SPOI[I 'M' baseball opens conference season Planes, rains and automobiles with 'M' Coach Mike Boyd Women netters open season * Vote in today's city elections 4 ARTS Animation makes a deal with the devil 9 irrnlai Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 2, 1990 CopyrightO 1990 The Michigan Daily Tokers crowd Diag for 19th Bash by Sarah Schweitzer Due to a last-minute court rulingl permitting the National Organization to Reform the Marijuana Laws (NORML) to use a sound system on the Diag, proponents of the legaliza- tion of marijuana and opponents of the proposal to hike Ann Arbor's $5 pot possession fine stated their views loudly and clearly during yes- terday's annual Diag Hash Bash. Washtenaw Circuit Judge Donald Shelton ruled last Friday that the University had to reinstate the sound system permit for a rally on the Diag because it was a violation of NORML's First Amendment rights not to do so. The University had originally re- voked NORML's permit last Febru- ary because it wanted the rally moved to a location other than the Diag in order to prevent marijuanar smoking and underage drinking. But Judge Shelton affirmed NORML's right to free speech, say- ing that the University admitted it See BASH, Page 5 LSA Faculty to vote on course c by Donna Woodwell Daily Faculty Reporter - LSA faculty are scheduled to vote today on a proposal requiring all University students to take a course on racism and ethnicity. How- ever, after two years of heated debate, many faculty members doubt that a decision on the proposal will be reached soon. If approved, the proposal would take effect in Sept. 1991, requiring all incoming students to take a class from a list of courses which fit criteria designated by the LSA Curriculum Committee. Though many faculty members feel the proposal should be tabled until next September so debate can continue, Prof. Bert Hornback and Prof. Bradford Perkins both agreed the new proposal is better than the one defeated 140- 120 last April. Hornback and Perkins disagreed with each other on the necessity for such a course. Horn- back said the-course would benefit faculty and students because "it could change all of our at- titudes." But Perkins said "requirements are a bad idea. You can't effectively indoctrinate people." The defeated proposal called the Revised Railton Proposal mandated the creation of an external board for drawing up course require- 0 required n racism ments. The faculty requested the implementa- tion of a course requirement on racism be scheduled for another vote after an additional year of study. The curriculum committee then drew up three new proposals. Proposal A, which is be- ing voted on today, calls for a class on racism and ethnic intolerance, while Proposal C calls for a course on racism or ethnic intolerance. See FACULTY, Page 8 'U' officials take no stance on LSA proposed course by Noelle Vance Daily Administration Reporter The University administration is not taking a stance on the proposed LSA racism course requirement which the LSA faculty will is scheduled to vote on today. The proposed curriculum change would require all first-year students entering the University in 1991 to take one of 50 approved courses dealing with racism and ethnicity. See LSA, Page 2 "Freedom fighters," sponsored by High Times magazine, march on the steps of the Graduate library during yesterday afternoon's annual April 1 Hash Bash. The fighters, who chanted "Legalize it, don't criticize it," are pushing for the decriminalization of marijuana. I High liberal turnout might a by Josh Mitnick Daily City Reporter Three referenda on the ballot in today's city elections could be cru- cial factors affecting the outcome of council races. 0 Councilmembers and candidates are expecting a higher than normal turnout of liberal voters to vote on proposals concerning solid waste is- sues, the city's pot law and a zone of reproductive freedom. Councilmember Joe Borda (R- Fifth Ward), who is not up for re- election said yesterday, he does not think the expected high liberal turnout will hurt Republican candi- dates. He acknowledged, however, that Republican Mayor Jerry Jerni- gan is concerned that the expected turnout could translate into Demo- cratic victories. Democrat/Green candidate James Marsh said he is hoping the ballot questions will solicit more progres- sive voters and translate into an upset victory over incumbent Mark Ouimet (R-Fourth Ward). "If a Democrat can't win this year, with these issues on the ballot, I don't think a Democrat can win at all in the '90's," Marsh said. The Fourth Ward has sent only four Democrats to council in the last four decades. All council candidates are asking voters to approve Proposal A which would allow to city to sell $28 mil- lion in bonds that will be used to solve Ann Arbor's solid waste crisis. If approved, the proposal would pro- vide funds for the cleanup of existing landfills, the opening of an addi- tional landfill site, the implementa- tion of a comprehensive recycling program and the construction of a Material Recovery Facility. Proposal B would alter the city's fect city( pot law, raising fines to a minimum of $25 and change the possession of marijuana from a civil infraction to a misdemeanor. Proposal C would make Ann Ar- bor a zone of reproductive freedom, setting a maximum $5 fine for those giving or receiving an abortion if the state ever passed legislation outlaw- ing abortion. In council races, four-term Democratic incumbent Larry Hunter is being challenged by Republican Issac-Jacobein Campbell of the First Ward. Ingrid Sheldon (R-Second Ward) elections is waging her first re-election cam- paign against Democratic/Green can- didate Valerie Ackerman. The only three-way race will take place in the Third Ward where Re- publican David Copi and Libertarian Mark Heiselman are contesting in- cumbent Liz Brater (D-Third Ward). Mark Ouimet (R-Fourth Ward) is running on his record and his managerial ability against third -year law student James Marsh. The Fifth Ward race pits Repub- lican mayor pro-tem Thomas Richardson against Democratic chal- lenger Thais Peterson. City Elections '90 Student polling locations open from 7am. to dp.m.: t PrecE B