you without lurst trying toi collect frorn the borrower The bank car use the same collectioirniethodsipermitted hy aplilcahle lau against you that can he used against the horrower, such as suing you. gatoisbisgyoai uages ,etc.If this sdebt is euer in de-fault, that flot rayhi-co me a parofyiiur credit rcort This noi.,e is nt/ th e ciiract that miakes yiiu liable lint the acciiunti cITY $lTSE ZIP HOWL'ILONC? Pi/htN INT 9ADDRESSb (Noc Pr/Bones pleasei HOW LONG0 CITY STATE i/O YO/hi O/yN RENT hDORMV, OTHER tAnnual Fees PERMIANENT P IONi PRESNT OE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMSER MOTE FR 5MAIDSN NAME ikR) 5userien ou request special uctiitat~kenu on your accountI YEAS Or GRADUATION $40 VISA Cold, 520 VISA Classic See waive-ciflrst year1 Annual Percentage Rate lb9 5,. Grace Period For Repayment At least 25i/ayssfhow statem err/clusing date Of Balances For Purchases Method of Computing the Balance for Purchases Transaction Fee For Cash Advances, And Fees For Paying Late or Exceeding The Credit Limit PRE1SENT l.MPIOYi-Ihill onyi NATURE Of BUISINESS Average Dily Balanc (including new urchases) - Transaction See StFortnkand ATMvtCash Aidvances 2Y,, o each Cash Advance $2 Miiniimm $25 Maximuiti TranisactioiniFee Sot Access Chieck GCish Advanices ChXurf each Gish Advance $2a Minium, $10 ~hiMaxiumu VISA Classic Burton Memorial Tower TOTAL. PEiRSONAi. INCOME' sOiiRCc Total Personal incoime (i ncluide some frism employ-ment plus schiciarships, tuitionii,ii.siudeiit ioaiisasd luridstreceiuedifrom relatives Alimciny child support, o~r spiousal iscome ori seirarate msaintenance income-eddnsterealedlulyoudoiuitwusb it-onsiered asahosis-lrenyment I CREDItT CARDO ACCOUINTS Late Paiymtent See $1i5 Over-the-Creiit-imrit lieI/i Thr infioimationi orscribesiin this applica tion is occurste as ofSI8//9qThis inlormatilit may hive ichangidlaitr thatodate To fiid ciiiwhat may haive charged- call 1-8i0i-84-73-78/5Not avaiblet oeare resiet yMBNA America -as MNC Financial Company, issues and administers this credi~t caid tproiram VISA' is a feirerally registe red Tradenrk nI viIS IU S .A Intcssod puruttoi cense CO Copyright rash0vsBNASinsrica i Apply today. Complete and mail the attached form. Or, call toll free 1-800-847-7378, ext. 5000 at any time. MASTiRCARi/IR S 5,-ACCO/UNT AMtERICAN SXPRESS~s ACCOUNT #