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October 09, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-09

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Copynght© 1990
Vol. Cl, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Tuesday, October 9, 1990 The Michigan Oaily





by Amanda Neuman
Daily Staff Reporter
Applause and cheers greeted the
approval of a long-debated curricu-
lum change yesterday when the LSA
Faculty General Assembly voted
139-90 to approve a mandatory class
on diversity.
0 After three years of debate, the
assembly's adoption of the Faculty
Proposal, which will require stu-
dents to choose from a list of
courses examining the meaning of
race, ethnicity and racism, was
greeted with congratulations and
"I'm delighted," said History
Prof. Terrence McDonald, one of the

proponents and co-author of the pro-
posal which, he said, has more
breadth than the three other propos-
als put before the faculty. The pro-
posal attempts to integrate as many
disciplines as possible, and involves
the faculty in the initiation of
courses, he said.
The requirement will go into ef-
fect for first-year students in 1991.
After two years in operation, it will
be fully reviewed by a committee
appointed by the LSA dean.
Though the Curriculum Commit-
tee still has to outline the final de-
tails of the requirement, students
will choose from a list of courses

focusing on racial and ethnic intoler-
ance and resulting inequality in the
United States or elsewhere. The
courses must include comparisons of
discrimination in any form and can
be used to satisfy distribution or
concentration requirements.
The Faculty Proposal replaced
Proposal A, which had been tabled
last April by a vote of 99-50. Pro-
posal A differed from the Faculty
proposal because it focused on ethnic
and racial intolerance in contempo-
rary American society while the fac-
ulty proposal looked at these issues
in any society.
Two additional proposals, Pro-

posals B and C, went largely undis-
cussed. Proposal B centered around
American society but ignored the so-
cial issues of equality and intoler-
Proposal C was much like A, but
allowed for courses to focus on ei-
ther racial intolerance or ethnic in-
tolerance. Proposal A combines both
An amendment to the Faculty
Proposal suggested by History Prof.
Mills Thornton passed to eliminate a
sub-committee that would have been
responsible for the approval and re-
view of courses which meet the re-

Thornton objected to the commit-
tee because he opposed having the
members of the University Course
299 board, a group appointed by the
LSA dean, be responsible for provid-
ing advice to instructors who want
their courses considered for certifica-
McDonald countered the amend-
ment, saying the expertise and input
of the members on the UC 299
board is necessary.
However, he was not discouraged
by the amendment. "The changes are
not crucial," he said.
Prof. of Classical Studies H.D.
Cameron said, "The faculty acquitted

itself very well on this discussion."
Not everyone was pleased with
the vote's outcome.
"It erodes the notion of the au-
tonomy of the individual faculty
member, " said Economics Prof.
Robert Barsky. "I am a deep oppo-
nent of racism and any form of in-
tolerance and cruelty. I would like to
see people voluntarily choosing
courses in which these issues come
to the fore," he said.
The Faculty Proposal garnered
support from 100 faculty members
by 4:00 p.m.when the meeting

Blanchard inks
pollution law F


nks 21,


by Ken Walker
Michigan Gov. James Blanchard
signed new environmental protection
legislation into law at a ceremony
held yesterday morning in Ann Ar-
bor's Gallup Park.
The law, which Blanchard said
"will make the state of Michigan
number one in the nation in envi-
ronmntal protection," will force
polluters to pay cleanup costs on
environmental hazards for which
they are responsible.
State Senator Lana Pollack (D-
Ann Arbor), who originally pro-
posed the legislation to the state
Senate six years ago, said in a pre-
pared speech that the signing shows
"the system does yield to environ-
mental justice."
The legislation calls for a manda-
tory five-year prison term plus a fine

of $1 million to be imposed upon
"any individual convicted of know-
ingly discharging a hazardous sub-
stance and posing a substantial dan-
ger to public health, safety, or wel-
fare." The penalties are the stiffest in
the nation.
"We can take polluters to court
and get, if necessary, triple dam-
ages," Blanchard said. "We can pro-
ceed with cleanups where there is no
one responsible without worry about
having to fund cleanups where there
is someone responsible."
Under the law, cleanup of
"orphaned" sites, where no polluter
can be identified, will be paid from
the $660 million bond issue for en-
vironmental protection costs passed
in 1988.
The law also outlines penalties

Rank falls from 17 in 1989

--Troy Flornung, a third grader from Martin Luther King elementary
school , helps Gov. Blanchard sign the new pollution bill yesterday.



Republican and Democratic leaders
pressed for approval last night of a
revised $500 billion deficit reduction
plan essential for averting a
widespread shutdown in government
services this morning.
President Bush declined to say
whether he would agree to the plan,
which envisions smaller cuts in
Medicare but possibly higher tax in-
creases than an earlier version the
House rejected last week.
"We're giying no signals," said
the president's spokesperson, Marlin
Fitzwater. "We've got to see what
the bill looks like" when the Senate
But thousands of federal workers
faced the threat of forced furloughs
and lawmakers warned of chaos if the
White House and Congress failed to
resolve their months-long impasse
over the federal deficit.

services could shutdown

by Annabel Vered
Daily Staff Reporter
The University fell in rank and
academic reputation this year accord-
ing to a U.S. News and World Re-
port survey of America's best col-
leges released yesterday.
Falling from 17 to 21, the Uni-
versity remains in the top 25 of
1374 national universities. Its aca-
demic reputation - one of the fac-
tors used to determine overall rank-
ing - fell from number nine in
1989 to number 11 this year.
The ranking is derived by com-
paring test scores, admissions stan-
dards, acceptance and graduation
rates, financial resources and student
to faculty ratios. Harvard, Stanford
and Yale were the top three ranked
University officials warned that
the survey's results need to be inter-
preted carefully.
"In whose opinion is the ranking
in the first place?" asked Regent
Thomas Roach (D-Ann Arbor). "I
would urge a little caution in jump-
ing to conclusions. To the extent
that it does reflect a decline, how-
ever, that's not pleasant to hear."
"In the measures that we see, in-
volving the quality of the faculty,
students, libraries and research facili-
ties, my impression is the Univer-
sity is better today than it was five
years ago," Roach continued.
The University ranked 44 for fac-
ulty resources, 26 for student satis-
faction, and 36 for financial
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) said there would be reason for
concern only if the drop continued
for several years. "I don't think it
will make a difference," he said

about the impact of the survey on
University recruitment efforts.
"I think last year and this year
what hurt Michigan is the financial
resources per student. They (U.S.
News and World Report) have this
formula-driven rating system, and in
that particular category, we don't
stand in comparison to schools with
big endowments," said University
Provost and Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Gilbert Whitaker.
"I don't think it is a question of
academic quality," he continued. "I
think those differences are not big
enough to really impact our aca-
demic reputation."
Roach added the regents will look
into the survey's results.
"I want to find out how they
measured us, where we fell short and

'U' library to close f budget agreement not reached


by Lynne Cohn

Employees of the Gerald Ford
Library on North Campus are anx-
iously watching Congress as it de-
bates the budget, curious if they
will remain employed.
The Ford Library, a facility dedi-
cated to political and historical re-
search of the 1970s, employs 15
people and as a federal agency of the
National Archives, depends on gov-
ernment funding.
If the government does not reach
a resolution, the library will shut

"Regardless of the government's
decision, we can fully expect some
cuts. In the long term, we will not
be. able to remain the same; there
will be changes," Library Director
Frank Mackaman said yesterday.
The National Archives has in-
structed Mackaman to prepare for
different worst-case scenarios. If the
government does not pass a contin-
uing resolution, the Ford Library
will undergo an orderly shutdown
where no public services will be

available, except in case of an
emergency where another govern-
ment agency needs to utilize the re-
search facilities.
If a continuing resolution
passes, the Gramm-Rudman Se-
questrian Act will take effect. This
will provide automatic cuts man-
dated by the Gramm-Rudman-
Hollings Act - in which case li-
brary staff will operate at half level.
Assistant Director Dennis Dael-
lenbach said, "This will majorly af-
See CLOSURE, Page 2

U1 Nwsa and WorldRepoSs
Top 10 National Univeuslbes
(Academiereputtion inp hess)
1. Harvard (3)
2. Stanford (1)
3. Yale (4)
4. Princeton (5)
5. Cal Tech (13)
6. M.I.T (2)
7. Duke (8)
8. Dartmouth (15)
9. Cornell (7)
10. Columbia (12)
21. Michigan (11)

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"This has just been playing
marshmallow stuff" so far, said Sen.
Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., the Sen-
ate's assistant Republican leader, re-
ferring to the limited impact on the
government during the Columbus
Day holiday weekend.

"Any thoughtful, reasonable per-
son now knows what happens to
this government tomorrow."
Republican and Democratic lead-
ers searched into the evening for
support for the package, which was
passed by the House 250-164 in a

post-midnight session early Monday.
The measure contains far fewer spe-
cific spending cuts and tax increases
than the version that went down to
defeat last week, putting off those
decisions for later in the month.
See BUDGET, Page 2

if we fell short, and what can we do
to enhance our excellence to regan
the high perception that has been
traditionally given to Michigan,"
Roach said.

Shh, don't say No. 1 yet
Wolverines look to Spartans, not at polls..

22 people
die from

I - --.. ...

by Mike Gill
Daily Football Writer

As the Michigan public rela-
tions department paraded five
different players in to meet the
media yesterday, one thing became
apparent: each Wolverine had been
coached pretty well on off-the-field
Do not say anything to incite
Michigan State.
Do not say that being ranked
No. 1 means anything to you
right now.
Use words like "focus," or a
string of words like "keeping our
While no player stood with his
hand nervously shaking a piece of
paper labelled "Responses to the
No. 1 question," it was quite
al.h , a.,

the top team in the country. Yes-
terday, the Associated Press fol-
lowed suit. The UPI ranking came
as the biggest surprise. The
Wolverines were fourth in the
previous poll behind Notre Dame,
Florida State and Nebraska.
Nebraska walloped Kansas State
45-8, yet the Wolverines jumped
ahead of them.
Michigan's AP ranking is the
earliest in a season that a team has
been top-ranked with a loss. The
previous record was held by
Nebraska, which was No. 1 with a
9-1 record November 13, 1986.
"I think it's a plus for
(Michigan State)," Moeller said.
"It seems like every team that gets
ranked No. 1 gets bumped off. It
really doesn't mean anything right
,n We m srn o rt h n se a,

hitting, drag-em-down, knock out
Offensive lineman Tom Dohr-
ing echoed his coach's sentiments:
"It's a great honor, but this is
Michigan State week. We aren't as
concerned about a No. 1 ranking.
We'll go game by game. I know
that sounds like something a
coach would say, but it's true."
And could Michigan handle
having a No., 1 ranking tossed
around it's neck?
"Sure," Dohring said. "The
older guys, we should be able to
handle it and stay focused -
that's a big thing for us."
"It's a blessing and a curse,".
fullback Jarrod Bunch added. "After
the game a lot of people in the
lockerroom heard about Notre
rnm- -ant lrn,.ate io4noin v

opened fire on stone throwing Pales-
tinians at the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem's Old City yesterday, and
Arab hospital officials said 22
Palestinians were killed and at least
150 wounded.
The clash erupted after Palestini-
ans threw stones from the Mount at
an Israeli military post above the
Wailing Wall, Judaism's holiest
site, witnesses said.
Police Commisioner Yaacov
Terner said he had heard that more
than 20 Palestinians were killed, and


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