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March 28, 1990 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-03-28

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 28, 1990 - Page 5


discuss campus



Li Candidates
LSA Junior Jesse Walker spoke on
behalf of the party, which is not
,gelding a presidential candidate.
T1e Code:
"We're totally opposed to the
Code...We don't need the University
expelling students for serious crimes
the police take care of that. A
Code would open the door to the
University cracking down on victim-ยข
less crimes, including student drink-
'11g and drug use.
Armed Campus Security:
"Again, the local police can take
care of campus problems... there is
ni need for deputized and armed
campus security."{
',"It's also a major unnecessary
expense. The administration's efforts
on all of these non-academic issues a I ker
will require a lot of funding, and will "We're opposed to a mandatory
only take away from the Univer- class on ppsed.t's ndato
sity 's academic resources." caso racism...it's insulting to
Stt Groupdeillro rs.tell students that they are automati-
Student Group Bill of cally racist, and they're going to be
Rights: taught one opinion on racism. And
"We support this legislation. it's annoying to students because
We've opposed the de-recognition this only means more requirements,
procedure in the past, because it's an and more classes they have to take."
attempt to stifle freedom of speech "If it's a mandatory class, stu-
And freedom of organization on this dents will feel forced into taking it,
campus. While I disagree strongly and nobody will like it, and if it's
with the views of some campus not mandatory, the only students
groups, all students should be able taking it will be the ones that don't
to use all University facilities, be- need it. The idea has several serious
cause they pay tuition." flaws."
Student Group Funding: Other Party Concerns:
"Since the budget disaster under "The abolitionists were founded a
the (former MSA President Michael) year ago in response to threats to
Phillips Administration, we've ar- freedom of expression on this cam-
gued that the assembly should not pus. We feel that MSA, as it is
fund events that would be opposed now, is ineffective in dealing with
by 50 percent of the student students' concerns, and in protecting
body.,.sharply divided issues and students' rights."
causes should not be funded by "We want to abolish not the
MSA, because students who oppose assembly, but the assembly's current
a'cause should not have to support structure, and create one more in
ah event with their tuition dollars." tune with students' attitudes and less
'The Proposed Course on apt to interfere with students' free-
Race and Ethnicity: doms of expression."


Student lmpact

20 Candidates
Jennifer Van Valey - President
Angela Burks - Vice President
Van Valey and Burks spoke for the
The Code:
"Students are adults - they can
handle themselves as adults. The
Code will only strengthen the op-
pressing arm of the administra-
tion...the only strength the students
have is in their numbers."
"We will never sit down and ne-
gotiate a Code with the administra-
tion. We have nothing to lose by
not sitting down. If we sit down to
talk, we'll have a code in a second."
Armed Campus Security:
"The idea of the University Re-
gents deputizing campus officers is
frightening...all the big crimes on
this campus are social problems:
date rape, racial harassment, vandal-
ism. These problems are not going
to be solved by giving campus secu-
rity guns. Education is the way to
stop acquaintance rape, and stop ra-
cial harassment."
Student Group Bill of
"This is nothing but a bill of
abusive rights...The only right this
bill will grant to groups is the right
to discriminate at will. Racist, sex-I
ist, and homophobic groups could
walk into MSA and we would haveI
to support them."
"Any legislation that would for
MSA to recognize and fund groups
like the Nazis and the KKK isj
terribly wrong."
Student Group Funding:
"As it stands, the Budget Priori-
ties Committee, responsible for all
student group allocations, is domi-I
nated by white males...we want to
change that, to make it more di-
verse...we also have to stop BPC
members allocating funds to organi-<
zations they themselves belong to."!

Van Valey

"Every student group deserves
money, but the assembly must also
consider what other resources the
groups have to draw funds
from...some groups ask for large
amounts, but their events affect hun-
dreds and hundreds of students."
The Proposed Course on
Race and Ethnicity:
Action is in favor of the proposed
requirement. "We need to incorporate
the classes into existing curricu-
lums, so that students would not feel
that this class interferes with their
other studies...a variety of classes
would be the best procedure, because
students will want to take a class on
racism that is interesting to them,
and applies to their field of study."
Other Party Concerns:
"We want to create an Environ-
mental Issues Commission in MSA.
It would be a networking commis-
sion, to coordinate other campus
groups' efforts. We will work for a
campus-wide Styrofoam ban, as well
as a comprehensive recycling pro-
gram for the entire campus."

7 Candidates
Bobby Hershfield - Pres.
Angi Williams - Vice Pres.
Candidates Hershfield and Tony
Barkow spoke for the party.
The Code:
"Students who commit non-aca-
demic offenses should be punished
with community service and other
types of positive reinforcement...we
don't believe in academic punish-
ment or expulsion for non-academic
Armed Campus Security:
"The idea of security guards carry-
ing guns around campus scares us
tremendously...it would definitely
hurt the academic environment."
They said unarmed security guards
"do their job adequately now...leave
the guns in the hands of the Ann
Arbor police."
Student Group Bill of
They do not support the proposed
Bill of Rights referendum on the bal-
"Student organizations should be
allowed to choose their own mem-
bers freely...but groups like ROTC
or the CCF that openly discriminate
against homosexuals should not be
recognized or supported by the
assembly. Discriminatory group
membership policies defeat the pur-
pose of a University organization."
Student Group Funding:
"We want to improve the aca-
demic atmosphere on campus most
of all...we would give priority to
groups whose events educate stu-
dents far beyond their organization.
We would definitely support groups
working on awareness, whether it be
racial, environmental, or campus
The Proposed Course on.
Race and Ethnicity:
The party supports the proposed
class. "We feel that classes to


broaden students' knowledge of other
cultures and races are necessary;
However, there should be a variety
of classes, within the various con-
centrations, so students would not
go into it with a negative attitude,
and feel they were wasting their
Other Party Concerns:
"We created the Student Impact
Party because we felt that MSA is
not including, not reaching out to
the students on this campus. How
can we call this a student governs
ment, when only 8-11 percent of the
students vote, and even less get in-
volved? A lot of students don't know
what MSA does, or what MSA is,
and we want to change that, through
increased campus communication."
Presidential candidate Hershfield said
the party is also interested in increas'
ing campus recycling efforts, work-
ing for 24-hour libraries, better
lighting around campus, and in-
creased North Campus bus service.




Student Activities

19 Candidates
Aaron Williams - President
Christine Chilimigras - Vice Pres-
Williams and Chilimigras spoke for
the party.
The Code:
"We're against the code...the
party is split, however, about what
-the assembly should do; some feel
we should not sit down with the ad-
ministration, and give the code legit-
imacy, and some think we should
negotiate, to at least know what's
going on."
"The administration has said that
the code is for the students' own
benefit. If that was the case, we
would have done it ourselves."
Armed Campus Security:
' "We're fighting a two-front war
on this one, because the administra-
tion wants it, and the people in
Lansing want it...we have to show
the administration that this isn't the
way to fight campus crime."
'Student Group Bill of
The party supports the referen-

dum. "Recognition should be given
to as many groups as possible,
within reason. Many students in
these groups feel that their needs are
not being met. Someone is con-
cerned about this, and that's why it's
on the ballot."
Student Group Funding:
"We support the allocation proce-
dure as it stands now...the Budget
Priorities Committee (BPC) does a
good job, and keeps student groups
on an equal level."
"Our biggest consideration when
deciding funding for student groups
is 'how many students is this group
or event going to reach?'
The Proposed Course on
Race and Ethnicity:
"We're against any mandatory
class, because we think that educa-
tion is something people have to
want...it's only going to make the
racists on this campus hate minori-
ties more, because they'll be being
forced to take a class."
"Racists aren't stupid people -
they would be able to do well in the
class, get the grades, but it wouldn't

6 Candidates
Alexander Isaac, Jr. - President
Denise Basch - Vice President

"Discrimination is wrong in all
cases, but I don't see how students
and MSA could have a problem with

Isaac spoke for the party. these kind of groups getting recogni-
The Code: tion."
"I think that the concept of a Student Group Funding:
Code of Non-Academic Conduct is a The SAC would first change the
waste 'of time. This isn't high name of the Budget Priorities Coin-
school; we're older, and more mature mittee to the Budget Allocations
now." State and local laws have Committee, because "anybody who
jurisdiction on campus, they ex- wants money from the assembly
plained, and there is no need for should be able to get money." They
repetitive legislation. disagree with prioritizing funds for
Armed Campus Security: student groups, and will implement
"There's absolutely no need for a concrete policy regarding how and
any deputization of campus secu- how much the assembly allocates to
rity...the University should not allo- student organizations.
cate the funds for extra security, The Proposed Course on
when the Ann Arbor police can han- Race and Ethnicity:
dle it." "At this point, most students on
Student Group Bill of this campus have already developed
Rights: ideas and values towards other races
"There's again no need for this and racism...we don't think a manda-
legislation...it's only a repetition of tory course on racism is necessary,
the U.S. Constitution." They said because there are enough required
they support the recognition of courses already. A mandatory course
ROTC groups on campus, because would be beneficial in the long run,
"they're federal institutions operating but it should not be the first step."
within the law." "The assembly should gauge stu-


have any effect on how they feel.
The class should be available for
students, but not mandatory for all."
Other Party Concerns:
"The Conservative Coalition has
been taking significant steps towards
meal credit reform...We made a
promise last term to the students,
and we're following up on it."

dent response to an elective racism
course first, to decide what further
action should be taken."
Other Party Concerns:
"We decided to make our own
party because we aren't predomi-
nantly liberal or conserva-
tive...there's too much emphasis on
party identification on the assembly:

, .


candidates vie for

MSA positions


=by Ruth Littmann
_{wily Staff Writer

Ballots for April's Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly elections will list
-twelve independent candidates along-
side candidates running on five party
"If people don't like the parties,
IY' encourage them to run as inde-
pendents," said third year law student
Bruce Frank, former MSA Rules and
Elections committee chair. "I hope
independent candidates aren't discrim-
inated against just because they don't
belong to a party."
I A" Though party candidates enjoy
Ythe benefits of group publicity ef-
forts, LSA sophomore and indepen-
dent candidate Scott Fisher says he
prefers no-strings campaigning.
"As an independent candidate, I'm
a code is implemented.
The five parties running for MSA

not tied down by any restraints.
[Party loyalty] is a price you've got
to pay once you're elected, if you're
elected," Fisher said.
Believing that "partisan bicker-
ing" hinders MSA decision-making,
first year law student Mike Troy also
chose to run as an independent candi-
date. "[Parties in MSA] spend more
time bashing each other than accom-
plishing anything," he said.
Agreeing with Troy, first year
MBA student and independent candi-
date Matt Benson said, "MSA is a
little cliquish and some of the parties
contribute to that."
Benson hopes his choice of tick-
ets will enable him to "get MSA to
support more activities and student

groups in the Business School.
MSA seems to represent a small
group of students," he said. "By not
holding a party-line point of view,
but rather a business student point of
view, I think I can best serve the
business student."
Though exams and term papers
preclude extensive self-publicity ef-
forts, LSA junior Philip Pavlik
doesn't regret his choice to run as an
independent. "I don't see any benefits
in running with the parties," he said.
"Parties seem like they're for people
who just want to have an easy way
of running for office."
Scott Chupack, first year Engi-
neering student, considers running as
an independent a test of determina-

tion. "Running as an independent is
a big challenge. Votes I do get will
be well worked for."
LSA first year students Jason

"We're for the greenhouse ef-
fect," said Magee. "In the event of an
actual greenhouse effect, the state of
Michigan will become tropical and

'If people don't like the parties, I'd
encourage them to run as independents...)
hope independent candidates aren't
discriminated against just because they
don't belong to a party'
-Bruce Frank
Former MSA Rules and Elections Chair

proposed Non-Academic Code of
Conduct, Magee said, "Code? Is that
a secret code or something?"
Independent candidates, LSA
sophomore Mike Gravlin, and Rack-
ham graduate student Thomas Poole,
were not available for comment. In-
dependent candidates running for the
Board of Student Publications will
be featured in Monday's paper. LSA
juniors Jonathan Payne, Rackham
graduate student Henry Park, and
first year law student Peter Mooney
are running for the board positions
as independents.
MSA Elections will be held on
April 4 and 5. Polling locations will
be announced in the Daily prior to
the election.

Magee and David Potes are "pro-
greenhouse effect" candidates who in-
formally label themselves "The
Power Mongers." Though running
separately, they have identical agen-

coastal. Property values will go up."
Toward that end, the University
can "set aside some cars and let them
run day and night," said Potes.
Asked for his opinion on the

tion every step of the way.
Another related issue to students'
autonomy is the administration's ef-

Michigan House of Representatives
would allow the Regents to deputize
the officers.

for a "Student Group Bill of
This bill would grant student or-

tection under the current
Constitution. Other parties, how-
ever, have called this a "Bill of

subject of University debate for sev-
eral years.

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