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March 22, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-03-22

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0 Duderstadt responds to
anti-Semitism on campus

Turtles come out of their shells

Men swimmers compete in the NCAAs

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 114 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, March 22, 1990 TheMchiganDay

vows to use
* bylaw 2.01
by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter
Until the University adopts guidelines for disciplin-
ing students for their non-academic misconduct, Presi-
dent James Duderstadt says he will use Regental bylaw
2.01 to levy sanctions on students when he feels it is
"It's my responsibility for the campus and for pro-
tecting various elements of the campus in the absence
of any kind of rules or codes for student behavior," Dud-
erstadt said in an interview yesterday.
Duderstadt recently used the bylaw, which grants the
president the right to take action in order to maintain
the "health, diligence and order among the students," to
place ice-hockey player Todd Copeland on academic
probation for damaging a sorority house.
The decision to use the bylaw once again raised
doubt among some students about the University's need
for a non-academic code of conduct, which the president
has said he will begin gathering input on next year.
The conduct code, which has not been drafted, would
provide University officials with a mechanism for disci-
plining students for their out-of-classroom behavior.
Students have opposed such a code in the past be-
cause they said it would infringe on students' rights.
see CODE, Page 2

'U' wants to
get Mandela
as speaker

by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter
University officials are attempt-
ing to attract African National
Congress leader Nelson Mandela to
visit the University and accept an
honorary degree awarded to him in
1987, said President James Duder-
stadt yesterday.
"We're quite interested in arrang-
ing for Nelson Mandela to come
here," Duderstadt said. "We put it
immediately on our agenda when he
was released."
Duderstadt said there had been
discussions between University offi-
cials and those who are deciding
Mandela's travel schedule, but said
the nature of the discussions had to
remain undisclosed.
Mandela was awarded an
honorary Doctor of Laws degree in
abstentia from the University in,

At the time, several regents op-
posed awarding the degree because
Mandela was in prison and could not
attend the ceremonies.
But the University made an ex-
ception said Regent Paul Brown (D-
Petoskey) "because he's an excep-
tional case and an exceptional man."
Mandela, who was released last
month after spending 27 years as a
political prisoner in South Africa,
has said he will visit the United
States, but has not announced a date.
According to officials at the
African National Congress office in
Washington D.C., several universi-
ties are vying to attract Mandela to
their campuses.
"He intends to go many places
where he's been invited," said Zeph
Makgetla, assistant to the chief rep-
resentative for the ANC. "But we
don't talk about Nelson Mandela's
See MADNELA, Page 2

It's not as easy as you think
Two competitors foul up the baton handoff during last night's intramural
relay meet at the Track and Tennis Building.

'University sued for barring NORML Diag rally

by Tim Gammons
The National Organization for the Re-
form of Marijuana Laws (NORML), on be-
half of the American Civil Liberties Union,
filed a lawsuit against the University yester
day morning in response to the University's
refusal to let NORML members rally on the
Diag at the April 1 Hash Bash.
"NORML needs to preserve its right to
speak on the issue of legalization and have
itself heard," NORML member Rich Birkett

Last November the University granted
NORML a permit to use a sound system on
the Diag during their rally in support of the
marijuana legalization. However, in Febru-
ary the University withdrew the permit be-
cause of past criminal conduct at the Hash
University General Counsel Elsa Cole
explained that the permit was mistakenly
granted by clerical staff who were unaware of
an earlier agreement between the University
and NORML in which the permit was con-

tingent upon University review of
NORML's 1989 participation in the Hash
The University proposed instead that
NORML hold their rally at an alternate loca-
"We counter-proposed to start the rally in
the Diag and march to a second location, but
this was contingent upon having a sound
system in the Diag," said Birkett. "We were.
unable to reach a compromise that was satis-
factory to both sides."

University Director of Student Affairs
Frank Cianciola headed negotiations with
NORML, said Birkett. Cianciola was
unavailable for comment yesterday.
Last Sunday night the Washtenaw
County ACLU chapter voted to accept
NORML's case against the University.
County ACLU boardmember Jim Johnson
said, "This is a political speech on a politi-
cal issue. The University by its actions is at-
tempting to restrict NORML's right to free
speech. It is in violation of the First

NORML and the ACLU will attempt
March 28 to get a preliminary mandatory in-
junction requiring the University to reinstate
the permit by April 1.
ACLU cooperating attorney Robert Car-
beck is confident the permit will be rein-
stated. "I expect that we will be successful.
The University is restraining NORML's
right to free speech based purely on the con-
tent of their message."

Minority leaders offer no
consensus on racism course

by Mark Katz
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Minority student leaders ex-
pressed a variety of views on the
proposed requirement that students
take a course on racism and/or eth-
nicity, in interviews yesterday.
The proposal, a similar one of
which was narrowly defeated last
year, is scheduled to be voted on
April 2 by the LSA faculty.
"I definitely support it," said
LSA junior Crystal Gardner, a
member of the Black Student Union.
"White people need to be more edu-
cated (on racism). We've learned and
studied their leaders for years, but
they don't know anything about us.
If they learned Black history, there
would be a lot less racism because
there would be a lot more respect be-
tween groups."
Former Michigan Student
Assembly Minority Affairs Com-
mission (MAC) chair Delro Harris

said although he supports the pro-
posal, he is concerned that student
input hasn't been solicited.
"Theoretically, (the proposed re-
quirement) has to do with the cam-
pus environment," he said. "We're
here in this environment in a way
that these professors aren't, so it
would make sense for the students to
be contacted." He added that one rea-
son last year's proposal didn't pass
was because "students weren't aware
of what was going on."
Harris said he was also concerned
about what courses would be consid-
ered eligible to fulfill the require-
United Coalition Against Racism
steering committee member and
LSA senior John Tyler said UCAR
would not support this latest pro-
posal because it does not satisfy the
demand UCAR presented to the Uni-
versity in 1987 for a specific course
on racism only. The new proposal

would require incoming students to
take a course from a list of classes
which fit criteria designated by the
LSA Curriculum Committee.
"(The proposal) is a detour the
University is taking to satisfy its
conscience," Tyler said. The re-
quirement would not satisfy
UCAR's demand because "it's very
general and very ambiguous... it
doesn't deal with racism specifi-
While LSA junior Raul Medina,
president of the Puerto Rican Asso-
ciation, liked the idea of courses on
racism, he disagreed with establish-
ing a requirement. Some people
won't gain anything from the class
if it is imposed on them, he said.
Medina compared the mandatory
course on racism to a mandatory
English class students are forced to
take in Puerto Rico. "People have to
take the English class, but they
see COURSE, Page 2

Close shave
Opting for the military look, LSA senior Neil Rocking gets his hair buzzed by a Church St. barber.

/^V IN IN " 7

Michigan lses key . Gorbachev prohibits gun use,
recruit to Tar Heelst Res sales in Lithuanian republic
by Steven Cohen All-American and Parade first team Rt dI Mt# F VILNIUS, U.S.S.R. (AP) - solved by negotiations," she said. Gorbachev said despite previous
:.:..:.:.::.;::.(A)YDaily Basketball Writer All-American, faced with the burdens _ X M.td au kr 12FJ IJ Q~ President Mikhail Gorbachev in- "We are not getting too worked up directives from the Kremlin, "the
Yesterday,the intense recuitment of family, friends, hoop-crazy Ho creased pressure on the breakaway about this. We hope common sense Lithuanian parliament and govern-
of Indiana schoolboy basketball star osier fans, and his own desires. Lithuanian republic yesterday by will preval." ment continue passing bills that vio-
Eric Mntross, considered the The decision also left Michigan ordering its citizens to turn in their orbacv has proclaimed th late the rights of Soviet citizens and
nation's top high school center, coach Steve Fisher, who faces the guns and telling the KGB to dcrtin f the sovereignty of the U.S.S.R.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.

finally came to a conclusion. The 7-
foot-one inch, 245-pound center
chose North Carolina, over Indiana
and Michigan.
In a 4:30 press conference at
Indianapolis Lawrence North High

unenviable task of replacing four
seniors and possibly, junior Sean
Higgins, in a compromising posi-
tion. Montross was termed a "must
recruit" by several observers, who
felt that Fisher needed to land the

Montross, who earlier had said
that nearly every school in the
country had contacted him, had good
reasons for each of his final three
Several of Montross' relatives
attended Michigan. incliudinu hip

strengthen controls on the republic's
In a decree certain to heighten
tension between Lithuania and the
Kremlin, Gorbachev also temporar-
ily banned the sale of firearms in

but Lithuania refuses to recognize
his authority.
In issuing the decree, Gorbachev
used powers given to him when he
was elected to the new, more power-
ful presidency last week.

Access to firearms is severely re-
stricted in the Soviet Union, and it
is unknown how many weapons
might be in the hands of Lithuanian

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