OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, January 16, 1990 The Michigan Daily 1 I Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Vol. C, No. 72 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of tne Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Don't let the fervor die Noriega's drug deals with the United States: Justification for invasio n? YESTERDAY'S UNITY March and subsequent rally in commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr. demonstrated the power of a unified student voice on campus. When a large number of stu- dents gets together and works towards a common goal, even a University as large and as stubborn as this one can be put in motion. The struggle to convince the University administration to cancel classes in honor of MLK Day was not an easy one, but the victory was more meaningful because it was so hard- won. Students have proven that by uniting, they can successfully pressure the University to change. Hopefully, the enthusiasm shown yesterday will be sustained throughout the year. The necessity of a day to re- member and honor King and his work is evident. What is not so evident is the importance of student unification and student involvement in the causes which affect the University commu- nity. Thousands of students marched and rallied yesterday, showing that student apathy does not dominate on campus. Students care about this Uni- versity and what happens here; if not all students, certainly enough to start getting things done. As one speaker said yesterday, there are 350 days left in the year - one day of studet in- volvement is not enough. In addition to those at the rally, hun- dreds of students attended the ex- panded programs offered throughout the day. But education about racism and Black history should not be limited to one day of the year. If the University administration is committed to eradicat- ing racism and racial tension on cam- pus, it must make significant changes in the structure of the University. The lack of courses which examine the history and causes of racism, as well as the lack of minority professors, are ma- jor obstacles to. achieving a racist-free University. University President James Duder- stadt is committed to creating a positive public image for the University. But actual changes, not public relations and media events, are necessary to effec- tively fight racism on campus. If all the students present at yesterday's rally got together, they could pressure the Uni- versity to institute a mandatory course on race and racism, as well as an African History department. Students must not let the fervor die; it is not enough to sit back and talk about what's already been accomplished. Students can make a difference - it's up to you to continue playing your part. By Dean Baker What does a crime syndicate boss do when one of the underlings stops taking orders and tries to go into business for himself? George Bush's answer, in keep- ing with long underworld traditions, is to go to war. In this case, since one boss is the President of the United States and the other the de facto ruler of Panama, the bat- tle between competing crime syndicates amounted to the U.S. invasion of Panama. As usual, the U.S. media cooperated completely in efforts to legitimate the U.S. invasion as a mission in support of democracy, an effort to combat drug traf- ficking, or an attempt to save U.S. lives. However, none of these "official stories" can begin to hold water. While Noriega almost certainly was involved in drug traf- ficking, stealing elections, and brutalizing his population, these are attributes that usually win one U.S. aid and adulation from the U.S. media. The list of death squad governments that rule by terrorizing their population is jam packed with big recipients of U.S. aid (i.e. El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Haiti). Their leaders can count on warm receptions when visiting the U.S. and courteous treatment from the U.S. media. Clearly drug dealing, election fraud, or human rights abuses have never gotten a nation in trouble with the U.S. government and cer- tainly have never been the basis for a U.S. invasion. Even killing U.S. citizens has never been a major concern, as El Sal- vador, Israel, and the Nicaraguan contras can all hold up their share of bodies of U.S. citizens and not be concerned about cutbacks in aid, much less armed attacks. Why then did Bush feel the need to in- vade Panama? The answer is quite simple and requires no further investigation than reading an old newspaper, a task that mainstream journalists find all but impos- sible. On May, 10, 1987, the Detroit Free Press printed a front page article which de- tailed efforts by the Reagan-Bush adminis- tration to intimidate Latin Ameri-an na- tions into supporting the U.S. pclicy of overthrowing the Nicaraguan government. The article begins, "The Reagan adminis- tration in 1985 and 1986 conducted a se- cret campaign of threats and intimidation against five Latin American governments in an effort to scuttle Central American peace talks and win support for Nicaraguan rebels, according to classified documents and interviews with U.S. and foreign officials." The article then goes on to detail the sorts of pressures that were brought to bear on the governments of Honduras, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Panama. In the case of Panama the pres- sure centered on the disclosure of Nor- iega's involvement in drug dealing (the ar- ticle appear several months before Nor- iega's indictment). The article states, "A senior Panamanian official said Poindexter [Reagan's National Security Council chief] asked Noriega for greater co-opera- tion on contra aid during a secret meeting in Panama on Dec. 12, 1985... Poindexter said the United States did not appreciate Panama's role in Contadora [a Latin American peace plan opposed by the U.S. government] because it affected U.S. strategies for the region." Obviously, events since the article ap- peared have been a continuation of this strategy. Noriega's unwillingness to co- operate fully with the Reagan administra- tion's efforts to overthrow Nicaragua's government is the reason for the cortinued U.S. hostility towards him and ultimately the U.S. invasion. Noriega's drug dealing, election fraud, and human rights abuses were all perfectly acceptable as long as he dutifully obeyed the orders of the State Department. When Noriega chose to stop obeying orders it became necessary for Reagan and Bush to demonstrate that such disobedience would not be tolerated, so that U.S.-backed thugs elsewhere in the world would not get any ideas about set- ting off on their own. Thus, what we have in Panama is a large-scale gang war. While neither group of gangsters, the Bush administration or Noriega and his cronies, merit much sym- pathy, the war itself is tragic. It has al- ready lead to the death of nearly two thou- sand Panamanian civilians, and it indicates yet again that the U.S. is willing to inter- vene in Latin America to overthrow unco- operative governments. This means that governments like Nicaragua's or Cuba's that have not been sufficiently hospitable to U.S. multi-national corporations, will have to spend billions more on defense to protect their populations from the threat of U.S. intervention. It also means that, while Eastern Europe's state sanctioned media has been destroyed by revolution, the state sanctioned media in the U.S. con- tinues to eagerly masturbate at the thought of serving those in power. At this point, an independent media is something which we in the United States can only hope for. Baker is a professor of Economics at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. 0 N- ME .;.You /QP/N6? 7/E / 7YE/ 7/E MEIN' I2tE5 //VE f/AE 0T 5cclE I w, ow JULIE HOLLMAN/Daily Students rallied on the Diag yesterday to commemorate MLK Day. Speakers re- minded them that King was not just a dreamer, but a committed activist. Students on this and other campuses must continue to fight for institutional change. Defending white privilege: Segregation YESTERDAY, Martin Luther King 3rd, (MLK, Jr.'s oldest son), spoke at a community center in Yonkers, N.Y., a city which has for the last 40 years resisted Federal laws mandating deseg- regated housing. Referring to his fa- ther, King said, "If he were here, I think he would be embarassed." Even the Reagan Administration, with its abominable civil rights record, recognized racism in Yonkers' history of segregation by means of housing and zoning codes. Over the years the city has put up all of its new low-in- come housing in Black neighborhoods and forced developers to do the same. In 1985, the Department of Justice told the city to stop ghettoizing - their word - its people of color population and to start housing projects where Yonkers' whites live. Since then, Yonkers council members have thumbed their noses at the desegrega- tion order. And in a decision handed down Wednesday, the Supreme Court let them off the hook. The issue in the Court's decision was whether the individual council mem- bers could be fined for contempt be- cause they voted to contradict a federal Yonkers Be a part of recycling drive quist's Court said they could not. Con- servatives have congratulated it for op- posing what they call judicial activism. But far more important than the legal debate is the decision's message. Min- utes after it was announced, the Yonkers officials - one of whom, Henry Spallone, was elected mayor last fall - were mugging in front of TV news cameras, giving thumbs-up signs and declaring that they had won a vic- tory. In a sense, they have won. Federal fines against Yonkers have been mounting since 1987, but the fines have not budged the council, which has recently been using zoning laws to stop private developers from building 200 units in a white neighborhood. Without personal accountability for illegal and racist votes in council, it seems Yonkers will remain segregated. A generation ago the Supreme Court ruled that separate can never be equal. Nor will there be equality as long as the court makes itself the defendant of white privilege. On Wednesday, the property rights of four white Yonkers city council members were set before the civil rights of a whole people. The By Jim Hartman Everyone can be a part of recycling at the University. The first step is to see the overall picture, which I will briefly de- scribe. Later I will outline how each per- son, from his or her own particular niche on campus, can assist the recycling movement. Recycling is here to stay. State goals administered at the county level indicate the University will achieve a 30 percent recycling rate by 1993. There are exciting and dramatic changes taking place in the way we manage solid waste on campus. A centralized, univer- sity-funded recycling operation is expand- ing and building upon the small, decentral- ized efforts which have catalyzed the Uni- versity's commitment. The dedicated work of hundreds of students (primarily Recycle U-M) and staff who refuse to "throw a good thing away" has built up momentum for continued success. It was clear to sev- eral university representatives at the Na- tional Recycling Coalition conference in Charlotte, NC last November that our university program is one of the best. Aggressive programs are being planned for the future. Within weeks 10 to 15 drop-off stations will be established for mixed office paper. This semester several buildings will begin intensive office-paper recovery programs. This will be followed by 50 buildings throughout the coming year. The residence hall recycling program will improve as well, thanks to recent This means that die-hard recyclers who want to recycle every material right now must be patient. Use this enthusiasm to educate your peers on How's and Why's of recycling. Here's how you can help: -All students: Encourage your professors to have coursepacks printed on recycled paper, or double-sided. -If you live in residence halls: Learn The dedicated work of hundreds of students (primarily Recycle U-M) and staff who refuse to "throw a good thing away" has built up momentum for continued success.' funding of a half-time student position de- voted to education and promotion. Shortly after Earth Day (April 22), an expanded, massive end-of-the-year move-out will be. launched in the residence halls. Serious negotiations with the Daily, by both the University and Recycle U-M, should bring about the use of recycled pa- per by September. We must create a mar- ket for all the resources we are recycling, especially since the consumption of virgin timber is highly subsidized by our gov- how to recycle newspaper and cardboard from your R.A. or from posters, and then tell your neighbors. To assist with move- out recycling efforts later in the term, call Recycle U-M (Juli) at 769-1564. -If you live in off-campus housing: Use curbside recycling with Recycle Ann Ar- bor. -If you live in Northwood V: Be patient. In the short run, your recycling will be less convenient. The University will soon pick up your newspaper, taking over for Recvcle. Ann Arbor. Tocontiniue to recv- .4 I