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April 13, 1990 - Image 17

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Blacks in the Athletic Departr
At some schools, percentages of Black staff and administrators are g
to meet those of Black students and players. But at Michigan.

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On the]
Nationally, Michigan is the
exception when it comes to
bringing in minority employees to
the athletic department. Some of
the nation's most prominent
athletic programs are starting to
-break down color barriers, and are
finding success.
"I see [the situation] changing,"
said Carol Hinton, an intern in
the sports information
department at Michigan. "I see
[Michigan] being a little bit
behind the times."
The change is particularly
evident in basketball. In 1979,
Nolan Richardson became the
first Black coach in any sport in
the Southwest Conference when
he became the head of the
Arkansas basketball program.
This year, Arkansas made it to the
Final Four. Richardson is known
for his quick paced game, one of
many qualities that attracted
Arkansas athletic director Frank
Broyles to hire Richardson away
from Tulsa University.
"He has done nothing but win,"
Broyles said. "In the Tulsa World

\ ational
(the major newspaper in Tulsa), if
you had seen the editorial page
'Goodbye to Nolan' you would
know the distinguishing qualities
off the court that he had that
endeared him to the people of
Tulsa, along with the winning. It
was proclamation of what he had
contributed to the city of Tulsa,
other than basketball. He has
done the same thing for us."
The state has a reputation for
racial tension. How much did
Richardson's skin color factor into
Broyles' decision?
"Ziltch, none whatsoever,"
Broyles said. "It was my decision
to recommend and the school
approved it enthusiastically. The
racial part of it never entered into
it in any factor."
Since Richardson has come to
Fayetteville, many other
Southeastern schools have
brought in Black head coaches.
"Since we hired Nolan
Tennessee, Southern Methodist,
Oklahoma State just to name a
few, have opened the door to
minorities," Broyles said.

The Big Ten currently has two
Black coaches, Clem Haskins at
Minnesota and Randy Ayers at
Ohio State. Both coaches took
their teams to the NCAA
tournament this season. That
success helped Ayers in his first
season leading the Buckeyes.
"The bottom line is winning,
regardless of whether you are
Black or white," Ayers said.
Temple head coach Jon Chaney
said, "The best athletes in this
country continue to go to the
highly visible schools. I don't care
whether they have a Black
assistant or a white assistant."
Unless Black athletes do
something to change this
situation, Chaney believes there
will be no changes.
"Why should [administrators]
make a change?" Chaney asked.
"As long as they keep winning, as
long as they are in the top 25,
they will consistently hire the
people that stay there. They
retread a lot of these coaches.
Look at the moves that were
made this year. There weren't
any changes, no
significant changes
t * where they hired
Women's Black coaches in
head my opinion."
es coaches Chaney also
feels small schools'
lack of -rv exposure
keeps the prized
1 .. athletes at the
larger schools.
"The nonvisble
.1 are those guys in
............... the Black colleges
down South who

have their fingers on the
window sill with the visible
guys standing on their
fingers and the highly visible
standing on the heads of
both of them," Chaney said.
Chaney sees problems in
basketball, but the situation
is currently worse in football.
"Football hasn't even
scratched the surface," said
Michigan assistant Tirrel
Burton. "Unfortunately, you
can go around the country
and take all the schools that
play football in all the
divisions and find that the
percentage of football
coaches is probably minus-
zero, or something like that.
You've got Francis Peay at
Northwestern and Dennis
Green at Stanford and then
after that, you go to look a
long time."
As a school, Iowa has had
the most success of any Big
Ten school in attracting Black
candidates to major positions and
has earned the praise of Big Ten
Advisory Committee Chairperson
Tom Seabron. However, to Iowa
Athletic Director Bump Elliot,
being a trendsetter in the area of
minority hiring is expected.
"We feel like we need to be
always be vigilant and alert for the
best people and we have from
time to time hired quite a few
minorities," said Elliot, former
Michigan head football coach. "I
don't know if there is an answer
or a secret to it. It is an attitude,
going ahead with your eyes open,
looking for'people that qualify
that are either a minority or not.
We have been fortunate to hire
several of them."


A special report
by Adam

An the Big Ten athletic d4
Free Press coaches Men's
Total/Black Current Assoc. Asst. in revenue head
School (Aug. 1989) Black staff ADs ADs sports coach
- .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .

Elliot said that the department
sought minorities without
pressure from above. He has no
grand plan to attract minorities to
Iowa City, but affirmative action
procedures at Iowa have
contributed to the added
emphasis on minority hiring. Yet
most believe it will take more
than just an individual decision to
change things.
"It can't just come from one
person," Ayers said. "It has to
come from across the country. I
think that mentality it has to be
across the board. You have to get
the best qualified person, but I
think there are some qualified
Blacks out there who can do the

Mike Boyd has spent 11 years
coaching, counseling and
recruiting for the Michigan men's
basketball team. In those years,
he has helped groom five players
into NBA first round draft picks,
and has coached two Big Ten
championship teams, an NIT
champ and an NCAA champ.
Boyd's resume is impressive,
but he cannot get a head coaching
job at an American college.
No one questions Boyd's ability
to put together a top-flight team,
but he believes he must shed a
stereotype many use to depict
Black basketball coaches.
"In the coaching profession, I
think we have always been
looked upon as the ones who go
out and get the Black athletes to
come to a University that has a
white majority," Boyd said. "If
you look closely at some of the
major programs across the
country, they all, except for a few,
have a Black assistant. That Black
assistant is basically involved in
recruiting. When that happens,
you always get the stigma of
being a recruiter, not a coach. In

my 11 years here, a lot of people
of come up and shake my hand
and said 'what a great job you are
doing recruiting.' They don't see
the other part of it. I have a lot
more duties than just recruiting."
Boyd has come very close to
filling many coaching vacancies,
but he is always passed over. The
most painful snub of all might
have come from the same school
that profited from his efforts.
When athletic director/football
coach Bo Schembechler removed
Arizona State-bound Bill Frieder
just days before last year's NCAA
tournament, two qualified
candidates were available to head
the team as interim coach.
To those who made the
decision, then-assistant Steve
Fisher seemed the best person
available for the job on such
notice. They considered him the
head assistant basketball coach,
and according to Interim Athletic
Director Jack Weidenbach, Fisher
had the blessings of outgoing
coach Frieder.
"We had to take the
recommendation of the departing

Mike Boyd

Black representation in
NCAA Divsion I-A schoc
Sport Women's / Men's
Basketball 37.1 / 59.8
F n i g1.5/1.7........
Football.... ......-/36.3
Gymnastics::...........33l3 ..
Softball 21
Tennis 1.2/2.2
Volleyball ..::: :.::.7.0/2.9
Wrestling - / 4.5
SOURCE: 1988 Survey of NCAA member Institutions and Conf

& co s


83/5 6 1
13211 14 1i!! EiEisEii~i

1 ,49/14........1 ..
16 9 0
14519 91

1 "1'

Ohio State


W hisconsin :..s:::d1175m6 1:::::s.,s
* School has separate womnen's athletics department t Would not release figures


WEEKEND April)3,I99

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