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October 09, 1990 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-09

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The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, October 9, 1990 - Page 3

formed to
discuss LSA
1e port
!.Julie Foster
:aily Staff Reporter




Four committees appointed to
discuss changes in the undergraduate
curriculum are in a state of "furious
4rganizational activity," and may
have further recommendations by the
dof the year, English Prof. Robert
eisbuch, chair of the central com-
mittee, said yesterday.
The committees, appointed by
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg are dis-
ussing recommendations made this
fall by the Planning Committee on
the Undergraduate Experience within
Jhe College of LSA.
The report, released in the begin-
Iing of the semester, offers numer-
recommendations for improving
e quality of undergraduate educa-
The report focused on four major
areas of undergraduate education
which the committees will be ex-
ploring in more detail. They are
graduation and distribution require-
ments, pedagogy, counseling, and
the Atheneum.
The Atheneum is a proposal de-
*gned to improve the first two years
of undergraduate education. It would
be both a building and an ideology,
pffering special counseling services,
more student-faculty contact, and
more tenure-track professors teaching
gpurses designed for first- and sec-
ond-year students.
"The committee isn't set up to
institute the idea," said Diane Kirk-
trick, chair of the committee. The
ommittee was formed to review the
proposals more carefully and present
refined ideas to the faculty and stu-
dent body for consideration, she said.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg re-
cently appointed faculty to chair each
committee including an overseeing
Some proposals will be discussed
and implemented sooner than others,
*e said. While it may take "more
than five years for the Atheneum (to
be approved), to get more faculty in-
yolved in student affairs could hap-
pen more quickly," Weisbuch said.
Weisbuch hopes the report and
future efforts of the committees will
show students that "There is a lot of
interest in undergraduate education
"If we don't get things done that
really change the undergraduate edu-
cation, it will be one of the biggest
disappointments of my life," he said.

by Donna Woodwe
Daily City Reporter
The Ann Arbor Ci
wrote another chapter int
city garbage collection
The council unanimo
a resolution allowing fo
of a consulting firm to1
packages for the privatiz
city's garbage collection
held a joint working se
the city's solid waste de
discuss various proposa
efficient and cost effectiv4
The resolution auth
Administrator Del Borgs
the Coopers and Lybrand
firm for $5000. Acco
memorandum from Borg
council, the firm was hi
reputation, previous wo
city, proximity to Ann
overall cost.
"The more input w
better we'll all feel when
policy) hits the streets,'
The city hired an out
tant to ensure fair comp
tween private companies
solid waste department,

A2 with
both prepare bids to handle the city's
ty Council garbage collection and disposal. The
the ongoing contract will go up for bid Nov. 15.
nsaga last
After the resolution was ap-
proved, city solid waste department
usly passed officials joined councilmembers
r the hiring around the council chamber's table
prepare bid to listen to presentations from other
ation of the municipality officials and swap in-
n, and then formation gathered by the city ad-
ession with ministrator and John Newman, direc-
partment to tor of the city's solid waste depart-
Is for more ment.
e collection "Tonight's session is designed for
the exchange of communication" be-
orizes City tween the various city departments
dorf to hire on the issue of solid waste, said
d consulting Councilmember Liz Brader (D-
rding to a Fourth Ward), co-chair of the Solid
;sdorf to the Waste Commission. "No decisions
fired for its will be made tonight," she said.
rk with the
Arbor and Brader said she couldn't project
when the council will reach a deci-
sion regarding the garbage.collection
,e get... the and disposal issue.
iit (the final
" Borgsdorf The city's solid waste department
is seeking ways to make up for its
$1.7 million deficit. Under consider-
side consul- ation by the council is a $1-per-bag
petition be- user fee, privatization of collection
and the city and dumping and cuts in the city's
which will general fund to make up the deficit.

Andrea Goldstein, an LSA senior, visits the "Sukkah" that the Chabad House set up on the Diag yesterday to
recognize the Sukkot, or "Season of our Rejoicing." The Sukkah is a structure built to celebrate the fall

2 U.S.

soilders die in plane

crash i n Saudi Arabia

Associated Press
Two U.S. pilots died in a jet
crash in Saudi Arabia today, and the
Navy was searching for two Marine
helicopters that vanished over the
North Arabian Sea with eight crew
members aboard, military officials
Also today, warships upholding
the trade embargo against Iraq forced
two Iraqi ships to stop in the Gulf of
Oman and submit to searches.
The military officials in Saudi
Arabia said the RF4C Phantom re-
connaisance jet, belonging to a unit
of the Alabama Air National Guard,
crashed in the southern Saudi Arabia
penninsula shortly after 1:00 p.m.
The names of the pilots were
withheld pending notification of rela-
tives. A military spokesperson,
Navy Cmdr. J.D. Van Sickle, said

he could provide no other details
other than that the crash was being
investigated. .
Meanwhile, the Navy searched for
eight Marines missing after two UH-
1 helicopters disappeared during a
training flight in the North Arabian
Sea earlier today. As night fell, there
was no word on the outcome of the
Navy officers ruled out hostile ac-
tion in the incident, which occurred
well outside the Strait of Hormuz
leading to the Persian Gulf, and 500
to 600 miles from where ground
forces are deployed in the Saudi Ara-
bian desert.
They also said there was no indi-
cation that the two UH-I Huays
might have collided as they were re-

turning to the amphibious assault
carrier USS Okinawa.
Each helicopter carried two pilots
and two crew members
The jet and the helicopters are
part of the multinational force that
was deployed in the Persian Gulf re-
gion after Iraq invaded Kuwait on
Aug. 2.
British, Australian, and American
warships fired warning shots across
the bow of one of the Iraqi ships
halted in the Gulf of Oman. The
freighter was empty and allowed to
continue, presumably to Iraq, British
defense officials said. No shots were
fired at the second Iraqi ship, and it
was still being searched late today,
they said.

Borgsdorf waits for
Las Vegas job offer

NOW panel discusses
'Right to Die' proposal

by Donna Woodwell
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor City Administrator
Del Borgsdorf is still waiting in cold
and rainy Ann Arbor for a job offer
in warmer climates.
Borgsdorf is one of seven
finalists for the city manager job in
Las Vegas, Nevada. A final decision
for the position may be announced
as early as Oct. 25 after Las Vegas
city officials review finalists'
Borgsdorf had no comment on his
chances for the the Las Vegas
position, saying he was "busy
working right here" in Ann Arbor.
Councilmember Joe Borda (R-
Fifth Ward) said Borgsdorf has a
right to apply for positions in other
cities if he wants to, but "everyone
on the council would like to see him
stay if we can work things out," he

The city council held a meeting
several weeks ago to discuss a plan
of action if Borgsdorf is hired. If
Borgsdorf accepts a new position, an
interim administrator will be
appointed by the council until a
nationwide search for a new city
administrator is undertaken.
On Sept. 25 Borgsdorf lost the
bid for appointment as Fresno,
California's city manager to the
Cincinnati Deputy City Manager
Mike Bierman.
City officials in both Frenso and
Las Vegas approached Borgsdorf and
encouraged him to apply for the
The Las Vegas city manager's
annual salary is $90,000. Borgsdorf
earns $84,000 as Ann Arbor's city
administrator, the city's chief
executive officer.

Eric Kuvit and Jennifer Balaban are co-chairs of University Activities
Center (UAC)'s Laugh Track - information which was incorrectly reported
in yesterday's paper.
Wat's happening in Ann Arbor today,

University Students Against
Cancer (USAC) - Mass meeting.
Henderson Rm., Michigan League,
7:30 p.m. Contact Melissa Gedis:
Student Struggle for Soviet
Jewry - Weekly meeting. Hillel,
1429 Hill St. 7 p.m.
"Uzbekistan: Report from So-
viet Central Asia" - Dr. Jisi
Wang, Visiting Scholar at the Cen-
ter for Chinese Studies.
International Center, 603 E.
Madison, Noon.
"Computers, Visualization,
and the Scientific Uses of Pic-
tures" - Dr. Fred Bookstein, Dis-
tinguished Research Scientist, Cen-
ter for Human Growth and Devel-
opment ,Institute of Gerontology,
School of Public Health. 300 North
Ingalls Bldg., 10th level Rm. 1000,
"The Development of Marx-
ism: Building a Science of Revo-
lution" - Spark Revolutionary
History Series. B122 MLB, 7 p.m.
"U.S. Intervention in the
Gulf: A Teach-In" - Teaching
Assistants for Social Change. B116

tional Church, Dearborn, MI and
Larry Visser, Organist of Zion
Lutheran Churn, Chelsa, MI.
Blanch Anderson Moore Hall,
School of Music, 11 a.m.
Chamber Music Concert -
Works of Cesar Franck. Jeffrey
Gilliam, Director, University of
Michigan Chamber Ensembles.
School of Music Recital Hall, 4
Carillon Recital - Don Cook,
Associate Organist and Carilloneur,
Christ Church Cranbrook, Bloom-
field Hills, MI. Burton Memorial
Tower, 7:15 p.m.
Recital - Valeri Rubacca, Pro-
fessor of Organ, Odessa Conserva-
tory, U.S.S.R. Hill Auditorium, 8
Career Planning and Place-
ment - Expo Information Session.
2011 MLB, 4:10 p.m.
Career Planning and Place-
ment - Employer Presentation:
Anderson Consulting. Pendleton
Rm., Union, 7 p.m.
Career Planning and Place-
ment - Employer Presentation:
Pepsi-Cola Company. Kunzel Rm.,
Union, 7 p.m.
Safewalk - Operating out of the
UGLi (Rm 102). 8-11:30 p.m. Call

by Erica Kohnke
Daily Staff Reporter
People should be protected from
interference in their personal matters
with legislation and should continue
to protect themselves from intrusion
in a technologically advancing
world, said a panel of speakers last
A "living will" panel comprised
of state legislatures, a doctor, and a
minister discussed state legislation
that, if passed, would allow individ-
uals' "living wills" to supersede the
wishes of their friends or relatives.
A living will is a legal document
drawn up in order to specify whether
or not one wishes to be sustained on
machinery once one is declared to be
in a "persistent vegitative state," or
unconscious for a period of time.
The legislation discussed by the
panel would protect an individual's
right to deny treatment, despite the
possibility of objections from the
medical community or relatives.
Introducing each of the panel
members was Arelene Law, who
heads Ann Arbor's National Organi-
zation for Women (NOW), which
sponsored the meeting.
The panel on the "living will"
included State Rep.Perry Bullard,
(D-Ann Arbor) and State Sen. Lana
Pollack (D-Ann Arbor), both sup-
porters of "Right to Die" legislation.
Also on the panel were Ken Phifer,
minister of the Unitarian church and
Dr. Ron Bishop, a retired physician.r

Each gave their views on proposed
legislation, from a legistative per-
spective, to a religious and a medical
There were about 30 members in
the audience, some of whom, includ-
ing Jean King, a local attorney,
questioned the "Right to Die" bill's
clause which makes the living will
ineffective in the case of. pregnant
women. Some resented the need for
such a clause and felt it declared
pregnant women were "second-class
citizens." It was considered anti-Roe
vs. Wade legislation by King.
"Mere existence is not an abso-
lute value," said Phifer in presenting
a religious perspective. He gave a
broad view of many religions, in-
cluding Western and Eastern faiths.
Religion in general would approve
of the concept of a living will as a
form of respecting life, Phifer ex-
"Some people respect life by
fighting death, and some people re-
spect life by accepting it," Phifer
said. Religion in general opposes
unnecessary suffering, he asserted,
and supports autonomy - a per-
son's right to choose their own fate.
"Write things down, so your
wishes may be followed" urged Dr.
Bishop, who stressed that people
constructing living wills should be
careful with their terms, and discuss
decisions with their physicians and
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Two Americans whose discoveries
led the way for successful human or-
gan and cell transplants were awarded
the Nobel Prize in medicine yester-
Joseph E. Murray, 71, discovered
how to prevent tissue rejection when
organs are transplanted in people,
and the work of E. Donnall Thomas,
70, diminished the severe reaction
that grafts cause in recipients, the
Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska
Institute said in awarding the prize.
"I really thought this work was
too clinical to ever win the prize,"
Thomas said yesterday morning from
his home in Bellevue, Wash.
"There are many scientist-re-
searchers out there who are eligible.

U.S. scientists win Nobel

for this prize.
"It's a long shot at best, and it
would be a mistake to waste tiie
thinking about winning it."
Americans have won or shared
the prize in medicine 32 times in the
past 21 years, compared with 19
winners from all other countries
Murray and Thomas did their
groundbreaking research in the 1950s
and 1960s.
Murray's and Thomas' discover-
ies are crucial for those tens of thou-
sands of severely ill patients who e-
ther can be cured, or be given a di-
cent life when other treatment metb-
ods are without success," said the
50=member assembly of Sweden's
largest and oldest medical university.



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