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April 05, 1990 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-04-05

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 5,1990

'U' to offer
optional course
on racism
by Elisabeth Weinin
Daily Staff Writer

After years of fighting for a
mandatory course on racism, minor-
ity students and faculty have created
an optional course to deal with the
subject. The class will be offered in
the fall term of 1990.
University Course 299, titled
"Race, Racism and Ethnicity," was
created as a response to the racial in-
cidentshon campus two years ago
with the intention of making it a
mandatory course, said Dr Beth
Reed, an associate professor of social
work and women's studies professor
who will be one of the instructors of
the course.
Though some students are happy
that such a course will be offered,
they still hope to implement the
course as a graduation requirement.
United Coalition Against Racism
member and LSA senior David Mau-
rrasse said, "The fact that there's a
course is a half victory. In order to
get a full victory, we'll have to keep
Reed said the course is intended
for 120 first- and second-year stu-
dents. "I prefer underclassmen in the
class because if it's taught early, the
course may be useful for inter-group
relations on campus."
Dr. Warren Whatley, another of
the course's professors and an asso-

ciate professor of economics, said
they had an interracial seminar of
thirteen faculty members and eight
graduate students to discuss teaching
techniques for the class.
"It's an innovative course which
will not rely only on lectures,"
Whatley said. Teaching procedures
will include group exercises and ac-
tivities, excursions, and participatory
"I haveavery high expectations. It
should be a fantastic course," What-
ley said.
But Black Student Union member
Crystal Gardner, an LSA junior,
said, "People are going to ignore the
course if it's not mandatory. I think
the course is important because
when people come together in a
classroom discussion, we can con-
front each other with stereotypes,
and can get out misconceptions."
Gardner said.
"In a classroom situation there is
a professor there who has a lot of
knowledge, and knows the history of
the people. Sometimes students can
be wrong about even their own his-
tory," she added.
Though not listed in the time
schedule, the course will be offered
on Friday from 2-4 p.m., with dis-
cussion on Monday from 2-4 p.m.

Berlin Wall on display
Michael Polley and his 5-year-old daughter Abigile looking at a segment
of the Berlin Wall which is now a museum piece exhibit in the Berlin
Museum in the western part of the city. The graffiti was painted by Kiddy
Citny in 1985.

Soviet's Lithuanian stance pleases Baker

tary of State James Baker said yes-
terday he was encouraged that the
Soviet Union seems to be consider-
ing a referendum in Lithuania to de-
termine the future of the indepen-
dence-minded Baltic republic.
"A referendum is, of course, one
way for parties to express self-deter-
iihation," Baker said as he opened
three days of talks with Soviet For-
cign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze

Continued from page 1

'Both candidates agreed it has been
4 highly negative campaign, with
accusations flying from all parties.
"The negative campaigning has
only made the right seem far more
right, and the left seem far more
Left," Marsh pointed out.
Tullki agreed about the harsh
campaigning, but said his party was
simply trying to educate the students
about campus issues.
"I don't feel that we started the
#egative campaigning, obviously,"
i argued, "but I think we've been
&rking hard to orient the students
tithe issues. I think there's been a
tqt of publicity generated by the

on such diverse issues as Lithuania,
arms control and the Soviet econ-
"We will be exploring the ques-
tion of the degree to which there is,
in fact, the beginning of some dia-
logue in Moscow," Baker said.
Talking to reporters, Baker said
he intended to ask Shevardnadze
about the cancellation of scheduled
meetings between Lithuanians and
officials of the Soviet Interior min-
campaign, and when students realize
that MSA has a budget of $500,000,
and really has an impact on campus
affairs, that will get more students
out to vote."
A sampling of student voters
agreed it had been a brutal campaign.
"It seems like a lot of candidates
are using dirty tricks and other stuff
to get students to vote for them,"
said LSA Junior Elizabeth Guenzel,
voting yesterday afternoon in the
LSA Junior Dan Godston agreed
with Guenzel, saying he thought
"there was a lot of unnecessary mud-
slinging. Some of the posters were
pretty low, and pretty stupid."
LSA Fifth-year student Bryan
Case went even further.
"Neither party has distinguished
itself with creativity or by dis-
cussing relevant issues," Case said.
"The parties have been lying, and
saying things they haven't done. I
would call it mudslinging, but it's
not even as dignified as mud."
However, LSA Junior Brian Kan-

istry. Shevardnadze, however,
seemed to be unaware of such sched-
uled meetings.
Responding to another question,
Shevardnadze insisted the Soviets
had not used force to deal with the
secession movement in Lithuania.
The State Department lobby was
cordoned off and dozens of uniformed
guards and security agents in civilian
garb kept watch. A guard with a
German Shepherd dog stood at the
ter, voting at the Undergraduate Li-
brary, felt as long as the candidates
address students' concerns, anything
"I don't have a problem with the
campaign as long as they stick to
the issues," Kanter said. "The mud-
slinging that's going on is about is-
sues, and I think that's what's im-
Still, most students agreed that
more students need to vote in the
MSA elections, which have tradi-
Continued from page 1
had in the 70s. However, despite
waning interest, he continued to re-
lease reports and hold press confer-
In recent years, Nader's message
has been heard again. He has changed
his focus from battling large corpo-
rations on the national level to plac-
ing more emphasis on what can be
done at the state and local level in
regard to the environment.

Lithuania is expected to be high
on the agenda when Shevardadze
meets Friday with President Bush.
On Capitol Hill, lawmakers
pushed Bush to take a stronger stand
on Lithuania.
House members voted 416-3 to
approve a resolution urging the pres-
ident to reaffirm his commitment to
an independent Lithuania,
tionally had extremely low voter
turnout. About 10 percent of the
student population votes in the elec-
tions which are held fall and winter
"I think it's important for more
students to get to work - students
need to have their say in their stu-
dent government," Guenzel said.
Not all students were voting for
the same reasons, however. Case
said he was voting "because I con-
sider MSA a total failure. I've voted
in ten assembly elections, and I've
seen the assembly get even worse.''
Continued from page 1
that Greenpeace activists - known
for locking themselves to polluting
chemical plants and harassing
whaling ships - need canvassers to
raise funds for their more visible
Along one sidewalk, members of
Recycle U-M tended to tables piled
with used clothing, books, and other
"We're trying to promote the idea
that it is OK for middle-class
Americans to wear used clothes,"
said School of Natural Resources
junior Carolyn Becking. By re-using
goods instead of throwing them
away, she said, students can reduce
their impact on the environment.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Horse falls into frozen waters
KALKASKA - A horse named Bill was recuperating yesterday after
falling through the ice on a lake and struggling for nearly two hours be-
fore a tow truck rescued him.
Thomas Tribe, the horse's owner, reported Bill Bolted from a pen and
galloped about five miles before heading onto Crawford Lake about 4:15
a.m. Monday, where he fell into about 5 feet of water, said Kalkaska
County Sheriff's Deputy James Southworth.
Using boats, firefighters tried to rescue the horse, but attempts to get
him onto the ice failed, Southworth said.
"They wrenched him onto the ice, but he kept falling through,"
Southworth said. "Finally, thewrecker just took off and jerked him onto
the ice. We had blankets from everywhere, and one of the guys had a
down-filled cover."
Upjohn gets U.K. okay for
women's balding treatment
KALAMAZOO - The Upjohn Co. has received approval from the
British government to begin pitching its anti-baldness drug to women,
company officials said yesterday.
Studies show that Regaine, sold as Rogaine in the United States and
Canada, is at least as effective in treating hair loss in women as in men,
Upjohn officials said.
The two-percent minoxidil solution is sold by prescription for men in
63 countries; about 20 of them also have approved it for women.
Upjohn is awaiting approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-
tration to sell Rogaine for women in the United States.
Company spokesperson Laura Harwin said the solution and application
are the same for men and women. The approval, received Tuesday, just al-
lows the company to broaden its marketing.
Ford recovers from surgery
RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. - Former President Gerald Ford
underwent surgery yesterday to replace his left knee for injuries dating
back to his school days, a spokesperson said.
Former Michiganian Ford, 76, went into surgery at 9 a.m. at the
Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, said Penny Circle, Ford's
chief of staff. He was in good condition following the 90-minute
procedure, she said.
"The surgery was very successful without any problems or
complications," Circle said. "President Ford is resting comfortably."
"Dr. Robert Murphy, an orthopedic surgeon, replaced the knee with a
metal prostheses, know as a Miller Gallante II total knee, said hospital
spokesperson Sally Manassah.
Former First Lady Betty Ford was with the president at the hospital,
she said.
Ford played football for the University of Michigan in 1932 and 1933.
He was captain of the 1933 team - the only team in Michigan history to
not win a game. That team finished 0-9.
White House ceremony
honors teacher of the year
WASHINGTON - Janis Gabay of San Diego, teacher of the year
with a crystal apple and a presidential salute to show for it, says she once
thought of quitting because she saw such lack of respect for her profes-
But Gabay declared herself optimistic about U.S. education yesterday
as President Bush and his wife, Barbara, honored her at the White House.
"The kind of people Jan represents are ambassadors to the most power-
ful province mankind might command - that great undiscovered realm
right under your hat," Bush told a crowd that included 11 members of
Gabay's family.
Fighting back tears, the petite high school English teacher accepted the
award from Bush and a kiss from the first lady, thanking officials for giv-
ing "a credible and assertive voice to this nation's concerns about educa-
She said teachers must be seen as professionals, who if given the sup-
port and resources, can push students to become top achievers.
Car sales sluggish in March
DETROIT - Sales of North American-made cars and trucks by the
Big Three automakers slipped 1.5 percent in late March compared with
last year, continuing a downturn that began six months ago, the compa-
nies said yesterday.
The decline during the March 21-31 period this year came against a rel-
atively soft sales period last year.
Car sales declined 4.8 percent and truck sales rose 3.1 percent.
There were no definitive reasons for the overall decline, such as the

presence or absence of incentives, which often color year-to-year compar-
isons. The figures indicate that consumers either are hanging on to their
cars and waiting for incentives later in the year or simply that demand is
weaker than during the late-March period last year.
Through the first three months of this year, the Big Three's car and
truck sales were down 3.6 percent compared with the first quarter of last
Normally, sales pick up in March and April. But last year, and so far
this year, that trend hasn't held.
be £tbichJant1dIg
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
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