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January 18, 1990 - Image 1

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University Council: An Obituary

Killdozer destroys the mind

Wolverines face surprising Buckeyes

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 74 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, January 18, 1990 The Mhign Dly



" continues

by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
Though nine LSA representatives
have filled positions on the
Michigan Student Assembly, the
controversy emanating from last
semester's MSA election has not
'There are four
people sitting on MSA
now that were not
elected by the student
body. At the same
time, there are four
students that do not
have seats on the
* assembly, all who
worked hard and won
the students' votes.'
- MSA Rep. Jeff
Because the appointment
decisions made by LSA Student
Government differed greatly from the
results of the disputed and invalidated
elections, many involved questioned
the fairness of the appointment
process, and the criteria used by
LSA-SG in its selections.
Four members of both the
Conservative Coalition and Choice
parties were appointed; the ninth
selection, Stephanie Simon, was an
_ unaffiliated anddat who id no run
in the invalidated election.
* LSA-SG Vice President Jeff
'U' group
forms to
*fight anti=
by Mike Sobel
Daily Staff Writer
A newly-formed group, Students
Against Anti-Semitism, held its first
meeting last night at Hillel. Using
an open forum, the 30 students who
attended the meeting tried to lay out
goals and objectives for the new
group in light of recent incidents of
anti-Semitism on campus.
Hillel Director Michael Brooks,
who also attended the meeting, said
there has been an historical problem
of anti-Semitism at the University.
"The experience has been an un-
pleasant one for Jews of the U-M
campus," he said. "The problem for
Jews in the '80s and '90s is that
they are not considered a minority. A
minority is now by definition a per-
son of color."
Laura Sankey, one of the group's
five founders, added that the separa-
tion between anti-Semitism and
racism has created the need for the
"Anti-Semitic acts go largely un-
noticed because there has been no
organization which specifically ad-
dresses those issues," she said. "We
want to go out and reach a new pub-
lic outside of Hillel."
The members of the group agreedI
that they should focus on education
in order to deter anti-Semitic acts on
campus. "There are a lot of people
who come to the University without

having met a Jew," one student at
the meeting said. He suggested edu-
cation campaigns in alliance with
other campus groups, such as the

Ehrlich firmly denied that party
politics had anything to do with the
selections. "To be honest, we were
not even aware of the students' party
affiliation before we made our
choices," Ehrlich said. "We based
our decisions on previous MSA
activity and the students' familiarity
with the issues. That it came out
even between the parties was totally
But some MSA members
questioned the coincidence. "I'm
outraged," said MSA Rep. Jeff
Johnson, who heads the
Conservative Coalition. "There are
four people sitting on MSA now
that were not elected by the student
body. At the same time, the are four
students that do not have seats on
the assembly, all who worked hard
and won the students' votes."
"As far as I'm concerned, this
assembly has no legitimacy, for
there are four people there that do
not belong," Johnson said.
But Choice member -Nick
Mavrick, who was appointed to
MSA though he did not win a seat
in the overturned election, thought
the appointments were just.
"As far as I'm concerned, the
elections were flawed from their very
conception," said Mavrick, referring
to the balloting and procedure snafus
that plagued the MSA elections.
"The election results should have
never even been printed." Maverick
was chair of MSA's Student Rights
See MSA, Page 5

Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs
Doug Heerdegen, a junior in the Business School, has been collecting cereal boxes for two years. From "Breakfast With Barbie Cereal" to
"Batman Cereal," there are about 500 boxes of 150 different types covering the walls of his room.


MOSCOW (AP) - The Kremlin
yesterday told thousands of soldiers
it sent to the Caucasus to shoot if
need betto halt bands of Azerbaijanis
and Armenians fighting each other in
hills around the disputed territory of
Thousands of Armenian refugees
poured from the southern republic of
Azerbaijan, many beaten or chased
from their homes by angry mobs.
Some blamed the attacks on Azerbai-
janis who earlier fled ethnic violence
in Armenia.

continues in
Soviet soldiers may interve
with force in disputed area

The death toll rose to 58, mostly
Armenians, and the number of in-
jured to 169 in 'five days of civil
warfare, an Interior Ministry official
The evening TV news show
"Vremya" ran a statement from the
KGB and the interior and .defense
ministries, which control troops in

the area, that said:
"Risking their lives, they1
far refrained from using arms
criminals to prevent bloodshe
"However, a sharp incr
outrageous attacks has made
uation unbearable," and thes
now were permitted to us
weapons in accordance withr

ne rules and Soviet law.
Four burned bodies were tound in
Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan., the
official news agency Tass said yes-
terday. Eighteen Armenian residents
were injured in Azerbaijan the past
have so 24 hours.
against Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah
d. Ali Khamenei, said yesterday that Is-
ease in lamic fervor was behind events in
the sit- Soviet Azerbaijan, and warned
soldiers Moscow not to deal harshly with the
e their Shiite Moslem upsurge, Tehran ra-
mihtary dio reported.

Tenants picket,
charge racism

by Beth Johnson
and Paul Antony
Community members outraged at
the alleged mistreatment of a Black
public housing tenant protested be-
fore the Ann Arbor Housing Com-
mission last week, arguing that the
tenant was treated unfairly when she
was charged with violating occu-
pancy regulations.
Ann Arbor resident Charlotte
Juide and her two children moved to
the Hikone public housing site last
November while her unit at the
South Maple site was being reno-
Juide's mother and sister, Bessie
and Dawn Dameron, moved with her
into the new unit, allegedly violat-
ing housing commission policies
against overcrowding. Juide recently
returned to the renovated unit, but
her mother and sister remained at the
Hikone site.
The Housing Commission has
since charged the Damerons with
trespassing, claiming they are not
legally permitted to remain in the
unit because the lease was signed by
However, the Housing Commis-
sion decided last night to allow the
Damerons to remain in the house
until March 1.
The Unity Tenant's Council said
the Damerons were denied the option

of signing their own lease for a pub-
lic housing unit. The group claimed
the commission is actually creating
another homeless family, instead of
helping to alleviate the housing
problem in Ann Arbor.
Juide said her mother and sister
were not allowed to live at the
Hikone site because of personal
problems between her and one of the
Housing Commission members.
Bonnie Newlun, Executive Direc-
tor of the Housing Commission,
said Juide and her family violated
their lease, as well as federal regula-
tions governing overcrowding and
leasing. "The Damerons do not have
the right to be there," Newlun said.
Unity picketed in front of the
Housing Commission office last
Friday. Tracye Matthews, the United
Coalition Against Racism represen-
tative to Unity, said, "The main is-
sue involves Ms. Juide and her fam-
ily, but the picket was also directed
at general tenant mistreatment and
poor unit rehabilitation."
The treatment of Juide and her
family was "blatant racial discrimi-
nation and harassment," according to
a Unity press release. The tenant's
council also claimed the work dote
on the South Maple rehabilitation
project was sub-standard as a result
of racial discrimination. Approxi-
mately 95 percent of the tenants at
See PICKET, page 2

Cutting class
A Community High School student escapes from class through a window while an accomplice stands
guard Wednesday afternoon.

Study says eating oat bran does not lower cholesterol

BOSTON (AP) - Contrary to cereal ads
and popular belief, oat bran does not lower
cholesterol levels, according to a study that
challenges one of the biggest food crazes of the
Critics were skeptical of the findings.

largely because it is rich in soluble fiber. Sev-
eral studies have suggested that this kind of
fiber somehow removes cholesterol from the
But this latest study concluded that people's
cholesterol levels dropped just as much when

cholesterol consumption, not high fiber intake,
entirely explained the drop in cholesterol seen.
in their study.
The study, conducted on 20 volunteers,
most of them hospital dietitians, was directed
by dietitian Janis Swain at Brigham and

day. The volunteers could eat whatever else
they wanted but had to keep track of what they
ate and how much.
On both the oat and non-oat regiments,
their cholesterol levels were about 7 percent

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