Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 16,1990 (1Tbe idrlidJan 3ail EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ARTS 763 0379 PHOTO 764 0552 NEWS 764 0552 SPORTS 747 3336 OPINION 747 2814 WEEKEND 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Dailv's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Daily incorrect on statements about admissions Athletic department It's time to hire Blacks for high-level positions By Richard H. Shaw, Jr. The editorial entitled "Enrollment" (4/9/90), contains several very glaring inaccuracies. Two statements aimed di- rectly at Admission policies and practices are absolutely untrue. The editorial states that the "Admissions Office relies on policies which are geared toward admitting a white student body." We disagree. Our policies for reviewing applications are designed to achieve a goal of proportional representa- tion of African Americans, Hispanic, and Native Americans in our student body. Recent data suggest we are on track in achieving that goal. The second statement, "the University does little to recruit from any high schools in Detroit other than Cass and Renais- sance," is not true. Each Detroit school is visited in the Fall and Spring; most other high schools in the state receive only one visit a year. All Detroit high school coun- selors are asked to submit names of high school seniors whom they would like to have invited to the Minority Symposium held at the Ford Fairlane Estate in Decem- ber. Further, all Detroit high school coun- selors are invited to a special Work- shop/Luncheon held specifically in the Spring to evaluate our recruitment pro- grams, offer suggestions for new programs Shaw is the University's Director of Un- dergraduate Admissions. and recognize the efforts of many of the counselors who go out of their way to support the University recruitment efforts during the year. Special campus visits are provided throughout the year for students from the public and private schools in the Detroit area who wish to make a visit to our cam- pus. Information sessions, student panels, tours, lunch in a residence hall or Michi- gan Union, are all part of our program. Frequently charter bus service is also pro- vided free to the schools by the Univer- sity. The Spring visits to the high school are specifically focused on 9th, 10th, and 11th graders who need information about college planning and preparation as well as encouragement to stay in school and do their best. Frequently two admissions rep- resentatives, or one admissions representa- tive and one Comprehensive Studies staff member make the visit to the school. Thirty-three Detroit high schools have been invited to participate this spring. For the next admissions cycle we will open an office at the Rackham Building in Detroit where we employ full-time staff to provide service to the Detroit public schools and community colleges. All of these pro- grams are intended to enhance our success- ful recruitment of of people of color. In addition, the Alumni Association created a number of years ago the High School Li- aison Committee. This committee in- cludes alumni and friends of the University who are in teaching or counseling posi- tions in a cross-section of the Detroit pub- lic high schools. The committee has proven to be an excellent way of facilitat- ing a good exchange of information be- tween the University and the high schools. The University of Michigan is also ac- tively involved with Detroit and other schools to increase the number of African American, Hispanic, and Native American high school graduates prepared for college at this and other institutions. Early outreach programs sponsored by the Office of Minority Affairs, such as the Wade McCree Incentive Scholars Program, Pro- gram in Scholarly Research, King-Chavez- Parks College Day and Summer Institute and the Superintendents Forum are only a few such efforts. We ask all members of the University community to help make this campus a more hospitable and welcome environment to students of color. In the meantime the Admissions Office along with help from the Office of Minority Affairs, Orienta- tion, Alumni Association, Ambassadors, Financial Aid Office, Student Alumni Council, Comprehensive Studies Pro- gram, School and College Faculty and other support services, will do our best to attract these students to campus and facili- tate their achievement and success to grad- uation. FOR YEARS, MANY OF THE UNI- versity's finest athletes have been Black. Football star Anthony Carter, NCAA basketball tournament hero Glen Rice and tennis pro MaliVai Washington have all made huge contri- butions to the success of the University athletic department. But while minori- ties have been encouraged to contribute freely on the playing field, little is be- ing done to allow them to coach a team or govern a program in the Univer- sity's athletic department. In Friday's Weekend magazine, a comparison showed that Michigan's athletic department is lagging behind most of the Big Ten in terms of minor- ity employment. With 12 Black em- ployees in the department, Michigan has the second highest number of Blacks working in athletics at a Big Ten school. However, they have no Black associate or assistant athletic di- rectors, no Black head coaches in rev- enue producing sports, no Black head coaches in men's sports and only one in women's sports. This is one of the worst records for minorities in the Big Ten. Like many other departments, the emphasis in the athletic department ap- pears to be on filling quotas, not on a true diversification of the management and teaching positions. The athletic de- partment seems symbolic of what many University figures claim they are trying to fight. The athletic department is also in danger of losing some of the top-rank- ing minority employees there now, such as women's track coach James Henry and men's basketball assistant coach Mike Boyd. Boyd and Henry are looking for either better-paying or more-esteemed positions in athletics. If Michigan hopes to keep, or attract more, minorities in the athletic depart- ment, someone will have to make changes. It is time for those changes. The athletic department administra- tion is currently dominated by white males. This is exactly the kind of look the University has tried to change, but has so far been unable to alter. If the University administration is serious about the Michigan Mandate, which it so far has yet to prove, it must open up the athletic department to others.The athletic department, so visible to the community and the nation, stands pub- licly for the University. Because of its national exposure, the athletic depart- ment should be at the forefront of di- versification, not lagging behind. There are Black men and women out there, several with Michigan degrees, who have been successful in both business and in athletics. The Univer- sity should bring those people into the athletic department. The athletic de- partment should make moves to hire more Black employees, not only to help improve the future of the Black athletes who play here, but to improve the departments' own future. Really beautify Diag on this, but when will the Daily follow suit? Tuna U.S. companies now pledge to save dolphins LAST WEEK, THREE MAJOR TUNA canners buckled under consumer pres- sure and agreed not to buy tuna caught in nets that kill dolphins. The compa- nies - the H.J. Heinz Company, owner of the Star Kist brand, the Van Camp Seafood Company, which mar- kets Chicken of the Sea, and Bumble Bee Seafoods - produce and sell about 75 percent of the tuna eaten in the United States. This announcement is a great victory for environmentalists who have been campaigning for almost a decade against the tuna industry which, up un- til now, has been very adamant that it is acceptable to kill dolphins while catch- ing tuna. Dolphins and tuna often swim to- gether and when fishing for tuna, dol- phin sightings are used to place the nets, which often catch dolphins too. Because dolphins are mammals and must breath air at the surface, the dol- phins drown if they are held underwa- ter too long. There are other ways to catch tuna, such as the use of sonar and observing bird activity. It is estimated that this new pledge will save the lives of 100,000 dolphins each year. The companies all said it was con- sumer pressure evidenced in letters, postcards, and petitions that caused them to change their policy. The com- panies will start putting "dolphin-safe" labels on their tuna cans within three months. They also said that they will continue to ban the purchase of alba- core tuna or any other fish caught in drift nets, which are often 40 miles in length and kill marine mammals, birds, and turtles. Sadly, the huge Japanese tuna industry has not announced simi- lar steps but has promised to "study" the plan. The decision made by these compa- nies is positive, but the real commen- dation goes to the environmentalists and other activists who worked hard over the the past years to make the tuna companies change their fishing policy. To the Daily: Being just a first-year student, I find it hard to direct my particular criticism to- wards the responsible group, so I will di- rect it at "President Duderstadt and the Re- gents." The noble group has sort of an echo of power to their name. It's too bad this power is misused from time to time for unreasonable purposes. One of these pur- poses being their recent attempts to out- law and disassemble the shanties on the diag. Their reason for this is to restore an aura of beauty by the shanties' removal. This reason concerns me as to what this groups' definition of beauty is. Obviously they feel that the deserts of dirt created by the absence of grass on the diag have a unique aesthetic quality almost equal to the "dirt racetrack" created by the univer- sity vehicles rounding the cement paths too quickly. And let's not forget the ce- ment. The cement is my favorite. There is nothing more visually stimulating than seeing another new path of cement created to connect it with one ten feet away. Of course the "cement happy" university workers probably only pour these new paths to cover up the areas where there is no grass. If this is the case I have a solu- tion: Why don't we cement over the whole diag from building to building? Granted, I do enjoy using these paths when it is raining, however I don't think I'll ever be able to use them all through- out the 4 years I'll be here. As critical as I may seem in this opin- ion I still stand behind "President Duder- stadt and the Regents" one hundred percent for the removal of the shanties because we all know that when they're gone all the other problems will be also. Chad Kirchner LSA first-year student Use recycled paper To the Daily: Well, the Ann Arbor News has finally done it. They ran a full-page notice a few weekends ago touting their use of 20% re- cycled paper in their paper. I hate to harp For all the groups on campus that post flyers. It's really wonderful to see so many flyers with the phrase "Printed on Recy- cled Paper" at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind though, that colored paper isn't recyclable and that it's just a little hypocritical to be proud of your use of re- cycled paper that you've now made unre- cyclable. It's just as easy to say "plain white recycled stock" when you order your printing jobs, and hey, you get the added satisfaction of knowing that your flyers can be recycled over again. Did anyone else notice that the handouts for Earth Day on campus (the nice brown ones, "Awareness Rising") were printed on unre- cyclable paper, and didn't say "Printed on Recycled Paper?" Finally, a suggestion for everyone read- ing the paper: When you're finished read- ing the paper, consider doing something really radical. Test you're motor skills by putting the paper back in order, then fold the whole paper back up the way you got it. Now the really unusual step: Put it back where you got it. That way that same paper can be reused. The newspaper is much closer to a book than to toilet paper - it is capable of being re-read numerous times before it has to be recycled. Think about it. Kenneth Clark LSA junior Baker's political activity. Regardless of the legality of Baker's actions, there are serious ethical questions concerning his forged letter and flagrant misrepresentation of U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell. There is a disgusting disregard for ethi- cal considerations in many segments of modern American society. One would hope that academics, like Dean Baker; would act as role models for their students and lead the way in restoring an ethical environment to our society by providing a responsible example. Instead, Dean Baker is demonstrating to students that ethical considerations are not important in deter- mining how you act upon your political beliefs. The fact that the FBI has not shown that Baker's actions were illegal in no way justifies them. As a teacher and a public figure, Baker has a responsibility, if not an obligation, to govern his actions in ac- cordance with ethical principles. Bucknell University's investigation of this event and the circumstances which surrounded it is not a threat to academic freedom at that institution. It is absurd of the Daily to liken this investigation to McCarthyism and an embarrassment to the University of Michigan when our school newspaper not only condones but actively supports the reprehensible actions taken by our distin- guished alumnus, Dean Baker. John E. Mack LSA senior Baker was unethical To- the Daily: Even after four years as a student at this university, I still cannot believe some of the ridiculous statements made on the opinion page of the Michigan Daily. In a recent editorial, entitled "Infringement" (4/9/90), the editorial board stated, " is clear that Bucknell [University's] intrusion into the legal political activity of its fac- ulty is a threat to academic freedom." It is not clear that Bucknell's investiga- tion is a threat to academic freedom, nor is it clear that Bucknell is intruding on former graduate student and candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, Dean 0 Don't condone hatred To the Daily: In response to William Gregor's opin- ion that "ROTC's restrictions (against lesbians and gay men) are necessary and legal" (4/12/90), I would just like to say that I have always been fascinated by the hatred that lies within the human heart. In fact, the only thing I find more interesting is the way in which this hatred is justified and condoned. Douglas Allen LSA senior Include everyone Center for Russian Studies should change name A PETITION WHICH CALLS FOR A change in the name of the Center for Russian and East European Studies (CREES) has the support of roughly half of the Center's masters students, a number of CREES undergraduates and a number of faculty affiliated with the center. This petition, formulated by a few CREES students, proposes that the word "Soviet" replace the word "Russian" in the name of the Center and calls for a survey of the opinion of CREES students and faculty to choose another appropriate name, if Soviet is deemed unacceptable for the center. Unfortunately there is no convenient geographical term which encompasses all the lands of the Soviet Union. While the term "Russian" applies to a specific ethnic group, or, historically, to the imperial Russian state, the word "Soviet" is more inclusive of the social and cultural diversity of the Soviet Union. Use of the word Soviet does not in any way pass judgement, nega- tive or positive, on the Soviet state. However, continued use of the word "Russian" implies a refusal to recog- nize the existence of the Soviet Union and of the non-Russian peoples who live there. Due partly to this attitude, the term Russian is frequently misused in reference to people or places in the Soviet Union. The Executive Committee of CREES should accept the petition and discuss possibilities to change the name of the center to include all Soviet peo- ple. WANING ?&giop9 VOR ASSAULT WEAP'ONS ARC~ RIDICULOUS! MN 4YOU GoTTN sp, You GongP Si~ooi TO OEN FIE... W~AY ftUIA ZO g Nt IN 5 SE.CoN4p$,. I' D ON'T WNT ?VAPO( W VoWI N6 MS DOWNN. --I .9 ti You HA~WN I1 DAYS To SQUEEZE 1 IRE TIZ..E ??