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October 04, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-10-04

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Vol. Cl, No.21 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 4, 1990 TYichi




by Heather Fee
Daily Staff Writer
One of the first women's crisis
centers in the country closed down
this September due to lack of funds
and volunteers.
The Women's Crisis Center
(WCC), which received approxi-
mately 20-50 calls a day, also served
as a "training ground for activists in
Ann Arbor and a birthing place for
feminist activities that have gone on
in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
community," volunteer Julie Enszer
A grant from the city of Ann Ar-
bor provided ten percent of the cen-
ter's budget but the rest of the
money came from collection efforts
such as bucket and phone drives.
About forty women, including stu-
dents, vohnteered during the school
year, but only six women staffed the
center in the summer.
Without volunteers the center did
'not raise money and without money
it did not recruit volunteers, said
volunteer Nadine Mienhuis.
When the center moved to Ypsi-
lanti in January 1989, there were
less University student volunteers,
and Eastern Michigan University
students were not yet acquainted with
the center.
However, Mienhuis, a University
alumnae said, "I want to make it
clear that the move to Ypsi wasn't
why we closed, it was mostly finan-
cial. I feel like Ypsilanti would be a
really good place for there to be a
crisis center."
Former center coordinator Sandy
Henes agreed, "It (the closing) sad-
dened me because it was much
needed in the community, especially
where it was located. Ann Arbor has
4 a lot to offer women... Ypsilanti
doesn't have a lot to offer (women)."
When the center opened 18 years
ago, it served to help pregnant
woman obtain the funds to go to an-
other a state to have a legal abortion.
Its function quickly changed after the
Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 and
the center became a rape crisis line
that responded to the public attention
focused on rape in the early 70's.
When the Women's Crisis Cen-
ter first opened it was one of the few
women's issues centers in the
"Anyone who worked in
women's issues worked there,"
Mienhuis said, but as other centers
opened, volunteers specialized and
See WCC, Page 5

France, USSR
continue to
oppose Iraq
World hears more reports of
Iraqi atrocities in Kuwait

Get them while they're h
Shakey Jake's collectibles are all the rage ar
post cards while walking to class yesterday.

ot Jt:NNJ to UUJ:.i uSSr
ound Ann Arbor. LSA junior Andrew Haber stocks up on some

by the Associated Press
A close advisor to Mikhail Gor-
bachev headed for Iraq yesterday on a
special Middle East mission, leaving
just hours after Secretary of States
James Baker III said there was grow-
ing world support for a military
strike against Iraq.
President Francois Mitterand also
flew to the region yesterday to meet
the leader of Saudi Arabia and in-
spect French troops.
Mitterand will visit the French
frigate Dupleix tomorrow, then
travel to Saudi Arabia for talks with
King Fahd and to inspect French
forces at the Red Sea port of Yanbu.
Meanwhile, Iraq freed nine resi-
dents of France taken hostage in the
standoff caused by Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait on August 2. Several thou-
sand Westerners are being held
hostage in Iraq and Kuwait, some as
shields against a possible attack.
Mitterand offered in a speech last
week to link an Iraqi pullout from
Kuwait to a broader Middle East set-
tlement. In a speech Sunday, Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein suggested
France as a possible negotiating
The Soviets have joined the
United States in demanding that Sad-
dam pull his troops out of Kuwait,

although they have urged that no
military action be taken against Iraq
without U.N. authorization.
On Tuesday, the Soviet military
chief of staff reiterated that position
during a trip to New York. General
Mikhail Moiseyev said current sanc-
tions are working and that Saddam is
"in economic and political isolation
and he can't survive very long that
U.S. military sources in Saudi
Arabia said Baghdad has strengthened
its forces in southern Iraq and
Kuwait and has now deployed nearly
half its one million person army to
defend the occupied territory.
About 170,000 U.S. troops are
leading a multinational force arrayed
against Saddam across the border in
Saudi Arabia and on ships in the
There have been reports from oc-
cupied Kuwait of atrocities by Iraqi
soldiers, of people accused of be-
longing to the resistance being exe-
cuted and of sympathizers having
their homes burned down.
Yesterday, Amnesty International
issued a report saying that Iraqi
troops in Kuwait have tortured and
executed scores of people, some for
refusing to display pictures of Sad-
See GULF, Page 2




held for art prof.

by Melissa Peerless
Approximately 500 family mem-
bers, friends, and colleagues gathered
in the Pendelton Room of the
Michigan Union to pay tribute to
and reflect on the career of Univer-
sity Prof. David Huntington
Huntington, a History of Art pro-
fessor at the University since 1966,
died of a heart attack at his home last
Saturday. Huntington, who was 68,
taught graduate level courses and was
chair of the History of Art
department from 1985 to 1989.
Huntington gained worldwide
recognition when he spearheaded the
effort in the mid-1960s to save
Olana, the home and estate of land-
scape painter Frederick Fdwin
In addition to holding the posi-
tion of vice-president of Olana
Preservation, Huntington wrote
books which demonstrated Church's
importance as an artist and the
necessity of preserving Olana.
Huntington was honored with a
Society of Friends memorial service
that invited all in attendance to
speak. Those who stepped up to the
open microphone spoke fondly of
Huntington's sense of humor,

integrity, and uncommon wisdom.
Huntington's daughter, Abigail,
told of her father's "capacity to expe-
rience life very fully." Caleb, his
son, said it was "reassuring to see
that so many people cared so much
and that (Huntington) meant so
much to them."
Huntington's younger sister Al-
ice said she was "always impressed
with (her) brother," and that it was
especially touching to see "what a
legacy he left behind and what a life
he lived."
Huntington's colleagues and
former students read poetry and
shared personal thoughts and anec-
dotes. Many of the stories were
amusing and mourners found them-
selves laughing despite their sense of
Diane Kirkpatrick, chair of the
Art History department, spoke of
Huntington's exceptional courage
and willingness to put himself on
the line in order to help someone in
need. In 1964, Huntington read
about "Visit Harlem Week" in The
New York Times.
Huntington wrote to the orga-
nizer and arranged to bring his wife
and three small children to the all-
Black neighborhood. The family

traveled from Massachusetts for the
Kirkpatrick said Huntington's
willingness to take his family into
this potentially dangerous situation
to experience how others live

Man charged with
ethnic intimidation

by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
David Richards, a 20-year-old
Ypsilanti man, was convicted on a
criminal charge of ethnic intimida-
tion Tuesday.
Richards, a white man, was
charged with making racially moti-
vated threats against a Black neigh-
bor, Earl Ford, and Ford's white girl-
friend, Mary Lloyd. Richards shouted
racial insults at Ford and Lloyd, and
threatened to shoot Lloyd and the
couple's child, when the couple was
moving out of a building where
Richards also resided.
Richards faces a maximum

demonstrates his open mindedness.
Kirkpatrick said Huntington will
be missed by many people because,
"he really accepted you as you were.
He expected you to be wonderful but
he knew you had idiosyncrasies be-
cause you were human."



in celebration
and protest

penalty of two years imprisonment,
a fine of up to $5,000, or both. He
will be sentenced Nov. 1 by Washt-
enaw County Circuit Court Judge
Patrick Conlin.
Richards acknowledged during his
trial that he made the threats, but
said they stemmed from a dispute
over money with Ford. He also said
he was intoxicated at the time.
The case, which went to trial
Oct. 1 and closed Oct. 2, is one of
only a handful of ethnic intimidation
charges that have surfaced since the
law was passed by the Michigan leg-
islature in March 1989.
- The Associated Press con-
tributed to this story.
seize base
MANILA, Philippines (AP) -
Mutinous soldiers seized an army
brigade headquarters before dawn to-
day in the southern Philippines.
Chief of Staff Gen. Rennato de Villa
said the uprising was isolated to one
The Cabinet held emergency
meetings and the military went on
nationwide alert, de Villa said.
Soldiers of the 53rd infantry bat-
tallion took over the headquarters of
the 402nd brigade of the Philippine
Army in Butuan City, 500 miles
southeast of Manila, at around 1:00
a.m. (noon EDT yesterday), de Villa
Speaking on Manila radio sta-
tions, he said the mutiny was led by
an army major identified only as Ma-
jor Cerdeno, and by a Lieutenant
Batac. About 3,000 soldiers are
hae te b.;iae

BERLIN (AP) - The two
Germanys ended 45 years of division
with a blaze of fireworks and the
pealing of church bells yesterday,
declaring the creation of a new
German nation in the heart of
Near the ruins of Hitler's citadel
in the city that symbolized the Cold
War division of Europe, the German
flag was hoisted to crown the dra-
matic rush to unify a Germany di-
vided by World War II and the
Communist Berlin Wall.
Rockets burst in the sky over
Berlin, illuminating the war-scarred
Reichstag building and the
Brandenburg Gate. The shower of
fireworks also lighted the upturned
faces of thousands of Germans,
united in peace but troubled by the

watching world joined the ceremony
by television.
Yesterday was declared a national
holiday, but late Tuesday police in
Goettingen, 66 miles south of
Hanover, reported 1000 leftist
protesters opposed to unification
rampaged through the city.
Authorities said the radicals broke
store windows and chanted "Never
Again Germany!" and "Nazis out!"
In Berlin, police detained seven
people who were caught with paint
and gas pistols. Another man was ar-
rested in Kreuzberg district after a
police officer was stabbed in the arm
during a scuffle between police and
about 500 youthful demonstrators.
In the northern port of Rostock,
authorities evacuated 23 Soviet Jews
from a refugee center because of fears
the center could become a target of

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