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March 14, 1990 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-03-14

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 14, 1990
Co)tinued from Page 1 she added that the Neil case set a
raping her at a fraternity party for precedent. Another sexual assault de-
defamation of character. fendant, a visiting professor who had
Steiner said while civil suits heard of the case, tried to use the
often follow criminal rape trials, it same tactic against his accuser after
was the first time a defendant tried to Neil was acquitted.
sue before the criminal trial started. Both Steiner and Van Regen-
The student, who was eventuallyg
acquitted, set a dangerous precedent morter maintain the pre-trial libel
by using the libel suit to intimidate suits were used to prevent the alleged
phis accuser, Steiner said. She added victims from going through with the
,hat the suit also managed to cir- criminal trial.
cunvent the Rape Shield law be- "The intimidation and harassment
cause the student's lawyer used in- of those two cases (at the Uni-
formation about the woman's sexual versity) were felt throughout the
past he garnered from the libel suit's state," Van Regenmorter said. "This
depositions. law now tells rape victims, 'you can
- Consequently, the judge did not report the rape without fear of prose-
allow the lawsuit, Steiner said. But cution."'

Cowtinued from Page 1
funds from the Pentagon's budget,
the president lifted five-year-old trade
anctions against Nicaragua.
"I don't see the justification for
President Bush sending money to
Panama and Nicaragua when there
are people starving in the United
;tates," said RC sophomoreUErika
Samoff, a steering committee mem-
ber of the Latin American Solidarity
. However, LSA senior Roberto
Erisancho, president of the Coalition
fot Democracy in Latin America,
said the president's action
'obviously shows that he is in touch
with reality. Bush is really support-
ing the people of Nicaragua and Cen-
l America. The only matter now
stiming; how soon will the money
get to the countries?"
Ann Arbor City Council Member
Ann Marie Coleman, a member of
tthe sister city delegation from Ann
Arbor that travelled to Nicaragua to
observe the recent elections, said
Bush's support comes far too late.
'Xf the U.S. government had been as
open to supporting work that was
been done in Nicaragua after the rev-
olution in 1979 (when the Sandin-
istas took power), a lot of progress
could have been made," she said.
* By calling the aid a "fund for
,democracy,"Bush is assuming there
was not democracy in Nicaragua be-
fore the elections, Coleman added.
"There were democratic elections in
1984 which are important to re-
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Agreeing with Van Regenmorter,
Steiner added, "The fact that h.
(Neil) dropped his suit after the ac-
quittal is proof it was intimidation."
Steiner also said the bill which
passed unanimously yesterday helps
erase the stigma attached to reporting
"Less than 10 percent of rapes get Ri#
reported to the policeand two per-
cent of that end up in convictions," Wi
Steiner said. "This legislation will pr
go a long way to make trials for rape us
victims less of a burden."
ul/xoo4,govtc- ff *a le

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Texans vote for new governor
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Voters finally got a say yesterday in guber-
natorial primaries that featured three mud-slinging Democrats and a
Republican front-runner who spent $8 million in his first bid for office.
State Treasurer Ann Richards, who dodged repeated questions about
whether she had ever used illegal drugs, accused Attorney General Jim
Mattox and former Gov. Mark White of profiteering from public service.
She was bidding for a chance to become the state's first woman governor
since Miriam "Ma" Ferguson left the office in 1935.
Polls indicated none of the three-would capture the more than 50
percent of the vote needed to avoid a runoff.
Clayton Williams, an oilman-rancher from Midland who calls himself
"just a country boy" and admits to occasional fistfights, spent $8 million
seeking GOP nomination-$6 million from his own pockets.
Polls showed Williams with a shot at winning the nomination
S. African unrest increases
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-Black groups fought with police
and each other throughout South Africa, and 22 people were killed, more
than 100 wounded and 500 arrested, police said yesterday.
Police listed more than 60 incidents on Monday and Tuesday, the
largest number on the daily report since violence erupted last month in
Black areas across the country. More than 200 Blacks have been killed
since early February, most of them in factional fighting.
In the southeastern province of Natal, the site of four years of fighting
between rival groups, police said eight Black men were stabbed, shot or
burned to death in three separate attacks.
Elsewhere, four Black men were killed in separate incidents when
police fired birdshot to disperse stone-throwers in the Cape and Orange
Free State provinces, the report added.
Trade deficit lowers, U.S.
still largest debtor nation
WASHINGTON (AP) - The government said yesterday that the
deficit in the broadest measure of U.S. trade sank to a five-year low last
year, but the $105.9 billion imbalance still pushed the country deeper into
the hole as world's largest debtor nation.
America's current account balance narrowed by 16 percent over a
$126.6 billion deficit in 1988, reflecting growth in exports, higher over-
seas earnings of American businesses and increased spending by visiting
foreign tourists, according to the Commerce department.
The year ended on an positive note as the October- December trade
deficit declined 20.57 billion, down 10.02 percent from its third quarter
level .
But private economists were unimpressed, contending that even with
the improvement the current account deficit remained above $100 billion
for the sixth consecutive year as the United States plunged further into
hock to the rest of the world.

eal Presidents don't...
th the help of Sunoco station owner Dave Robinson, Presiident Bush
epares to pump some alternative fuel into a car at the station in
ashington yesterday. Bush visited the station to call attention to the
e of alternative fuels.

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Endara ends hunger strike
PANAMA CITY, Panama - President Guillermo Endara ended
yesterday the hunger strike he began March 1 to press for U.S. money to
help Panama's troubled economy and ease unemployment.
In Washington, President Bush renewed his request to Congress for
$500 million in assistance to help rescue Panama's battered economy.
Endara said he ended the fast to protect his health. A medical report
released yesterday said he showed "signs of exhaustion and dehydration."
The president, who started the strike weighing 240 pounds, lost 16
"Even though I, feel in perfect condition... I think that the
responsibility of the job indicates that I should suspend this deprivation,"
Endara said.
"I should not endanger my health and abilities to govern and direct the
Barry returns to capital
after six week of treatment
WASHINGTON - Mayor Marion Barry returned to the nations
capital yesterday after six days of substance abuse treatment, declaring " I
feel good about myself " and saying he has no plans to resign.
Barry, who appeared relaxed and fit, said he was addicted to alcohol and
two rescribtion drugs, Valium and Xanax. He did not mention the federal
cocaine possession and pergury charges he faces.
He reacted with a broad smile to supporters' chants of "four more
years" in the municipal building where he delivered his remarks but
declined to say whether he will seek a fourth four-year term in November.
"My political organization is still intact, not withstanding some
defections," Barry said. "We will announce some plans in the very near
Barry's former financial co-chairman has become a spokesperson for
Del. Walter Fauntroy's mayorial bid and a number of other supporters,
have also distanced themselves. There have also been calls fom prominent
politicians for the Democratic mayor to resign.
During a 30 minute statement, Barry said his faith in God and the love
of supporters and family members has seen him through his substance
abuse treatment.
Ge £biau &dlg
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters)
$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for falonly $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir-
culation764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550




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