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April 09, 1990 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-09

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 9, 1990 - Page 5
FBI says serious crime
is down in Ann Arbor

Police raid
r 1
two local
drug houses
Police raided two local residences
Thursday night and confiscated over
$1,000 worth of marijuana, $1,700
worth of crack and an unidentified
amount of cash, Ann Arbor police
A squad of undercover officers
from the Livingston and Washtenaw
Narcotics Team (LAWNET) along
with fourteen Ann Arbor police offi-
cers conducted the raids on 884 and
850 S. Maple Road shortly after 9
Officials took four juveniles and
two adults into custody but released
'hem after questioning.
Drugs and cash were found in
both units which, police said, had
been under surveillance for several
LAWNET officials said the sus-
)ects may be picked up later for drug
- by Mike Sobel

crime in the United States rose five
percent last year while so-called
serious property crimes such as
burglary and theft were up only two
percent, according to figures released
yesterday by FBI Director William
S. Sessions.
Overall, the three percent increase
in serious crimes from 1988 to 1989
was the same as the previous year,
and compares with a two percent rise
in 1987, a six percent jump in 1986
and a five percent rise in 1985, the
FBI said.
Cities with populations over
50,000 - places where
approximately 80.9 million people
live - showed a three percent
increase in serious crimes.
But in Detroit, the nation's
seventh-largest city, serious crimes
dropped by 4.2 percent, from
131,334 in 1988 to 125,687 last
year. Serious crimes dropped by
about nine percent in Ann Arbor

during that period, from a total of
9,518 to 8,641.
Flint's total dropped 7.3 percent,
from 21,239 to 19,680 crimes last
year. Crimes edged up less than one
percent in Grand Rapids, from
15,637 in 1988 to 15, 736 the next
year. Lansing's rate dipped 3.9
percent , from 10,506 to 10,089.
In Livonia, the FBI index rose
about 4.2 percent, from 4,684 to
4,862. Warren saw a 1.9 increase
between 1988 and 1989, from 9,443
to 9,623.
National, suburban and rural areas
as well as cities outside metropolitan
areas - places where some 132.2
million people live - had a slightly
smaller two percent increase.
The numbers reflect reports to
police of incidents of murder, motor
vehicle theft and arson.
Violent crime increased five
percent, while property crime in-
creased two percent, the FBI

Among violent crimes, robbery
increased seven percent, murder was
up four percent; incidents of
aggressive assault climbed five per-
cent forcible rape rose one percent.
In the property crime category,
motor vehicle thefts jumped nine
percent and instances of larceny or
theft were up two percent. But
burglary and arson both declined two
The statistics for the overall
'number of violent crimes followed
not particular pattern in regard to the
size of communities where they
Violent crime increased five
percent - the national average - in
cities with fewer than 10,000 people
and in those with 50,000 to 99,999
people. It rose six percent in
relatively small cities of 10,000,to
24,999 people, and in the largest
cities with one million or more

After bloodshed, Nepali king'

lifts ban o
KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) -
King Birendra announced yesterday
the establishment of a multi-party
system and the lifting of a 29-year-
old ban on political parties follow-
ing the bloodiest day in Nepal's
modern history.
The stunning announcement was
carried on state-run television and
preceded by several hours of talks be-
tween opposition leaders and the
Harvard-educated monarch.

of political
"We talked with the king for an
hour at the royal palace and the talks
were very, very cordial," said Kir-
shna Prasad Bhattrai, a leader of the
Nepal Congress Party, which had
been banned for the last 29 years.
The decision came after talks be-
tween the new Prime Minister Lok-
endra Bahudur Chand, a relative
moderate, and opposition leaders on
Saturday and yesterday. Chand was
given his job last week after hard-

line Prime Minister Marich Man
Shrestha resigned.
The kingdom's only experiment
with Western-style democracy lasted
less than two years and was halted in
1981 when Birendra's father, King
Mahendra, dismissed the Nepali
Congress government, accusing it of
corruption and inefficiency.
Violence flared Friday during a
general strike called by banned polit-
ical groups.


Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy
Making sweet sounds on the roof of his South Division St. house, RC
junior Mark Shulman strums on his 1969 Gibson named "Bessie."



The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
The Calendar combinu neening. lecarn, ww*.eAopran coyerence atAOSrCenVRnu
wih ohe mostsheningtoch wekon owpw. Iiia~seion The UdventyRmcord
Cokdr and i pevoa!1 Univezrsy Tonord tt and orgmiauiona cgned
by Ae Michigan Surr Atsembly, Iems euwt be mited in writing by S pA the
Taueday be.r paWicatin. Address all i mo"tin to Anne eeky, Publicrio,,
Assisan, Uwvrsity Record, 412 Mayanrd Street. An aneri () denoes ewns o
which admnision is Charged.
Tae kwon do Club--Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-3135.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Practice (beginners welcome), 7:30-8:30 pm, CCRB
Small Gym, 747-6825.
Christian Sci Organization-Mig with readings, 6:15 pm, Mich League.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay men's community open house, 8:45 pm, 218 N
Division, 665-0606.
Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Ctr-Recruitment for volunteers cont, 3100
Mich Union, 763-5865.
Tau Beta Pi-Free tutoring in lower level math, physics, engr & sci courses, 7-11 pm,
UGLi; 8-10 pm, Bursley; 8-10 pm, S Quad.
Northwalk-North campus safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, Bursley Rm 2333 or 763-
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
Turkish Sdts Assoc-Panel discussion, F Gocek, A Herrmann, Y Kenter, I Seidler & J
Stewart-Robinson, 3 pm, Mich League, 668-1492.
M-CARE-Walking clip, 7 pm, Northville Community Rec, 349-0203.
Arch & Urban Plan-Lecture, "Urban Design Strategies: Successes & Failures in the
United Kingdom," D Gosling, 4:30 pm, Chrysler Aud, 764-1301.
CNENAS-Brown-bag lec, "Perceptions of the Middle East," D Johnson, noon, Lane
Hall Commons Rm, 764-0350.
CSMIL-Lecture, G Lakoff, 4 pm, EECS 1500,747-1761.
Engr-Lecture, "Pipeline or Mainline: Challenges & Opportunities in Engr, Math, & Sci
Educ," J R Lohmann, 1-2 pm, Chrysler Aud, 764-7465.
Hillel-Passover First Seder, for info call 769-0500.
*HRD--Wkshp: The Pride Prog: Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence, 1-
4:30 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr, reg req, 764-7410.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshps: Lotus 1-2-3 Databases & Graphics, 1-4 pm; Word Columns &
Tables (IBM PC & Compatibles), 8:30-10:30 am; Word Glossaries & Macros (IBM
PC & Compatibles), 10:30 am-12:30 pm; Word Print Merge (Mac), 1-3 pm; 3001
SEB, reg req, 763-3700.
*ICLE-Course, "Handling Negligence & Personal Injury Cases: What You Need To
Know," 9 am-noon & 1:15-4:45 pm, 1020 Greene St, reg req, 764-0533.
CREES-Roundtable, "Literature in East Central Europe Today," G Gomori & I Klima,
3:30 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm, 764-0351'
*Women's Athlet-Softball, U-M vs EMU, 3 pm, Varsity Softball Diamond.
MedSport-"Smokeless" intro sessions beg, 7 pm, Domino's Farms, reg req, 998-7400.
Chem-Seminar, "Synthesis & Properties of Zeolites," C G Kim, 4 pm, Rm 1640.
Career Plan & Place-Educ Conf wkshp, 4:10-5:30 pm, CP&P Conf Rm, 764-7460.
U-M-Flint-Brass recital, G Perry & K Krupp, 7:30 pm, Classrm-Ofc Bldg Rm 164.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Handbell choir, 8:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
German Lang & Lit-Informal gathering, Kaffeestunde, 4-5:30 pm, MLB 3rd fl Conf
Rm, 764-8018.
WCBN/Lesbian & Gay Radio Collec-Public affairs talk show, "Closets are for
Clothes," 6-6:30 pm, 88.3 FM, 763-3500 or 3501.
LaGROC (Lesbian & Gay Men's Rights Organizing Committee)-Mtg, 7:30 pm,
Mich Union Rm 3100,763-4186.
Iranian Sdt Cultural Club-Mtg, a non-political, non-religious group, 7:45 pm, Mich
League, 662-8933.
Karate Club-Practice, 8:30-10 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 697-2420.
Asian American Women's Journal-Mtg, 5 pm, South Quad Afroamer. Lounge, 764-
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Study/discuss, "Faith-Shakers," 8-9 pm, Mich
Union, 662-0663.
Time & Relative Dimensions in Ann Arbor (TARDAA)-Mtg, 8 pm, 2413 Mason
Hall, 461-0447.
Northvalk-North campus safety walking sve, 8 pm-1:30 am, Bursley Rm 2333 or 763-
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
MedSport-"Smokeless" intro sessions beg, 7 pm, Domino's Farms, reg req, 998-7400.
Ctr Human Growth & Devp-Lectures, "Mechanical Influences on Skeletal Modeling
& Remodeling," S A Goldstein, noon, 300 NIB Rm 1000; "Cellular Aging is an
Active Process," J Smith, 3:30 pm, 300 NIB Rm 900; 764-2443.
Career Plan & Place-Generating Career Options, 4:10-5:30 pm, CP&P Conf Rm, reg
req, 764-7460.
*U-M-Dearborn-Concert, University Choir, 8 pm, Fair Lane, 593-5000.

*Comput Ctr-Wkshps: MS-DOS for Hard Disk Users, 9 am-noon; Excel Basic Skills
(IBM PC & Compatibles), 1-5 pm; Advanced Excel: Functions & Macros (Mac), 10
am-noon; 3001 SEB, reg req, 763-3700.
Inst Humanities-Brown-bag film "America's Pop Collector, Robert C. Scull:
Contemporary Art at Auction," E J Vaughn, noon, 1524 Rackham, 763-4463; Music
demonstration, "New Computer Music Excerpt," J B Barriere, 4 pm, 1524 Rackham,
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Life Light Bible study, 8 pm, 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Ctr Chinese Stds-Brown-bag lec, Ph.D. candidate-Poli Sci, L I-chou, noon, Lane Hall
Commons Rm, 936-1603.
Biopsychology-Colloq, "Discrimination of Human Speech Sounds by Monkeys," M
Sommers, 12:30 pm, MHRI Rm 1057,761-7936.
Mus Art-Art Break, "Sculpture on the Floor," 12:10-12:30 pm, Mus Art, 747-2067.
WCBN-Radio talk show, "Womyn's Rites & Rhythms," 6-6:30 pm.
AIESIC-General mtg, 6 pm, Bus Admin Bldg Rm 1273,764-2906.
'ae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 7-8:30 pm, 2275 CCRB, 677-3135.
Shorin-ryu Karate-do Club-Practice, 8:30-9:30 pm, CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 747-
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Bible study, 6:30 pm; worship, 7:30-8:30 pm; 801 S
Forest, 668-7622.
MSA-Intl Sdt Affrs Commission mtg, 6:15 pm, Intl Ctr Rec Rm, 663-4547.
Canterbury House-Service, "Women Worshipping in the Christian Tradition," 7 pm,
218 N. Division; 665-0606.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Lenten worship, 7:30 pm, 1360 Pauline, transport
provided, 662-0663.
Tau Beta Pi-Free tutoring in lower level math, physics, engr & sci courses, 7-11 pm,
UGLi; 8-10 pm, Bursley; 8-10 pm, S Quad.
Northwalk-North campus safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, Bursley Rm 2333 or 763-
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
Commission for Women-Lecture, "Expectations vs Reality," C Wilhelm, noon-1 pm,
Mich League Rm 6.
Chem-Seminar, "The Chemistry of A- & B-Heterosubstituted Enolates," K Albizati, 4
pm, Rm 1640; "Hadamard-Transform Spectroscopic Imaging," 4 pm, Rm 1650.
BioEngr-Seminar, "Bone Growth & Development," J Kuhn, 4-5 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
U-M-Dearborn-Film begs, "Young Einstein," 7:30 pm, Rec & Organization Ctr, 593-
Environ & Water Res Engr-Seminar,"Retention of Organic Liquids in Soils," S Kia,
12:30-1:30 pm, GG Brown Rmn 2305.
Film & Video Stds-Films, "Blonde Cobra" & "So is This," 7 pm, Angell Hall Aud C.
Fac Women's Club-Annual mtg & spring luncheon, 11:30 am-3 pm, Mich League.
Honors Seminar/Women & Work in the U.S.-Panel duscuss, "Challenges Facing
Working Women," 7:30-9:30 pm, LS&A Exec Conf Rm 2553,764-0632.
*HRD-Wkshps: The Career Plateau: From Problems to Opportunity, 9 am-noon;
Motivation, 9 am-noon; 1111 Kipke Dr, reg req, 764-7410.
Kinesiology-Seminar, "A Historian's View of Physical Activity for an Aging Society,"
A Achenbaum, 12:10-1 pm, Dent Sch Small Aud.
Mus Art-Art video, "Pablo Picasso," noon, Mus Art.
CREES-Lecture, "The Health Consequences of Chernobyl: A Reappraisal," L
Neubauer, noon-1 pm, Lane Hall Commons Rm, 764-0351.
SNR-Lecture, "Urban Plantings: Getting to the Root of the Problem," J Patterson, 7:30
pm, Matthaei Bot Gdns.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Choir rehearsal, 7:30 pm; Lent worship, 9 pm; 1511
Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Philosophy-Lecture, "Knowledge by Consensus," C Elgin, 8 pm, 2443 Mason Hall,
Sdts of Objectivism-Discussion, "The Missing Link," 8 pm, Mich Union Mich Rm,
Sexual Assault Prevention Awareness Ctr-Brown-bag panel discuss, "Sexism &
Women of Color," A Monroe-Fowler, C Jose-Kampfner & C Cummings, 12:10-1
pm, South Quad W Lounge, 763-5865.
Socially Active Latino Sdt Assoc-General mtg, 7:30 pm, Angell Hall Rm 221, 973-
Karate Club-Practice, 7:30-9 pm & 9-10 pm, CCRB Small Gym, 697-2420.
Weis Lutheran Campus Ministry-Counseling, noon-1 pm, Mich Union, 662-0663.
Tau Beta Pi-Free tutoring in lower level math, physics, engr & sci courses, 7-11 pm,
Northwalk-North campus safety walking svc, 8 pm-1:30 am, Bursley Rm 2333 or 763-
Safewalk-Safety walking sve, 8 pm-1:30 am, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
Ctr Human Growth & Devp-Lectures, "Psychopharmacology in Childhood &
Adolescence," C Krasnow, noon, F8409 Mott; "Mutations Affecting Embryogenesis
in "Drosophilia," D Coulter, 12:10 pm, 1139 Nat Sci Bldg; 764-2443.
Chem-"Decomposition of Methanethiol on Clean & Hydrogen Preadsorbed Pt (III)
Surface," T Rufael, 4 pm, Rm 1640.
Consortium for Cross-Cult Res in Educ-Symposium, "Forces Shaping the Present &
Future Reforms of Teaching & Schooling in Japan & the Soviet Union," T Horio & B
fne.L..e . A...., L AA4 n. r. tAI'

*HRD-Wkshp: New Policies & Special Cases U-M Wants You to Know, 8:30 am-
noon, 1111 Kipke Dr, reg req, 764-7410.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshp: Word Columns & Tables (Macintosh), 9 am-noon, 3001 SEB,
reg req, 763-3700.
Intl Ctr-Travel wkshp, "Travel Abroad: Eastem & Western Europe," J Lorenger, 3-
4:30 pm, Intl Ctr Rec Rm, 764-9310.
Ctr Japan Stds-Brown-bag lec, "Zen & Japanese Nationalism," T G Foulk, noon,
Lane Hall Commons Rm, 764-6307.
LS&A GSTA-Wkshp, "Multicultural Teaching," 7-9:30 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm, reg
req, 763-0624.
Mus Anthropology-Brown-bag lec, "Heathen Times in Sweden: Emerging
Complexity in the Southem Scandinavian Bronze Age?" K Jones, noon-1 pm, Nat Sci
Mus Rm 1009,764-0485.
*Mich League-Intl Night, Philippines, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet.
Ofc Arts & Prog-Music at Mid-day, pianist R Chapman, 12:15 pm, Mich Union
Pendleton Rm, 764-6498.
Physics-Lecture, "The Discoveries of the Electron, Muon & Tau: Motives & Methods,"
M Perl, 4 pm, Rackham Amphi, 763-2588.
Sch Music-Jazz concert, Northcoast, 8 pm, Rackham Aud; Lec/recital, Rekkenze
Brass, 7 pm, Sch Mus Recital Hall; 763-4726.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Seder Supper, 6 pm; Read Greek class, 8:30 pm; 1511
Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Vision Lunch-Seminar, "Perception of Depth," L T Maloney, 12:20 pm, 2055 MHRI,
CEW/Women in Sci-"A Discussion of Factors Affecting Choices of Majors in Sci,
Math & Engr at U-M," 3-5 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm, 998-7225.
Med Chem-Seminar, "Synthesis & Evaluation of New Radiohalogenated Estrogens for
Diagnostic Imaging," R N Hanson, 4 pm, 3554 CC Little, 764-7547.
Sch Music-Concert, Campus Orchestra, 8 pm, Hill Aud, 763-4726.
Mus Art-Art Break, "Sculpture on the Floor," 12:10-12:30 pm, Mus Art, 747-2067.
Sexual Assault Prevention Awareness Ctr-Film, "Still Killing Us Softly," 10 am & 7
pm (7 pm showing followed by discussion), Mich Union Kuenzel Rm, 763-5865.
Romance Lang-Films, "El Ausent" & "Hay unos tipos abajos," R Philipelli, 8 pm, Nat
Sci Aud, 764-5344.
Caribbean Sdt Assoc-Happy hr, 6-10 pm, Mich Union Rm 1209, 764-5040 or 769-
Tae kwon do Club-Mtg (beginners welcome), 6-8 pm, 1200 CCRB, 677-3135.
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog-Mtg, "Black Gay Men Together," 8 pm, Mich Union Rm
Alliance for U-M Campus Child Care-Mtg, noon, 234 W Engr, 763-8346.
Safewalk-Safety walking Svc, 8-11:30 pm, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
Asian Stds Sdt Assoc-Conf, "The Changing Status of Asian Women," S Surindyo, D
Siddihi, W Ga, L Yan & H Tonamura, 1-6 pm, Mich League Henderson Rm, 663-
Astron-Colloq, "Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies," E Skilman, 4 pm, Dennison
Rm 807.
CSSEAS-Lecture, "The Concept of Khalsa," G S Mann, 12:10 pm, Lane Hall
Commons Rm.
Ethics & Religion-Seminar, "B.S. Nursi: A Turkish Fundamentalist Thinker," S
Mardin, 3 pm, 1st Presbyterian Church, 764-7442.
*HRD-Wkshp: Arranging Conf, Seminars and Mtgs at the University, 8:30 am-noon,
1111 Kipke Dr, reg req, 764-7410.
*Comput Ctr-Wkshp: Begin Word, Part 2 (IBM PC & Compatibles), 9 am-noon, 3001
SEB, reg req, 763-3700.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Passion History readings, noon, 1, 2 & 3 pm; Tenebrae svc,
7:30 pm; 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Folkdance Club-Intl folkdancing, 8-9 pm lessons, 9-11 pm dancing, Mich Union
Anderson Rm, 747-2156.
Sch Music-Concert, Wind Ensemble, 8 pm, Rackham Aud, 763-4726.
Romance Lang-Films, "El Ausent" & "Hay unos tipos abajos," R Philipelli, 8 pm, Nat
Sci Aud, 764-5344.
Karate Club-Practice, 3-5 pm, CCRB Small Gym, 697-2420.
Safewalk-Safety walking svc, 8-11:30 pm, UGLi Rm 102 or 936-1000.
Friends of Siddha Yoga-Siddha Meditation Intensive begs, reg req, 994-8840.
*Univ Musical Soc-Concert, pianist M Perahia, 8 pm, Hill Aud, 764-2538.
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Easter Vigil, 11 pm, 1511 Washtenaw, 663-5560.
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry-Worship svc, 10 am, 1360 Pauline Rd, transport
provided, 662-0663 or 761-6362.
*Ballroom Dance Club-Dance lesson, 6-7 pm, dancing, 7-9 pm, 3275 CCRB ($1 with
CCRB pass), 668-8423.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forest, 668-7622.
Chess Team-Mtg, 1 pm, Mich League, 764-0940.




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