0 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 2, 1990 1ico st to review t8hWeoR 90:Schedlule otEvents world's progress by Michael Sullivan Daily Staff Writer - -T.y. .. V. .Cw ~ ~ * 4 4~'4 4~:~4 ":.::..::::..:..^.h..:...::." .::: ..::::::::.::::...:.:..::::..:..::..::::::...."::::::.... ^.. ".::.:::::..... .":..:::.:::":::.:.j 1~Q;4O M ec~ih bPlnt- ~staAjC-r Valxo :::":: §§ .; lx r;Vi IJ to V ovaI " [a r wr LZf. W >:""< :.W naa >ea 4 +:: a gtfleiifl Barry Commoner, nationally 'l ~ e noted ecologist and author of eight. . . . # books and countless articles, will re - view the progress of the environmen- tal movement since the first Earth Day, in 1970, tonight in the Michi- gan Union Ballroom A 0 WPM Commoner is the director of the = t Center for the Biology of NaturalA:. Systems at Queens College, New - York. The Center studies environmen-.... tal problems and potential solutions..... :r : ::: Resisting the idea that environ- ' .( =trc1far mental problems can be solved oi.-. ' through individual actions like bike-.... riding or recycling newspapers, Commoner says these are ways for . people to feel better about them- s selves. ' ? "Ecological metaphors like string .>! ' stlopping bags or planting trees can be used to get rid of personal guilt," Commoner said, in an April 1990 in-. terview with The Mother Earth :::::jjy. . News. "They don't provide solutions, and, in some cases, they interfere with I N c the solutions. That's my position. Look, the problem is not in your head } or my head. It's in the corporate 7£?Or tiW0Ani boardrooms. That's where pollution :0O Comoegblivsnheeha.be Cno progress on environmental progress in the last 20 years. He said the lack of progress resulted from a misconception of environmental prob- lems and how they can be solved. "Because we didn't understand the problem analytically, we allowed the wrong things to be done," Commoner p said. "It's not simply the environmen- tal movement that has failed. The " n-usd iein~ wll e ~ hr n~Mnv~~wird eevd An 'Ahir 1T~isr......... .' i calls for Hellenic IN BIEF Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports Snipers fire on U.S. troops TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - Three snipers fired automatic weapons at a bus carrying U.S. airforce troops Saturday, injuring six of them, a U.S. military officer said. At 1 p.m., the gunners fired on the bus about six miles north of Tegu- cigalpa, the capital, said Maj. Bruce Jessup, a spokesperson for U.S. troops based in the Central American nation. He said two Americans were seriously wounded. They were taken to a civilian hospital in Tegucigalpa an underwent surgery. There were 28 U.S. airforce troopsaon the bus, but they did not return fire, Jessup said. "The Americans did not have time to return fire although there were some security personnel on the bus," he said. Jessup said a group called the Frente Moranzano Liberacion Nacional had claimed responsibility for the attack. He said the attackers fled. At the time of the attack, the soldiers were returning to the Soto Cano military base from a recreational tour, Jessup said. Gorbachev urges Lithuania to scrap independence talks LITHUANIA - President Mikhail Gorbachev told Lithuanians on Saturday that Moscow would not negotiate with them until they annul their declaration of independence, warning "grave consequences" if they refuse. In Vilnius, Lithuanian President Vytautas Landsbergis dismissed the appeal, telling reporters the Soviet leader was "demanding impossible things." In an 18-line statement issued in Moscow and addressed to the republic's Parliament, Gorbachev charged Lithuanian leaders with "openly challenging and insulting" the Soviet Union. Gorbachev said Lithuania had chosen a "ruinous" path that "will only lead to a dead end." Gorbachev said he was proposing that Lithuania's Parliament "immediately annul the illegal acts it has adopted. Such a step will open the possibility for discussing the entire range of problems on the solely acceptable basis: within the framework of the U.S.S.R. Constitution." Thatcher blames extremists for turning protest into riot LONDON - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and opposition politi- cians yesterday blamed extremist groups for turning a carnival-like anti- tax protest into one of London's worst riots this century. The new local tax went into effect yesterday in England and Wales de- spite Saturday's protest by 40,000 people in Trafalgar Square, which went amok when militants smashed windows, torched cars and battled police. Hundreds of people were injured. The so-called community charge replaces a property tax with a levy on each adult and increases the amount many pay by up to a third. Critics say it's unfair because Britain's richest man, the Duke of Westminster, pays the same rate as his gardener. Mrs. Thatcher told reporters of her "absolute horror" at Saturday's vio- lence as she left church at her country residence at Chequers. Day care bill divides House WASHINGTON - Partisanship divided Michigan's delegation as the U.S. House approved a Democratic program to provide day care that President Bush says is too expensive. It would create a system of state-issued subsidy vouchers for parents who want to use religious day-care centers and would expand the Head Start program for needy children. It would establish minimum standards for day-care centers and provide money for a new program of day care based in public schools, available for all children and free for the poorest families. The bill cleared the House 263-158 Thursday after hours of wrangling. Earlier, the House rejected a conservative alternative that Bush endorsed, 265-145. A final version of the package awaits negotiations with the Senate, which has approved a different version. The House bill would expand tax credits for working poor families to offset day-care expenses. EXTRAS French bomb foxes with fish PARIS - Helicopters will bomb French fields and forests today with frozen fish balls containing a rabies vaccine, in an Epicurean offensive aimed at Europe's most dangerous carrier, the red fox. "The fox thinks it's fish, he eats it, and voila, he's vaccinated," said Philippe Brie, a technician with the Agriculture Ministry's Rabies Bu- reau. "If they already have rabies, it's too late. But it protects the others." Hundreds of scientists and technicians on the ground will complement the helicopters in the $2.5 million campaign, the nation's largest ever, to stamp out a disease that still strikes thousands of French citizens a year. Two helicopters will be in the seven-month spraying operation. Others may be added later. Authorities say two mild winters in a row may have contributed to the apparent growth of the fox population, though no one knows how many there really are. bb u*&uI The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters) $28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. PHONE NUMBERS: News (313)764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir- culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550 gvernment programs have also failed." LSA Continued from Page 1 Administration officials say it is not their place to mandate the LSA curricula. "It is an issue to be dealt with by LSA. It's their responsibility, and we would not normally comment,," said Robert Holbrook, associate vice president for academic affairs. University President James Duderstadt said he had not seen the proposal and did not know enough about it to comment. Prof. Gayl Ness, chair of the Senate Advisory Council on University Affairs, said the administration's refusal to decline comment on the issue is appropriate. The administration has given the colleges the Michigan Mandate - Dtderstadt's plan to diversify the University, Ness said. "It is a subtle pressure to move in this direction. But each unit has to find out how to move forward by itself," Ness added. For the administration to take a public stand on the course would be "quite inappropriate," Ness said. 0 SLUUieS program at u Ruth Littmann Daily Staff Writer Though Greek culture is "alive and vibrant," most universities do not offer modern Greek programs, said Aristotle Michopoulos, director of the Modern Greek Department at Hellenic College in Massachusetts, who addressed an audience of about 70 at a speech Saturday titled "Introducing Modern Greek: Lan- guage, Literature, and Culture." Michopoulos encouraged the au- dience of students, faculty and mem- bers of the Greek community to establish a center for Greek studies at the University by asking the public and private sectors for donations. Achievements of contemporary Greeks, as well as ancient Greeks, deserve a place in University curric- ula, Michopoulos said, citing 1960s Greek Nobel Prize winners, George Seferis and Odysseas Elytis, as names academia shouldn't ignore. "Where else can you advance modern Greek heritage and culture, but through a center for Greek cul- ture?" Michopoulos asked. Though a center for Greek studies would require between $1 million and $2 million, Michopoulos be- iwves the undertaking would help Greek students sustain their heritage while lending prestige to the Univer- sity. with Michopoulos and believes a Greek center would also benefit non- Greek students. "What Americans know about Greece is the Acropolis and Parthenon, Souvlaki and terror- ists putting bombs in airplanes; but that's not Greece," he said. "Greece is also great music and literature." Next fall, Gagos will teach the first modern Greek language program offered at the University since 1975. Gagos explained that the program will be experimental, gauging stu- dent interest in expanding modern Greek education. Eleni Eleftheriou, an LSA senior and president of the Hellenic Stu- dents Association (HSA), which sponsored the speech, said, "The modern Greek language classes were the first step in establishing a center for Greek studies." LSA first-year-student Nadina Constant, who hopes to take a Greek language class next fall, said, "I travel to Cyprus every summer and I want to improve my Greek. I know the class will also help me in read- ing English because so many English words are derived from Greek." 0 r "" HONORS Continued from Page 1 the honor students as well as their parents. "We are in a time in history where the nation is changing rapidly, and the key strategy is knowledge," Duderstadt said. With a 25 to 30 percent decrease of college graduates nation wide, it is important that each of you to use your knowledge to be- come visionaries for the future, he added. "Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives," was the theme of the convo- cation address by Robert Weisbuch, chair of English department. Weis- buch encouraged the students to em- brace the common and the unusual, risk perfection and anonymity and ride the rollercoaster, experiencing the lows in order to appreciate the highs. Duderstadt presented the Out- standing Alumni Achievement Award to Jerome Horwitz for his cancer research. In 1948, Horwitz re- ceived his organic chemistry Ph.D. from the University. In 1964 Horwitz created Azi- dothymidine (AZT),za treatment for diseases such as leukemia and heart cancer. At that time, AZT was not viewed as an effective treatment for those diseases. "After 25 years, we decided to experiment further, and in 1987, the Federal Drug Administra- tion (FDA) recognizedAZT as a treatment for severe HIV infection, or AIDS," said Horwitz. He is cur- rently developing new drugs for the treatment of cancer and AIDS. "For me it was an amazing feel- ing to be honored along with some- one (Horwitz), who has given so much to the world. It was good for those of us starting out to see what hard academic work can lead to," said first year student Ben Alliker and William Branstrom prize recipient. "This year's convocation was considerably shorter but had as much substance than previous convoca- tions and the speaker was dynamic," said Masters student Steven Sutton, an James Angell scholar with eight consecutive semesters of all-A records. READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS "A full-fledged program can get 'you endowed chairs, frequent ex- hibits, lecturers and programs on Greek writers, authors, poets. It can even be used to develop Ph.D and masters programs in Greek studies," he said. Traianos Gagos, visiting assis- tant research scientist in the Depart- ment of Classical Studies, agrees ANN ARBOR CONTACT LENS CLINIC Over 4000 Contact Lenses in Inventory Authorized Giorgio Armari Distributor I THE WORLD'S NEWEST 1 U@MTrWEMGr FASHION LENSES 545 Church St. 26% thinner than plastic 769-1222 I THERE'S A JOB FOR YOU IN A SUMMER CAMP! The American Camping Association (NY) will make your application available to over 300 camps in the Northeast. Exciting opportunities for college students and professionals. Positions available: land and water sports 'kitchen, maintenance -arts & crafts 'drama, music & dance -nature '-tripping -R.N.'s & M.D.'s -College Credit Available! Call or write for application. AMERICAN CAMPING ASSOCIATION 12 WEST 31ST STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10001 1-800-777-CAMP. : Distinguished Lecture Series I-. z 6 DR. 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