'Page 4 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, March 27, 1990 EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ARTS 763 0379 PHOTO 764 0552 NEWS 764 0552 SPORTS 747 3336 OPINION 747 2814 WEEKEND 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. I o i0 ~TL~A~r CvaA't ID o f. fl ° a yt/ C lJ ti O / r / I Autonomy Commissions should choose their own chairs H__4 ~%%1g4f5~ba p D f /1AU (5h HX ..4P A, ''14 I' rcea l0 s LAST TUESDAY, THE MICHIGAN Student Assembly voted to put a referendum on the ballot for the April 4 and 5 elections which would give two commissions - the Minority Affairs Commission and the International Student Affairs Commission - the power to elect their own chairs. Currently, MSA decides all the chairs for its 12 internal committees and commissions. This is the second time such a refer- enldum will appear on the ballot. Last spring, the same type of referendum received more than 50 percent support, yet according the MSA constitution, referendums must pass with 60 per- cent. This year, before conservative members of MSA would allow the ref- erendum to be placed on the ballot, they amended it so that MAC and ISAC would be able to elect their own chairs, but only with final MSA approval. Not only does the version of the referen- dum that will appear on the ballot dis- play the assembly's paranoid fear of losing its iron grip over committees and commissions, it is a slap in the face of two of the hardest-working commis- sions and an attempt to pacify their de- mands. Given the groups the commissions deal with, it is ludicrous for members of MSA to assume that they are more in .touch with both minorities and interna- tional students than those actually serving on the commissions. MAC and ISAC differ from the other committees In that they work for specific student groups on campus - other committees deal with broader issues and their l chairship isn't as crucial. It is funda- mental to both these groups that they be able to choose their leaders. With few, if any, MSA representatives serving on these commissions, it is hard to believe that MSA feels more qualified to make the decision. In light of the Conservative Coali- tion's perennial campaign to make MSA more responsible to the students, and to better represent students' con- cerns on campus, this action seems like a direct defiance of that pledge. Those members of MSA who voted in favor of changing the referendum as it was presented by MAC and ISAC cannot legitimately claim to be representing students' concerns. Looking at the assembly, it is hard to ascertain how a body nearly devoid of strong minority representation feels qualified to choose a minority leader. MAC and ISAC debated whether or not to pull the referendum from the ballot, but in the end decided to keep it with the understanding that they would continue to fight for autonomy in up- coming elections. In order for these commissions to function effectively and truly represent the student groups on campus to which they're geared, they need to be freed from the imposi- tion of MSA's current system of main- taining its committees and commis- sions. This stunt is the Conservative Coalition's attempt to keep as much power as possible within MSA. Were MAC and ISAC allowed to elect their own chairs, they would still be ac- countable and responsible to the assembly in terms of money appropria- tions. If MSA continues to impede the work of these commissions, it will be the students they serve who will ulti- mately lose. Jewish Peace Lobby forms on campus, By Andrew Levin As if we needed another remindCr, the fall of the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir two weeks ago and the trouble Shimon Peres is having assem- bling a narrow coalition to replace it are showing us just what a mess the Israeli political system has become. Once again, a few parties who follow rigorously Orthodox religious leaders hold the balance of power, even though they represent only a fraction of the electorate. What is important to remember is that the flaws in the Israeli system have only come into view because of a fundamental shift in the nation's politics since the in- vasion of Lebanon and the intifada. In the '80s, an Israel at peace with its most formidable enemy (Egypt) has had to de- cide whether it is ready to take the next step towards undermining Arab opposition to its existence, namely negotiating a land-for-peace settlement with the Pales- tinians. Ironically, American Jews have con- tributed to this stalemate by showing a unified front in support of Israeli govern- ment policy. Indeed, the latest Israel-Dias- pora Institute study found that over half of all officials of American-Jewish organiza- tions favor the establishment of a Pales- tinian state. So why the thundering silence in the American Jewish community, and in par- ticular among its organizations? The prob- lem is that many American Jews see the world in black and white, pro- and anti-Is- rael terms - indeed, they often equate crit- Levin is a graduate student in Buddhist Studies and the Jewish Peace Lobby's Midwest Coordinator. icism of Israel with antisemitism - and fear that any criticism of Israel within our community will erode American support for the Jewish state. Such people confuse support for the state or people of Israel with support for its current government. They pretend that we who agree more with Israeli doves are "telling Israel what to do" while they who line up with the hawks are merely sup- porting Israel. Furthermore, people who say we mustn't criticize "those in the hot seat" are saying something very strange about U.S. foreign policy. We do not hear them say- towards peace. In short, loyalty rests not in keeping quiet about Israel's problems, but in work- ing diligently to overcome them. Far from being disloyal, speaking up on such issues is deeply rooted in our tradition. The good news is that a new group, the Jewish Peace Lobby, has sprung out of nowhere to begin to fill this void by pro- viding a voice for American Jews who feel; y- that Israel must truly respect Palestinian human and national rights if it is to re- main a Jewish and democratic state. In just nine months, the Peace Lobby has created a lobbying network of hundreds of Jews The American people's support for Israel will only be solidified if Jews take a leading role in insisting that the Israeli government honor UN Resolution 242, respect Palestinian rights, freeze settlement in the territories, and generally move towards peace. Land Day ing one must move to France or the Ivory Coast before one may criticize the policies of those countries. There is an obvious double standard here. American taxpayers send more money to Israel than to any other country, but we are admonished not to be as critical of the Israeli government as we are of others around the world. The assumption is that if American Jews, the bedrock of support for Israel in this country, start criticizing it, general support for Israel will erode. Just the op- posite is true. What isrneeded is the de- coupling of basic support for Israel from unthinking support for Israeli government policy. The American people's support for Israel will only be solidified if Jews take a leading role in insisting that the Israeli government honor UN Resolution 242, respect Palestinian rights, freeze settle- ment in the territories, and generally move from coast to coast, won endorsements from prominent members of our commu- nity ranging from Isaac Bashevis Singer to Adrienne Rich to Nathan Glazer, and signed up more than 150 rabbis as mem- bers. Now, in the wake of Peace lobby founder Jerome Segal's speech to more0 than 200 people here at U-M last month, a campus chapter of the Jewish Peace Lobby is forming at a mass meeting at Hillel tonight at 7:30. The chapter will partici- pate in the campus debate on the Middle East and sponsor educational activities. But more than that, it will give students an opportunity to play "real world poli- tics" by lobbying Congress directly and encouraging Jews in Ann Arbor and in students' home communities to take a stand for peace. Help commemorate the AT NOON TODAY, SUPPORTERS OF the Palestinian people's struggle for self-determination will gather on the Diag to celebrate Palestinian Land Day. -Land Day marks the anniversary of Palestinian resistance to the Israeli gov- emment's expropriation of 21,000 dunams of Palestinian land in March, 1976. Protests and general strikes erupted following this action. On March 30th, Israeli soldiers responded by killing six unarmed Palestinian protestors and wounding 49 others. Land Day com- memorates these uprisings and their subsequent repression, and celebrates the Palestinian people's courageous struggle for freedom, land, and iden- tity. Resistance to land expropriation has been the centerpiece of this struggle since its inception, by Palestinians both inside and outside the Green Line - srael's pre-1967 borders. The specific incident that is commemorated on Land Day occurred in the Galilee - the northern region of Israel - and the Palestinians who were martyred there were Israeli citizens. This incident is just one example of the Israeli government's practice of expropriating Palestinian land for use by Jewish settlers - a practice which is not limited to areas outside of the Green Line. Since Israel's establish- ment, at least 385 Palestinian villages within its pre-1967 borders have been entirely destroyed, as well as large sec- tions of 94 other cities and towns, ac- cording to the Israeli League for Hu- man and Civil Rights. In Israel today, more than 90 percent of the land is 4dministered by the Israel Land Au- thority, in conjunction with the Jewish National Fund, for the exclusive bene- it of Jews. A similar pattern of land expropria- tion has occurred in the West Bank and Gaza Strip since they came under Is- Palestinians' struggle has confiscated more than 50 percent of the land in the West Bank, and 40 per- cent of the land of the Gaza Strip. Though more than 800,000 Palestini- ans live in the West Bank, 70 percent of the water there is reserved exclu- sively for use by the area's 40,000 Jewish settlers. In the Gaza Strip, 2,200 Jewish settlers use 20 times as much water per capita as the region's 500,000 Palestinians. Land Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the significance land holds to the Palestinian people and the role it has played in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Palestinians live in an agrarian society. Israeli confiscation of their land and water denies them resources which are fundamental to their sur- vival. The Palestinian people's historic resistance to Jewish settlement can only be understood within this context. This resistance is most clearly em- bodied today in the Intifada, the upris- ing of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip who are demand- ing an end to Israel's brutal military oc- cupation of their land, and the creation of a free and independent Palestinian state. Throughout the Occupied Terri- tories, Palestinians will observe Land Day by holding rallies and demonstra- tions. Similarly, Palestinians, and those in solidarity with them through- out the world, will honor the Intifada in their own Land Day celebrations. Land Day serves as a reminder that peace will only be realized when ex- clusive claims to the land as well as discriminatory laws governing its use are eliminated, while the rights of all of the people of historic Palestine are rec- ognized and respected. Members of the University commu- nity should express their solidarity with the Palestinian people, and their hopes for a just and peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict by attending today's rally sponsored by the Palestine Coalition doesn't know about meal plans By James Blickensdorf Regardless of what certain parties would have you believe, the Residence Halls Association is a fully functional, democratic student government which rep- resents the10,000 students in the resi- dence hall system. At each of our weekly meetings, we act on issues facing residents and receive direct feedback from the house council governments. We have been active on campus and in the residence halls: we managed the grape boycott of 1987-1988 (which is still in ef- fect), funded minority activities, extended the last-run time of the North Campus buses from 2 am to 3 am, and we are cur- rently working to remove veal from dorm cafeteria menus and eliminate the use of Styrofoam products in the residence hall system. Throughout our twenty-year relation- ship with the Housing Division, we have retained our autonomy and their full sup- port. We have maintained student majori- Blickensdorf is a Residence Halls Asso- ciation representative. Both RHA and Housing Division endorse this viewpoint. ties on the various housing committees, such as the Rates Committee - which sets housing costs for the coming year - and we have placed delegates on the Hous- ing Meal Plan Reform Committee. Recently, we have become very con- cerned over the meal plan reform policy endorsed by the Conservative Coalition. We have explained to Michigan Student Assembly President Aaron Williams that proper channels do exist if he, or anyone else, wishes to "initiate" reform. We have advised him that his party's platform is completely unfounded. Despite our rec- ommendations, Williams and his party' continue to make promises they cannot keep - most recently with the "We initi- ated it, We'll finish it" posters. The Director of Housing has also made it clear that Housing will discuss meal plan reform only with the RHA, the proper body for such discussions. The idea that MSA, under the direction of the CC can "finish" meal plan reform is a misnomer. The CC has and is continu- ing to mislead students. They did not "initiate" it, the RHA did in 1986; and they cannot finish it, as MSA was not created to deal with the Housing Division. Their campaign promise is null and void - when meal plan reform occurs, it will be through the joint efforts of the RHA and Housing, with input from other groups. Another party, also running in the MSA elections, has proceeded through the proper channels and has made a real effort to educate the students about the facts. They are circulating the posters: "Conservative Coalition didn't start it! Who's doing it? Your Residence Hall As- sociation." They have contacted the RHA and are currently sending liaisons to both the Housing Meal Plan reform committee and our own weekly meetings. In light of these facts, the RHA would like you to carefully consider your vote on April 4 and 5. Think about what the CC has "initiated" with empty campaign promises and what it can "finish," namely, nothing. Forget the Holocaust To the Daily: I would like to start by saying that, yes, the Holocaust in Europe was an ugly tragedy in history. I think that thebest way to recover is to forget. I don't mean mistaken. Other groups have been perse- cuted, such as 20 million Russians in Stalin's Gulag, 35 million Chinese in Mao Ze-dong's regime, the Armenian slaughter which took 10 million lives, and the present day Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. How come people rarely if ever . Hold separate rally To the Daily: In response to the letter, "Nazi march is simply a display of beliefs" (3/20/90),I would first like to agree that I do not think the. Nazi marches should be banned. If they