Page 4 --The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, September 26, 1990 Ui1r Sidizrn BrnIg EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Pu' 6LC l C R A Doing no good 'U' officials perpetuate homophobia on campus "Just as all of us are diminished by racism, all of us are diminished by homophobia." I-0-~ -,I- 11'WM I 4LiA)AqS i 4 L poO Ei-' v - 1 U Ole / / I' o & THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TAKING A STANCE against homophobia does not rest solely in the hands of organizations like ACT- UP, or students and faculty affected by these attitudes. The University ad- ministration must play its part as well. Unfortunatelyinstead ofdenouncing many homophobic incidents, the administration has remained unre- sponsive. In doing so, it has promoted an atmosphere of intolerance. This year there have been a number of homophobic at- tacks on campus. A gay man riding his bicycle through the ' Diag encountered a group of people who tried to push him offhis bike as they repeatedly yelled' "fagot." Inr EastQuad, an area of campus con- sidered to be pro- gressive, quotes such as "I want to kill all faggots" were found written- on the graffiti board outside of its Ben- zin er Libraryc On theĀ° black- boards in Mason B and Angell Halls, an ake wants t' announcement ande a read: "Homosex- uals are not people but abominations. If you feel this same way be at the meeting Aud. C Angell Hal, Monday (Sept. 10)." These attacks by students against their peers are intolerable. However, at a university where the administration does little to denounce homophobia, it is not surprising that students mirror these ignorant and intolerant views. We, as students, are provided with role models such as President James Duderstadt and Regent Deane Baker. They are examples of an administration that provides lip service to anti- discriminatory policies, and then takes no steps to institutionalize such policies. Wat are the administration s recent actions? At this year's Convocation ceremony, all references to Rackham Student Government President Tracey Ore's work with bisexual, lesbian and gay organizations were deleted from the program. By censoring Ore, the - ACT-UP member Patrice Maurer administration is inherently telling both students and faculty what is and what is not accepted at this university. In keeping with the administration's actions against Ore, President Duderstadt has dealt with the issue by ignoring it. He refuses to acknowledge the presence of bisexuals, lesbians, and gay men and the persecution they face on this campus. It is no wonder that many students are apathetic about the lives and culture of " y these students, faculty and staff. Regent Baker, on the other hand, readily expresses his opinions on this matter. He has been quoted in the Ann Arbor News and The New York Times for his belittling criticism of homosexuals. a Atone point, Baker suggested that "neutral" coun- selorsbeemployed at the Lesbian and Gay Male Pro- s rams Office LGMPO) in order to "bring [them] .n gback to the other rgo the ther side." This statement 'U' not committed to rights of lesbians and gay men By Linda Kurtz On Aug. 6, 1990, the Lesbian and Gay men's Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC) sent a letter to President Dud- erstadt. Letters with similar content were , sent to the regents, the Office of Affirma- tive Action, and the Office of the Vice President for Student Services.- The letter called upon Duderstadt to "demonstrate your commitment to a di- verse university community" by doing the following: 1. Publicly censuring Regent Deane Baker for the comments he made; 2. Stating his confidence in the neutral- ity of the counseling efforts of Billie Ed- wards and Jim Toy and continuing his commitment to funding the Lesbian and Gay Male Programming Office (LGMPO) { in its current form; 3. Stating that lesbian, gay male, and bisexual students are welcome at this uni- versity and that their sexual orientation orientation and lifestyle contribute in a Kurtz is a member of the Lesbian and Gay men's Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC). positive way to a diverse campus; 4. Stating his support for and working to include "sexual orientation" in the Uni- versity's non-discrimination bylaw (14.06); and 5. Increasing the funding for the LGMPO so that it can more fully provide counseling and related services to lesbian and gay male students; and can expand the educational services it provides to the Uni- versity community at large, services which, not incidentally, foster an atmo- sphere of respect and tolerance for differ- ence. sentiment on campus. His office and other offices on campus attempt to silence us, calm us, or state that they are unable to do anything. Ap- parently, not one office on campus can deal publicly with our concerns! We know this is untrue. It is time that Duderstadt and the re- gents live up to the Michigan Mandate an take the actions outlined in the letter. These actions will make the University a safer, more nurturing, less discriminatory environment for lesbians and gay men. We urge all of you to make your views on >a bay i President Duderstadt has yet to respond in any useful fashion to what are a responsible and constructive set of actions which will mitigate both the anti-gay remarks of Regent Baker and the prevailing anti-gay sentiment on campus. shows Baker's misconceptions about homosexuality. He, like many otherfaculty and students, needs to be better informed. Bisexuals, lesbians, and gay men have long demanded inclusion in the regental by-laws protecting the University community from dis- crimination. They deserve the same protection afforded to other mar- ginalized groups. Based on the Presidential Policy Statement of 1986, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation at the University is unacceptable. So why has this not been put into effect, orembodied in University laws? Under the regental bylaws, there is no protection for those who test HIV positive, nor has the term "sexual orientation" been included in the Michigan Mandate. The University's policies must reflect a concern for, and a dedication to, fighting homophobia in all of its forms. The time for such action is long overdue. President Duderstadt has yet to respond in any useful fashion to what are a respon- sible and constructive set of actions which will mitigate both the anti-gay remarks of Regent Baker and the prevailing anti-gay this matter known by sending a message to the president on MTS. It is time the administration took re- sponsibility for anti-gay discrimination and feeling on campus. University should account for 'McCarthy era' dismissals a By Mary Crichton In mid-August, when many members of the University community were out of town, it came to the attention of the Uni- versity of Michigan Chapter of the Ameri- can Association of University Professors (AAUP) that a resolution in behalf of Chandler Davis had been passed unani- mously by the Council of the America Mathematical Society at its meeting on Aug. 7 in Columbus, Ohio. nod in the 1950s). As AAUP Chapter President, I am gratified by this gesture on the part of a distinguished national scholarly society. It is appropriate that the Council, speaking for an organization of mathematicians, refers specifically to Professor Davis, but its action can also be seen as support in principle for the effort in behalf of Professors Davis, Markert and Nickerson .that was initiated by our JSouter rJudiciary Committee should deny confirmation The University of Michigan was not alone in falling short of its own ideals during that time of political hysteria and confusion. and most recently the City University of New York in a related though not strictly parallel context) have in some significant way made amends to former faculty members injured during those years. The past Chair of SACUA, Professor Gayl Ness, eloquently appealed for action in our own "McCarthy era" cases at two meetings of the Board of Regents la spring. The ball is now in the court of th regents. While we can understand that they have many other items on their agenda, and that this is a sensitive issue for them, we strongly urge the regents to bring this matter to an honorable conclusion without undue further delay. Justifiably eager to be number one in many areas, the University can now at best be number five in this area. By virtue of its prestige as a major public university, it still has the opportunity to offset this chronological lag by setting a noble example of atoning or a past wrong and reaffirming its allegiance to the ideal of academic freedom. t FROM THE MOMENT THAT WHITE HOUSE Chief of Staff John Sununu formally introduced Supreme Court nominee David Souter to the U.S. public in August, there was little doubt where this tobscure New Ham pshire wurist stood on the major issues that wi undoubtedly come before the Court in the near future. While it is true that Souter has said virtually nothing in the last few weeks about the major issues he likely will face ifconfirmed by the Senate, it seems ludicrous to suggest - as many of his supporters have - that Souter's opinions concerning the rights of women and minorities do not coincide with the conservative men who nominated him. All attempts by the Bush ad- ministration to veil this nominee's views - particularly on the issue of repro- ductive rights - are disingenuous and represent a transparent ploy to assuage the fears (and quiet the organized opposition) of women and other op- pressed groups, whose rights and lives will be advesly affected by Souter's confirmation. Sununu, an old friend of Souter and the main force behind his nominmation, is virulently anti-choice, as is President Bush, who ran on an anti-choice platform in 1988. Sununu, the former governor of New Hampshire, never would have favored Souter's rise to New Hampshire Attorney General or the state's Supreme Court without knowledge of his views on reproductive rights. Even a superficial perusal of Souter's past decisions as a state judge, as well as statements he made during that period, reveals a picture of jurist whose con- servative viewpoints are completely con- sistent with his cohorts in Washington: In 1987, Souter concurred with the New Hampshire Supreme Court when it held that "a healthy environment for children should exclude homosexuals from participating in government sanctioned programs of adoption, foster care, and day care." In the 1970s, Souter vigoursly defended New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thomson's proclamation that flags fly at half mast on Good Friday to show that the state appreciates"the moral grandeur and strength of Christianity as the bulwark against the forces of des- tructive ideologies." Souter has opposed affirmative action legislation and gone on record as saying that racism is not a problem in New Hampshire. Souter has ruled that rape victims sexual history is pertinent in sexual assault trials. The Senate Judiciary Committee's failure during the confirmation hearings to press Souter on issues he will un- doubtedly face results in their affir- mation of the Bush administration's anti- woman, anti-gay agenda. At a time when women's reproductive rights and auton- omy are continually being threatend and repealed from Michigan to It reads: "The Council suggests to the University of Michigan that it acknowl- edge the injustice of its treatment of Chandler Davis and his dismissal during the same period" (i.e., the "McCarthy" pe- Crichton is President of the University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AA UP). Chapter and is being continued by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) with the strong endorsement of the Senate Assembly. The University of Michigan was not alone in falling short of its own ideals during that time of political hysteria and confusion. Several other institutions, however (three previously unknown to us, LIPorl5o-- 15y5,b zna lam" '13a.kcr, 3' At~tn, 9WaA 4daiy c stiecks Now r4-4q ttv~o o r or Thi rtEC n { Ln d o o " Y ! '" t vJ Y r Think vtt LsIaL cab sa+oG work ? t th t k Nt 't ' t' yyNA' h r+i 1 . bf 7 food ; ,s 4"'! MUL 1