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April 23, 1990 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-23

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 23, 1990
wile ffr1d Can :Bafly
420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
ARTS 763 0379 PHOTO 764 0552
NEWS 764 0552 SPORTS 747 3336
OPINION 747 2814 WEEKEND 747 4630
Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the LDaily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons,
signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.

Dave takes a vital trip to New York

Staking a claim

Women 'Take Back the Night'
be a serious problem on campus and in effectiv
society in general, it does not get the "Tak
attention it needs and warrants. Satur- help wo
day's "Take Back the Night" rally was erment,
the culmination of a mass effort to fight ag
change this reality. The coordinators having
and participants of the 1lth annual rally through
and march deserve commendation for dinators
their efforts to increase community women
awareness of the occurrence and effects from the
of rape. public,
The idea behind "Take Back the ber of p
Night," an event which takes place in rally in
communities across the country, stems that mar
from women's fears and anxieties of ious poi
walking alone at night because of rape. and und
The purpose of the rally and march is ing for
to bring the women of Ann Arbor to-
gether to support one another and to Muc
fight, as a group, against the repressive should t
reactions to rape. tions an
When a community reacts to rape by "Take E
telling women to take precautions to powerfu
protect themselves, such as to never their co
walk alone at night, it not only impris- ness an
ons women but also increases their ing an
fears about rape instead of solving the feel unh
problem. This reaction is unfair to who pa
women because the victim is in effect Night"'
punished as a result of society's inabil- sexual a

in annual rally .
ne might even say apathy - to
ely deal with sexual assault.
e Back the Night" attempts to
men in their quest for empow-
of which walking alone and the
ainst rape are integral parts. By
a large group of women march
Ann Arbor at night, the coor-
s hope to impress upon these
that they are able to feel safe
e threat of rape while walking in
at night. The fact that the num-
eople who attend the march and
creases each year is evidence
ny more are realizing the precar-
sition of women in this society
derstand the necessity of fight-
women to feel free and safe.
:h of this increased awareness
be attributed to those organiza-
d people who worked to make
Back the Night" such a big and
ul program. Hopefully, through
ntinued efforts to arouse aware-
dd stop rape, in addition to creat-
environment in which women
hindered by their sex, the people
rticipated in "Take Back the
will help all women feel free of

By Dave Barry
You residents of rustic, tractor-intensive
regions such as Ohio will be pleased to hear
that New York City has decided to become
polite. Really. There's a new outfit called
New York Pride, which is attempting to get
New Yorkers to at least pretend that they
don't hate everybody. This program resulted
from a survey in which researchers asked
tourists how come they didn't want to come
back to New York, and the tourists said it
was because there was so much mean-spir-
itedness. So the researchers spat on them.
No, seriously, I think New York is very
sincere about this. I was in the city recently,
and right off the bat I noted that the Teen-age
Mutant Ninja Taxi Driver who took me to
the hotel was very thoughtfully allowing
pedestrians as much as .3 nanoseconds to
get out of the way, which many of them
graciously did even though a taxi does not,
technically, have the right-of-way on the
sidewalk. The driver was also careful to
observe the strict New York City Vehicle
Horn Code, under which it is illegal to honk
your horn except to communicate one of the
following emergency messages:
1. The light is green.
2. The light is red.
3. I hate you.
4. This vehicle is equipped with a horn.
Even very late at night, when there were
probably only a few dozen vehicles still
operating in the entire city, they'd all gather
under my hotel window every few minutes
to exchange these vital communications.
Another example of politeness I noticed
was that nobody ridiculed my clothes. Eve-
rybody in New York, including police horses,
dresses fashionably,and whenever I'm there,
even in my sharpest funeral-quality suit
with no visible ketchup stains, I feel as
though I'm wearing a Hefty trash bag. And
it's LAST YEAR'S Hefty trash bag.
On this trip I also became paranoid about
my haircut. After 20 years of having the
same haircut, I recently got a more modern-
istic style that's a little longer in the back,
and I was feeling like one hep "dude" until
I got to New York, where the fashionable
Dave Barry's syndicated column appears
weekly in the Daily.

guys all had haircuts in which the hair is real
long on top, but abruptly stops halfway
down the head, forming a dramatic Ledge of
Hair that depressed lice could commit sui-
cide by jumping from. Nobody has had my
haircut in New York since 1978. Pigeons
were coming from as far away as Staten
Island to void themselves on it. But the New
Yorkers themselves politely said nothing.
Aside from this courtesy epidemic, the
other big story in New York is that - get
ready for a Flash Bulletin - the United
Nations STILL EXISTS. Yes! Like you, I
though that the UN had been converted to
luxury condominiums years ago, but in fact
it's still there, performing the vital function
that it was established to perform in this
troubled, turmoil-filled world, namely, hold
In fact, using the advanced journalism
technique of having a friend give me his in-
vitation, I was able to get into a reception
hosted by the U.S. ambassador, who is, in
my candid assessment, a tall man named
"Tom" with a lot of armed guards. After
shaking hands with Tom, I proceeded into
the reception area, which
was filled with representa-
tives of nations large and
small, rich and pogr, from
all over the world; and al-
though I sometimes tend to
by cynical, I could not help
but be deeply moved, as a
journalist and a human
being, by the fact that some
of these people had haircuts
MINE. This was particu-
larly trueoftheEasternBloc '
men, who looked as if they
received their haircuts from
the Motherland via fax
But the important thing
was, everyone had a good
time. People would arrive
filled with international
tension, but after several
drinks and a couple of
pounds of shrimp, they'd
mellow right out, ready to
continue the vital UN work

of going to the next reception.
I decided that, since I was there, I might
as well use proven journalism techniques to*
find out if any World Events were going on.
So I conducted the following interview with
a person standing next to me:
ME: So! Who are you?
PERSON: I'm a (something about eco-
nomics) from (some country that sounded
like "Insomnia").
ME: Ah! And how are things there?
PERSON: Better.
ME: Ah! (Pause.) What continent is that
in, again?
Unfortunately at that point the person
had to edge away, but nevertheless I had
what we journalists call the "main thrust" of
the story, namely: Things are better in In-
somnia. It was definitely a load off my mind,
and as I walked out into the brisk New York
evening, I experienced a sense of renewed
hope, which was diminished only slightly
by the knowledge that taxis had been sighted
in the area, and I would never make it back
to the hotel alive.

wSd utJ:r re, .

CI M Tlb l edaSeevices. Inc.

All sides must discontinue human rights abuses

ble crisis of domestic insurgencies, a
shattered economy, and uncontrollable
narcotics trafficking. Yet despite the
attacks and death threats of the Maoist
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)
rebels, who launched their revolt in
1980, the year Peru returned to
democracy, it managed to hold a presi-
dential election April 8 that will be fol-
lowed by a runoff election by June 3.
Terrorism is on the rise in Peru; 178
people were killed in the first 15 days
of April. On April 6, the Sendero Lu-
minoso guerillas killed 24 peasants and
Campas Indians in Alto Pauralli. Then
on April 12, in the. nearby village of
Sonomorro, 50 peasants, including
women and children, were killed by the
Shining Path. Many of the victims
were members of poorly armed militias
formed by peasants opposed to the
Shining Path.
The killings caused 1,000 Indians to
flee to the army-controlled town of
Satipo and happened within 30 miles of
Mazamari, a Peruvian base where 12
U.S. special forces soldiers train Pe-
ruvian anti-drug police units in jungle
warfare. By dynamiting numerous
bridges, the guerrillas stopped most
road traffic in the central Andean
province of Huanuco.
Violence is not restricted to the
Shining Path. Peruvian soldiers have
also committed human rights abuses.
And as is the case in most of Latin
America, they are rarely punished.
However, progress is being made. The
supreme council of military justice
recently sentenced a colonel to 15 years
in prison and a lieutenant to seven
years, for ordering their forces to kill

ruvian bishops' conference criticized
the "unjust silence of [politicians] who
often protest at the abuses of the armed
forces and police, but shut up before
the massive and inhuman crimes
committed by the Senderistas."
While the Peruvian government
should be pressured to end human
rights abuses by its military, the Shin-
ing Path will not do the same thing.
How then does one stop a movement
that doesn't believe in freedom or hu-
man rights? The Shining Path has
never offered to negotiate or take part
in elections.
Under Peru's Constitution, the
Shining Path could organize a legal po-
litical party if it renounced violence.
However, as their manual, Develop
Guerrilla Warfare, states, "We have
no love for parliamentary cretinism and
we do not worship electoral oppor-
tunism. We are simply and plainly
Marxist-Leninist-Maoists." Their main
short-range objective is to make the
military overthrow the Peruvian Gov-
ernment. The Shining Path might then
be able to gain supporters for their ul-
timate goal of total revolution.
During fiscal year 1990, Peru will
receive $73 million from the U.S. to
fight the "War on Drugs." The best
way for the United States to help, be-
sides economic aid, would be to have a
portion of the aid go directly to may-
ors, who would use it to properly arm
and maintain civilian defense militias,
which would cut down on human
rights abuses by the Peruvian military
and, at the same time, stop the Shining
Path. The Shining Path realizes the
danger of making peasants self-suffi-
cient, which is why it has immediately

To the Daily:
Above the main entrance of Angell
Hall is a quote with Roman numerals at
either end. The set of numerals to the right
side of the quote reads "MDCCCCXXIV"
(1924). Then it suddenly hit me. Shouldn't
that read "MCMXXIV"? In the Roman
numeral system, an eight is represented by
VIII, and a nine is IX. This pattern holds
for tens, hundreds, etc.
Some people probably feel indifferent
about such an error, bu't they shouldn't.
Doesn't it seem ironic that Angell Hall is
the same building where the mathematics
department is located? We, as students,
may joke about this, but what do the
prospective students and their families
Upon noticing this inaccuracy, they
may decide to attend a different university.
And in the long run, this institution could
lose its prestige as a finer place of educa-
tion. And all of this would occur, because
nobody around here knew their math.
I believe this university should take the
time and the money to change the Roman
numerals on Angell Hall before this uni-
versity and its mathematics are graded as
Anthony Stender
Engineering First-year student
Sexism is not justified
To the Daily:
Almost two months ago, a fraternity
hung up a sign in their house to announce
a party with a sorority. At the bottom of
the sign it read "S.A.P. applies." The let-
ters stand for "Stick a pig," which basi-
cally means the men of this house should
have sex with any woman, the uglier the
better. The sign was hung by their back
stairs and it remained there throughout the
entire party. No one bothered to take it
The attitude among the men of this
house is not uncommon and many other
fraternities on campus have "scoreboards,"
"CHUD awards," and similar sayings.
These occurrences not only justify sexism,
they promote date rape and the objectifica-
tion of women. Sadly enough, these atti-
tudes are allowed to flourish, especially
within the Greek system. The actions of
these greeks are rarely brought to the at-
tention of the University community.
However, I do not believe we can allow
these attitudes to prevail any longer. They
are harmful to all men and women.
"Stick a pig," and other similar say-
ings, create hostility and promote disre-
spect towards women. Women are not
given an identity or a choice. Instead, they
are just meant to be "stuck." Comparing

not encouraged to relate to each other pers-
on to person.
Often, women feel examples such as
these are just jokes and can be ignored.
However, society's funniest jokes are usu-
ally their saddest problems. Neither sex
can hear or see these examples without re-
acting to them. While these ideas are filled
with lies and false facts, many men and
women incorporate these stereotypes into
their beliefs and hold them as the truth.
Why else would most people assume a
rape victim "asked for it," especially if she
knew the person who assaulted her? And
why else is guilt the most common feel-
ing among rape victims themselves, be-
lieving that somehow they were responsi-
ble for provoking the rape?
Women and men need to stop turning
the other cheek when faced with these in-
cidents. Sexism is the same problem as
racism and anti-semitism. They're all just
different forms. And like all prejudices,
these attitudes hurt everyone involved.
I feel action needs to be taken in order
to combat these attitudes. Only through
education and awareness can we hope to
end this injustice.
Maureen Schafer
LSA sophomore
A holiday for JFK?
To the Daily:
This calendar year, America will take
time out to honor such great men as Ge-
orge Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and
the Rev. Martin Luther King. Yet, one
very important individual has been left off
this list: John F. Kennedy. The accom-
plishments of this man should not in any
way be overshadowed by the others.
Although not as drastic, Kennedy's ideas,
like his counterparts, brought major
change and reform.
It can be argued that Kennedy's reforms
allowed for those by the Rev. Martin
Luther King. In fact, it was Kennedy that
persuaded the sentencing judge to release
the Rev. King on bond after he had been
arrested in 1960 for attempting to desegre-
gate an Atlanta snack bar.
One of Kennedy's major reforms was
the New Frontier, which attempted to end
racial discrimination, bring about federal
aid for farmers and education, and establish
medical care for the elderly. Another was
Kennedy's determination to win favor in
Third World countries, which by helping
them through the infant stages of nation-
hood with programs aimed at improving
agriculture, transportation, and communi-
cations, led to his creation of the Peace
Corps. This reform provided developing
nations with teachers, agricultural special-
ists, and health workers.

of the decade he would successfully send
and return safely a man to the moon. On@
February 20,1962, Marine Lieutenant
Colonel John Glenn orbited the moon in
space and safely returned to Earth. This al-
lowed for further advances in space explo-
ration and later sent men to the surface-of
the moon. Many argue that without
Kennedy's determination with regards to
space exploration, that our present-day
space shuttle voyages would not exist.
Although Kennedy was unable to ful-
fill his term as President of the United'
States due to his assassination in 1963,
Americans should remember how he in-
spired a generation's hopes for peace,
prosperity, and social justice. With all of
his reforms, ideas, and accomplishments I
feel and believe that May 29, the birth day
of John F. Kennedy, should be observed as
a national holiday in honor of the late JFK
and for all that he stood. It is only right
that we do something for the man that
showed us that it is more important to do
for your country than expect than expect
your country to solely serve your needs.
Jon Fetter
Sophomore in Kinesiology
Kids criticize U-M's
environmental effort
To the Daily:
We have been learning about the envi-
ronment and what we can do to help. We
liked Earth Week and are going to cele-
brate Earth Day. But we don't think peo-
ple are doing enough.
We don't like the way people treat Ann
Arbor. Some of you are students who are
visiting during the school year. We walk
through campus and see your mess. It
bothers us to see so much litter. It doesn't
seem like you care about our town at all.
We think you could take the time to care
and don't leave so much litter for everyone
to see.
We think you should make some
changes to help get rid of the litter. Like,
making the people who put up fliers take
them down when they are finished. You
could make special information boards for
posters and make people use only those
places. That way there wouldn't be litter
all over buildings and on the sidewalks and
telephone poles.
We also think you could have more
trash cans around on the streets. Maybe
people would use them if they were avail-
able. We think you should have a special
day once a month where you students 0
would clean up your school, inside the

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