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Daily readers respond
Finally, some bands you'd like to read
Will Chris Webber come to Michigan?
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
ol. C, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 28, 1990 The Mhigan Day
Lithuania's leaders yesterday angrily
accused Moscow of "inexcusable
aggression" and of kidnapping its
citizens after Soviet troops stormed
two hospitals in a harsh roundup of
army deserters.
Later, the Kremlin ordered all
foreigners to leave the republic,
which declared independence March
11. Soviet troops occupied a fifth
Communist Party building in
Vilnius, the capital.
Soviet officials defended their
actions and condemned the Lithua-
nians' aspirations as dangerous.
Vice President Quayle said
Saturday the Soviets should not
threaten Lithuania but added that "if
the Soviet Union is applying
disciplinary measures to people in
their own military, that's a different
See ROUNDUP, Page 2
Parties disagree on Code,
student group autonomy
by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
Many students on campus advo-
cate the two party system: a party on
Friday night and a party on Saturday
The Michigan Student Assembly
April 4 and 5 elections will feature
five different parties however, as
well as many independent candidates.
The assembly elections come at a
time when the administration and
student body is divided over several
issues, particularly administrative
control over students' lives. Many of
the election's candidates are running
on platforms of students' autonomy,
due to concerns that the current
assembly hasn't done a good job
protecting student rights.
Students' autonomy is primarily
threatened by University President
Supporters of Moscow-loyal communists in Vilnius, Lithuania at a rally yesterday, protesting
Lithuania's road to freedom. The cartoon shows Stalin shaking hands with Lithuanian President
Vytautas Landsbergis, a professor of musicology.
For Better or..
...For Wors
\ 'D
The Penn State
Nittany Lions and the
Big Ten Conference
have much to offer
each other - or do
Tomorrow: Will Penn
State's addition be a
financial boon for the Big
Ten... or bust?
Third in a five-part series
by Andrew Gottesma
eand Adam Schrager
Daily Staff Reporters
provides academics,
Although many have speculated
Penn State might join the Big Ten
for financial reasons, the conference
presidents have stressed academics
and intercollegiate athletic reforms as
the rationale for expressing interest
in the Nittany Lions.
"From an academic standpoint,
Penn State is comparable in quality
and character to our member univer-
sities," Illinois President Stanley
Ikenberry said at a Dec. 19 Univer-
sity Park, Pa., press conference. "Big
Ten universities are recognized as
among the best in the country and
Penn State would add even further to
our academic stature."
Penn State Senior Vice President
Steve Garban returned the compli-
ment, noting the Big Ten's reputa-
tion as one of the country's premier
academic/athletic conferences.
"We have very positive feelings
and high regard for the institutions
in the Big Ten," Garban said. "It
makes sense to us to be running
with and participating with institu-
tions that have similar academic
But as academically similar as the
schools are, similarity appears to be
all there is in the "academic" reason
given by the presidents.
"I don't think there are any direct
benefits (from PennState'sinclu-
sion academically)," said Walter Har-
rison, Michigan's executive directer
for University relations.
And while the schools may be
comparable on the whole, the Big
Ten's academic requirements for stu-
dent-athletes are more stringent than
those at Penn State. The Nittany Li-
ons abide by the NCAA's minimum
required grade point average of 1.8.
The Big Ten's minimum GPA is
2.0. The Big Ten also requires
student-athletes to be academically
eligible every term, while Penn
State and the NCAA require a stu-
dent-athlete to be eligible only at the
year's start.
"I don't know about their aca-
demic requirements, which I would
assume are less restrictive than
ours," Iowa Associate Athletic Di-
rector Christine Grant said. "I don't
know if the things the Big Ten is
based on is conducive with their
philosophy, but I can't see us
changing our rules for them."
Penn State would not want it any
other way.
"I think we have to comply (with
Big Ten academic requirements),"
Garban said. "I don't think you can
have two sets of criteria. I don't
think (the differences) are going to
be monumental."
Many of the Big Ten's presidents
also say Penn State's admittance
would make the conference more
agenda, and I think the Big Ten can
provide leadership for that. With
Penn State identified as a member of
the Big Ten, they can add their clout
to it and will give us even more ca-
pacity to do that."
However, many athletic person-
nel aren't overly impressed by this
"They are only one school,"
Iowa's Grant said. "I don't see how
their impact can be that significant.
We need the conferences working
Duderstadt's proposed Code of Non-
Academic Conduct.
For candidate
views on
campus issues,
see page 5
Duderstadt and several of the
University's Regents have argued the
Code is necessary to increase campus
safety. They point to the a recent in-
cident in which Duderstadt stepped in
to discipline a student using
Regental Bylaw 2.01, as an example
of the need for University control
over student actions which endanger
others on campus. Duderstadt has
stated he will continue to use the by-
law to govern student behavior until
See MSA, Page 5
conference affiliation.
From a more national perspec-
tive, NCAA Director of Communi-
cations Jim Marchiony agrees with
the opinions offered by Grant and
"The image of the Big Ten is
pretty good now," he said. "I'm nt
sure any one school can have that
big an impact."
While the Big Ten and Penn
State share many of the same ideas,
Michigan and the Nittany Lions do
not agree on all reform issues. Spe-
cifically, Penn State favors limiting
spring football practice and non-con-
ference basketball games, not giving
financial aid to students who don't
meet academic standards, and not
giving University aid to athletes for
the same reason. Michigan opposes
all three measures.
The two schools do agree on inel-
igibility for first-year athletes and
those who do not meet academic
requirements, as well as mandatory
drug testing.
In terms of academic agreemen ,
Penn State could add to the Big
Ten's Committee on Institutional
See Penn State, page 7
'We have very positive feelings and high
regard for the institutions in the Big Ten. It
makes sense to us to be running with and
participating with institutions that have
similar academic goals'
- Penn State Senior Vice President
Steve Garban
effective in reforming intercollegiate
"I think reform was a factor,"
Michigan President James Duderstadt
said. "The next two to three years
will be very important years because
that's the time when I think we've
got to put in place the reforii
together - not just one conference
with one extra school."
. And Michigan Interim Athletic
Director Jack Weidenbach simply
does not understand why a school
like Penn State wouldn't support the
Big Ten anyway on intercollegiat
reform issues - regardless of their
past and
by Catherine Fugate
Twenty years ago this year's
graduating class were toddlers. The
voting age had dropped to eighteen,
and the Vietnam War was in full1
swing. Change was in the air -
prompting the University to "give
Earth a chance."
The first Earth Week, an envi-
ronmental teach-in, began March 10,1
1970, held a week early due to the
upcoming Spring Break. The event
was a preview of the first national
Earth Day, held on April 22 of that
The teach-in consisted of a vari-
ety of events, ranging from 145'
workshops on environment prob-
1PmQ to film &.etunl ,adtornm-j. y
tivism." Leading figures on envi-
ronmental issues - such as Barry
Commoner, former Michigan Gov.
William Milliken and former Wis-
consin Sen. Gaylord Nelson - con-
demned the abuse of the environment
before the crowds in Crisler.
"We cannot defer for long a con-
frontation with the real debt that we
owe to nature - the total organ iza-
tion of our system of productivity to
make it compatible with the ecosys-
tem," said Commoner.
Nelson expressed the popula-
tion's concern for the plight of the
"Americans of all generations and
political persuasions," Nelson said,
"are deeply disturbed, frustrated, and
even angry about.., the premeditated
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Candidates offer choice in city races
Issue of development divides Peterson, Richardson differ
Ackerman, Sheldon in Ward 2 on constituents' interests
by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter
In a city election in which the is-
sue of Ann Arbor's downtown de-
publican incumbent, said she is
"very sympathetic" to the downtown
area and strongly believes in its con-
tinued vitality.
Sheldon cites as one of her
achievements on council her role in
by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter
Republican and Democratic can-
didates disagree over issues all the
time. Such is the bread and butter of
American politics.
But opposing party candidates
agree on this matter.
Although many might perceive
the Fifth Ward as trendy and liberal,
Richardson says the district is actu-
ally solidly middle class.
Residents of the Fifth Ward
wants their roads fixed and their
taxes lowered, Richardson said. They
don't want an intrusive city govern-
- -lr