" &' " 0 0 ell, it's 1990. Possession of marijuana in Ann Arbor is now a $25 misdemeanor and a University task force, made up of students, staff and faculty, is trying to determine if there is a drug problem on campus. "It depends what you mean by a problem," said Dr. Frederick Glaser, Director of both the University Substance Abuse Center and the University Alcohol Program. "In a sense, any use of marijuana, for instance, is a problem because it is in illegal drug." Glaser, who is also a member of the task force steering committee, added that "the evidence we have so far suggests there is a drug problem on campus. The principle problem among students, staff, and faculty, as with the rest of the country, is alcohol. The excessive use of alcohol has for a long time been part of the culture of this University." Coordinator of the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Keith Bruhnsen (also a member of the 'g steering committee) , as with explained the task alco0Io force was charged last I tlaslif summer by he culture University President James Duderstadt "to collect information about alcohol and drug abuse in the University and at other colleges." Bruhnsen said the task force is using information from sources including the Institute for Social Research (ISR) to make policy recommendations to the administration. According to congress' Schools and Colleges Act of 1989, Bruhnsen added, the University must have a drug policy and prevention program instituted by October 1 of this year. While the ISR has published a national survey on alcohol and other drug use (to be used in the task force report) Bruhnsen said statistics on the University are sketchy and largely anecdotal. "The University is no different from any other community," During a scene of the 1984 film, Romancing the Stone, Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner take cover from a Colombian rainstorm in the wreck of an airplane. Inside the plane, Douglas finds several kilos of marijuana and asks Turner if she "smokes it." Turner looks at Douglas, shrugs her shoulders sheepishly and says, "I went to college. " In a 1986 US Magazine article, entitled "Crack Invades Sub- urbia," author Steven Flax spotlights Ann Arbor in his investiga- tive report on crack use in smaller cities. "Because of years of tolerating drug use," Flax says, referring to the $5 pot law, "Ann Arbor has been slow to recognize the scope of its drug problems. " Bruhnsen said. "Drugs are everywhere, its just a question of determining the extent of the problem on campus so we can institute a policy that makes sense." Theresa Herzog, an employee of the University Health Service and a member of the task force said the "University is a place where a lot of people try drugs for the first time." Glaser agreed but added "studies show that most people who experiment with drugs do not go on to use them chronically." To illustrate how student themselves feel about drugs on campus, Herzog pointed to a 1988 ISR survey (separate from I the national survey) which Ia judged the - P perception of alcohol and other drug abuse among 567 University undergraduates. The study states that: 95% of those surveyed said they thought alcohol to be a problem on campus. 62% of those thought alcohol to be a major problem. . 90% said they thought marijuana to be a problem on campus. 50% of those said it was a major problem. 76% said they thought cocaine was a problem on campus. 21% of those said it was a major problem. 57% said crack was a problem on campus. 11% of those said it was a major problem. 60% of said they were at some risk for experiencing problems with alcohol. 40% of those surveyed reported alcohol or other drug problems in their family. 37% reported engaging in unwanted sexual activity while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. 34% said they used intoxication i is a I dIrm IS from nited States is a alcohol or stereotyping. other drugs as an excuse to engage in sexual activities. 17% reported using coercion or aggression to engage in sexual activity under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. 35% said alcohol or other drugs interfered with their relationships. 29% said alcohol or other drugs interfered with their academic performance. Glaser pointed out that statistics can sometimes be misleading. "For instance, crack does not seem to be a major problem here. There have been some incidents but nothing large scale," he said. According to the isR survey, conducted by University researchers Lloyd Johnson, Patrick O'Malley and Jerald Bachman, use of major illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, tranquilizers and crack among the nation's youth has declined significantly over the past fifteen years. "That makes sense," Bruhnsen said, "nationally people are becoming more and more concerned with their health" "Yet, it is still true that a large proportion of young people have tried drugs," the report adds. "In 1989 some 56% of the college students in the survey reported having at least tried an illicit drug use during their lifetime." Students at the University offered varied responses to drug use on campus. One East Quad resident said she smokes marijuana about "four times a week" and that she didn't think it altered her lifestyle at all. Another student who lives off campus said he has tried a lot of drugs "from cocaine to acid to Extasy" but doesn't use any of them regularly. Another student, who said he and his housemates grow pot at their off-campus house and then sell it, commented that campus marijuana use is on the decline. "It doesn't seem like that many people smoke (pot) anymore," he said. "When we go to a party people look at us funny if we light up. Hardly anyone even has cigarettes at parties any more." T here are some campus bodies that have specifically developed bad reputations for their alcohol or other drug use. East Quad, for example, has a reputation for being a drug dorm in which many students smoke marijuana or experiment with hallucinogens. Deba Patnaik, director of East Quad and assistant director of the Residential College, said "to say East Quad is a drug dorm is like saying the United States is a drug country, it's stereotyping." Patnaik stressed that "drugs are not an issue here (in East Quad). East Quad has always been an unconventional and liberal place, by Mike Sobel photo illustrations by Jose Juarez k, q EEER' MarcJLLJ99O