0 rage 8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 12, 1990 From rugs to Ernest Goes to Jail dir. John Cherry* by Mike Kuniavsky It's been a while since we've had any good new cartoons. Al- most all of the Saturday morning stuff is really moronic and movie theaters no longer support what was once the reason for many to go to. a movie. Now they leave the Jights on so that people can see ,their $3 Goobers better. So it's re- ally refreshing to see a good, light, slapstick cartoon that revitalizes all of the old Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry standards. "But wait a minute," you may ask, "Aren't you reviewing Ernest Goes to Jail? That's a live action film, with real people." Yeah, sure, but that's onlya minor- technicality. In reality, the film is a good, old-fashioned car- toon. It has all the classic elements of a Bugs Bunny or a Popeye 'toon (minus, ironically, the sexual innu- endos and political undertones). So in that sense, it's really an Homage, but it does more than just ,pe the old standards; it introduces flew characters and has remarkably fresh twists on old clich6s. Basically, like most character- based (as opposed to action-based, like the Roadrunner stuff) cartoons, the film's plot is pretty shallow. Ernest has to go to jury duty; while on jury duty, the criminal on trial discovers that Our Hero looks just like a big crime boss who's currently behind bars. After a devi- ous plot, Ernest gets switched with said crime boss and the fun begins. As the "bad" Ernest on the outside plots to ruin Ernest's life, and make.a lot of money at his ex- pense, inside the "real" Ernest tries to figure out how to get out. Even- tually, everything is set straight, though the end result is not com- pletely rosy (like in those really old Woody Woodpeckers where Woody, for all his conniving and fast talking, still gets somehow punished in the end). Really, this film is a set of sit- uations that allow the full extent of Ernest, Jim Varney's star of a mil- lion commercials, to shine. Like the Ninja Turtles' universe, Ernest's world tries to be on the In reality, the film is a good, old-fashioned cartoon. It has all the classic elements of a Bugs Bunny or a Popeye 'toon (minus, ironically, the sexual innuendos and political undertones). level of 10- to 12-year-old boys. But like both Pee Wee's world and Bugs' world (and Woody's world and Batman's world and David Let- terman's world...) it manages to surpass its inherently infantile en- tertainment level. Instead, though not bringing in as much commen- tary as some of the others did, this world allows us to see our own "adulthood" in a better light and with a different perspective. By not only showing how the "silly" adults act like children, but how all Bugs adults have childish traits, we take ourselves a little bit less seriously, and those around us a lot less seri- ously. Most of the value of the film, though, is not in this change of perspective but in its pure enter- tainment value. Though often silly, the film manages to have some great slapstick, verbal and vi- sual comedy. From the very begin- ning when Ernest is dragged around by a floor polisher to the time he gets electrocuted and becomes magnetic to the time he tries to catapult himself over the prison walls (A la Wile E. Coyote), the film's slapstick is consistently funny. There is also some really clever and humorous (though not in a Woody Allen sense) dialogue. For example, in a heart-wrenching speech before he's supposed to go to The Chair, Ernest summarizes his life with "I'm not gonna cry because I got mashed potatoes, when it was french fries I really wanted" and so teaches us all a les- son about the true meaning of hu- mility. Obviously the film is not a masterpiece of the cinematic arts by any stretch of the imagination (although in France they do think Jerry Lewis is a genius...), but as light entertainment, a study break or just a chance to see Jim Varney play basketball with himself (literally with himself) this film is perfect. And maybe while you're laughing at him, you can laugh at everyone, and so make finals that much more bearable. ERNEST GOES TO JAIL is playing at Showcase. S Homeboys Vince and the Attorneys teach us all that crime, pnd bad music, do not pay. < '. RECORDS Continued from page 5 verse. An obscure eastern voice whistles in the background, like some ancient curse renewed. Griff, who apparently wrote and produced the entire album by himself, knows how to convey his messages with maximum effectiveness, even more so than his old contemporaries. To another degree, Pawns is a thoroughly hip hop record as well, defeating Public Enemy in the rap spirit alone. As Chuck D. has im- plied, PE is little more than a media assassination unit, countering the press's Eurocentric lies blow for blow. On tracks like "1-900-Stereo Type" and "Suzi Wants to be a Rock Star," Griff and L.A.D. echo the jet black soul of so many forgotten out- fits of R&B with elaborate multi- vocal chants. For example, they ex- hort on "Pass the Ammo:" "Educate you/ what we want to." Once again, the norm of apple pie is ripped to shreds as Griff and L.A.D. take an immediate ideologi- cal stance identical to that of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. Similarly, they attempt to link the power struggle here in America with the plight of oppressed people all over the world. He even has the nerve to mention Mohammar Khadaffi in his thanks next to established American heroes such as Frederick Douglass and Crispus Attucks. Since his anti-Jewish statements, bullshit that they were, became news all over the country, Professor Griff has come to be considered something like a pariah, "a twerp" - or a vil- lian. But given America's endless string of glazed-over truths, right and wrong must be continually ques- tioned by those who abide by its rules. To quote the man, "Game's over. Checkmate." -Forrest Green III Vince & The Attorneys Vince & The Attorneys Verdict Records Vince Megna, Daryl Stuermer and Mark Torroll combine to form Vince & The Attorneys. They re- cently released a three-track cassette single. The songs, which include "I'm Gonna Sue You," "Truth Is Ir- relevant" and "The Pawnbroker," are all supposed to be commentaries on the cut-throat nature of this harsh society. In publicizing the band, the focus has been on the fact that pro- ducer/band member Stuermer was formerly the guitarist for both Phil Collins and Genesis. After listening to the tape, the reason for this be- comes obvious. In "I'm Gonna Sue You," Megna attempts to laugh at society's abuse of the legal system. Instead one is amused by his lack of talent as a writer with lyrics such as, "I'4i gonna sue you, take you to court anaI get every penny that I can." "Truth Is Irrelevant" centers around a mellow guitar rhythm and has a beat similar to that of one gar- gling mouthwash. A foreboding bass line is thrown in for good measure. The song commences with Megna's recitation of a court-like script. There is an innovative guitar mix blended in intermittently while Megna continues to speak, now read- ing off a list of the heinous crimes committed by the accused. The song is musically sonewhat acceptable but lyrically very poor. The final track, "Pawnbroker," is more or less a country song but pire- tends not to be. The guitar sounds like it is being played from the back of a pickup truck filled with hay driving down a dirt road somewhere in the sticks. Periodically, the song is overshadowed by a striking elec- tric guitar and female backing vocals done in the style of Robert Palmer,; chiming, "Pawnbroker special, pawn shop man." The end effect proves that Daryl 'Stuermer should stick to playing other peoples' music, while Vince Megna and Mark Torroll might con- sider a career change. -KimYaged CNEMA DIRECOy BAR Summer is just around the corner and HOT times on The Rooftop are near.. . Be a part of it! Now Interviewing For " COOKS * DOOR PERSONNEL " BUS PEOPLE " DISHWASHERS " CASHIERS Stop by. . 9a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday 347 South Main, Downtown Ann Arbor EOE no phone calls please Michigan Daily ARTS 783.0379 r " " "" "-"" " Laser Prints Upt 0quality Macintosh" laser prints for just 50c each. Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer Expires 630'90- Open 24 Hours Open Early & Late I540 E. Liberty 1220 S. 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