Page 4- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 22, 1990 i be 3idigrn ar ai EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ARTS 763 0379 PHOTO 764 0552 NEWS 764 0552 SPORTS 747 3336 OPINION 747 2814 WEEKEND 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. 17415 15 t[WTRAD AN N ARBOR m'\RI5UANA U4 NUTBEAt LI*TS OF AD -tol u)TAC' moohAFL AN'J1 NEVEX WALK. S ENPR --(I IF We CA Ne-r c 40t - CET 9o .o& WNCILAIL U ft QLST /9Y I OV)T TO DOOLC OF PAR.ER' 00~ -BLATE NTh-y D1R PEeA, L L 5 5EcENTVL.- AAK,, cA Iij~ty T1I toTO 'MVF- TD iQQR --n/ iA V140ti~euvn&EA4 b coo 'O LN(RV1C- rT0 teCALD (T 1NJ ItT~.f- eNPS TE'RRI~bE S'IA(F To j P".4E, Ger A cT P'E w Tr 4UAK06 lb l iii,(Wrmva D1 Economic priorities Save the economy, not high defense spending "IT IS TOO SOON TO SAY THAT THE Soviet Union will never again pose a threat to ourselves and our allies," said Defense Secretary Richard Cheney at a speech to the National Newspaper As- sociation last week. "When serious people propose cutting the defense budget by half over the next 10 years, leaving us, for example, with a mere six aircraft carriers at sea, they are not talking about simple budget shifts. What they are suggesting is a radical change in our global status... They would give us the defense budget for a second-class power." Made in response to defense consul- tant William Kaufman's proposal to streamline military spending in the face of a diminished Soviet threat, Secretary Cheney's comments also put him at odds with experts in Congress, the State Department, and even the CIA. Targets of Cheney's criticism claim they want the United States to remain a superpower and merely disagree on the best way to go about it. Former congress member Robert Edgar (D- Penn.) responded that "the real war now taking place is an economic bat- tle." What is significant about Cheney's comments is that they coincide with a trend in the military bureaucracy to- ward circumventing congressional au- thority. The 1989 budget, for instance, cut money for antisatellite reasearch; but the Pentagon failed to notify Congress it had a surplus in that ac- count. Consequently, the Army was able continue financing the program through the middle of last summer, when a Senate investigation revealed the ploy. Two payments of $3,999,999 were diverted from other programs to provide additional funding. Congres- sional approval is required for diver- sions of $4 million or more. Granted, the sums involved are small, especially by military standards. Their purpose is to buy time for the Pentagon to rally support among de- fense contractors and their powerful lobbying organizations. It is far easier to pressure Congress to continue funding for an existing program than it is to lobby for reinstatement of an old one. This February, secret details of a proposed $2.5 billion antisatellite re- search package were delivered to vari- ous contractors. Since the package isn't approved yet, they have no legitimate need for such information. It's purpose is to give defense lobbyists the advance warning they need to effectively pres- sure Congress. Collusion between the Pentagon and defense contractors rep- resents a more serious threat to democracy in this country than com- munism ever did. Meanwhile, Cheney's proposal to institute a hiring freeze on civilians in the Pentagon makes civilian oversight difficult and insures that the people making purchasing decisions will be soldiers with a bias toward buying more weapons. It is only by purging the most stubborn officers and replac- ing them with civilians that Congress can reassert its authority in the pro- curement process. As the Soviet threat diminishes, a strong defense will become much less important than a strong economy in determining what makes a superpower. Reluctance on the part of the military bureaucracy to relinquish its dominant role is understandable. However, the public can't let bureaucrats in uniform continue to run the U.S. economy into the ground just so they can play with expensive, and deadly, toys. Aid packages to new democracies are inadequate and domestic social programs are underfunded. The trade deficit with Japan and Europe continues to increase. What the United States needs now is a leader with the courage to take on his or her own armed forces. Quayle's neo-cold-war rhetoric and Bush's talk of "stability" make it obvi- ous they're not made for the job. There's nothing patriotic about bankrupting your country. C1 L~~~&tC U' President responds to anti-Semitism on campus 9 To the Daily: One of the proudest and most impor- tant traditions we inherit as members of the University of Michigan community is our openness to free discussion and dis- sent. Michigan students and faculty have the right to hear and debate all views, however controversial, and to hear speak- ers of their choice, however unpopular. We also have the freedom to debate and dissent from any views expressed on this campus and to put forward and defend our own ideas vigorously. These freedoms have never been secured without effort, sacrifice and even pain. In recent weeks, we have experienced some of this frustra- tion and pain first hand. This is one of the high costs of free- dom. When we must defend the rights of others to express views that are hateful to us, the price may seem almost too great to bear. Another price is effort. It may be easier to ignore messages of hate or lies presented as the truth, but I think we are obliged to denounce hatred and expose falsehood. These are the only ways to pre- serve our freedom and arrive at the truth of things. Attacks on groups or individuals based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, gen- der, religion, beliefs, age, appearance, or orientation damage our University and each one of us. They are unacceptable in a civilized society. I commend those stu- dents and faculty who have denounced the recent anti-Semitic talk and remarks re- portedly made by a visiting speaker. I join them in condemning this expression of religious prejudice and discrimination. In the past I have publicly condemned dis- criminatory attacks upon other groups, and I will continue to do so. I think it is in- cumbent on each one of us to plainly state our disgust when we encounter bigotry here or anywhere else. But we can do more. We can resolve to hold ourselves and each other to a higher standard of be- havior. But why are we and other universities experiencing incidents of group conflict, prejudice, and hostility? At least part of the reason is that we are becoming more diverse. We are trying to address one of our society's deepest and most difficult problems. In doing so, we are bringing together, often for the first time, many people who have never before had the chance to live and work and learn together. to our community or to each other. In universities we have learned to explore, discuss, debate, and disagree while main- taining mutual respect and upholding our fundamental scholarly ideals and standards of reasoned discourse. Of course, we often bring strong emotions to political and in- tellectual debate, and this may make it dif- I commend those students and faculty who have denounced the recent anti-Semitic talk and remarks reportedly made by a visiting speaker. I join them in condemning this expression of religious prejudice and discrimination. This isn't always easy. There are antago- nisms, ignorance, and differences in per- ception and experience, which sometimes lead to disagreement and even conflict. It is also natural that many of us should experience anxiety and tension as we adapt to change and try to communi- cate across social and cultural barriers. I believe that to achieve the positive change we seek in our community, it is important for us to face up to our conflict and inse- curities rather than try to ignore or under- estimate them. Only in this way can we transcend difference and use it positively to learn both in the classroom and in our community. We have a lot to gain from our differ- ences once we acknowledge and explore them. Not that we will always or even often agree. We shouldn't expect that or even want it. Our intellectual work bene- fits from an expanded vision of the world that comes from new ideas. We also grow individually as we learn to see new per- spectives and hear new voices formerly closed off from us. Working together, learning from each other, we have the means to build a better University and a better society. Fortunately, as members of an aca- demic community, we have a solid founda- tion of history and tradition to guide us in con- structively exploring different points of view without doing fundamental damage ficult at times to treat opponents respect- fully or to make our case through reasoned argument and with rigorous intellectual in- tegrity. But I believe we all must always try to uphold high standards, despite the difficulty. History teaches that in the long run ideas - truth and integrity - are far more powerful levers for change than the force of violence, the expediency of lies or dis- tortions, or the deep compulsions of fear and hate. If you have any doubts about the ultimate power of truth to pre- vail over the most formidable tyrannies, you have only to look at the exhilarating events of this past year. Our world has been transformed as millions of people have claimed their freedom not led by gen- erals with tanks and guns, but peacefully by artists, intellectuals, and citizens in- spired by ideas. If we want to understand and heal our world, to change it for the better, we will not do so by mobilizing fear, prejudice, hatred, and oppression against any groups or individuals. We will honor our own freedom and all those who have sacrificed throughout human history to make it pos- sible by using freedom wisely, humanely, and bravely for positive change, rather than abusing it to cultivate hatred and di- vision. James J. Duderstadt University President Missing the point Voters should focus on issues, not personal lives IN PREPARING TO VOTE IN A PUB- lic election, one must carefully consider the candidates. Political ideology, ex- perience, and education all weigh heavily in deciding which person is best for a position. In recent years, however, the United States has devel- oped a nasty habit of analyzing candi- dates' personal lives. If something not up to the ever-changing standards of society is discovered - drug use, al- cohol abuse, or personal problems - the newly-found characteristic becomes the most important aspect of the race. This tendency not only turns legiti- mate political races into tabloid-like scandals, neglecting very real issues, but it also harms candidates personally and could deter qualified people from entering political life. Two years ago, Douglas Ginsberg was tried before a righteous American public for having admitted to smoking marijuana as a law student. Whether or not Ginsberg was fit to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, the news created such an outcry that Ginsberg was quickly dropped from considera- tion by then-President Ronald Reagan. Today, the Texas gubernatorial race has taken a similar turn. Democratic candidate Ann Richards has refused to answer questions regarding alleged il- legal drug use. Richards, the current Texas Treasurer and once the front- runner of the race, now stands a chance of losing in a Democratic primary runoff and to Republican candidate Clayton Williams, who takes a fright- eningly simplistic approach to complex problems and is clearly unqualified for for many weeks. While infidelity is, at best, an unwanted characteristic in a President, it is not as important as his stance on various issues or his ability to do the job. While it is important to scrutinize public officials' performance, the idea that they must be of the highest moral standards is a farce. A person's past experimentation with drugs in no way inhibits present performance in the public sector. These people did not walk in off the streets and announce their candidacy. They came from re- spected positions they would not have been able to hold with an alcohol or drug abuse problem. Not only is it unfair to go purpose- fully looking for skeletons in peoples' closets, it sets a precedent that every candidate who runs for public office must be subjected to the same kind of treatment. In a society that desperately needs fresh and innovative ideas in ev- ery level of government, this mudsling- ing and accusing - often occurring be- tween candidates themselves - could begin to prevent highly qualified people from running for office. With the recent attention paid to drugs and their harm on society, it is understandable why voters naturally balk at the association of "drug" with a candidate's name; additionally, with the recent attention paid to "safe sex," promiscuity is seen as a heinous crime. However, with just a little digging, un- savory incidents could be found in virtually every elected official's past. The U.S. electoral system works so that the natural pecking order weeds 0 Attend the 1st Clinic Defense Conference To the Daily: Tomorrow, clinic defense activists from the U.S. and Canada will converge on Detroit for the first national Clinic De- fense Conference. Initiated by AAC- DARR, the Detroit Coalition to Defend Abortion Rights (DCDAR) and the Bay Area Coalition Against Operation Rescue (BACAOR), the three-day conference will be an opportunity to assess the state of the abortion rights movement and plan for the future of the women's movement. Over the past eighteen months, nearly two dozen grassroots organizations like AACDARR have taken to the streets to stop attacks by the "Right-to-Life" shock troops, "Operation Rescue" (OR) and protest reactionary legislation intended to overturn Roe v. Wade and deny young and poor women access to abortion. While many victories have been won at the clinic doors and anti-abortion legislation has been defeated in a handful of states, laws prohibiting Medicaid funding and requiring parental consent for abortion have been passed or are pending across the U.S. In addition, the narrow focus of the abortion rights movement and its isolation from the antiracist, lesbian/gay liberation, AIDS action and labor strugiles have left ception, gay-positive sex education, ade- quate social services, equal and comparable wages, and an end to sterilization abuse, both inside and outside the U.S. This can only be accomplished by a mass women's movement that unites the isolated local struggles into a unified na- tional struggle. Only a democratic national organization which supports a broad pro- gram of demands, coordinates national ac- tions and builds links with unions and other progressive movements will have the power to defeat the agenda against women's rights and set an agenda for women's liberation. As the most militant and active force in the fight for women's liberation, those of us gathering at the Clinic Defense Conference must solidly face our tasks and move boldly into the fu- ture. The opening session of the Clinic De- fense Conference will be held on March 23-25 at the First Unitarian Universalist Church at 4605 Cass (at Forest) in De- troit. A Rock 'n' Roll for Reproductive Rights fundraiser Will be held Saturday, March 24 at the Blind Pig. For informa- tion about the conference or fundraiser, call me at 996-8028. Rhonda Laur AACDARR member Don't ignore Kurds To the Daily: The recent Daily "Viewpoint" letter (2/28/90) by Kennan Ezal asserting that the U.S. Congress errs by enacting legis- lation which states that an Armenian genocide occurred in Turkey during the pe- riod between 1915 and 1923 was disturb- ing on several counts. First, ample docu- mentation that such a genocide took place exists. I am also concerned about the letter writer's omission of the word "Kurd" when he refers to "Moslems who were also killed" during the same period. The dropped on their villages by the Iraqi army in the summer of 1988. These Kurds have remained in detention camps in Turkey as virtual prisoners. On several occasions, thousands of them have been reported to suffer from food poisoning. Saudi Arabia's Arab Press has also reported that a number of Turkey's own Kurds have recently been lured to Britain on the promise of a job of- fer where each has had a kidney removed for sale on the black market before being brought back home. This legislation is a hopeful sign for other groups whose human rights have been violated, in addition to being much deserved recognition of what the Armeni- nne enffererl -nndnn nv nno edayCnngres