e' 0 ----------4--- -- %g'igg! IR experimental film is small and that he sees the same faces at every showing. This represents a change from the '70s, when it was the thing to see the obscure film. Shaiman concluded, "It's not as if Joe frat boy's going to say, 'Aah! There's a wonderful pair of French existentialist films tonight... let's get some beer and go!" Although two film groups - Cinema II and Alternative Action - folded recently, and Fourth Avenue's Eyemedia now only sponsors their summer film/video festival, the three most prominent remaining groups have managed to survive with their personalities intact. The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative, referred to among members as "The Co-op," was founded in 1970 mostly as a way to support student filmmakers. Because the University owned none of its own filmmaking equipment, a group of students in East Quad started the Co-op as a way of raising money to buy its own. Showing movies seemed the best way to raise funds, and as the students made their own films, the Co-op started the eight millimeter festival as a way to showcase student work. The Co- op grew and grew, until its peak in the mid-'70s when it was showing films each night, usually selling out on the weekends. At this point, there were always at least five successful film groups on campus. Currently the Co-op consists of 15 members, both students and non-students, who run the entire operation. The group prides itself on its selection of the experimental and the odd. Hallman explains, "our group tends to be more interested in cult-type films, or strange, off- beat, avant garde.". Cinema Guild, on the other hand, tends toward classic American films. Shaiman places cc somewhere in between Mediatrics and the Co-op, because "Mediatrics is doing the more popular stuff, Co-op has the avant garde stuff, and we have the obscure but mainstream type." Cinema Guild prides itself on its double features as a primary draw for audiences: "you'll find people who look through for the week and find two films they want to see, the double with it, and pick that night to go, when otherwise it's just wishy washy and they may get to it or not. Double features usually have something very much in common, be it two French New Wave films or two by the same director." Mediatrics, the only University- subsidized group, strives to tap into student tastes, regardless of a film's quality. Mediatrics operates out of the University Activities Center in the Union, receiving funds from the one dollar taken from every student's tuition for uAC. Kevin Sandler, chair of Mediatrics, defines the credo of popular demand: "To me, the more people that watch the movie, the better, no matter what the movie is, because that means we're reaching out to a bigger audience. You also want to show quality movies, but you want to show the films people want to see. Someone told me from one of the other organizations, 'I would rather have one person show up at a Luis Bufuel film than have 500 people show up at Princess Bride.' No way, that's not me. It may be artistic integrity, but it's not like I'm contributing to the delinquency of cinema today. It's not my fault that 90% of the stuff that comes out of the theaters is shit." Although this attitude may offend those primarily interested in the art of film, it seems the student body at large agrees with Sandler. In line to see the recent showing of Dead Poets Society by Mediatrics at the MLB, first year students Caryn Friedman and Kathy Richman explained "we're more interested in movies that are fairly recent." Most students in line had seen the film before, or came on the recommendation of friends. All those asked had some degree of familiarity with the movie before they decided to come, learning about the showing through the Daily or in Current. Ward Erwood, first-year engineering student, cited long-distance romance and the big screen as his impetus for leaving the comforts of the dorm: "(Dead Poets Society) was out this summer. I saw it with my girlfriend, and she lives in Williamsburg, so I guess I come here because it makes me feel closer to her since she's a thousand miles away. I don't have a tape machine, for one, and I like it better in the theater." Erwood was unusual in the frequency with which he attends campus cinema, "about every other week." Most of the movie-goers waiting to pay their $2.50 admission preferred the big screen to the television set. In addition to having prior knowledge of the film, many in line were students in their first or second year who had access to neither a car nor a vCR. Rebecca Rand, senior in political science, needed to get away from the hustle of say, ',h! There' daily Frencjxistentia life: "Ilet'sg so thought it's here, it's happening right now, and maybe I'll forget to see it, and I feel like escaping. I think it'll be more enjoyable, not for the crowd response necessarily but for the big screen. If you see a movie at home, it detracts from a movie seeing experience. It becomes a domestic experience. You relate it to the home. And I don't want to relate to anything else except the movie. I want to be completely taken in by the movie." L IGHTS, CAM- era, and action may have to give way to bars, the couch, and (agh!) studying. Although few students know this, Ann Arbor enjoys a starring role in the fanfare of film viewing and is widely regarded as a center for innovation and creativity in film - but it seems we're losing interest here. Students just aren't making that extra effort to get to the MLB, Lorch, or Angell auditoriums to patronize the campus film groups that make our film community great. Fifteen years ago, students who finished their homework early on a Tuesday night had as many as five or six on-campus films to choose from. Today, the same students are lucky to have one. Since the early '80s, the University has seen a sharp decline in campus cinema. Two theaters and two film groups have folded, largely due to lack of student interest and attendance. Even those groups that have stayed afloat have reduced their showings by up to 80 percent. Yet at the same time, the University's Program in Film and Video Studies is enjoying unprecedented success in enrollment and funding, first-run films boast box office records each year, and video rentals continue to draw huge revenues. In its heyday, the Ann Arbor film community prospered with seven film groups. The film groups filled auditoriums from the MLB to Angell Hall, most showing on each night of the week, not just weekends. There were five movie theaters in the campus area: the State Theater (now Urban Outfitters); the Campus Theater on South University (soon to be - you guessed it - a mini mall); the Michigan Theater, run by its former management, the Butterfield Theaters; and the Ann Arbor 1 & 2. The Campus Theater and the State Theater closed for financial as well as business reasons, and the Michigan had to change its ownership and format before it began to succeed as a not-for- profit organization. The easy scapegoat for this drop, of course, is the VCR. More students than ever have their own VCRs, especially since prices fell in the mid-'80s. Still, many students, especially first and second year students in residence halls, don't own machines. Even if students had access to a VCR, many of the more obscure campus films are unavailable on videotape. Box office receipts set new records each year, but a student is hard pressed to get to The Movies at Briarwood, Showcase Cinemas or Fox Village Theaters without a car. Seeing first-run features poses difficulties even for those who want to get out to the movies. students are unaware of the different film groups, each prides itself on a unique identity, offering a selection of films that distinguishes one group from another. These groups have served to establish Ann Arbor as a well-known center for film activity, long recognized nationwide in academic circles and among film buffs. Phil Hallman, nine-year member of the Ann Arbor Film Co-op and teaching assistant for film courses explains, "If you look in Leonard Maltin's (film critic on Entertainment Tonight) book, there are several parts where he acknowledges that, other than the coasts, Ann Arbor is one of three best places to see a variety of films, Madison and Austin being the other two. But it seems like students that are just arriving to Michigan just don't know about campus cinema." Most campus film groups attribute the loss of interest to changing tastes and values. Mark Shaiman of Cinema Guild notes, "there's less of a draw of an art crowd." Shaiman says the number of film-goers interested in by Jen Bilik with Brent Edwards illustrations by Kevin Woodson w 8 WEEKEND March 16, 1990